3,038 research outputs found

    Light charged Higgs boson production at the Large Hadron electron Collider

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    We study the production of a light charged Higgs boson at the future Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC), through the process epνeHqe^- p \to \nu_e H^- q considering both decay channels HbcˉH^- \to b \bar c and HτνˉτH^- \to \tau \bar \nu_\tau in the final state. We analyse these processes in the context of the 2-Higgs Doublet Model Type III (2HDM-III) and assess the LHeC sensitivity to such HH^- signals against a variety of both reducible and irreducible backgrounds. We confirm that prospects for HH^- detection in the 2HDM-III are excellent assuming standard collider energy and luminosity conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures. Accepted in Physical Review

    Doorway States and Billiards

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    Whenever a distinct state is immersed in a sea of complicated and dense states, the strength of the distinct state, which we refer to as a doorway, is distributed in their neighboring states. We analyze this mechanism for 2-D billiards with different geometries. One of them is symmetric and integrable, another is symmetric but chaotic, and the third has a capricious form. The fact that the doorway-state mechanism is valid for such highly diverse cases, proves that it is robust.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Accepted in Proceedings of "Symmetries in Nature", Symposium in Memoriam Marcos Moshinsk

    Prediction equations of skinfold in children of primary school

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es crear ecuaciones que estimen las medidas de los pliegues cutáneos para escolares de 6 a 13 años de edad. Como resultado se obtuvieron catorce ecuaciones que estiman algunos pliegues cutáneos. Las ecuaciones se validaron con muestras aleatorias de 479 niñas y 541 niños del estado de Puebla y otras 2 muestras aleatorias del estado de Veracruz con 155 niñas y 146 niños respectivamente; las mediciones directas se realizaron con la metodología y unidades ISAK (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry)The aim of this paper is to create equations that predict the skinfold measures for school children 6 to 13 years old. Fourteen resulting equations were derived to estimate some measures of skinfold. The equations were validated with random samples of 479 girls and 541 boys in the state of Puebla and 2 other random samples of the state of Veracruz with 155 girls and 146 boys respectively; direct measurements were performed with the methodology and units ISAK (International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometr

    Exploring the Design Space for Body Transformation Wearables to Support Physical Activity through Sensitizing and Bodystorming

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    Negative or disturbed body perceptions are often interwoven with people's physical inactivity. While wearables can support body perception changes (body transformation), the design space of body transformation wearables supporting physical activity remains narrow. To expand this design space, we conducted an embodied co-design workshop with users. Using conceptual and tangible sensitizing tools, we explored/reflected on bodily sensations at three moments of movement execution (before/during/after). Conceptual tools were used to evoke/reflect/capture past lived experiences, while tangible tools were used as ideation probes for sensory bodystorming. Two design concepts emerged, reflecting diverging approaches to body transformation wearables: one focused on reminders and movement correction; the other on sensory augmentation and facilitation. We reflect on how each facilitates useful representations of body sensations during movement, and present methodological recommendations for designing technology for sensory augmentation in this area. Finally, we propose a preliminary prototype based on our design concepts and discuss future steps

    Completeness of the Trajectories of Particles Coupled to a General Force Field

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    We analyze the extendability of the solutions to a certain second order differential equation on a Riemannian manifold (M,g)(M,g), which is defined by a general class of forces (both prescribed on MM or depending on the velocity). The results include the general time-dependent anholonomic case, and further refinements for autonomous systems or forces derived from a potential are obtained. These extend classical results for Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems. Several examples show the optimality of the assumptions as well as the applicability of the results, including an application to relativistic pp-waves.Comment: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (to appear

    Prevalence of colonizing bacteria and their association with primary bacteremias in hemodialysis of a university hospital

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    to be from 2.5 to 5.5 cases per 1,000 catheter-day. the clinical impact is relevant and increases the cost of the HD Unit. Methods: The present study is the irst of 2 phases. It was conducted from January to December of 2012, and included all patients and nurses who were in the HD Unit. The prevalence of Gramnegative bacilli (GNB) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MrSA) colonizing the nasal passages and the skin is described. Also, phenotypic association was sought by genus, species and sensitivities between colonizing bacterial strains and blood cultures with GNB and MRSA. Results: the study included 70 patients and 10 nurses. the prevalence of nasal colonization in patients by GNB was 9% and 6% in the pericatheter, and no nursing GNB colonization was discovered. The prevalence of MRSA nasal colonization was 19% and 6% in the pericatheter for patients and in the nurses the nasal colonization was 50% and 10% in the hands. We identiied 29 cases of primary bacteremia. The primary bacteremia rate is 1.5 per 1,000 catheter-day or 0.4 episodes per patient per year. Conclusion: We demonstrated a high prevalence of MrSA colonization in patients and nurses in the HD Unit. No relationship was found between primary bacteremia by GNB and patients and nurses’ bacteria colonization by the phenotypic comparison

