1,002 research outputs found

    La geometría analítica en los libros de texto para secundaria y universidad en España en el siglo XIX

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    [ES]Tras la publicación en 1637 de la obra cumbre de Descartes, El Discurso del Método, y de la Isagoge de Fermat en 1679, comienza la andadura de una nueva rama de las matemáticas, que pronto mostraría ser una potente herramienta en la resolución de problemas geométricos: la Geometría Analítica. Tras ser adoptada por gran número de matemáticos, que contribuyeron a su desarrollo y difusión en el siglo XVIII, en el XIX se vio envuelta en una agria polémica junto con la Geometría Sintética. Frente a los defensores del uso del Álgebra en la resolución de los problemas geométricos por la sencillez que aporta a la misma, estaban los que defendían el uso de métodos puramente geométricos, que muestran mayor claridad en las demostraciones. Esta polémica, junto con el desarrollo de la Geometría Proyectiva en el siglo XIX, contribuyeron a que la Geometría Analítica terminara fundiéndose con la primera, la cual se mostró finalmente como "todas las Geometrías", como llegó a afirmar Cayley. En el presente trabajo estudiamos la evolución de la Geometría Analítica en nuestro país en el siglo XIX, desde una geometría que conservaba aún elementos de la Geometría de Descartes, hacia la Geometría Analítico-Proyectiva. Nuestro problema de investigación consiste un estudio de la evolución histórica de la Geometría Analítica en España, en el siglo XIX, a través del tratamiento que se hace de ella en los libros de texto utilizados en la enseñanza secundaria y en la Facultad de Ciencias. Hemos abordado este problema desde dos puntos de vista: Desde el punto de vista de las Matemáticas como disciplina científica, estudiando el nacimiento y el desarrollo de la Geometría Analítica como una nueva rama de las Matemáticas, y su introducción y evolución en España en el siglo XIX. Desde el punto de vista de las Matemáticas como contenido curricular, estudiando la introducción y desarrollo de la Geometría Analítica en el currículo de secundaria y en el de la Facultad de Ciencias. Para ello hemos realizado un análisis de contenido de una muestra significativa de libros de texto de Geometría Analítica utilizados en el periodo y las etapas educativas citadas, considerando tres aspectos del mismo: estructura conceptual, sistemas de representación y fenomenología. Nos hemos centrado en el estudio del Análisis determinado, y del tratamiento que se le da a las ecuaciones de la recta, incluyendo la solución de gran número de problemas, que nos muestran la forma de hacer Geometría Analítica en este siglo. Las obras analizadas son las siguientes: Tratado elemental de matemáticas, Vallejo, J.M (1817); Geometría analítica-descriptiva, Zorraquín, M (1819); Elementos de matematicas puras y mistas (sic), Lista, A. (1823); Curso completo de matemáticas puras, Odriozola, J. (1829); Compendio de matemáticas puras y mixtas, Vallejo, J.M (1840); Tratado elemental de geometría rectilínea y esférica, y de la aplicación del álgebra a la geometría, Lacroix, S.F. (1846); Tratado completo de matemáticas, Santa María, A. Gómez (1846); Geometría Analítica, Cortázar, J. (1862); Lecciones De Geometría Analítica, Mundi, S. (1883); Geometría Analítica, Sánchez Solís, I. (1883); Geometría Analítica, Vegas, M. (1906). Por otra parte hemos estudiado la Geometría Analítica desde el punto de vista curricular, a través del análisis de los planes de estudios de secundaria y Facultad de Ciencias, desde 1836 hasta 1900. Estos análisis, junto con del estudio comparativo de las obras a lo largo del tiempo, a través de las categorías de análisis definidas, nos han permitido identificar los momentos claves en la evolución de la Geometría Analítica en nuestro país en el s. XIX. - tanto desde el punto de vista curricular, como de disciplina científica-, así como los factores sociales, culturales, científicos y académicos que influyeron en esta evolución y la forma en que lo hicieron

    Sistemas de información sanitarios: bases de registro de información e interacción de profesionales

