6,080 research outputs found

    Análisis del error sistemático en la sustracción

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    En este artículo presentamos resultados de investigación relacionados con la tipología, naturaleza y evolución de los errores en la sustracción. El objetivo principal de la investigación trata de indagar sobre si en nuestro contexto escolar se producen errores sistemáticos y si disminuyen a lo largo de la escolaridad. Asimismo, comparamos los resultados obtenidos con los aportados por autores de referencia en este campo de investigación. Para ello, efectuamos un análisis sobre 7.140 restas realizadas por niños/as escolarizados en 2º, 3º, 4º, 5º y 6º de Educación Primaria. Los resultados demuestran la existencia de errores sistemáticos y tipología concreta de los mismos, hecho de indudable valor a la hora de programar didácticamente el proceso de enseñanza.In this article, we presented results related to the typology, nature and evolution of the errors in subtraction. The main aim, is to examine if in our school context systematic errors take place and if these decrease throughout schooling. Also, we compared our results with the ones contributed by authors of reference in this field of research. To do so, we carried out an analysis on 7140 subtractions made by children in our educational system. The results demonstrate the existence of systematic errors in our scholastic context, a fact of doubtless value when programming the learning process didactically

    Cross-species tests of 45 microsatellite loci isolated from different species of ungulates in the Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) to generate a multiplex panel

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    The Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) is an emblematic game species in Spain. To generate a battery of polymorphic markers for multiplex polymerase chain reactions for the Spanish red deer, 45 loci isolated in different species of ungulates were tested. Of the primers tested, 27 amplified but only 21 were polymorphic. Eleven of these markers were subsequently optimized for multiplex in four polymerase chain reactions. This allows analysing several molecular markers jointly to substantially reduce costs. Finally, we report descriptive summary statistics such as number of alleles for the former and also test of disequilibria and heterozygosity for the latter. © 2008 The Authors.Peer Reviewe

    Perception of pupils of basic education about zoos: identifying different perspectives

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    Zoos are places often used by teachers, since they allow for both animalsóbservation and biodiversity contact. The Lisbon zoo opened in 1884 and is regularly visited by pupils of Basic Education, and only a few have never been there. In fact, many children only have the opportunity to see wildlife in zoos, where there is an attempt to combine scientific learning with entertainment, arguments that reveal an anthropocentric perspective. However, zoos are controversial places and are subject to strong criticism. Proponents of a biocentric perspective, centred on animals, highlight the following negative aspects: i) the use of animals as means to our ends; ii) the deprivation of freedom and conditioning of their behaviours; iii) the inculcation of the idea that Man is superior to other species. As for the advocates of an ecocentric perspective, centred on the value of ecosystems, they emphasize the fragmented view of nature that zoos transmit. Even so, in this perspective, there is recognition that zoos can play a role in the conservation of species. This study sought to determine how 124 pupils from a state school in Lisbon perceive zoos, in particularly the Lisbon zoo. The children, with an average age of 13, attended the 7th grade of schooling in 2014/15. To this end, a questionnaire with two parts was applied. In the first part, it was asked if the pupils had already visited the Lisbon zoo or other similar space; they also had to identify three positive and three negative aspects associated with this place; In the second part, after collection of the first one, the pupils were asked to express their level of agreement (1, strongly disagree, to 5, strongly agree) concerning 18 statements expressing different ideas about zoos: 6 of them had an anthropocentric content (supporting zoos); 6 others, an ecocentric content (supporting zoos under certain conditions); and the other 6, a biocentric content (opposing to these spaces). An average for each perspective was obtained and the averages were compared with a Multivariate Test (3 factors) within subjects. The results showed that only 4 (3.2%) pupils had never visited a zoo. Concerning the positive aspects of the Lisbon zoo, a large majority emphasized the contact with animals (75%), the offered services and entertainment (56.5%), as the cable car and the fast food restaurants, and the animal shows (35.5%). Only 8.9% of the children reported aspects focused on animals, like the fact that they are well treated or the appropriate spaces where they lived; in relation to the negative aspects, 42.7% of the respondents focused on the general space conditions, especially the smell and dirtiness, in the presence of less beloved animals and in the weak interaction with animals, 22.6%, and 26% even said that zoos have nothing negative. Only 8.1% of the pupils mentioned the inadequacy of the spaces for animals and the absence of freedom. Accordingly, the 6 biocentric statements were those that received less agreement while the others expressing the anthropocentric and ecocentric perspectives emerged with a closer and higher average, with statistically significant differences (p = 0.000). The participants also revealed a full consistency in the responses in both parts of the questionnaire. The results also suggest that children are slightly aware of the negative aspects of zoos, and indicate that the teachers that they had so far didn´t stimulate much a discussion on this subject, if at all.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Especies de caza: procesos de extinción ocultos tras elevados tamaños de censo

