68 research outputs found

    Creando espacios seguros para el crecimiento en estados de máxima fragilidad

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    [spa] Las personas diagnosticadas de trastorno mental grave tienden a adoptar un papel pasivo en la relación social que favorece su aislamiento. Los grupos de psicoterapia son un instrumento eficaz para el tratamiento, el cual es importante iniciar desde la hospitalización. Este trabajo pretende explorar los procesos grupales que emergen en la psicoterapia de grupo de una unidad de agudos de salud mental a través del desarrollo de un estudio piloto que dará pie a uno principal. El objetivo del estudio piloto es la creación de una taxonomía válida para la descripción de procesos grupales. El estudio principal pretende comprobar la validez de dicha taxonomía incluyendo además dos análisis secundarios. El primero, conocer si hay relación entre la evolución que hace cada miembro dentro del grupo y la evolución del grupo propiamente dicha. El segundo, descubrir si hay alguna relación entre los temas que aparecen en el grupo y los procesos grupales que se desarrollan en el mismo. La muestra del estudio piloto está compuesta por personas en estado psicopatológico agudo y con consumo activo de sustancias. Mientras que en el estudio principal participaron personas que han presentado síntomas psicóticos como motivo de ingreso. Se escoge una metodología basada en métodos mixtos, combinando cuantitativos y cualitativos. En primer lugar, se recoge información de grupos psicoterapéuticos y se realizan análisis temáticos sobre una muestra piloto. Una vez obtenida una taxonomía, se utiliza para realizar un análisis de contenido sobre una muestra mayor. Tomando como unidad de análisis el individuo se hace un análisis de la participación en el grupo. Posteriormente, volviendo a tener la sesión como unidad de análisis, se analizan las temáticas. En base a los resultados obtenidos en el análisis de contenido, se realiza una matriz de correlaciones y un análisis de componentes principales para facilitar la comprensión de los datos. El estudio piloto establece una taxonomía compuesta por 20 subcategorías. Nuestros datos muestran que la psicoterapia es un proceso, las narrativas de la conducción disminuyen cuando aumentan las de los participantes. El estudio principal añade 5 subcategorías para recoger el 17% de las narrativas grupales que no pueden describirse con la taxonomía creada. Además, se añaden cuatro variables dicotómicas para valorar el comportamiento de cada miembro y se explora la relación entre éstas y los procesos grupales. Según nuestros resultados, la subcategoría más predominante es Expresión de sentimientos. Además, es la que mantiene mayor número de correlaciones con el resto de las subcategorías y correlaciones especialmente altas con las subcategorías relacionadas con la desingularización, la socialización y las relaciones de ayuda. Las correlaciones son altas también con las categorías exclusivas de la conducción. El número de sesiones realizadas correlaciona con todos los procesos grupales a excepción de los relacionados con factores obstaculizadores del grupo. La gravedad de la sintomatología tiene relación directa con la adecuación al grupo y no mantiene ninguna relación con la capacidad de ofrecer soporte ni con la asistencia ni la tolerancia al escenario grupal. Nuestros grupos, dadas las características de la unidad, están siempre en fases iniciales, cuando los procesos grupales empiezan a emerger. Por ello, los temas menos frecuentes son los que los elicitan en mayor grado. En conclusión, podemos afirmar que los grupos psicoterapéuticos ofrecen un espacio favorecedor para adquirir un rol activo y desarrollar habilidades comunicacionales y relacionales. A pesar de la brevedad del tratamiento, emergen procesos grupales relacionados con factores terapéuticos grupales descritos por Irvin Yalom como son la Universalización, la Catarsis, el Altruismo y la Socialización. Por ello, se considera una herramienta útil para el tratamiento, la inclusión de grupos psicoterapéuticos en las unidades de agudos de salud mental.[eng] People diagnosed with severe mental disorders tend to adopt a passive role in social relationship which favors their isolation. Psychotherapy groups are an effective tool for treatment, which is important to start already during hospitalization. Our study aims to explore group processes emerging in the psychotherapy groups of an acute mental health unit. In order to achieve these aims, we have developed a pilot study that leaded to a main one. The objective of the pilot study is the creation of a valid taxonomy for the description of group processes. The main study aims to verify the validity of this taxonomy, which includes two secondary analyses. The first one tries to find out if there is any relationship between the evolution of each member within the group and the evolution of the group itself. The second, aims to discover if there is any relationship between the main subjects discussed in the group and the group processes. The pilot study sample is composed of people in acute psychopathological state and with active substance use. The main study included people who presented psychotic symptoms during hospital admission. The methodology is based on mixed methods, combining quantitative and qualitative analyses. In the first place, we collect information from psychotherapeutic groups and we carry out thematic analyses on a pilot sample. We perform an analysis of the participation in the group by using the individual as the unit of analysis. Subsequently, using the session as analysis unit, the themes are analyzed. Based on the results obtained in the content analysis, a correlation matrix and component analysis are carried out to facilitate the understanding of the data. The pilot study establishes a taxonomy composed of 20 subcategories. Our data shows that psychotherapy is a process as conduction narratives decrease when those of the participants increase. The main study adds 5 subcategories to be able to collect the 17% of the group narratives that cannot be described with the taxonomy previously created. In addition, we add four dichotomous variables to assess the behavior of each member. The relationship between them and the group processes is explored. According to our results, the most predominant subcategory is Expression of feelings. This subcategory maintains the highest number of correlations with the rest of the subcategories. Specifically, the highest correlations are with the subcategories related to universality, socialization and altruism. The correlations are also high with the exclusive subcategories of group conduction. The number of sessions correlates with all the group processes except with those related to group obstacles. The severity of the symptomatology is directly related to the adequacy of the group and does not maintain any relationship with the ability to offer support neither with the attendance nor the tolerance to the group setting. Our groups stay always in the initial stages, when the group processes begin to emerge. Therefore, the least frequent topics are those that elicit them to a greater degree. In conclusion, the psychotherapeutic groups offer a favorable space to acquire an active role and develop communicational and relational skills. Despite the brevity of the treatment, the group processes emerge. They are related to group therapeutic factors described by Irvin Yalom, such as Universality, Catharsis, Altruism and Socialization. Therefore, the inclusion of psychotherapeutic groups in acute mental health units can be considered a valuable tool for treatment

