2,013 research outputs found

    Optimum training programme during pregnancy to prevent gestational hypertension and preeclampsia: a systematic review

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    Gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia are hypertensive disorders which are the world’s leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality. Currently, evidences support the benefit of moderate physical exercise (PE) during uncomplicated pregnancies in the prevention of HTG and pre-eclampsia. However, there is no evidence on which kind of training is more effective for its prevention. The aim of this study was to analyze which kind of exercise, duration of the intervention and session, frequency and intensity produce the greatest benefits in the prevention of gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia in women with uncomplicated pregnancies. An exhaustive search of PubMed and Web of Science was carried out until October 21, 2020. From 705 studies found, we analyzed 14 original full-text intervention articles in English or Spanish, with a PE program in pregnant women without complications, evaluating BP and including in their methodology, at least, frequency, duration, intensity, or kind of exercise. Exercise training in healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies reduces the incidence of HTG and preeclampsia. The program with most benefits is concurrent training combined with flexibility, with a minimum duration of 29 weeks, from the 8th-9th gestational week to 36, but can be extended until the end of pregnancy. It’s recommended to get to a training frequency equal to or greater than 3 days a week, with sessions at 50-70% of the maximum heart rate and 10-14 on the Borg Scale, and a duration of 45 and 60 minutes per session

    Análisis cinemático del entrenamiento con tecnología isoinercial de movimiento libre y sus posibles efectos derivados

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    Introducción: Existen distintos tipos de máquinas isoinerciales: de movimiento guiado y de movimiento libre, entre las que se encuentra la Yo Yo Squat. La ejecución técnica en estos últimos dispositivos es más compleja y una mala ejecución técnica puede dar lugar a lesiones del miembro inferior. Hasta el momento no existen estudios que analicen la técnica, a través de la cinemática, de una media sentadilla sobre el dispositivo Yo Yo Squat, por lo que su uso por determinado grupo de población no estará exento de riesgo. El objetivo del estudio es analizar las variables cinemáticas (i.e. ángulo tobillo izquierdo, ángulo de rodilla izquierdo, ángulo de cadera izquierda, ángulo de valgo/varo de ambas rodillas) que determinan la ejecución de una sentadilla media utilizando tecnología isoinercial de movimiento libre con el fin de observar si existen diferencias entre hombres y mujeres, y establecer posteriormente correctos y seguros protocolos estandarizados. Metodología: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 50 adultos jóvenes (26 hombres) con una edad media de 21 años que tras una sesión de familiarización, realizaron 4 series de 9 sentadillas sobre el dispositivo Yo Yo Squat, con 3 minutos de descanso entre serie. Mediante fotogrametría se evaluó el ángulo de tobillo izquierdo, ángulo de rodilla izquierda, ángulo de cadera izquierda y ángulos de valgo/varo de ambas rodillas. Resultados: Los principales resultados del estudio mostraron diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en los ángulos de valgo de ambas rodillas en función del género, presentando un mayor ángulo de valgo de rodilla las mujeres. En los demás ángulos no existieron diferencias significativas. Discusión: Estos hallazgos nos indican que para una correcta y segura ejecución técnica, antes y durante el uso de la tecnología isoinercial de movimiento libre es fundamental en las mujeres incidir en el ángulo de valgo de rodilla, siendo recomendable fortalecer el glúteo medio y el glúteo mayor. Además, para ambos sexos, es importante que en el momento de máxima flexión de rodilla, estas sobrepasen ligeramente los pies.Introduction: There are different types of isoinertial machines: guiding movement machines and free movement machines, including on those ones the Yo Yo squat. The technical execution in those ones is more complex and an poor technical execution can lead to lower limb injuries. So far, there are not studies which analyze the technique, through the kinematics of a squat on the Yo Yo squat device, so its use in an specific population will not be exempt from risk. The purpose of this study is to analyze the kinematic parameters (I.e. left ankle angle, left knee angle, left hip angle, valgus/varus angle of both knees) that determine the execution of a half squat using free movement isoinertial technology in order to observe whether there are differences between men and women, and subsequently establish secure and correct standardized protocols. Methodology: The sample consisted of 50 young adults (26 men) with an average age of 21 years that after of familiarization session, they made 4 sets of 9 squats on the Yo Yo Squat device, resting 3 minutes between sets. By photogrammetry was evaluated the left ankle angle, left knee angle, left hip angle and valgus / varus angle of both knees. Results: The main results of the study showed significant differences (p <0.05) in valgus angles of both knees by gender, presenting a higher angle in valgus knee angle in women. On the other angles there were no significant differences. Discussion: These findings indicate that for proper and safe technical execution, before and during the use of free movement isoinertial technology, it is essential for women to insist on the knee valgus angle, being recommended to strengthen the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. Furthermore, for both sexes, it is important that at in the máximum knee flexion time, the knee past the toes slightly

    Fitness, body composition, and metabolic risk scores in children and adolescents: the UP&DOWN study

