38 research outputs found

    Global-local word embedding for text classification

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    Only humans can understand and comprehend the actual meaning that underlies natural written language, whereas machines can form semantic relationships only after humans have provided the parameters that are necessary to model the meaning. To enable computer models to access the underlying meaning in written language, accurate and sufficient document representation is crucial. Recent word embedding approaches have drawn much attention to text mining research. One of the main benefits of such approaches is the use of global corpuses with the generation of pre-trained word vectors. Although very effective, these approaches have their disadvantages, namely sole reliance on pre-trained word vectors that may neglect the local context and increase word ambiguity. In this thesis, four new document representation approaches are introduced to mitigate the risk of word ambiguity and inject a local context into globally pre-trained word vectors. The proposed approaches, which are frameworks for document representation while using word embedding learning features for the task of text classification, are: Content Tree Word Embedding; Composed Maximum Spanning Content Tree; Embedding-based Word Clustering; and Autoencoder-based Word Embedding. The results show improvement in the F_score accuracy measure for a document classification task applied to IMDB Movie Reviews, Hate Speech Identification, 20 Newsgroups, Reuters-21578, and AG News as benchmark datasets in comparison to using three deep learning-based word embedding approaches, namely GloVe, Word2Vec, and fastText, as well as two other document representations: LSA and Random word embedding

    Transcriptomic and proteomic profiling of maize embryos exposed to camptothecin

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Camptothecin is a plant alkaloid that specifically binds topoisomerase I, inhibiting its activity and inducing double stranded breaks in DNA, activating the cell responses to DNA damage and, in response to severe treatments, triggering cell death.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Comparative transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of maize embryos that had been exposed to camptothecin were conducted. Under the conditions used in this study, camptothecin did not induce extensive degradation in the genomic DNA but induced the transcription of genes involved in DNA repair and repressed genes involved in cell division. Camptothecin also affected the accumulation of several proteins involved in the stress response and induced the activity of certain calcium-dependent nucleases. We also detected changes in the expression and accumulation of different genes and proteins involved in post-translational regulatory processes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study identified several genes and proteins that participate in DNA damage responses in plants. Some of them may be involved in general responses to stress, but others are candidate genes for specific involvement in DNA repair. Our results open a number of new avenues for researching and improving plant resistance to DNA injury.</p

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XX Primavera-Verano 2002 n. 2 pp. 389-426]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaManera, C: Història del creixement económic a Mallorca (1700-2000) (Por Luis Germán Zubero).-- Carmona, J., Colomé, J., Pan-Montojo, J., y Simpson, J. (eds.): Viñas, bodegas y mercados. El cambio técnico en la vitivinicultura española, 1830-1936 (Por Carmelo Pellejero).-- González Portilla, M. (ed.): Los orígenes de una metrópoli industrial: la ría de Bilbao (Por Carlos Larrinaga).-- Craig, L. A., y Fisher, D.: The European Macroeconomy: Growth, Integration and Cycles, 1500-1913 (Por Joan R. Roses).-- Sargent, T., y Velde, F.: The Big Problem of Small Change (Por José I. García de Paso.-- Andersen, B.: Technological Change and the Evolution of Corporate Innovation: The Structure of Patenting, 1880-1990 (Por Patricio Sáiz).-- Rotberg, R. (ed.): Patterns of Social Capital. Stability and Change in Historical Perspective (Por Blanca Sánchez Alonso).-- James, H.: The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War against the Jews (Por Pedro Fernández Sánchez).-- Battilossi, S., y Cassis, Y. (eds.): European Banks and the American Challenge. Competition and Cooperation in International Banking under Bretton Woods (Por Mª Ángeles Pons).-- Zeitlin, J., y Herrigel, G. (eds.): Americanization and its Limits. Reworking US Technology and Management in Post-war Europe and Japan (Por Nuria Puig)Publicad

    Gut epithelial barrier markers in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

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    Background: obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is now being recognized as an additional contributing factor to the pathogenesis of obesity-related comorbidities. At the same time, there is now increasing evidence to suggest that intestinal wall permeability plays a role in the development of metabolic syndrome. In the present study, circulating zonulin and fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) were measured in association with metabolic, hepatic, and inflammatory parameters. Results: compared with controls, plasma I-FABP levels were significantly higher in patients with OSA (571 pg/mL [IQR 290-950] vs 396 pg/mL [IQR 234-559], p = 0.04). Zonulin levels were similar between groups. Significant relationships were observed between zonulin levels and waist circumference (p < 0.05), glucose (p < 0.05), and insulin (p < 0.05). In addition, in the OSA group, zonulin levels correlated negatively with the mean nocturnal oxygenation saturation (p < 0.05) and positively with total cholesterol (p < 0.05), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (p < 0.005), aminotransferase (AST) (p < 0.01), gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) (p < 0.005), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (p < 0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that associations between zonulin and ALT, AST, and hs-CRP were attenuated, but not eliminated, after adjustment for other variables. Conclusions: the results of this study suggest that OSA is a risk factor for intestinal damage, regardless of metabolic profile, and that intestinal permeability might be a possible contributor to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with OSA

    El paper dels sistemes de gestió en el desenvolupament de competències transversals en els estudiants

