17 research outputs found

    Software applications for the use of aerial images in precision agriculture

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    Precision agriculture represents a new branch developed due to the new technologies, which represents, for most farmers, a challenge in their use in order to obtain improved productions from year to year, and the conservation of the potential of agricultural lands. Determining the problems of agricultural crops, was done recently through field inspections, which requires a great deal of time. The emergence of drones, dedicated applications for using the results obtained with the help of drones and other new technologies, such as multi-spectral satellite imagery, opens a new perspective for farmers, which allows them to obtain better results in the field of crops but also the conservation of agricultural land. The use of drones and the applications dedicated to the processing of the data obtained with them, will allow to increase the efficiency of the farms and also to conserve the potential of agricultural lands. It will be possible to determine precisely the areas in which to intervene in case of drought / excess humidity, deficiency / excess of nutrients. Also, yeld maps can be made that will highlight the distribution and density of the plants on the surface, the number of berries / fruits, etc. Early detection of weeds, fungi and other pests in crops, to prevent their spread as well as various diseases. At present, more and more farmers are convinced of the efficiency of drone application and precision agriculture applications. In addition to these solutions, farmers also need machines dedicated to the application of the results obtained with these technologies (agricultural equipment equipped with GPS, sensors for various climatic and soil parameters, variable nozzles for seeders and fertilizers, motion / rotation sensors, counters, etc.)

    Tachyarrhythmias in pregnancy, case report

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    Disciplina Cardiologie, Clinica Medicală nr.3, Departamentul Medicină Internă, Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie FCMF USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”,IMSP Institutul Mamei şi CopiluluiSinus tachycardia (TS) is a heart rhythm disorder characterized by the acceleration of sinusal rhythm, 100 beats / minute. TS is a physiological response to effort, stress, pregnancy, and in diseases: hyperthyroidism, myocardial infarction, pulmonary artery thromboembolism, infections, anemia, bleeding, neuroses, etc.. During pregnancy the heart rate increases by 25%, thus TS, especially in the third trimester, reaches an incidence of 50% (non-sustained arrhythmia) and sustained tachycardias have a lower frequency – 2 - 3 to 1000 pregnant. We present the clinical case of a pregnant of 28 years with sinus tachycardia clinically and electrocardiographicaly manifested, with adequate response to treatment. Tahicardia sinusală (TS) este o tulburare de ritm cardiac caracterizată prin accelerarea ritmului sinusal, peste 100 bătăi/minut. TS se declanşează ca răspuns fiziologic la efort, stres, sarcină, dar şi în patologii: hipertiroidism, infarct miocardic, trombembolia arterei pulmonare, infecţii, anemie, hemoragii, nevroze etc. La gravide ritmul cardiac creşte cu peste 25%, astfel, TS, în special în al treilea trimestru, atinge o incidenţă de peste 50% (aritmie non-durabilă), iar tahicardia susţinută are o frecvenţă mai joasă – 2 - 3 la 1000 însărcinate. Prezentăm cazul clinic al parturientei de 28 ani cu TS manifestată clinic şi electrocardiografic, cu răspuns adecvat la tratament administrat

    First Bio-Anthropological Evidence for Yamnaya Horsemanship.

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    The origins of horseback riding remain elusive. Scientific studies show that horses were kept for their milk similar to 3500 to 3000 BCE, widely accepted as indicating domestication. However, this does not confirm them to be ridden. Equipment used by early riders is rarely preserved, and the reliability of equine dental and mandibular pathol-ogies remains contested. However, horsemanship has two interacting components: the horse as mount and the human as rider. Alterations associated with riding in human skeletons therefore possibly provide the best source of information. Here, we report five Yamnaya individuals well-dated to 3021 to 2501 calibrated BCE from kurgans in Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary, displaying changes in bone morphology and distinct pathologies associated with horseback riding. These are the oldest humans identified as riders so far.Peer reviewe

    Cercetări arheologice în Curtea Domnească de la Târgşoru Vechi / Archaeological research in Voivodal Court at Târgşoru Vechi

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    Over 50 years ago, an archaeological team initiated the research in the area of the medieval town from Târgşoru Vechi. In 1956 only the ruins of three churches and some fragments of the buildings of the former Voivodal Court and Turnu monastery could still be observed. Those medieval remains were the starting point for the investigation of Târgşoru Vechi town, a town that today celebrates 600 years since it was first mentioned in a medieval document. The Novo Foro, as it was known in the Latin version of the document issued by Mircea cel Bătrân to the merchants of Braşov, was an important custom point, voivodal residence and later on, monastery. Following a project of restoration proposed by the architect C. Hoinărescu, archaeological excavations in the area of the Medieval Court were resumed in 2005. Excavations during two seasons (2005, 2006) aimed to verify and complete the results of the previous research undertook by N. Constantinescu, research that was abruptly stopped in the mid-1960-ies. The recent investigations provided new data about structures from interior of the Voivodal Court area, identifying a first habitation level going back to the 15th century. Also, the existing information referring to the cellar of the Voivodal House was completed with new data and a new chronological interpretation of other structures was proposed. A new opened surface (located in the north-east corner of the second medieval enclosure) allowed the identification a long-term inhabitated area, with the same evolution from the mud-bricks constructions to stone ones.Cercetările arheologice de la Târgşoru Vechi, din zona Curţilor Domneşti, au fost reluate după aproape 50 de ani de la începutul acestora, în 1956. În acel an se începeau lucrările de identificare a locuirii medievale, precum şi ale limitelor oraşului, care în 2013 împlineşte 600 de ani de la prima atestare documentară. Novo Foro, cum apare numele său în varianta latină a documentului emis de Mircea cel Bătrân pentru negustorii braşoveni, a fost un important punct de vamă, scaun domnesc şi apoi o mănăstire. Cercetările din anii 2005– 2006 au fost ocazionate de punerea în aplicarea a unui proiect de refacere volumetrică a clădirilor mănăstirii care activa în secolele XVII– XIX. Au fost identificate clădiri din chirpici aparţinând secolului al XV-lea, nivel de locuire pentru prima dată identificat în zona Caselor domneşti sau din piatră, au fost redatate diferite structuri şi au fost completate date despre clădiri deja cercetate.Ciupercă Bogdan, Măgureanu Andrei, Paveleţ Eugen, Sârbu Dorin. Cercetări arheologice în Curtea Domnească de la Târgşoru Vechi / Archaeological research in Voivodal Court at Târgşoru Vechi. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°9 2013. pp. 219-230

