3,334 research outputs found


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    Universidad Pablo de OlavideMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación CSO2009-06819-EUniversidad de Granada 1975-200

    Voltage compensation and power factor correction in distribution networks with DVR

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    The stability analysis and voltage regulation in distribution systems, as well as power quality problems such as voltage sags, swells, due to connection and disconnection of large loads, short circuits and the presence of non-linear loads, require of the consideration of adequate technical solutions. In this paper, a Dynamic Voltage Restorer ( DVR ) model based on a power converter scheme for voltage compensation due to the presence of sags of amplitude since 0.1pu to 0.9pu and swells with amplitude from 1.1pu to 1.9pu, and power factor correction in distribution networks is proposed. The results are verified through MATLAB & Simulink

    Antibacterial activity in three Chaetoceros microalgae species cultures by using antibiotics

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    Diatoms, such as Chaetoceros, grow in a mutualistic relationship with bacteria. However, in some cases, it is necessary to grow them in bacteria-free cultures. To reduce bacterial load, antibiotics are used, and on certain occasions it is necessary to use a mixture with more than one antibiotic. This work aimed to obtain a quick and effective protocol to reduce the bacterial load and evaluate the response of three Chaetoceros species with aquacultural importance. Single and mix antibiotics were used. Microalgal and bacterial growth was measured. The growth parameters for diatoms showed that the significantly highest cell concentration was for C. muelleri (3.15 x106 cells mL-1) and the lowest values to C. calcitrans (2.98 x106 cells mL-1). The significantly highest growth rate was for C. calcitrans (0.77 divisions per day), and the lowest values for Chaetoceros sp. (0.60 divisions per day). The growth parameters for heterotrophic bacteria showed that the significantly highest bacterial load was for Chaetoceros sp. (19.16 x106 CFU (Colony-Forming Units) mL-1) and the lowest values were for C. calcitrans (12.23 x106 CFU mL-1). The growth rate of the heterotrophic bacteria present in Chaetoceros cultures was similar among the three studied species. Streptomycin® and sulfate G41® produced a partial reduction of bacterial load. The most effective treatment for all three species was the use of an antibiotic mix composed of ampicillin® (250 μg mL-1), kanamycin® (200 μg mL-1), neomycin® (50 μg mL-1), and streptomycin® (100 μg mL-1) for three days. The mix prepared with the highest antibiotic concentration produced a reduction of bacteria (100%) for three days; however, it also induced a significant reduction of the growth of the three Chaetoceros species

    Nuclear Receptors in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Nuclear receptors comprise a superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors that are involved in important aspects of hepatic physiology and pathophysiology. There are about 48 nuclear receptors in the human. These nuclear receptors are regulators of many hepatic processes including hepatic lipid and glucose metabolism, bile acid homeostasis, drug detoxification, inflammation, regeneration, fibrosis, and tumor formation. Some of these receptors are sensitive to the levels of molecules that control lipid metabolism including fatty acids, oxysterols, and lipophilic molecules. These receptors direct such molecules to the transcriptional networks and may play roles in the pathogenesis and treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the involvement of nuclear receptors in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease may offer targets for the development of new treatments for this liver disease

    Fast unconscious processing of emotional stimuli in early stages of the visual cortex

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    Several cortical and subcortical brain areas have been reported to be sensitive to the emotional content of subliminal stimuli. However, the timing of these activations remains unclear. Our scope was to detect the earliest cortical traces of emotional unconscious processing of visual stimuli by recording event-related potentials (ERPs) from 43 participants. Subliminal spiders (emotional) and wheels (neutral), sharing similar low-level visual parameters, were presented at two different locations (fixation and periphery). The differential (peak-to-peak) amplitude from CP1 (77 ms from stimulus onset) to C2 (100 ms), two early visual ERP components originated in V1/V2 according to source localization analyses, was analyzed via Bayesian and traditional frequentist analyses. Spiders elicited greater CP1–C2 amplitudes than wheels when presented at fixation. This fast effect of subliminal stimulation—not reported previously to the best of our knowledge—has implications in several debates: 1) The amygdala cannot be mediating these effects, 2) latency of other evaluative structures recently proposed, such as the visual thalamus, is compatible with these results, 3) the absence of peripheral stimuli effects points to a relevant role of the parvocellular visual system in unconscious processingMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) (grant PGC2018-093570-B-I00) and the Comunidad de Madrid (grants HUM19-HUM5705 and, in collaboration with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, SI1-PJI-2019-00011 and 2017-T2/SOC-5569

