172 research outputs found

    Stellar population gradients in Fornax Cluster S0 galaxies: connecting bulge and disk evolution

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    We present absorption-line index gradients for a sample of S0 galaxies in the Fornax Cluster. The sample has been selected to span a wide range in galaxy mass, and the deep VLT-FORS2 spectroscopy allows us to explore the stellar populations all the way to the outer disk-dominated regions of these galaxies. We find that globally, in both bulges and disks, star formation ceased earliest in the most massive systems, as a further manifestation of downsizing. However, within many galaxies, we find an age gradient which indicates that star formation ended first in the outermost regions. Metallicity gradients, when detected, are always negative such that the galaxy centres are more metal-rich. This finding fits with a picture in which star formation continued in the central regions, with enriched material, after it had stopped in the outskirts. Age and metallicity gradients are correlated, suggesting that large differences in star formation history between the inner and outer parts of S0 galaxies yield large differences in their chemical enrichment. In agreement with previous results, we conclude that the radial variations in the stellar populations of S0 galaxies are compatible with the hypothesis that these galaxies are the descendants of spiral galaxies whose star formation has ceased. With the addition of radial gradient information, we are able to show that this shutdown of star formation occurred from the outside inward, with the later star formation in the central regions offering a plausible mechanism for enhancing the bulge light in these systems, as the transformation to more bulge-dominated S0 galaxies requires.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures and Appendix, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Optically-passive spirals: The missing link in gradual star formation suppression upon cluster infall

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    Galaxies migrate from the blue cloud to the red sequence when their star formation is quenched. Here, we report on galaxies quenched by environmental effects and not by mergers or strong AGN as often invoked: They form stars at a reduced rate which is optically even less conspicuous, and manifest a transition population of blue spirals evolving into S0 galaxies. These 'optically passive' or 'red spirals' are found in large numbers in the STAGES project (and by Galaxy Zoo) in the infall region of clusters and groups.Comment: Proceedings of "The Starburst-AGN connection" conference held in Shanghai, Oct 27-31, 200

    The Palaeocene Cerro Munro tonalite intrusion (Chubut Province, Argentina): A plutonic remnant of explosive volcanism?

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    The Cerro Munro sub-volcanic intrusion is emplaced in the back-arc (400 km from the trench) as small sub-circular tonalite-granodiorite plutons with abundant radial porphyritic dikes. U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data give an age of crystallization of 57 Ma ± 1.4 Ma. It is located to the east of the North Patagonian Batholith (NPB) that shows a protracted and episodic magmatic history from Cretaceous to Miocene time. The NPB Palaeogene episode is characterized by the lack of magmatic activity at the arc axis, as small plutonic emplacements move to the fore-arc and back-arc. This Palaeogene tectono-magmatic episode is ruled by the detachment of the Aluk plate during the Aluk-Farallon-SAM triple junction, active at that time along northern Patagonia active margin, changing the Cretaceous ?NPB orogenic? setting to a Palaeogene ?Munro transitional? tectono-magmatic setting. Near the contacts, the tonalite contains abundant enclaves of igneous appearance and variable size from several cm to dm, described as autoliths. The study of autoliths and host tonalite reveals interesting results on the processes of fractionation in a thermally zoned magma chamber. Autoliths, and in a large extent the host tonalite, represent disguised cumulates from which a hydrous silicic liquid was extracted. Barometry calculations from mineral chemistry in both autoliths and tonalites record a shallow pressure of emplacement of 0.5 kbar. Rhyolite-dacite flows and ignimbrites, surrounding the northern contact of the Cerro Munro tonalite, may represent the exsolved liquid from the plutonic cumulates. The study by cathodoluminiscence and electron backscattered diffraction techniques from a rhyolite-hosted quartz supports this protracted history of the Cerro Munro magma chamber.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Investigaciones GeológicasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    The Palaeocene Cerro Munro tonalite intrusion (Chubut Province, Argentina): A plutonic remnant of explosive volcanism?

