161 research outputs found

    Effect of orthodontic treatment on saliva, plaque and the levels of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify changes in the oral environment with clinical, salivary and bacterial risk markers after placement of fixed orthodontic appliances on permanent dentition. Material and Methods: With ethical approval, we used different techniques to analyzed clinical, salivary and bacterial risk markers in 34 patients (mean age, 16.7 ± 5.2 years), 14 males and 20 females; before starting orthodontic treatment and 1 month after. Clinical risk markers (decayed, missing, and filled surfaces [DMFS], O?Leary´s plaque index, and plaque pH); salivary markers (unstimulated and stimulated saliva flow rate, buffer capacity, pH, and occult blood in saliva) and bacterial counts (Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus). Data were analyzed by paired t-test and ?2 test. Results: This study showed that orthodontic appliances increased the stimulated salivary flow rate (p=0.0001), buffer capacity (p=0.0359), salivary pH (p=0.0246) and occult blood in saliva (p=0.0305). Bacterial levels increased slightly after 1 month of treatment, without statistical significance. Between genders, initially we observed differences in: stimulated saliva (p=0.0019), buffer capacity (p=0.0381) and plaque pH (p=0.0430); after treatment the unstimulated saliva (p=0.0026) showed differences. Conclusions: Orthodontic treatment changes the oral environmental factors, promotes an increase in stimulated flow rate, buffer capacity and salivary pH, which augment the anti caries activity of saliva. In contrast, increased occult blood indicated more gingival inflammation, apparently because augmented the retentive plaque surfaces and the difficult to maintain a good oral hygiene, rinsed the bleeding in saliva by periodontal damage

    Cytotoxic and Antimicrobial Activities of Quinones Isolated from Different Organism

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    Cancer is a group of related diseases in which there is uncontrolled cell growth that spreads to the surrounding tissues and damages them. Cancer remains the disease with the leading cause of death worldwide, and incidence and mortality are increasing rapidly. The main cancer treatment is chemotherapy; however, the compounds used in this treatment have serious side effects for this reason, is necessary to develop new therapeutic strategies. Natural products are an excellent pharmacological alternative for the treatment of cancer and infections. In search of new compounds with cytotoxic and antimicrobial activity, we have found quinones that have a high pharmacological potency in the treatment of these health problems. Quinones are an aromatic system of one or diketone and are mainly isolated from plants, fungi, bacteria, and other organisms. These compounds are secondary metabolites derived from the oxidation of hydroquinones; they include benzoquinones, naphthoquinones, anthraquinones, and polyquinones. This review summarizes the activity of 152 anticancer and 30 antimicrobial quinones

    Revisiting the Epipalaeolithic-Neolithic Transition in the Extreme NW of Africa : The Latest Results of the Chronological Sequence of the Cave of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Tétouan, Morocco)

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    This study focuses on the chronostratigraphic sequence of the Cave of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Dar Ben Karrich, Tétouan, Morocco) excavated in 2012 in the framework of the AGRIWESTMED research project. The broad sequence reveals a series of occupations ranging from the Pleistocene (Moroccan Aterian) to recent historical times. Our research identifies a rich Early Neolithic phase (sixth millennium cal BC) containing the earliest pottery and domesticated animal and plant remains in the western Maghreb. However, this Early Neolithic level is not an immediate successor of the last traces of the Epipalaeolithic hunter-gatherer occupation, which started at the end of the Younger Dryas (10,900-9700 cal BC). An abandonment phase, spanning more than a millennium, separated them. This hiatus appears to originate from a cold climatic event that began in the late seventh millennium cal BC (ca. 6200 BC) and ended around the mid-sixth millennium cal BC. La présente étude est centrée sur la séquence chronostratigraphique de la grotte de Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Dar Ben Karrich, Tétouan, Maroc), fouillée pour la dernière fois en 2012 dans le cadre du projet de recherche AGRIWESTMED. La séquence générale révèle une série d'occupations allant du Pléistocène (Atérien marocain) jusqu'aux temps historiques récents. Parmi les résultats les plus remarquables, on peut souligner l'identification d'une riche phase du Néolithique Ancien (6ème millénaire avant JC) contenant les plus anciens restes de poteries et de plantes et animaux domestiques datés au Maghreb occidental. Cette phase n'est. pas consécutive à l'occupation épipaléolithique, car il existe une nette rupture entre les deux phases, qui s'étend sur plus d'un millénaire. Cela semble coïncider en partie avec l'événement climatique froid de 6200 cal av. J.-C. Le début de l´ occupation épipaléolithique commencerait à son tour avec la fin du Dryas récent (10,900-9,700 cal av. J.-C.)

    Cursos online de paleografía: Herencias, limitaciones, logros y propuestas

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    Nine digital courses on deciphering and reading palaeography are analysed. The study focuses on their successes, taking into account the borrowings inherited from the previous educational materials. The article explains the main terminology, then summarizes the characteristics of the traditional system of learning palaeography upon which the current online systems are based. The aim of this retrospective analysis is to determine which achievements can be attributed to the previous system. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of the new learning systems are discussed

    Actitudes de los Estudiantes de Odontología Frente a su Formación Profesional.

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze the attitudes of students towards the theoretical and clinical knowledge and about research as part of the Dentistry Program during their professional training at the Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco. A questionnaire with Likert items was applied to students in order to know their answers about these topics. An X2 test was applied to analyze the homogeneity of answers. Results indicate that students opinions differ on: a) the amount of theoretical content regarding treatment (p .003), b) some aspects regarding clinical knowledge (p .006), and c) research options per school year (p .05). We conclude that it is necessary to study in depth the achievements and limitations of the program proposed by the Universidad Autnoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco.El propósito del presente trabajo es analizar las actitudes de los estudiantes frente al conocimiento teórico, clínico y de investigación en el programa de la carrera de Odontología de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, durante su formación profesional. Se realizó una encuesta para conocer las actitudes de los alumnos y se analizaron las respuestas tipo Likert con la prueba de X2. Se encontró que los estudiantes difieren: a) en su opinión respecto a la cantidad de los contenidos teóricos de tratamiento (p < .003), b) en algunos aspectos del conocimiento clínico (p < .006), y c) en aptitudes para la investigación por año escolar de la carrera (p < .05). Se concluye que existe la necesidad de profundizar los logros y las limitaciones del programa que propone la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco

    Drinking Water Fluoride Levels for a City in Northern Mexico (Durango) Determined Using a Direct Electrochemical Method and Their Potential Effects on Oral Health

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    Fluoride is ingested primarily through consuming drinking water. When drinking water contains fluoride concentrations >0.7 parts per million (ppm), consuming such water can be toxic to the human body; this toxicity is called “fluorosis.” Therefore, it is critical to determine the fluoride concentrations in drinking water. The objective of this study was to determine the fluoride concentration in the drinking water of the city of Durango. The wells that supply the drinking water distribution system for the city of Durango were studied. One hundred eighty-nine (189) water samples were analyzed, and the fluoride concentration in each sample was quantified as established by the law NMX-AA-077-SCFI-2001. The fluoride concentrations in such samples varied between 2.22 and 7.23 ppm with a 4.313 ± 1.318 ppm mean concentration. The highest values were observed in the northern area of the city, with a 5.001 ± 2.669 ppm mean value. The samples produced values that exceeded the national standard for fluoride in drinking water. Chronic exposure to fluoride at such concentrations produces harmful health effects, the first sign of which is dental fluorosis. Therefore, it is essential that the government authorities implement water defluoridation programs and take preventative measures to reduce the ingestion of this toxic halogen

    Late glacial-postglacial North African landscape and forestmanagement : Palynological and anthracological studies in the caves of Kaf Taht el-Ghar and El Khil (Tingitana Peninsula, Morocco)

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    This work presents the anthracological and archeopalynological results obtained within the project AGRIWESTMED (ERC AdG 230561), which has involved a comprehensive retrieval of archeobiological remains based on a systematic sampling strategy, beyond the recovery of the usual archeological materials. These surveys were conducted on three sites located in the North ofMorocco: the cave of Kaf Taht-el-Ghar, 8 kmsoutheast from Tetuan, and two caveswithin the El Khil complex, close to Tanger. Both plant micro- and macro-remains (charred wood) were studied through palynological and anthracological analyses, respectively. Our goal was to assess the vegetation composition of the area as well as the impact of human activities on the landscape. In Kaf Taht-el-Ghar the dynamics of vegetation and land use is recorded over the Paleolithic, Epipaleolithic, Neolithic and Historic times. Clear changes such as the demise of ancient Paleolithic pine and juniper woods during the Epipaleolithic and the subsequent spread of grasslands are shown. Other conifers like Abies pinsapo, Cedrus atlantica and Taxus baccata also disappeared from the pollen and charred wood records. In the palynological study, cereal and broad beans (Vicia faba) are already detected in the Early Neolithic, as well as a lowering of grazing pressure. Both cereal and broad beans, along with the development of grazing activities are also documented around El Khil caves since the Early Neolithic. Throughout the whole pollen and anthracological sequences a progressive retreat of the tree cover and an extensive spread of grasslands could be set as the main features of the vegetation dynamics in this area