    Evaluación preliminar de la calidad de biofertilizante para <i>Bursera bipinnata</i>

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    La Bursera bipinnata se reproduce difícilmente en su medio natural, el constante ramoneo, pisoteo y cambios en su hábitat impiden que las plantas logren madurar para que puedan aprovecharse. Por esta situación, es necesario buscar alternativas que favorezcan la supervivencia del copal, una de ellas es mediante establecimiento de simbiosis con Hongos Micorrizógenos Arbusculares (HMA). Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo fue preparar un biofertilizante de HMA, con la finalidad evaluar de su calidad y disponer de una alternativa que favorezca el establecimiento de las plántulas de copal. La evaluación preliminar de la calidad del biofertizante se basó en el indicador “concentración de esporas” y se comparó con biofertilizantes comerciales. Los resultados indican que la calidad del biofertilizante para B. bipinnata es baja. Faltando aún por evaluar los siguientes indicadores de calidad: infectividad, efectividad e inocuidad del producto.The Bursera bipinnata hardly it reproduces in their natural environment, constant grazing, trampling and Changes in habitat and prevent the plants mature so they can achieve profit. For this situation, it is necessary to find alternatives that favor the survival of copal, one of them is by establishing symbiosis with Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Therefore, the objective of this work was to prepare a biofertilizer of AMF, in order to assess their quality and have an alternative that promotes seedling establishment of copal. The preliminary assessment of the quality of biofertizante was based on the "concentration of spores" indicator and compared with commercial biofertilizers. The results indicate that the quality of biofertilizer to B. bipinnata is low. Still lacking to evaluate the following quality indicators: infectivity, effectiveness and safety of the product.Eje: A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos).Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Evaluación preliminar de la calidad de biofertilizante para <i>Bursera bipinnata</i>

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    La Bursera bipinnata se reproduce difícilmente en su medio natural, el constante ramoneo, pisoteo y cambios en su hábitat impiden que las plantas logren madurar para que puedan aprovecharse. Por esta situación, es necesario buscar alternativas que favorezcan la supervivencia del copal, una de ellas es mediante establecimiento de simbiosis con Hongos Micorrizógenos Arbusculares (HMA). Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo fue preparar un biofertilizante de HMA, con la finalidad evaluar de su calidad y disponer de una alternativa que favorezca el establecimiento de las plántulas de copal. La evaluación preliminar de la calidad del biofertizante se basó en el indicador “concentración de esporas” y se comparó con biofertilizantes comerciales. Los resultados indican que la calidad del biofertilizante para B. bipinnata es baja. Faltando aún por evaluar los siguientes indicadores de calidad: infectividad, efectividad e inocuidad del producto.The Bursera bipinnata hardly it reproduces in their natural environment, constant grazing, trampling and Changes in habitat and prevent the plants mature so they can achieve profit. For this situation, it is necessary to find alternatives that favor the survival of copal, one of them is by establishing symbiosis with Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Therefore, the objective of this work was to prepare a biofertilizer of AMF, in order to assess their quality and have an alternative that promotes seedling establishment of copal. The preliminary assessment of the quality of biofertizante was based on the "concentration of spores" indicator and compared with commercial biofertilizers. The results indicate that the quality of biofertilizer to B. bipinnata is low. Still lacking to evaluate the following quality indicators: infectivity, effectiveness and safety of the product.Eje: A1 Sistemas de producción de base agroecológica (Trabajos científicos).Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale