172 research outputs found

    Modeling tobacco mosaic virus proliferation in protoplasts

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    The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is one of the most studied viruses. It is frequently used as a model in the research of virus-host interactions. The interest in understanding the mechanism of its proliferation stems basically from the field of agriculture, due to the detrimental effect this virus has on several crops. In addition to this direct application, virus-mediated protein expression systems, which are well established for the synthesis of foreign proteins in animal cell cultures, are now being applied to plants and plant cells by means of plant viral vectors. The use of transformed roots for the propagation of viral vectors has also been proposed. This work presents a mechanistic model describing the transient process of TMV multiplication in a protoplast (a wall-deprived cell). It aims to be a mathematical tool able to simulate the transient behavior of the main molecular pools taking part in the process, which will be useful for exploring, understanding and predicting the dynamics of a host-virus system. The variables considered are the pools of the main molecules taking part in the viral replication process. The basic balance equations for the cellular pools are presented and a satisfactory fit of the model to the experimental data is shown. The presented model is a necessary step toward the formulation of a basic mechanistic model for the systemic propagation of the virus in a plant tissue. It may be extended in many directions as to the optimization of a system for the production of a foreign protein, to the simulation of manipulation of the virus-cell interaction by external factors, to the mechanism of gene silencing or to the prediction of co-infection dynamics.Fil: Merchuk, Jose C. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; IsraelFil: Sánchez-Mirón, Asterio. Universidad de Almería; EspañaFil: Asurmendi, Sebastian. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Biotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Shacham, Mordechai. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; Israe

    Nuevos escenarios para la adquisición de conocimientos medioambientales. Una experiencia en la Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de Melilla

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    Desde el año 2006 se viene desarrollando en la Facultad de Educación y Humanidades de Melilla (UGR) el proyecto “Propuesta metodológica para el aprendizaje autónomo de conceptos medioambientales en la formación de maestros”, que nace con la intención de adecuar la metodología de la asignatura obligatoria Fundamentos científicos medioambientales, al sistema de enseñanza impulsado por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior a la vez que trata de dar respuesta a la escasez de recursos didácticos que relacionan el conocimiento del entorno local, en sus facetas ambiental y urbana, con los conocimientos que se deben trabajar en la formación inicial de los futuros maestros. En el presente trabajo se aportan algunos de los resultados obtenidos tras la puesta en práctica de una metodología activa en donde se combinan distintos escenarios de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Identification and regulation of fusA, The polyketide synthase gene responsible for fusarin production in Fusarium fujikuroi

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    Fusarins are a class of mycotoxins of the polyketide family produced by different Fusarium species, including the gibberellin- producing fungus Fusarium fujikuroi. Based on sequence comparisons between polyketide synthase (PKS) enzymes for fusarin production in other Fusarium strains, we have identified the F. fujikuroi orthologue, called fusA. The participation of fusA in fusarin biosynthesis was demonstrated by targeted mutagenesis. Fusarin production is transiently stimulated by nitrogen avail- ability in this fungus, a regulation paralleled by the fusA mRNA levels in the cell. Illumination of the cultures results in a reduc- tion of the fusarin content, an effect partially explained by a high sensitivity of these compounds to light. Mutants of the fusA gene exhibit no external phenotypic alterations, including morphology and conidiation, except for a lack of the characteristic yellow and/or orange pigmentation of fusarins. Moreover, the fusA mutants are less efficient than the wild type at degrading cel- lophane on agar cultures, a trait associated with pathogenesis functions in Fusarium oxysporum. The fusA mutants, however, are not affected in their capacities to grow on plant tissues

    Coaching educativo: modelo para el desarrollo de competencias intra e interpersonales