    Pottery decoration in the Neolithic of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Tetouan, Morocco). AGRIWESTMED Works 2012

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    Here we present the study of the pottery remains from the Neolithic phase of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Mechrouha, Tetouan, Morocco), focused on the analysis of decorative patterns and techniques. In its early phase, its association with the first evidence of agriculture and livestock in the western Maghreb, framed in the third quarter of the 6th millennium BC, is noteworthy. A variety of impressions are dominant in the decorations, those made with striated and smooth shells, combs, and cowry. The use of these techniques could include these first ceramic productions within the impressa-cardial complex of central-western Mediterranean Europe. An advanced phase, assigned to the Middle Neolithic, includes a group of ceramics with strong analogies and connections with the so-called Ashakar Ware, of notably different technical and stylistic features. These include the use of coloured slip and the application of roulette-corded impressions, suggesting a link with former traditions specific to the Sahara territory.Presentamos el estudio de los restos cerámicos de la fase neolítica de Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Mechrouha, Tetuán, Marruecos), enfocado principalmente en el análisis de técnicas y patrones decorativos. Ello cuenta con el interés añadido de corresponder, en su fase antigua, a las cerámicas asociadas a las primeras evidencias de agricultura y ganadería en el Magreb Occidental, encuadradas en el tercer cuarto del VI milenio cal AC. En dichas decoraciones dominan impresiones variadas, en particular las realizadas con concha estriada y lisa, peine y de cypraea. El uso de tales técnicas podría incluir estas primeras producciones cerámicas dentro del mundo impresso-cardial de la Europa mediterránea centro-occidental. A una fase avanzada, atribuida al Neolítico Medio, corresponde un conjunto de cerámicas con fuertes analogías y conexiones con la denominada Achakar Ware, de rasgos técnico-estilísticos marcadamente diferenciados. Entre estos se cuenta el uso de engobe colorante y la aplicación de impresiones con roulette cordada, lo que parece relacionar estas ultimas producciones con tradiciones propias del actual territorio del Sahara

    La decoración cerámica en el Neolítico de Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Tetuán, Marruecos). Campaña AGRIWESTMED 2012

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    Presentamos el estudio de los restos cerámicos de la fase neolítica de Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Mechrouha, Tetuán, Marruecos), enfocado principalmente en el análisis de técnicas y patrones decorativos. Ello cuenta con el interés añadido de corresponder, en su fase antigua, a las cerámicas asociadas a las primeras evidencias de agricultura y ganadería en el Magreb Occidental, encuadradas en el tercer cuarto del VI milenio cal AC. En dichas decoraciones dominan impresiones variadas, en particular las realizadas con concha estriada y lisa, peine y de cypraea. El uso de tales técnicas podría incluir estas primeras producciones cerámicas dentro del mundo impresso-cardial de la Europa mediterránea centro-occidental. A una fase avanzada, atribuida al Neolítico Medio, corresponde un conjunto de cerámicas con fuertes analogías y conexiones con la denominada Achakar Ware, de rasgos técnico-estilísticos marcadamente diferenciados. Entre estos se cuenta el uso de engobe colorante y la aplicación de impresiones con roulette cordada, lo que parece relacionar estas ultimas producciones con tradiciones propias del actual territorio del Sahara.Here we present the study of the pottery remains from the Neolithic phase of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Mechrouha, Tetouan, Morocco), focused on the analysis of decorative patterns and techniques. In its early phase, its association with the first evidence of agriculture and livestock in the western Maghreb, framed in the third quarter of the 6th millennium BC, is noteworthy. A variety of impressions are dominant in the decorations, those made with striated and smooth shells, combs, and cowry. The use of these techniques could include these first ceramic productions within the impressa-cardial complex of central-western Mediterranean Europe. An advanced phase, assigned to the Middle Neolithic, includes a group of ceramics with strong analogies and connections with the so-called Ashakar Ware, of notably different technical and stylistic features. These include the use of coloured slip and the application of roulette-corded impressions, suggesting a link with former traditions specific to the Sahara territory