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    The Cerro Munro sub-volcanic intrusion is emplaced in the back-arc (400 km from the trench) as small sub-circular tonalite-granodiorite plutons with abundant radial porphyritic dikes. U-Pb zircon SHRIMP data give an age of crystallization of 57 Ma ± 1.4 Ma. It is located to the east of the North Patagonian Batholith (NPB) that shows a protracted and episodic magmatic history from Cretaceous to Miocene time. The NPB Palaeogene episode is characterized by the lack of magmatic activity at the arc axis, as small plutonic emplacements move to the fore-arc and back-arc. This Palaeogene tectono-magmatic episode is ruled by the detachment of the Aluk plate during the Aluk-Farallon-SAM triple junction, active at that time along northern Patagonia active margin, changing the Cretaceous ?NPB orogenic? setting to a Palaeogene ?Munro transitional? tectono-magmatic setting. Near the contacts, the tonalite contains abundant enclaves of igneous appearance and variable size from several cm to dm, described as autoliths. The study of autoliths and host tonalite reveals interesting results on the processes of fractionation in a thermally zoned magma chamber. Autoliths, and in a large extent the host tonalite, represent disguised cumulates from which a hydrous silicic liquid was extracted. Barometry calculations from mineral chemistry in both autoliths and tonalites record a shallow pressure of emplacement of 0.5 kbar. Rhyolite-dacite flows and ignimbrites, surrounding the northern contact of the Cerro Munro tonalite, may represent the exsolved liquid from the plutonic cumulates. The study by cathodoluminiscence and electron backscattered diffraction techniques from a rhyolite-hosted quartz supports this protracted history of the Cerro Munro magma chamber.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoCentro de Investigaciones GeológicasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Spectroscopic bulge-disc decomposition: a new method to study the evolution of lenticular galaxies

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    A new method for spectroscopic bulge-disc decomposition is presented, in which the spatial light profile in a two-dimensional spectrum is decomposed wavelength-by-wavelength into bulge and disc components, allowing separate one-dimensional spectra for each component to be constructed. This method has been applied to observations of a sample of nine S0s in the Fornax Cluster in order to obtain clean high-quality spectra of their individual bulge and disc components. So far this decomposition has only been fully successful when applied to galaxies with clean light profiles, consequently limiting the number of galaxies that could be separated into bulge and disc components. Lick index stellar population analysis of the component spectra reveals that in those galaxies where the bulge and disc could be distinguished, the bulges have systematically higher metallicities and younger stellar populations than the discs. This correlation is consistent with a picture in which S0 formation comprises the shutting down of star formation in the disc accompanied by a final burst of star formation in the bulge. The variation in spatial-fit parameters with wavelength also allows us to measure approximate colour gradients in the individual components. Such gradients were detected separately in both bulges and discs, in the sense that redder light is systematically more centrally concentrated in all components. However, a search for radial variations in the absorption line strengths determined for the individual components revealed that they are absent from the vast majority of S0 discs and bulges. The absence of gradients in line indices for most galaxies implies that the colour gradient cannot be attributed to age or metallicity variations, and is therefore most likely associated with varying degrees of obscuration by dust.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A study of prognostic factors in Chinese patients with diabetic foot ulcers

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    Objective: Few studies have identified factors as predictors of clinical prognosis of patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), especially of Chinese patients. In this study, we assessed the prognostic factors of Chinese patients with DFUs. Methods and materials: This was a retrospective study (January 2009–January 2011) of 194 DFUs conducted in an inpatient population at PLA 454 Hospital in Nanjing, China, to determine the prognostic influential factors of DFUs in Chinese patients. All of the studied patients were grouped into an amputation group, a non-healing group, and a cured group, according to the clinical prognosis. Patient parameters, including gender, age, smoking habits, education level, family history of diabetes mellitus, medical history, duration of foot lesions and complications, ankle-brachial index (ABI), transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcPO2), urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (Alb/Cr), fundus oculi, electrocardiogram, DFU characteristics, bacterial nature, and neuropathy, were cross-studied among the three groups. Results: Compared with the other two groups, the amputation group showed a higher number of males, older in age, lower ABI and TcPO2 levels, higher Wagner wound grading and size, and significantly higher urinary Alb/Cr ratio, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, white blood cell count, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Compared to the cured group (162 patients), more patients with an older age, smoking, family history of diabetes mellitus, medical history of foot ulcerations, lower ABI and TcPO2 levels, higher urine Alb/Cr ratio, and serum creatinine were found in the non-healing group. Regression analysis was used to study the correlation between various factors and clinical prognosis, and the results were as follows: age, Wagner wound classification, and heel ulcerations were negatively correlated to the DFU prognosis, whereas the female population, ABI, and TcPO2 were positively correlated with DFU prognosis. Conclusion: In this retrospective study, we conclude that the DFU prognosis may be related to age, gender, wound location (heel), Wagner wound classification, ABI, and TcPO2 levels in the Chinese population

