178 research outputs found

    Does longevity impact the severity of traffic accidents? A comparative study of young-older and old-older drivers [WP]

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    This article seeks to demonstrate differences in the severity of traffic accidents among two subgroups of older drivers – young-older (65–75) and old-older (75+). Spain, in common with other countries, has recorded an increase in its number of older drivers due to an increase in this population cohort, an increase that is set to become significant over coming years. Moreover, older drivers are now living and driving for longer periods given increasing levels of life expectancy for the elderly. The greater frequency and longevity of older drivers suggests the need to introduce a possible segmentation within this group at risk, in line with practices for drivers below the age of 65 (thus eliminating the generic interval of 65 and over as applied today in road safety data and in the automobile insurance sector). Here, we draw on data for 2016 provided by the Dirección General de Tráfico de España (Spanish Traffic Authority) and apply generalized additive and generalized linear models to demonstrate that accident severity and the expected costs of accidents increase when the driver is over the age of 75. We identify the factors related to the accident, vehicle and driver that have a significant impact on the probability of the accident being slight, serious or fatal for different age groups. Our results have obvious implications for regulators responsible for road safety policies – most specifically as they consider the need to introduce an upper age limit for driving – and for the automobile insurance industry, which to date has not examined the impact that the longevity of drivers is likely to have on their balance sheets

    Developing Project Managers’ Transversal Competences Using Building Information Modeling

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    The emergence of building information modeling (BIM) methodology requires the training of professionals with both specific and transversal skills. In this paper, a project-based learning experience carried out in the context of a project management course at the University of Extremadura is analyzed. To that end, a questionnaire was designed and given to students who participated in the initiative. Results suggest that BIM can be considered a virtual learning environment, from which students value the competences developed. The emotional performance observed was quite flat. Similarly, students valued the usefulness of the initiative. Students expressed a desire for the methodological change of the university classes, and thought that BIM methodology could be useful for other courses. The results obtained show a line of work to be done to improve the training of students and university teaching

    Docentes Tik Tok

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    Tik Tok es la red social que se ha convertido en los últimos años, en el medio de comunicación más usado por jóvenes, por su facilidad para producir y transmitir breves mensajes en formato de video de manera creativa y divertida. Sin embargo, cuando los docentes deciden incursionar en ella, encuentran una excelente herramienta para experimentar otras vías de aprendizaje, metodologías para presentar información y producir sus recursos didácticos. El presente trabajo muestra la experiencia de 29 docentes de cuatro países de América Latina, que se atrevieron a darse de alta en esta red, para exponer sus propuestas de investigación y reflexionar sobre esta experiencia de Aprendizaje experiencial.Tik Tok is the social network that has become, in recent years, the communication medium most used by young people, due to its ease of producing and transmitting short messages in video format in a creative and fun way. However, when teachers decide to venture into it, they find an excellent tool to experience other ways of learning, methodologies to present information and produce their teaching resources. This paper shows the experience of 29 teachers from four Latin American countries, who dared to register in this network, to present their research proposals and reflect on this experience of Experiential Learning.Tik Tok es la red social que se ha convertido en los últimos años, en el medio de comunicación más usado por jóvenes, por su facilidad para producir y transmitir breves mensajes en formato de video de manera creativa y divertida. Sin embargo, cuando los docentes deciden incursionar en ella, encuentran una excelente herramienta para experimentar otras vías de aprendizaje, metodologías para presentar información y producir sus recursos didácticos. El presente trabajo muestra la experiencia de 29 docentes de cuatro países de América Latina, que se atrevieron a darse de alta en esta red, para exponer sus propuestas de investigación y reflexionar sobre esta experiencia de Aprendizaje experiencial