    La demande de festivals de cinéma du tourisme. Le cas du Festival du film latino-américain de Huelva

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    La organización de festivales culturales, en general, y de cine, en particular, está adquiriendo especial importancia en los últimos años, tanto a la hora de mejorar el nivel y acceso a la cultura de la población local como para contribuir a desarrollar el turismo. En este sentido, el presente artículo pretende caracterizar a la demanda de turismo cinematográfico y de festivales de cine, prestando especial atención a la del Festival de Cine Iberoamericano de Huelva (España), diferenciándola de la demanda de la población local, con objeto de mejorar la organización y gestión de este evento, adaptándolo a las necesidades de la población local y de los visitantes.The organization of cultural festivals, in general, and film festivals, especially, is acquiring special importance in the last years, to improve the level and access of the local population to culture and to develop the tourism in the region. In this sense, this article tries to characterize the demand of film tourism, in general, and the demand of film festivals, especially, paying special attention to the tourism demand of Festival of Latin-American Cinema of Huelva (Spain). We also analyze the local population demand, in order to improve the organization and management of this event to adopt it to the needs of the local population and visitorsL’organisation des festival culturels, en général et le cinéma en particulier, consiste à acquérir une importance particulière au cours des dernières années, tant dans l’amélioration du niveau et de l’accès à la culture de la population locale pour aider à développer le tourisme. En ce sens, cet article vise à caractériser le film de la demande touristique dans les festivals généraux et du cinéma, en particulier, en accordant une attention spéciale au Festival du film latino-américain de Huelva (Espagne), en différenciant la demande de la population locale afin d’améliorer l’organisation et la gestion de cet événement

    Efecto de la fertilización en la producción de materia seca y extracción de nutrientes en tres accesiones de lippia origanoides h.b.k.

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    An experiment under greenhouse conditions at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia- Palmira to evaluate the relationship among plant nutrition, levels of nutrient uptake and dry matter production of three accessions of Lippia origanoides (Patía, Cítrica and Típica), was carried out. Concentrations of foliar nutrients, absorption and extraction rates (of 5 elements N, P, K, Mg and Ca) and their relationship with the production of each accession were evaluated. A split plot design with 11 treatments and three replications was used. The experimental units consisted of a plant sowed in substrate (peat). Fertilization was done by fertigation using the modified Hoagland and Arnon nutrient solution. The Patía accession showed the maximum dry matter yield (292.0 ± 0.1 g plant-1) with the treatment 8 (Mg decreased), the Cítrica accession yielded 287.1 ± 0.1 g plant-1 with the treatment 9 (Mg increase) and finally Típica accession (255.2 ± 0.1 g plant-1) with the treatment 8. In terms of absorption of nutrients, potassium is the most required element (13.9 kg t-1), followed by calcium (7.9 kg t-1).En las casas de vegetación de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Palmira (930 m.s.n.m. y 26 °C), se estudió la relación entre la nutrición de plantas de las accesiones Patía, Cítrica y Típica de Lippia origanoides H.B.K., los niveles de extracción de nutrientes y la producción y distribución de materia seca (MS). Para el efecto se determinaron las concentraciones de elementos foliares, los niveles de absorción y extracción de N, P, K, Mg y Ca y su relación con la producción de cada accesión. Se utilizó un diseño en parcelas divididas con once tratamientos y tres repeticiones, las unidades experimentales consistieron en una planta sembrada en sustrato (turba). Los elementos se aplicaron con ferti-riego utilizando solución nutritiva de Hoagland y Arnon modificada. Los resultados mostraron que la accesión Patía presentó los mayores rendimientos de MS (292.0 ± 0.1 g/planta) cuando la concentración original de Mg (49 mg/lt) en la solución cambió para 30 mg/lt; en la accesión Cítrica fueron más altos (287.1 ± 0.1 g/planta) con 72 mg/lt de Mg y en la accesión Típica el rendimiento fue mayor (255.2 ± 0.1 g/planta) con la aplicación de 30 mg/lt de Mg. En términos de absorción de nutrientes, el K fue el elemento más requerido (13.9 kg/t), seguido de Ca (7.9 kg/t)