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    S’ha treballat la formació competencial dels estudiants mitjançant la realització d’activitats relacionades amb la implementació de sistemes de gestió (qualitat, medi ambient i seguretat). A l’assignatura “Qualitat i Prevenció” (Grau Química), els alumnes han fet auditories de medi ambient i seguretat als laboratoris de pràctiques de la Facultat de Química. Els alumnes de l’assignatura “Direcció d’operacions en el sector químic” (màster Enginyeria Química) han treballat la implementació del sistemes de gestió mitjançant un joc de rol. Finalment, a “Anàlisi i estimació del risc” (màster Enginyeria Química) s’ha treballat una part concreta del sistema de gestió de la seguretat mitjançant l’anàlisi de risc d’una pràctica de laboratori. Els estudiants han treballat competències relacionades amb l’ètica, capacitat d’expressió oral i escrita, capacitat de diàleg, capacitat de lideratge, gestió de la qualitat, el medi ambient i la seguretat. Els resultats de les actuacions han posat de manifest mancances i problemes als laboratoris i als sistemes de gestió, l’anàlisi del quals ha de permetre millorar la qualitat de les pràctiques i dels ensenyaments. Finalment, les enquestes fetes a alguns dels grups implicats han reflectit un alt grau de satisfacció amb la feina feta i la manera de fer-la

    Les competències transversals i les auditories als laboratoris de pràctiques de la Facultat de Química: desenvolupament i anàlisi

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    S’ha treballat la formació competencial dels estudiants mitjançant la realització d’auditories del sistema de gestió de la qualitat dels laboratoris de practiques de la Facultat de Química. Per fer aquesta tasca, s’ha seleccionat com auditors a 102 estudiants de l’assignatura “Qualitat i Prevenció” del Grau de Química, els quals, després d’una breu formació, han actuat com auditors en 49 auditories, la qual cosa ha implicat també la participació de 99 estudiants i 49 professors com a interlocutors en els laboratoris auditats. En total han estat auditats 49 torns de pràctiques relacionats amb els diferents tipus d’assignatures pràctiques impartides per tots els departaments de la Facultat i corresponents als tres graus que s’imparteixen (Química, Enginyeria Química i Enginyeria de Materials), havent estat auditats pràcticament tots els laboratoris docents de la Facultat. Seguint els objectius del projecte, els estudiants han pogut treballar competències transversals relacionades amb l’ètica, la capacitat d’expressió oral i escrita, la capacitat de diàleg, la capacitat de lideratge, l’anàlisi i la interpretació de dades, la gestió de la qualitat, el treball respectuós amb el medi ambient, la seguretat, etc. Per tant, aquest projecte ha sigut una eina important en la seva formació. D’altra banda, dels resultats dels informes d’auditoria realitzats pels estudiants, s’han posat de manifest una sèrie de mancances i problemes als laboratoris que estan sent analitzats per tal de millorar la qualitat de les pràctiques. Finalment, s’han realitzat enquestes de satisfacció a tots els grups implicats (estudiants auditors, estudiants auditats, professors auditats) i els resultats de les mateixes han posat de manifest un alt grau de satisfacció amb la feina feta i la manera de fer-la.PMI

    Monitoring the complex benthic habitat on semi-dark underwater marine caves using photogrammetry-based 3D reconstructions

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    Marine caves are dark environments considered a priority habitat for conservation included in the EU Habitats Directive (H8330). They harbor fragile benthic communities and represent a major reservoir of marine biodiversity. However, there is a lack of knowledge of these habitats due to the difficulties of creating detailed benthic maps and characterizing the biodiversity, structure, and dynamics of their communities. The uniqueness of marine caves fosters their popularity among recreational divers, who can cause disturbances through abrasion of the biota, resuspension of sediment, and accumulation of exhaled air bubbles in the caves' ceilings. This study aims to build a monitoring framework to characterize the structure and temporal dynamics of this complex habitat using Structurefrom- Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. SfM is a novel, non-invasive technique that allows a major advancement in the monitoring of changes in the cave’s community assemblages. This method relies on images acquired by 4K video footage to build fine-scaled 3D digital models of the substrate using overlapping imagery. For this study, we combined SfM photogrammetry and photo quadrats extracted from the video recordings. We evaluate the effectiveness of this methodology in a marine cave highly frequented by divers, located in Illa de l’Aire (Balearic Islands, Spain), and carried out two surveys before and after the diving season (2019-2021). As a result, we found a loss of 25 colonies of bryozoans with fragile skeletons, like Schizoretepora sp., and 8 individual sponges with globose morphotypes. Our results indicate that this methodology enables accurate and efficient monitoring of benthic communities in underwater caves that allow us to better understand their dynamics and, therefore, to develop the need management measures

    MicroRNA-200, associated with metastatic breast cancer, promotes traits of mammary luminal progenitor cells

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    MicroRNAs are critical regulators of gene networks in normal and abnormal biological processes. Focusing on invasive ductal breast cancer (IDC), we have found dysregulated expression in tumor samples of several microRNAs, including the miR-200 family, along progression from primary tumors to distant metastases, further reflected in higher blood levels of miR-200b and miR-7 in IDC patients with regional or distant metastases relative to patients with primary node-negative tumors. Forced expression of miR-200s in MCF10CA1h mammary cells induced an enhanced epithelial program, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity, mammosphere growth and ability to form branched tubuloalveolar structures while promoting orthotopic tumor growth and lung colonization in vivo. MiR-200s also induced the constitutive activation of the PI3K-Akt signaling through downregulation of PTEN, and the enhanced mammosphere growth and ALDH activity induced in MCF10CA1h cells by miR-200s required the activation of this signaling pathway. Interestingly, the morphology of tumors formed in vivo by cells expressing miR-200s was reminiscent of metaplastic breast cancer (MBC). Indeed, the epithelial components of MBC samples expressed significantly higher levels of miR-200s than their mesenchymal components and displayed a marker profile compatible with luminal progenitor cells. We propose that microRNAs of the miR-200 family promote traits of highly proliferative breast luminal progenitor cells, thereby exacerbating the growth and metastatic properties of transformed mammary epithelial cells