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    In today’s knowledge-based society, in constant change and vertiginous evolution, we need men and women able to take decisions and to adapt themselves to an uncertain and unpredictable world.To achieve this goal in higher education context, we have chosen coaching as a methodological technique which encourages the development of human potential and helps the students to progress from where they are today to where they intend to get tomorrow. This methodology is based on setting personal goals and on the implementation of a series of planned actions thatallow the subject to carry out certain ways of being and acting.The first step consisted in deepening in coaching programs: origins, conceptual definition, characteristics and functions of the subjects involved, information that allowed us to present a model we have implemented in teachers former education.Several phases have been followed in methodology implementation: a preliminary phase as a starting point to implement the model; the development phase, centred on the development of inter and intrapersonal competences. SWOT analysis made possible an assessment of the process and the putting forwards of some proposals in order to consolidate this model in the future, model which makes possible the acquisition of key competences for self-assertiveness and supposes a stimulus for a future incorporation into the work force.En la actual sociedad del conocimiento, en constante cambio y vertiginosa evolución, se necesitan hombres y mujeres con iniciativa para tomar decisiones y ser capaces de adaptarse a un mundo incierto e imprevisible.Para lograr este objetivo, en el contexto de la enseñanza universitaria, seleccionamos el coaching, como la técnica metodológica que favorece el desarrollo del potencial humano y ayuda a los estudiantes a progresar, de donde están hoy hacia donde pretenden llegar mañana. Esta metodología se basa en el establecimiento de metas personales y en la ejecución de una serie de acciones planificadas que permiten al sujeto poner en práctica determinadas formas de ser y de actuar. El primer paso ha consistido en profundizar en el coaching: orígenes, delimitación conceptual, características y funciones que asumen los sujetos implicados, información que nos ayuda a avanzar un modelo que hemos aplicado en nuestra realidad docente: la formación inicial de maestros.En la metodología se han seguido diversas fases: previa, como punto de partida, y de desarrollo, cuyo hilo conductor ha girado en torno al desarrollo de las competencias inter e intrapersonales. La aplicación del DAFO nos ha permitido realizar una valoración del proceso seguido y avanzar unas propuestas tendentes a consolidar este modelo en un futuro, ya que permite que el estudiante pueda adquirir las competencias clave para su reafirmación como persona y representa un acicate para su futura inserción socio-laboral

    Simultaneous Effect of Temperature and Irradiance on Growth and Okadaic Acid Production from the Marine Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum belizeanum

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    Benthic marine dioflagellate microalgae belonging to the genus Prorocentrum are a major source of okadaic acid (OA), OA analogues and polyketides. However, dinoflagellates produce these valuable toxins and bioactives in tiny quantities, and they grow slowly compared to other commercially used microalgae. This hinders evaluation in possible large-scale applications. The careful selection of producer species is therefore crucial for success in a hypothetical scale-up of culture, as are appropriate environmental conditions for optimal growth. A clone of the marine toxic dinoflagellate P. belizeanum was studied in vitro to evaluate its capacities to grow and produce OA as an indicator of general polyketide toxin production under the simultaneous influence of temperature (T) and irradiance (I0). Three temperatures and four irradiance levels were tested (18, 25 and 28 °C; 20, 40, 80 and 120 µE·m−2·s−1), and the response variables measured were concentration of cells, maximum photochemical yield of photosystem II (PSII), pigments and OA. Experiments were conducted in T-flasks, since their parallelepipedal geometry proved ideal to ensure optically thin cultures, which are essential for reliable modeling of growth-irradiance curves. The net maximum specific growth rate (µm) was 0.204 day−1 at 25 °C and 40 µE·m−2·s−1. Photo-inhibition was observed at I0 > 40 μEm−2s−1, leading to culture death at 120 µE·m−2·s−1 and 28 °C. Cells at I0 ≥ 80 µE·m−2·s−1 were photoinhibited irrespective of the temperature assayed. A mechanistic model for µm-I0 curves and another empirical model for relating µm-T satisfactorily interpreted the growth kinetics obtained. ANOVA for responses of PSII maximum photochemical yield and pigment profile has demonstrated that P. belizeanum is extremely light sensitive. The pool of photoprotective pigments (diadinoxanthin and dinoxanthin) and peridinin was not able to regulate the excessive light-absorption at high I0-T. OA synthesis in cells was decoupled from optimal growth conditions, as OA overproduction was observed at high temperatures and when both temperature and irradiance were low. T-flask culture observations were consistent with preliminary assays outdoors