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    Cartel presentado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridIntroducción: En la actualidad los recursos disponibles para las organizaciones sanitarias han alcanzado unos niveles de desarrollo importantes, ofreciendo con los mismos medios un aumento de las prestaciones de las aplicaciones que resultaban impensables hace unos años; las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC), y de entre ellas los Sistemas de Información (SI) en los que centraremos nuestro trabajo. Objetivos: Conocer que es un Sistema de Información; Porqué están formados y Cuál es su fin dentro de una organización sanitaria. Metodología: Realizamos nuestro estudio observando y analizando el Sistema de Información de nuestra organización, entendiendo como tal la base de datos que recoge la información sanitaria que se genera en ella. Resultados: Atendiendo a la composición y la información contenida, observamos: Se definen las funciones básicas de los Sistemas de Información; Cuál es el objetivo futuro de dicha información; Importancia de los Sistemas de Información. Conclusión: Vivimos en una sociedad en que la información depende cada vez más de las nuevas tecnologías. Nuestros Servicios Sanitarios se encuentran sometidos a unos procesos de globalización, evolucionando de pequeñas bases de datos independientes por centro, a programas integrados por centros. Por esta razón, todos los profesionales sanitarios encargados de su administración deben estar bien formados en los Sistemas de Información existentes en su organización, para el proceso y análisis de la información que se genera y su requerimiento posterior

    Conceptions about the Analytic Geometry in the secondary and university Spanish textbooks during the nineteenth century

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    This article shows the conceptions about the Analytical Geometry held in the textbooks used in Spain during the xix century. These conceptions are extracted from the presentation of the mathematics concepts in these books. Through the content analysis of ten works we have identified four terms to refer to it (Application of Algebra to Geometry, Analytical Geometry, Determinate Analysis and Indeterminate Analysis. And two conceptions: the first one is to consider it as a method for solving geometric problems by means of Algebra, like the method used to solve arithmetic problems, but instead of operating with quantities operating with segments, the second one as a method of solving geometric problems by means of Algebra, using coordinate systems.Este artículo muestra las concepciones acerca de la Geometría Analítica que aparecen en los libros de texto utilizados en España durante el siglo xix y que se extraen de la presentación de los conceptos matemáticos en dichos libros. Mediante el análisis de contenido de diez obras hemos identificado cuatro términos para referirse a ella: Aplicación del Álgebra a la Geometría, Geometría Analítica, Análisis determinada y Análisis indeterminada. Y dos concepciones: la primera de ellas es considerarla como un método de resolución de problemas geométricos por medio del Álgebra, de manera similar a como se utiliza para resolver problemas aritméticos, pero operando con segmentos en vez de operar con cantidades y la segunda, como un método de resolución de problemas geométricos por medio del Álgebra utilizando sistemas de coordenadas

    La geometría analítica en el Curso completo de matemáticas puras (1829) de José de Odriozola

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    While the teaching of analytical geometry in Spain at the beginning of the 19th century shows some reminiscences of the geometry of Descartes, it also incorporates the use of coordinate systems, much as is done today. The work Curso Completo de Matemáticas Puras, by José Odriozola, publishedbetween 1827 and 1829, is a good example of this. In fact, in this book we find both ways of doing analytical geometry, although they are clearly differentiated into different sections. In this article we provide a brief biography of Odriozola, an overview of the socio-educative context of the time, and a look at the contents that were part of each of the two sections mentioned. The first section – that of analytic geometry - describes how algebraic expressions were constructed, the geometric interpretations that were given, the problems raised, the interpretation of negative solutions to these problems and the limitations of the algebraic expressions to homogeneous equations. These last two aspects were a bone of contention for every textbook author, at least during the first half of the nineteenth century. Likewise, we analyze the coordinate systems that appear in the book, along with the utility that was given to these systems for solving certain geometric problems.La enseñanza de la Geometría Analítica en España en los inicios del siglo XIX muestra ciertas reminiscencias de la Geometría de Descartes, aunque también incorpora el uso de sistemas de coordenadas casi como lo hacemos en la actualidad. La obra Curso Completo de Matemáticas Puras escrita entre 1827 y 1829 por José Odriozola es una buena muestra de ello. De hecho, en el libro encontramos estas dos formas de hacer Geometría Analítica, aunque claramente diferenciadas en apartados distintos. En este artículo se hace una breve semblanza del autor, se sitúa en el contexto social y educativo de la época y se muestran los contenidos que formaban parte de cada uno de los dos apartados indicados. En cuanto al primero, se señala la forma en que eran construidas geométricamente las expresiones algebraicas, la interpretación geométrica que se les daba, los problemas que se planteaban, la interpretación de las soluciones negativas de dichos problemas y las limitaciones de las expresiones algebraicas a ecuaciones homogéneas. Estos dos últimos aspectos fueron un caballo de batalla para todos los autores de libros de texto, al menos de la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Así mismo, se presentan los sistemas de coordenadas considerados en el libro y la utilidad que se les daba para resolver algunos problemas geométricos.