    Modern and Dedicated Methods for Producing Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Layers in Sensing Applications

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    Molecular imprinting (MI) is the most available and known method to produce artificial recognition sites, similar to antibodies, inside or at the surface of a polymeric material. For this reason, scholars all over the world have found MI appealing, thus developing, in this past period, various types of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) that can be applied to a wide range of applications, including catalysis, separation sciences and monitoring/diagnostic devices for chemicals, biochemicals and pharmaceuticals. For instance, the advantages brought by the use of MIPs in the sensing and analytics field refer to higher selectivity, sensitivity and low detection limits, but also to higher chemical and thermal stability as well as reusability. In light of recent literature findings, this review presents both modern and dedicated methods applied to produce MIP layers that can be integrated with existent detection systems. In this respect, the following MI methods to produce sensing layers are presented and discussed: surface polymerization, electropolymerization, sol–gel derived techniques, phase inversionand deposition of electroactive pastes/inks that include MIP particles

    Novel Thermoreversible Injectable Hydrogel Formulations Based on Sodium Alginate and Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide)

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    <div><p>Novel injectable thermoreversible hydrogel compositions with semi-interpenetrating network structure were prepared through the addition of sodium alginate (SA) to poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) aqueous solutions. The addition of the hydrophilic alginate strongly improved the stability against syneresis of the 15 wt% PNIPAM hydrogels formed at 37°C from less than 15 min in the absence of alginate to more than 7 days in the presence of 4 wt% SA. Besides the SA concentration, the hydrogel stability depended on the molecular weight and polydispersity of PNIPAM, being lower when a high molecular weight fraction was present. The phase transition temperature (T<sub>ph</sub>) of the PNIPAM aqueous solutions decreased with alginate concentration, while the dynamic viscosity and elastic modulus of the hydrogels increased. By decreasing the PNIPAM molecular weight and polydispersity, the dynamic viscosity and elastic modulus of the PNIPAM–alginate hydrogels formed above T<sub>ph</sub> diminished, while their viscoelastic behavior changed from predominantly elastic to predominantly viscous.</p></div

    The Architecture of an Intuitive Scientific Workflow System for Spatial Planning

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    In recent years, the quantity of open data has multiplied dramatically. This newly found wealth of data has raised a number of issues for any research exercise within the field of spatial planning: underpowered traditional tools and methods, difficulties in tracking data, transparency issues, sharing difficulties and, above all, an erratic workflow. Some new research tools to counter this irksome tendency do exist at the moment, but, unfortunately, we feel that there is still ample room for improvement. We have therefore commenced the development of our own research instrument, based on the Scientific Workflow System concept. This paper lays the foundation for its architecture. Once completed, both the instrument and the resulting data shall be freely available, truthful to the spirit of the open source and open data tradition. We strongly believe that spatial planning professionals and researchers might find it interesting and worthwhile for increasing the quality and speed of their work

    MRI Findings in Axial Psoriatic Spondylarthritis

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    Psoriatic arthritis is a significant medical condition with a high prevalence, a wide variety of non-specific symptoms, and a high degree of overlap with other spondylarthritis disorders, particularly ankylosing spondylitis. Hence, knowledge of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) manifestations and a multidisciplinary strategy are required for the better management of these patients. We searched publications from the last 10 years and focused on the most relevant ones which discussed the classification criteria, the MRI characteristics of axial psoriatic arthritis, the importance of MRI for follow up, and the reliability of skin and synovial biopsy. Axial spondylarthritis can be diagnosed and followed up on using the well-established MRI technique and, additionally, a biopsy. The analysis and concordance between them can provide new directions for future studies

    Polymer Membranes as Innovative Means of Quality Restoring for Wastewater Bearing Heavy Metals

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    The problem that has aroused the interest of this review refers to the harmful effect of heavy metals on water sources due to industrial development. In this respect, the review is aimed at achieving a literature survey on the outstanding results and advancements in membranes and membrane technologies for the advanced treatment of heavy metal-loaded wastewaters. Particular attention is given to synthetic polymer membranes, for which the proper choice of precursor material can provide cost benefits while ensuring good decontamination activity. Furthermore, it was also found that better removal efficiencies of heavy metals are achieved by combining the membrane properties with the adsorption properties of inorganic powders. The membrane processes of interest from the perspective of industrial applications are also discussed. A noteworthy conclusion is the fact that the main differences between membranes, which refer mainly to the definition and density of the pore structure, are the prime factors that affect the separation process of heavy metals. Literature studies reveal that applying UF/MF approaches prior to RO leads to a better purification performance