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    Management of game species may involve a risk of alteration of their genetic properties. Local adaptations may be disrupted if artificially selected individuals from farms or those belonging to distant geographical areas are introduced to increase population density or trophy “quality”. In Spain, red deer (Cervus elaphus) from different European subspecies have been introduced to increase the size of trophies (antlers) of local populations. Legislation against these introductions is not effective for various reasons, and once the individuals are in the Iberian peninsula it is virtually impossible to prevent their spreading throughout the whole territory without a genetic tool to distinguish between autochthonous and foreign specimens. We have developed such a genetic test and propose a strategy to dissuade land–owners from importing foreign deer. Since deer are bred mainly for their antlers, our strategy is based on an agreement with the National Trophy Body in Spain which rejects trophies from foreign populations. Rejection decreases the value of the trophy so that it becomes more profitable to produce autochthonous deer. Using such a strategy at some critical step in the production or commercialization process may be a good model to apply in protecting genetic properties of exploited species.La gestión de las especies de caza puede conllevar riesgos de alteración de sus propiedades genéticas. Las adaptaciones locales pueden deteriorarse si ejemplares producidos mediante selección artificial en granjas o procedentes de áreas geográficas distantes, son introducidos para aumentar la densidad poblacional o la "calidad" de los trofeos de caza. En España, se han introducido ejemplares de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus) procedentes de distintas subespecies europeas para aumentar así el tamaño de las cuernas (trofeos de caza) de las poblaciones autóctonas. La legislación contra este tipo de introducciones no es eficaz por diversos motivos y, una vez introducidos los ejemplares en la península ibérica, es prácticamente imposible prevenir su dispersión por todo el territorio sin contar con herramientas genéticas que permitan diferenciar los ejemplares autóctonos de los foráneos. Nosotros hemos desarrollado un test genético para este fin, y hemos propuesto una estrategia para disuadir a lospropietarios de llevar a cabo la importación de ejemplares foráneos. Puesto que los ciervos se crían fundamentalmente por su cornamenta como trofeo de caza, nuestra estrategia se ha basado en un acuerdo con la Junta Nacional de Homologación de Trofeos de Caza, para que ésta rechace los trofeos pertenecientes a ejemplares foráneos. Este rechazo reduce el valor de los ejemplares procedentes de otras poblaciones y favorece la producción de ciervo autóctono. Sugerimos que la utilización de estrategias de este tipo en puntos clave de procesos de producción o comercialización, puede ser un buen modelo a aplicar para proteger las propiedades genéticas de las especies sujetas a explotación por el hombre

    Game species: extinction hidden by census numbers

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    Management of game species may involve a risk of alteration of their genetic properties. Local adaptations may be disrupted if artificially selected individuals from farms or those belonging to distant geographical areas are introduced to increase population density or trophy ‘quality’. In Spain, red deer (Cervus elaphus) from different European subspecies have been introduced to increase the size of trophies (antlers) of local populations. Legislation against these introductions is not effective for various reasons, and once the individuals are in the Iberian peninsula it is virtually impossible to prevent their spreading throughout the whole territory without a genetic tool to distinguish between autochthonous and foreign specimens. We have developed such a genetic test and propose a strategy to dissuade land-owners from importing foreign deer. Since deer are bred mainly for their antlers, our strategy is based on an agreement with the National Trophy Body in Spain which rejects trophies from foreign populations. Rejection decreases the value of the trophy so that it becomes more profitable to produce autochthonous deer. Using such a strategy at some critical step in the production or commercialisation process may be a good model to apply in protecting genetic properties of exploited species

    Gender, albuminuria and chronic kidney disease progression in treated diabetic kidney disease