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    We aimed to analyse the longitudinal association between physical fitness (PF) and body composition (BC) with a metabolic risk score (Met4) in children and adolescents and to elucidate whether the association between PF and Met4 differs when using relativized or absolute fitness variables. A total of 188 children (86 females) and 195 adolescents (97 females) were included. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) was determined by the 20-m shuttle run test, and muscular fitness (MF) was determined by hand grip and standing long jump tests. Height and weight were measured, and the body mass index (Kg/ m2) was calculated. Triceps and subscapular skinfolds were assessed to compute body fat percentage. Met4 was computed from systolic blood pressure, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glucose levels. Relative CRF was longitudinally and negatively associated with Met4 in female children (β = −0.031, p = 0.025), while absolute CRF was positively associated with Met4 in male children and adolescents (β = 0.000, p < 0.05). Relative upper and lower-body MF were longitudinally and negatively associated with Met4 in female adolescents (β = −1.347, β = −0.005, p < 0.05), while absolute lower-body MF was positively associated with Met4 in male children (β = 0.000, p = 0.019). BC was longitudinally and positively associated with Met4 in male children (β-ranging from 0.011 to 0.055, all p < 0.05) and male adolescents (β-ranging from 0.011 to 0.046, all p < 0.05). Conclusion: BC is more strongly associated with Met4 than PF in children and adolescents. An optimal body weight status should be considered the main objective of health-promoting programs at childhood and adolescence. Furthermore, the way of expressing the fitness variables determines the direction of the association with Met4.CRUE-CSICNational Plan for Research, Development, and Innovation (R + D + i) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation DEP 201021662-C04-00 DEP 2010-21662-C04-01 DEP 2010-21662-C04-02 DEP 2010-21662-C04-03 DEP 2010-21662-C04-0

    Préstamos versus bonos, ventajas y desventajas de cada tipo de deuda desde el punto de vista de la empresa

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    Entre los distintos tipos de deuda que puede adquirir una empresa, los bonos y préstamos bancarios son actualmente los más comunes. Para decidir entre estos instrumentos de financiamiento, las firmas evalúan las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno. El objetivo del trabajo es identificar tanto factores internos de las firmas como externos que inciden en la decisión del tipo de deuda a tomar. Según los factores identificados, las empresas optarán por el tipo de deuda que más se adecúe a sus necesidades según las ventajas que este ofrece. Se revisa literatura tanto teórica como empírica que analiza este tema y se realizan entrevistas a empresas para analizar el caso peruano. En cuanto a los factores internos, concluye que empresas consolidadas, con alto volumen de ventas y/o grandes proyectos de inversión y con buen historial crediticio optarían por emitir bonos directamente. Por otro lado, empresas en etapas iniciales de crecimiento, con menores necesidades de financiamiento e inversiones pequeñas o medianas elegirían tomar préstamos bancarios. Por el lado de los factores externos, firmas que operan en países con alto riesgo país o con un mercado de capitales poco desarrollado optarán por pedir préstamos bancarios antes que bonos debido al mayor costo relativo de estos últimos, sobre todo en economías emergentes

    Eco-innovación en el sector hotelero de Nuevo Nayarit, México. Una perspectiva sustentable

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    The study of eco-innovation is a field of growing relevance in the scientific field, has been the subject of exhaustive analyses from different theoretical and methodological perspectives. The diversity of these approaches demonstrates the vast and complex nature of the construct in an attempt to understand its effects and contributions to the complex environmental problems faced by tourist destinations. In this sense, this research aims to analyse the influence of eco-innovation on the sustainability of the hotel sector in Nuevo Nayarit, Mexico. To achieve this, a quantitative, cross-sectional, and explanatory methodology was used, with the participation of 226 hotel workers in a convenience sample. A partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was used to test the research hypothesis. The results show that eco-innovation has a significant and positive influence on the sustainability of the sector, where good operating practices and environmental management are the most explanatory and predictive aspects. This work contributes to the knowledge of tourism in its relationship with environmental sciences and business management, showing the reality of an international tourist destination on an emerging issue. As future lines of research, it is proposed that the study be adjusted to a larger sample of tourists.El estudio de la eco-innovación es un campo de relevancia ascendente en el ámbito científico, y ha sido objeto de análisis exhaustivos desde distintas perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas. La diversidad de estos enfoques evidencia la amplia y compleja naturaleza del constructo en un intento de comprender sus efectos y contribuciones ante las problemáticas ambientales complejas con las que se enfrentan los destinos turísticos. En ese sentido, el objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la influencia de la eco-innovación sobre la sustentabilidad del sector hotelero de Nuevo Nayarit, México. Para lograrlo se utilizó una metodología con enfoque cuantitativo, de corte transversal y de alcance explicativo, con una participación de 226 trabajadores de la hotelería en una muestra por conveniencia. Para probar la hipótesis de investigación se utilizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales por mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM). Los resultados comprueban que la eco-innovación tiene una influencia significativa y positiva sobre la sustentabilidad del sector, donde las buenas prácticas de operación junto a la gestión ambiental son los aspectos de mayor poder explicativo y predictivo. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento del turismo en su relación con las ciencias ambientales y la gestión empresarial, evidenciando la realidad en un destino turístico internacional sobre un tema de carácter emergente. Como futuras líneas de investigación se propone ajustar el estudio a una muestra mayor y considerar aspectos específicos de la política turística y ambiental