    Updating known distribution models for forecasting climate change impact on endangered species

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    To plan endangered species conservation and to design adequate management programmes, it is necessary to predict their distributional response to climate change, especially under the current situation of rapid change. However, these predictions are customarily done by relating de novo the distribution of the species with climatic conditions with no regard of previously available knowledge about the factors affecting the species distribution. We propose to take advantage of known species distribution models, but proceeding to update them with the variables yielded by climatic models before projecting them to the future. To exemplify our proposal, the availability of suitable habitat across Spain for the endangered Bonelli’s Eagle (Aquila fasciata) was modelled by updating a pre-existing model based on current climate and topography to a combination of different general circulation models and Special Report on Emissions Scenarios. Our results suggested that the main threat for this endangered species would not be climate change, since all forecasting models show that its distribution will be maintained and increased in mainland Spain for all the XXI century. We remark on the importance of linking conservation biology with distribution modelling by updating existing models, frequently available for endangered species, considering all the known factors conditioning the species’ distribution, instead of building new models that are based on climate change variables only.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and FEDER (project CGL2009-11316/BOS


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    Tropical deciduous forests are among the leaststudied forests in Mexico and the most diverse dry forests in the world. Extensive cattleranching and changes in land use to pasturesare important pressures for these forests,which are considered among the most threatened in the world. This paper analyzes thestructure, species diversity and uses of treespecies of the tropical deciduous forest foundin the Northern portion of the Sierra deManantlan Biosphere Reserve. Four areas oftropical deciduous forest used by cattle wereselected. These correspond to: a 10 year oldsecondary vegetation corridor, two areasof 15 and 20 year old forest, and another oneof approximately 30 years. Vegetation data werecollected through a randomly point centeredquadrant sampling and ethnobotanic datathrough open interviews. We conclude that:1) over 80% of the tree species in the secondary deciduous tropical forest in Zenzontla haveat least one use, 2) species diversity (Shannon-Wiener Index) in Zenzontla’s deciduoustropical forests is higher than that of othervegetation types found in the Sierra deManantlan, such as cloud forest, pine forestand pine-oak forest, 3) species diversity anduse increase with time, 4) the number of individuals of forage species is less than thenumber of individuals of the group of specieswith other uses, and 5) size structure sugeststhat in the future non-forage species will bemore dominant than forage species. Paradoxically, important areas of the deciduous tropical forest used for forage and other uses (mainly medicinal and food) are under pressure for substitution for pastures.El bosque tropical caducifolio es uno de losbosques menos estudiados en México y esuno de los más diversos del mundo. Laganadería extensiva y el cambio de uso delsuelo (de bosques a pastos) representan unapresión importante para este bosque tropical,por lo que está considerado entre los másamenazados de los bosques tropicales delmundo. En este trabajo se analizan laestructura, la diversidad de especies y usosde las especies arbóreas del bosque tropicalcaducifolio del norte de la reserva de la BiosferaSierra de Manantlán. Se seleccionaron cuatroáreas de bosque tropical caducifolio usadaspor el ganado que corresponden a: un corredorde vegetación secundaria de 10 años, dos áreasde bosque de 15 y 20, y otro más conaproximadamente 30 años. Los datos de lavegetación se tomaron a través de muestreosaleatorios de punto cuadrante y entrevistas abiertas para los datos etnobotánicos.Concluimos que: 1) más del 80 por ciento delas especies arbóreas del bosque tropicalcaducifolio secundario de Zenzontla tienen almenos un uso, 2) la diversidad de especies(índice de Shannon-Wiener) de Zenzontla esmayor que otros tipos de vegetación de laSierra de Manantlán, por ejemplo, bosquemesófilo de montaña, bosque de pino y bosquede pino-encino, 3) a través del tiempo, ladiversidad de especies y de usos aumenta, 4)el número de individuos de especies con usoforrajero es menor que el número de individuosde especies con otros usos, y 5) la estructurade tamaños sugiere que, en el futuro, lasespecies no forrajeras podrían ser másdominantes que las forrajeras. La paradoja esque áreas importantes del bosque tropicalcaducifolio con especies de uso forrajero y otrosusos (principalmente medicinal y alimenticio),presentan una fuerte presión debido a sueliminación total o parcial de estas áreas paraser sustituidas por pastizales