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    Background: Women are reported to have a lower incidence of renal replacement therapy, despite a higher prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Aim: To analyze diabetic kidney disease (DKD) progression in men and women. Methods: Prospective cohort: n = 261, 35% women, new consecutive nephrology DKD referrals. Results: Women smoked less and better complied with the dietary phosphate and sodium restrictions. Despite a less frequent nephrology referral, women had lower baseline albuminuria. Over a 30 + - 10-month follow-up, albuminuria decreased in women and the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) loss was slower than in men. However, the percentage of rapid progressors was similar in both sexes. The best multivariate model predicting rapid progression in men (area under curve (AUC) = 0.92) and women differed. Albuminuria and fractional excretion of phosphate (FEphosphate) were part of the men multivariable model, but not of women. The AUC for the prediction of rapid progression by albuminuria was higher in men than in women, and the albuminuria cut-off points also differed. In women, there was a higher percentage of rapid progressors who had baseline physiological albuminuria. Conclusions: Female DKD differs from male DKD: albuminuria was milder and better responsive to therapy, the loss of eGFR was slower and the predictors of rapid progression differed from men: albuminuria was a better predictor in men than in women. Lifestyle factors may contribute to the differencesThis work and the APC was funded by FIS grant numbers CP14/00133, PI16/02057, PI18/01366, PI19/00588, PI19/00815, DTS18/00032, ERA-PerMed-JTC2018 (KIDNEY ATTACK AC18/00064 and PERSTIGAN AC18/00071, National Institute of Health (2R01AI063331), ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN RD016/0009 Fondos FEDER, FRIAT, Sociedad Española de Nefrología, Comunidad de Madrid B2017/BMD-3686 CIFRA2-CM, Miguel Servet MS14/00133 to M.D.S.-N. and A.B.S. and Cátedra Mundipharma UAM. IIS-Fundacion Jimenez Diaz Biobank, part of the Spanish Biobanks Platform (PT17/0015/0006)

    Optimizaciónde las variables tecnológicas en la producción de un probiótico para camarones

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    Aim: To optimize the technological variables engaged in the manufacture of a probiotic for shrimp. Methods: This research was based on experimental designs oriented to phenomenological mathematical modeling of the process to identify the main design variables. The product cost sheet was used to create the economic model that fits such variables. The objective-function was to minimize the unit cost of the product. Restrictions of design variables were established, and their optimal values were estimated through the use of multi-criteria computer optimizing tools. Results: The initial sucrose concentration produced in the culture medium was 132 g/L, at a shaking speed of 1.67 s-1, air flow equal to 0.025 L/L.h, and fermentation time 8.5 h, which minimized the unit cost of the product to 5.31 /Lofproduct.Thisvaluewasquitebelow/L of product. This value was quite below 31.50/L, which is the price of imported probiotic Epicin, used to breed shrimp larvae. Conclusions: The sale of this product produces a revenue of 478483.20/yeartotheCenterofGeneticEngineeringandBiotechnologyofCamagu¨ey,leadingtosavingsofapproximately 478 483.20/year to the Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of Camagüey, leading to savings of approximately 40 000 US yearly in savings for Yaguacam Basic Production Company, through import substitution. Additionally, its use has led to a reduction in antibiotic use, increased quality and quantity of post larvae, and an overall positive impact for the company.Objetivo: Optimizar las variables tecnológicas que inciden en el proceso de producción de un probiótico para camarones. Métodos: Se emplearon diseños experimentales orientados a la modelación matemática fenomenológica del proceso para identificar las variables de diseño fundamentales. Se utilizó la ficha de costo del producto para confeccionar el modelo económico en función de estas variables. Se definió como función objetivo minimizar el costo unitario del producto. Se establecieron las restricciones de las variables de diseño y se determinaron sus valores óptimos mediante el empleo de herramientas computacionales de optimización multicriterio. Resultados:Se obtuvo que una concentración inicial de sacarosa en el medio de cultivo igual a 132 g/L, una velocidad de agitación de 1,67 s-1, un flujo de aire igual a 0,025 L/L.h y un tiempo de fermentación de 8,5 h minimizan el costo unitario del producto hasta 5,31 /Ldeproducto,valormuyinferioralos31,50/L de producto, valor muy inferior a los 31,50 /L que es el precio del probiótico de importación Epicin que se emplea en la cría de larvas de camarones. Conclusiones: La venta del producto genera una ganancia neta de 478 483,20 $/año para el Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología de Camagüey, un ahorro de cerca de 40 000 USD anuales a la Unidad Empresarial de Base Yaguacam por concepto de sustitución de importaciones y su uso ha permitido la disminución del empleo de antibióticos, el incremento de la calidad y cantidad de las postlarvas y un impacto económico positivo en la entidad. &nbsp

    Morphological taphonomic transformations of fossil bones in continental environments, and repercussions of their chemical composition

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a summary of structural or surface modifications of vertebrate bone remains in continental palaeoenvironments that may have repercussions on their chemical composition. Both before and after burial, a different set of physical, chemical and biological agencies may produce modifications of the bone morphological structure and/or bone chemical composition. Several of these morphological modifications are diagnostic of particular agents, which otherwise may not be noticed or identified in a fossil association. In order to understand diagenesis, those events that occurred before final burial have to be considered, as they may strongly modify the bone morphological structure and influence post-burial changes

    Paleopatología dental de siete cabezas egipcias momificadas del Museo de Antropología Forense de la Univ. Complutense de Madrid

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200