    Ni […] á imprimir, ni estampar ni á divulgar, ni vender. En torno a la censura de la literatura de la literatura italiana en la España de la primera Edad Moderna

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    Para conseguir un cuadro lo más fidedigno posible de la censura de las obras literarias italianas en España y entender la verdadera dimensión del fenómeno censorio se impone como imprescindible la comparación de la censura en Italia y en España, compuestas ambas por distintas individualidades administrativas, a lo largo de los siglo XVI y XVII con la finalidad última de poder ofrecer tanto una descripción como una interpretación generales del fenómeno, leído esta vez a la luz de un análisis de la difusión de la literatura italiana en España. De ahí la importancia del estudio de los índices tanto romanos como españoles y del papel que la Inquisición española desarrolló frente a la censura de estado.Proyecto I+D+I del Programa FEDER-Junta de Andalucía “Literatura prohibida. Estudio de la censura de libros italianos en la España de los siglos XVI y XVII y su incidencia en Andalucía” (A-HUM-452-UGR20

    Método para la cuantificación fluoirimétrica de la enzima LDH en disolución

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    Número de publicación: ES2527796 A1 (29.01.2015) También publicado como: ES2527796 B1 (10.11.2015) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201300775 (29.07.2013)La invención está dirigida al desarrollo de un método y creación de un kit para la cuantificación del efecto citotóxico y/o viabilidad celular ante agentes químicos (elemento, compuesto, mezcla o fármaco en cualquier de sus estados) y/o físicos (i.e. iluminación, temperatura, turbulencia, fluidodinámica, etc.) que puedan producir rotura de la membrana celular. El kit mide la liberación de la enzima citoplasmática lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH) proveniente de células muertas y/o lisadas. Esta enzima cataliza la oxidación del lactato, presente en el kit, a piruvato. Durante la reacción, el NAD+, también presente en el kit, es reducido a NADH. La concentración de LDH, se cuantifica a través de la fluorescencia del NADH formado. Las mediciones indirectas de la enzima LDH se realizan en el sobrenadante de cultivos celulares. El método es aplicable tanto en medios inorgánicos para microalgas como en medios comerciales para células animales y de insecto.Universidad de Almerí

    Validation and reliability of a test which evaluate the coordination manual and agility in rhythmic gymnastics.

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue desarrollar y validar un test que permita evaluar la coordinación óculo manual y agilidad en gimnastas de rítmica. Un panel de expertos se responsabilizó de la selección de las tareas que conformaron la composición inicial del test. Una vez constituido y validado mediante la opinión de expertos de forma unánime, el test se aplicó a una muestra de 60 gimnastas de 12 a 18 años (Media Edad= 13,76 ±1,53; Talla= 1,54 ± 0,065 y Peso= 44,78 ± 6,55). La fiabilidad del test mediante el cálculo de la consistencia interna a través de Alfa de Cronbach fue de .885 siendo el coeficiente de correlación del test-retest de .799 Se concluye que el test es un instrumento válido y fiable para medir la coordinación en gimnastas.The objective of this study was to develop and validate a test that allows the evaluation of manual eye coordination and agility in rhythmic gymnasts. A panel of experts was responsible for the selection of the tasks that formed the initial composition of the test. Once constituted and validated by the opinion of the experts in a unanimous way, the test was applied to a sample of 60 gymnasts from 12 to 18 years old (Average Age = 13.76 ± 1.53, Size = 1.54 ± 0.065) and Weight = 44.78 ± 6.55). The reliability of the test for the calculation of the internal consistency through Cronbach's alpha was .885 with the correlation coefficient of the test-retest of .799 It is concluded that the test is a valid and reliable instrument to measure the coordination in gymnasts