    Primer reporte de Postharmostomum sp. (Witenberg, 1923) (Trematoda, Brachylaemidae) para Megalobulimus maximus (Gasteropoda, Megalobulimidae) en San Martín, Perú

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    A total of 227 specimens of young adults of Postharmostomum sp., Witenberg, 1923 (Trematoda: Digenea) were collected from pericardial cavity of two indiviudals of the land snail Megalobulimus maximus from distrito of Juanjuí, San Martín. Parasits were deposited on Coleccion Helmintológica y de Invertebrados Relacionados, of the Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (MUSM), Lima, Peru.Se colectaron 227 parásitos en estadío juvenil correspondientes al género Postharmostomum sp., Witenberg, 1923 (Trematoda: Digenea), localizados en la cavidad pericárdica de dos individuos del caracol terrestre Megalobulimus maximus colectados en el distrito de Juanjui, departamento de San Martín, Perú. Los ejemplares fueron depositados en la Colección Helmintológica y de Invertebrados Relacionados del Departamento de Protozoología Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines del Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (MUSM), Lima, Perú

    Generalized Proportional Integral Control for an Unmanned Quadrotor System

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    In this article, a generalized proportional integral (GPI) control approach is presented for regulation and trajectory tracking problems in a nonlinear, multivariable quadrotor system model. In the feedback control law, no asymptotic observers or time discretizations are needed in the feedback loop. The GPI controller guarantees the asymptotically and exponentially stable behaviour of the controlled quadrotor position and orientation, as well as the possibilities of carrying out trajectory tracking tasks. The simulation results presented in the paper show that the proposed method exhibits very good stabilization and tracking performance in the presence of atmospheric disturbances and noise measurements

    From feelings of imprisonment to group cohesion: A qualitative analysis of group analytic psychotherapy with dual diagnosed patients admitted to an acute inpatient psychiatric unit

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    Objectives: Group cohesion, the establishment of hope, and the expression of feelings have been said to be the basic ingredients of group psychotherapy. To date, there is few literature describing therapeutic processes in short stay settings such as acute psychiatric wards and with special patient groups such as addictions. Our goal with this study is to describe and analyze group processes in such contexts. Methods: We used a qualitative methodology combining constant comparative methods and hermeneutical triangulation to analyze therapeutic narratives in the context of a group analytic process carried following Foulkes' and Yalom's styles. Results: The results provide a picture of the therapeutic process including the use of norms to strengthen group cohesion facilitating the expression of emotions in early stages of group development. Conclusions: This analysis is intended to be a guide for practitioners implementing group therapy in contexts involving several constraints, such as acute psychiatric wards

    Percepción del estrés en los estudiantes de Enfermería ante sus prácticas clínicas