    Current Advanced Therapies Based on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Skin Diseases

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    Skin disease may be related with immunological disorders, external aggressions, or genetic conditions. Injuries or cutaneous diseases such as wounds, burns, psoriasis, and scleroderma among others are common pathologies in dermatology, and in some cases, conventional treatments are ineffective. In recent years, advanced therapies using human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) from different sources has emerged as a promising strategy for the treatment of many pathologies. Due to their properties; regenerative, immunomodulatory and differentiation capacities, they could be applied for the treatment of cutaneous diseases. In this review, a total of thirteen types of hMSCs used as advanced therapy have been analyzed, considering the last 5 years (2015–2020). The most investigated types were those isolated from umbilical cord blood (hUCB-MSCs), adipose tissue (hAT-MSCs) and bone marrow (hBM-MSCs). The most studied diseases were wounds and ulcers, burns and psoriasis. At preclinical level, in vivo studies with mice and rats were the main animal models used, and a wide range of types of hMSCs were used. Clinical studies analyzed revealed that cell therapy by intravenous administration was the advanced therapy preferred except in the case of wounds and burns where tissue engineering was also reported. Although in most of the clinical trials reviewed results have not been posted yet, safety was high and only local slight adverse events (mild nausea or abdominal pain) were reported. In terms of effectiveness, it was difficult to compare the results due to the different doses administered and variables measured, but in general, percentage of wound’s size reduction was higher than 80% in wounds, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index and Severity Scoring for Atopic Dermatitis were significantly reduced, for scleroderma, parameters such as Modified Rodnan skin score (MRSC) or European Scleroderma Study Group activity index reported an improvement of the disease and for hypertrophic scars, Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) score was decreased after applying these therapies. On balance, hMSCs used for the treatment of cutaneous diseases is a promising strategy, however, the different experimental designs and endpoints stablished in each study, makes necessary more research to find the best way to treat each patient and disease.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe") PI13/02576 PI17/02083Andalusian Regional Government SAS PI-0458-2016 PIGE-0242-2019Instituto de Salud Carlos III (European Social Fund "Investing in your future") FI18/0026

    Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Mental Health in Nurses from Huelva: A Cross-Cutting Study during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

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    : Currently, healthcare professionals are particularly vulnerable to the impact of the SARSCoV-2pandemic since they directly deal with patients suffering from this disease and are in the first line of fire, which increases their risk of contagion. This research examines the prevalence of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and possible non-psychotic psychiatric disorders in 48 male and 270 female nursing professionals of Huelva during the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, we analyzed the relationship between these dependent variables and considered various sociodemographic variables. The nursing staff of public hospitals in Huelva who have had contact with cases of SARS-CoV-2 in their work environment showed a poorer state of mental health than that of others of this same professional category who have not had contact with this type of situatio

    Prospective clinical and DaT-SPECT imaging in premotor LRRK2 G2019S-associated Parkinson disease

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    Objective: To assess the value of baseline clinical and imaging biomarkers in a cohort of asymptomatic LRRK2 G2019S carriers for predicting conversion to Parkinson disease (PD) at 4 years. Methods: Thirty-two asymptomatic carriers of LRRK2 G2019S mutation underwent baseline and 4-year evaluation including clinical examination (Unified Parkinson?s Disease Rating Scale, part III, olfaction University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test [UPSIT]) and dopamine transporter (DaT) SPECT (123I-ioflupane). Visual and semiquantitative analysis of images was performed. The specific striatal binding ratio was calculated (striatal region of interest [ROI] 2 occipital ROI/ occipital ROI). Results: Three carriers, asymptomatic at baseline, had converted to PD at 4-year evaluation. Twenty-three participants were fully evaluated. PD converters had lower striatal DaT binding at baseline than nonconverters (p 50.002). A baseline scan with a ratio of bilateral striatal uptake below 1 predicted conversion to PD within the 4-year period with high sensitivity and specificity (area under the curve 1; p 5 0.006). The slope of DaT binding decline between the 2 scans was similar in PD converters and nonconverters. Age-adjusted UPSIT score at baseline and at 4 years was similar in both groups. Conclusions: Semiquantitative DaT-SPECT could be used to predict early conversion to PD in asymptomatic carriers of the LRRK2 G2019S mutation. Rate of conversion to PD at 4 years in this cohort aged ;64 years was 12%. The slope of DaT binding decline on DaT-SPECT imaging seems to be similar across different stages of the premotor perio

    Anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of GHRH antagonists in prostate cancer

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    Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and its receptors have been implicated in the progression of various tumors. In vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that GHRH antagonists inhibit the growth of several cancers. GHRH antagonists, JMR-132 and JV-1-38 inhibit the growth of androgen-independent prostate tumors. Here we investigated the involvement of GHRH antagonists in proliferative and apoptotic processes. We used non-tumoral RWPE-1 and tumoral LNCaP and PC3 human prostatic epithelial cells, as well as an experimental model of human tumor PC3 cells. We evaluated the effects of JMR-132 and JV-1-38 antagonists on cell viability and proliferation in the three cell lines by means of MTT and BrdU assays, respectively, as well as on cell cycle and apoptotic process in PC3 cells. The expression levels of PCNA, p53, p21, CD44, Cyclin D1, c-myc, Bax and Bcl2 were determined in both in vivo and in vitro models by means of Western-blot and RT-PCR. GHRH antagonists suppressed cell proliferation and decreased the levels of the proliferation marker, PCNA, in the three cell lines and in PC3 tumor. GHRH antagonists led to an increase of cells in S-phase and a decrease in G1 and G2/M phases, and induced S-phase arrest and increase of apoptotic cells. The effects of GHRH-antagonists on cell cycle could be due to the changes observed in the expression of p21, p53, Bax, Bcl2, CD44, Cyclin D1, c-myc and caspase 3. Present results confirm and extend the role of GHRH antagonists as anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic molecules in prostate cancer.Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Manch

    Antitumoral effects of vasoactive intestinal peptide in human renal cell carcinoma xenografts in athymic nude mice

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    We studied antitumor effect of VIP in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) (A498 cells xenografted in immunosuppressed mice). VIP-treated cells gave resulted in p53 upregulation and decreased nuclear ?-catenin translocation and NFKB expression, MMP-2 and MMP-9 activities, VEGF levels and CD-34 expression. VIP led to a more differentiated tubular organization in tumours and less metastatic areas. Thus, VIP inhibits growth of A498-cell tumours acting on the major issues involved in RCC progression such as cell proliferation, microenvironment remodelling, tumour invasion, angiogenesis and metastatic ability. These antitumoral effects of VIP offer new therapeutical possibilities in RCC treatment.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaFundación Mutua MadrileñaFundación Jesús Serra (Grupo Catalana de Occidente

    The Role of Exosomes Derived From Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Dermatology

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    This study has been funded by the Carlos III Health Institute of Spain through the PI13/02576 and PI17/02083 projects [cofunded by European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe" and Andalusian Regional Government Finance (SAS PI-0458-2016)]. The work of MQ-V was supported by a predoctoral fellowship (BOE 22/10/2019) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. This study is part of her doctoral research in the Biomedicine program at the University of Granada.The skin is the largest organ of the human body and its main functions include providing protection from external harmful agents, regulating body temperature, and homeostatic maintenance. Skin injuries can damage this important barrier and its functions so research focuses on approaches to accelerate wound healing and treat inflammatory skin diseases. Due to their regenerative and immunomodulatory properties, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been reported to play a significant role in skin repair and regeneration. However, it seems that the secretome of these cells and exosomes in particular may be responsible for their functions in skin regeneration and the immunomodulation field. The present review aims to gather the available information about the role of MSC-derived exosomes for both in vitro and in vivo models of different skin conditions and to highlight the need for further research in order to overcome any limitations for clinical translation.Carlos III Health Institute of Spain [European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe"] PI13/02576 PI17/02083Carlos III Health Institute of Spain [Andalusian Regional Government Finance] PI13/02576 PI17/02083 SAS PI-0458-2016Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities BOE 22/10/201