    Tipología de consumidores de miel con educación universitaria en México

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    Mexico is a honey-producing country, paradoxically, its per capita consumption is low compared to European countries. The objective was to make a typology of honey consumers in Mexico with a minimum educational level of bachelor’s degree in ages from 20 to 60 years and to determine their socioeconomic characteristics and aspects that motivate consumption. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of 1,003 honey consumers who met the conditions of age and school level. The information was analyzed using cluster and discriminant analysis. Three types of consumers were identified: 1) educated consumers with average income (34.4 %), they were those who consume honey frequently, have extensive knowledge about beekeeping by-products and honey properties, prefer to buy the product from beekeepers; 2) highly educated consumers with high income (25.8 %), most of them have postgraduate degrees and receive income greater than 5,000perweek,theywerepeopleofmatureageandwithmoderateconsumptionofhoney,athirdofthisgrouponlyknowhoney,haveknowledgeofitspropertiesandqualities,theyareindifferenttotheplaceofpurchase;and3)educatedconsumerswithlowincome(39.85,000 per week, they were people of mature age and with moderate consumption of honey, a third of this group only know honey, have knowledge of its properties and qualities, they are indifferent to the place of purchase; and 3) educated consumers with low income (39.8 %), it grouped young consumers who only have a bachelor’s degree, their consumption is moderate, they prefer to buy the product in markets. The groups of consumers formed provide information on a segment of the honey market in Mexico, it is necessary to continue conducting research on issues related to consumption and preference of honey consumers in Mexico.México es un país productor de miel, paradójicamente, su consumo per cápita es bajo comparado con los países europeos. El objetivo fue realizar una tipología a consumidores de miel en México con nivel educativo mínimo de licenciatura en edades de 20 a 60 años y determinar sus características socioeconómicas y aspectos que motivan el consumo. Se aplicó un cuestionario a una muestra de 1,003 consumidores de miel que cumplieran con las condiciones de edad y nivel escolar. La información se analizó mediante análisis de conglomerados y discriminante. Se identificaron tres tipos de consumidores: 1) consumidores educados con ingresos promedio (34.4 %), fueron los que consumen miel frecuentemente, tienen un amplio conocimiento sobre los subproductos de la apicultura y propiedades de la miel, prefieren comprar el producto con los apicultores; 2) consumidores altamente educados con ingresos altos (25.8 %), en su mayoría tienen posgrado y reciben ingresos mayores a 5,000 semanales, fueron personas en edad madura y con consumo moderado de miel, una tercera parte de este grupo solo conocen la miel, tienen conocimiento de sus propiedades y cualidades, les es indiferente el lugar de compra; y 3) consumidores educados con ingreso bajo (39.8 %), agrupó a consumidores jóvenes que solo tienen nivel de licenciatura, su consumo es moderado, prefieren comprar el producto en mercados.  Los grupos de consumidores conformados brindan información sobre un segmento del mercado de la miel en México, es necesario continuar realizando investigaciones sobre temas referentes a consumo y preferencia de los consumidores de miel en México

    Linkage to the market of jalapeño pepper producers through supplier development in Quintana Roo

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    Objective. Analyze the characteristics and demand for jalapeño pepper in the restaurant sector in Quintana Roo to identify the supply requirements of this sector. Design / methodology / approach A random sample of 72 restaurants surveyed online was used. Results. 87.5% of restaurants have been established in less than six years, and although most of the establishments sell Mexican food, only 41.6% are interested in supplying jalapeño pepper producers. Limitations/implications. Formalizing a supply strategy requires the social capital of the producers. Findings/conclusions. Restaurants require consistent delivery frequency, product size, spicy pepper, and color.Objective: To analyze the jalapeño pepper characteristics and demand of the restaurant sector in Quintana Roo, in order to identify the supply requirements of this sector. Design/Methodology/Approach: A random sample of n=73 restaurants were surveyed online. Results: Most of the restaurants (87.5%) have been in business for less than six years and —although most of them sell Mexican food— only 41.6% are interested in purchasing jalapeño peppers from the producers. Study Limitations/Implications: Producers must invest their social capital in order to firmly establish a supply strategy. Findings/Conclusions: The restaurants that purchase jalapeño pepper demand a constant delivery frequency, size, pungency level, and specific color

    Social network of producers of dehydrated products with thermosolar technology in Zacatecas, Mexico

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    Objective: analyze the social networks and the trust that exists among the producers of dehydrated products with solar thermal technology in the agricultural strip of Zacatecas, in order to determine the organizational potential through prevailing levels of trust among the producers. Design/methodology/approach: a survey was applied to 30 dehydrated producers who have received training and information on the use of the solar thermal plant, all belonging to the state of Zacatecas. Indicators were used for the analysis of social networks. Results: the results confirmed the importance of direct and indirect links, of the total number of producers, eighteen of them had no relationship with any producer, however, the rest showed at least one interaction with another producer. The producers have notable characteristics and acceptable trust relationships. Limitations on study/implications: the results apply to the selected sample; the thermosolar food dehydration technology is still unknown among the producers. Findings/conclusions: trust relationships must be strengths and strategies must be created to disseminate knowledge in a timely and efficient manner with key stakeholders and strengthen their pre-existing interactions.Objective: To analyze the social networks and the trust there is among the producers of dehydrated productswith thermosolar technology in the agricultural strip of Zacatecas, in order to determine the organizationalpotential through prevailing levels of trust between producers.Design/methodology/approach: A survey was applied to 30 producers of dehydrated products who havereceived training and information about the use of the thermosolar plant, all belonging to the state of Zacatecas.Indicators were used for the social networks analysis.Results: The results confirmed the importance of direct and indirect links; of all the producers, eighteenhad no relationship with any other producer, although the rest showed at least one interaction with anotherproducer. The producers have notable characteristics and acceptable trust relationships.Limitations on study/implications: The results apply to the selected sample; thermosolar food dehydrationtechnology is still unknown among the producers.Findings/conclusions: Trust relationships must be strengthened and strategies should be created to disseminateknowledge in a timely and efficient manner with key stakeholders and thus boost their pre-existing interactions