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    Objective: This research aims to establish what the Nursing students’ main stress sources are during their practice period, according to their gender, grade and age. Methodology. It is a descriptive transversal study. The sample was composed by 45 Nursing students, 30 women and 15 men, at the University of Murcia in 2010/2011. The information gathering tool was KEZKAK questionnaire. Results. The ignorance facing a determined clinical situation and the risk of damaging the patient are the Nursing students’ two main stress sources. Men often suffer from a bigger stress than women; nevertheless, as well as the age increases and the students pass grades, the stress level is smaller. Conclusions. Nursing students’ stress determines their formation within their clinical practices period. Thus, it is necessary that the theoretical learning that supports these practices considers theses needs that own Nursing students require.OBJETIVO. Esta investigación pretende conocer cuáles son las principales fuentes de estrés durante el periodo de prácticas de los estudiantes de Enfermería de la Universidad de Murcia en función de su sexo, curso y edad. METODOLOGÍA. Se trata de un estudio transversal de corte descriptiva. La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 45 alumnos, 30 mujeres y 15 hombres, de Enfermería de la Universidad de Murcia del curso académico 2010/2011. El instrumento de recogida de la información fue cuestionario KEKZAK. RESULTADOS. El desconocimiento ante una determinada situación clínica y el riesgo de dañar al paciente son las dos principales fuentes estresoras para los estudiantes de enfermería. Los hombres suelen sufrir un mayor estrés que sus compañeras; no obstante, a medida que aumenta la edad y se avanza de curso el grado de estrés es cada vez menor. CONCLUSIONES. El estrés de los estudiantes de enfermería marca su formación durante el período de prácticas clínicas. Por tanto, se hace necesario que el aprendizaje teórico que sustenta a las prácticas atienda a estas necesidades que los propios estudiantes de enfermería demandan

    A retrospective study of SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in dogs and cats in the Community of Madrid, Spain

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    To date, susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection in domestic animals including cats and dogs has been described. However, it is important to carry out passive surveillance of these animals to be aware of any changes in the outcomes of the disease in these species that may occur. In this study, we have performed a retrospective study in which we analyzed sera (n = 1,640) from random animals: dogs (n = 1,381) and cats (n = 259) belonging to both homes (n = 1,533) and animal protection centers (n = 107) in the Community of Madrid, Spain. Neutralizing antibodies were evaluated between November 2021 and May 2022 using a surrogate ELISA kit to determine the seroprevalence. Based on the results obtained, a few animals (both cats and dogs) presented neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (2.3%), all of them from private owners. However, the seroprevalence in cats (4.6%) resulted to be almost twice as much as in dogs (1.9%) which reinforces that cats’ susceptibility to the infection seems higher than in the case of dogs, maybe due to the lower ACE2 expression of the dogs in the respiratory tract. These findings also confirm that the probability of infection is considerably higher in domestic animals in close contact with infected owners, compared to animals living in animal shelters whose contact with humans is markedly lower

    Tratamiento ambulatorio grupal para dependientes de cocaína combinando terapia cognitivo conductual y entrevista motivacional

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    Resumen: Las intervenciones psicológicas en pacientes con dependencia de cocaína han demostrado ser eficaces, destacando el Manejo de Contingencias y la Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual [TCC], siendo la falta de adherencia la limitación más importante. La Entrevista Motivacional [EM] mejora la adherencia. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la retención y abstinencia con tratamiento combinado de EM y TCC grupal en pacientes cocainómanos que han alcanzado el estadio de mantenimiento según el modelo transteórico de Prochaska y DiClemente (1982). Para ello se realizó un estudio longitudinal, en dependientes de cocaína con o sin trastorno mental concomitante. Se realizó un grupo abierto de 12 sesiones con periodicidad semanal. Se incluyeron 19 pacientes (78,9% hombres, edad media 36,58 años), el 95% consumía vía intranasal y el 47% tenía otra comorbilidad psiquiátrica. La tasa de retención fue del 84%. Durante el tratamiento y el primer mes de seguimiento todos los pacientes se mantuvieron abstinentes, mientras que entre el primer y tercer mes de seguimiento tres pacientes recayeron. Los datos avalan que el tratamiento combinado de EM+TCC para dependientes de cocaína en estadio de mantenimiento mejora la adherencia y es eficaz para mantener la abstinencia. Abstract: Ambulatory group treatment for cocaine dependent patients combining cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing. Psychological interventions in cocaine dependent patients have demonstrated efficacy. Remarkable approaches are Contingency Management (CM) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Lack of treatment adherence is the most important limitation. Motivational Interview (MI) has been shown to be an adherence enhancer. The objective of this study is to evaluate retention and abstinence in a combined CM and CBT group treatment in patients who have reached maintenance stage according to Prochaska and DiClemente's transtheoretical model (1982). Therefore, a longitudinal study was carried out with cocaine dependent patients with or without concomitant mental health disease. A 12-session open group was conducted weekly. Nineteen patients were included (78.9% men, mean age 36.6 years), 95% consumed intranasally and 47% had another psychiatric comorbidity. Treatment retention was 84%. During treatment and the first month of follow-up, all patients remained abstinent whereas at three months, 3 patients relapsed. These data confirm that using combined CM and CBT group therapy in cocaine dependents undergoing maintenance treatment enhances adherence and is effective to achieve abstinence