    Objective measured physical activity and metabolic syndrome score in children and adolescents: The UP&DOWN longitudinal study

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    Introduction: We aimed to analyze the cross-sectional and longitudinal association of physical activity (PA) levels and PA patterns with metabolic syndrome score (MetS) in children and adolescents. Methods: A total of 175 children (82 females) and 188 adolescents (95 females) were included. Objective PA levels and patterns were determined by accelerometry. MetS was computed from waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glucose levels. Different linear regression models were implemented to examine the associations of PA with MetS. Results: Vigorous PA, moderate-vigorous PA, number of bouts per day in 10 min (N10), and total time in bouts per day in 10 min (T10) were negatively associated with MetS in male children and adolescents at cross-sectional level (β ranging from −0.005 to −0.164, all p < 0.05). Total time in bouts per day in 20 min in male children, and vigorous PA and N10 in female children were longitudinally and negatively associated with MetS (β ranging from −0.011 to −0.247, all p < 0.05). Conclusions: Associations of PA and MetS were observed at cross-sectional level in males and longitudinally in female children. The associations in PA patterns were found when patterns were grouped into bouts of 10 min. Therefore, for future studies of PA with health markers in the pediatric population, it would be advisable to choose bouts of shorter durationEste trabajo fue financiado por el Plan Nacional de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (IDi) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España (DEP 2010-21 662-C04-00 [DEP 2010-21 662-C04-01: DEP 2010-21 662-C04-02: DEP 2010-21 662-C04-03: DEP 2010-21 662-C04-04]). Las organizaciones financiadoras no tuvieron ningún papel en la recopilación de datos, análisis, interpretación o informe final del estudio

    Systemic Minoxidil Accidental Exposure in a Paediatric Population: A Case Series Study of Cutaneous and Systemic Side Effects

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    This article will be part of the doctoral thesis of the author Manuel Sánchez-Díaz.Oral minoxidil is an approved treatment for high blood pressure which is also used as an off-label drug for alopecia. Knowledge about the effects of systemic minoxidil in the paediatric population is limited. A retrospective case series study of paediatric patients with history of systemic minoxidil intake due to contaminated sets of omeprazole was performed to describe side effects of high dose oral minoxidil intake in children. Twenty patients aged between 2 months and 13 years joined the study. They had received high doses of oral minoxidil (mean dose 0.90 mg/kg/day) during a mean time of 38.3 days. Hypertrichosis appeared in 65%, with a mean latency time of 24.31 days. Treatment time was associated with the appearance of hypertrichosis (p < 0.05). Most common initial zone of hypertrichosis was the face. Systemic effects developed in 15%, with no cases of severe disorders. The present study shows a novel insight into the side effects of high doses of oral minoxidil in children


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    The goal of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a markerless silhouette-based tracking and hybrid tracking against traditional marker tracking. Different speeds in gait and running conditions were analysed. In the literature, studies most often make use of low cost rather than high performance systems. Markerless systems allow us to evaluate in the most natural conditions. Very high correlations were obtained depending on the joint. The use of markerless tracking is still new regarding motion analysis in sports or for clinical purposes. This technology could be a very good solution for clinical rehabilitation and real sports situations

    Estudio e integración de Sistemas de Combate Autónomos en unidades de Infantería

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    El avance de la tecnología ha provocado grandes cambios en la forma de combatir de los ejércitos, provocando que los ejércitos que mejor se supieran adaptar a ellos dominaran al resto. Actualmente, el auge de la inteligencia artificial y los avances en robótica han dado lugar a los Sistemas de Armas Autónomos (AWS). Este avance implica un posible nuevo cambio en la forma de combatir, por lo que es justificada la necesidad de estudiarlos y buscar una integración en el Ejército.En este trabajo se ha realizado un análisis de la tecnología que compone a los AWS para entender su funcionamiento y limitaciones, y también el marco legal y su origen, los debates internacionales sobre su uso, para esclarecer a lo que se pueden llegar a convertir estos sistemas. Finalmente se ha realizado un estudio general del arma de Infantería y de diferentes modelos que pueden ser integrados en las unidades para, a través de un análisis DAFO llegar al resultado del sistema más adecuado.De este estudio se concluye que las limitaciones tecnológicas y legales actuales provocan la necesidad de contar con operadores humanos, no alcanzándose el grado de autonomía total. Finalmente, para las unidades de Infantería ligeras el sistema más adecuado ha sido el modelo THeMIS y para las mecanizadas y acorazadas el Type-X Combat. Ambos son de la empresa Milrem Robotics y se han considerado los más adecuados tras el estudio de las debilidades y fortalezas de cada unidad.<br /