    Evaluation of the clinical evolution and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection in cats by simulating natural routes of infection

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the causative agent of the current pandemic disease denominated as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Several studies suggest that the original source of this virus was a spillover from an animal reservoir and its subsequent adaptation to humans. Of all the different animals affected, cats are one of the most susceptible species. Moreover, several cases of natural infection in domestic and stray cats have been reported in the last few months. Although experimental infection assays have demonstrated that cats are successfully infected and can transmit the virus to other cats by aerosol, the conditions used for these experiments have not been specified in terms of ventilation. We have, therefore, evaluated the susceptibility of cats using routes of infection similar to those expected under natural conditions (exposure to a sneeze, cough, or contaminated environment) by aerosol and oral infection. We have also evaluated the transmission capacity among infected and naïve cats using different air exchange levels. Despite being infected using natural routes and shed virus for a long period, the cats did not transmit the virus to contact cats when air renovation features were employed. The infected animals also developed gross and histological lesions in several organs. These outcomes confirm that cats are at risk of infection when exposed to infected people, but do not transmit the virus to other cats with high rates of air renovation

    Tratamiento ambulatorio grupal para dependientes de cocaína combinando terapia cognitivo conductual y entrevista motivacional

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    Las intervenciones psicológicas en pacientes con dependencia de cocaína han demostrado ser eficaces, destacando el Manejo de Contingencias y la Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual [TCC], siendo la falta de adherencia la limitación más importante. La Entrevista Motivacional [EM] mejora la adherencia. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la retención y abstinencia con tratamiento combinado de EM y TCC grupal en pacientes cocainómanos que han alcanzado el estadio de mantenimiento según el modelo transteórico de Prochaska y DiClemente (1982). Para ello se realizó un estudio longitudinal, en dependientes de cocaína con o sin trastorno mental concomitante. Se realizó un grupo abierto de 12 sesiones con periodicidad semanal. Se incluyeron 19 pacientes (78,9% hombres, edad media 36,58 años), el 95% consumía vía intranasal y el 47% tenía otra comorbilidad psiquiátrica. La tasa de retención fue del 84%. Durante el tratamiento y el primer mes de seguimiento todos los pacientes se mantuvieron abstinentes, mientras que entre el primer y tercer mes de seguimiento tres pacientes recayeron. Los datos avalan que el tratamiento combinado de EM+TCC para dependientes de cocaína en estadio de mantenimiento mejora la adherencia y es eficaz para mantener la abstinenciaPsychological interventions in cocaine dependent patients have demonstrated efficacy. Remarkable approaches are Contingency Management (CM) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Lack of treatment adherence is the most important limitation. Motivational Interview (MI) has been shown to be an adherence enhancer. The objective of this study is to evaluate retention and abstinence in a combined CM and CBT group treatment in patients who have reached maintenance stage according to Prochaska and DiClemente's transtheoretical model (1982). Therefore, a longitudinal study was carried out with cocaine dependent patients with or without concomitant mental health disease. A 12-session open group was conducted weekly. Nineteen patients were included (78.9% men, mean age 36.6 years), 95% consumed intranasally and 47% had another psychiatric comorbidity. Treatment retention was 84%. During treatment and the first month of follow-up, all patients remained abstinent whereas at three months, 3 patients relapsed. These data confirm that using combined CM and CBT group therapy in cocaine dependents undergoing maintenance treatment enhances adherence and is effective to achieve abstinenc

    Blood Toxic Elements and Effects on Plasma Vitamins and Carotenoids in Two Wild Bird Species: Turdus merula and Columba livia

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    Birds have historically suffered adverse effects by toxic elements, such as As, Pb, Hg, and Cd. However, reports on exposure to a wide range of elements, including rare earth elements and other minor elements of emerging concern, and the potential consequences for wildlife are still scarce. This study evaluates blood concentrations of 50 elements and their related effects on lutein and vitamin levels in the Eurasian blackbird (Turdus merula) and wild rock pigeon (Columba livia), inhabiting different scenarios of contaminant exposure. Blood concentrations of As, Cd, and Pb (and Mn in T. merula) were increased in both species captured in the mining area, compared to the control site. T. merula also showed increased As, Cd, and Pb concentrations in blood in the agricultural-urban area, as compared to the control area, together with the highest Hg levels, which could be related to agricultural practices and industrial activities. Decreases of 33 and 38% in the plasma retinol levels in T. merula inhabiting the mining and the agricultural-urban areas, respectively, as compared to the control site, were associated with increased Pb, As, and Cd exposure. This could be due to a metal-driven suppressive effect in retinol metabolism and/or its over-use for coping with metal-related oxidative stress