    Sistema de gestión de calidad en una universidad pública peruana: análisis de los procesos principales y gestión de riesgos

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    An analysis of the quality management system of the Faculty of Sciences of a public university in Peru is presented. The objective was the identification, description, characterization and analysis of risks of the main processes of university management. Methodologically, the document review technique was used for diagnosis purposes, in addition, the ISO 9001:2015 STANDARD was used as a guide to identify, characterize processes, and carry out a risk analysis according to the process approach. The results made it possible to identify and describe the procedures and make a proposal for risk management of the main processes within the framework of the implementation of a quality management system.Se presenta un análisis del sistema de gestión de la calidad de la Facultad de Ciencias de una universidad pública del Perú. El objetivo fue la identificación, descripción, caracterización y análisis de riesgos de procesos principales de la gestión universitaria. Metodológicamente se usó la técnica de revisión documentaria para efectos del diagnóstico, además se usó la NORMA ISO 9001:2015 como guía para identificar, caracterizar procesos, y hacer un análisis de riesgos según el enfoque a procesos. Los resultados permitieron identificar y describir los procedimientos y realizar una propuesta para la gestión de riesgos de los procesos principales en el marco de la implementación de un sistema de gestión de calidad

    Cambios en el uso del suelo afectan la calidad del agua y la concentración de clorofila en arroyos tropicales

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    Background: Forest conversion to agriculture and pasture that has occurred in the last decades in southern Mexico can affect the ecological functioning of rivers and streams. Objective: to investigate how land use change at different scales (catchment and riparian zone) influences water quality and benthic chlorophyll in streams of the Chiapas and Tabasco mountains. Methods: Over a period of 13 months, water physicochemical variables were measured, and samples were collected for the determination of nutrients, suspended solids, and benthic chlorophyll in eight streams encompassing different land use and cover in the Puyacatengo, Pichucalco, and Teapa sub-basins of the Grijalva watershed. The study variables were statistically compared among land use categories and seasons and the relationship with land use at different scales was analyzed. Results: Streams draining forested areas showed lower water temperature, conductivity, pH, and phosphorus and benthic chlorophyll concentrations than streams in pasture and mixed land use categories. Forest streams also showed a greater proportion of suspended organic matter and dissolved oxygen concentration than the more disturbed streams. Temporal dispersion of values for stream variables at the forest sites was lower than at pasture and mixed-land use streams. Variation in water quality was related to land use variables at the catchment (forest, pasture, and secondary vegetation) and riparian (pasture and secondary vegetation) scales. Conclusions: Land use changes at the catchment and riparian scales can affect water quality and the functioning of streams in the mountains of Tabasco and Chiapas, and thus conservation and restoration actions, including reforestation, must be implemented at both scales.Antecedentes: En el sureste mexicano, la conversión de bosques hacia usos de suelo agrícola y de pastizales experimentada en las últimas décadas puede afectar el funcionamiento de ríos y arroyos. Objetivo: estudiar la influencia del cambio de uso de suelo a diferentes escalas espaciales (cuenca y zona ribereña) sobre la calidad del agua y la clorofila bentónica en arroyos de la sierra de Chiapas y Tabasco. Métodos: Se realizaron muestreos mensuales durante 13 meses para medir las variables fisicoquímicas y recolectar muestras para determinar las concentraciones de nutrientes, sólidos suspendidos y clorofila bentónica en ocho arroyos con diferentes tipos de uso de suelo (bosque, pasto, uso mixto) en la cuenca baja del río Grijalva. Se compararon estadísticamente las variables estudiadas entre categorías de uso de suelo y épocas del año, y se analizó la relación entre calidad de agua y el uso del suelo a diferentes escalas. Resultados: Los arroyos de bosque presentaron menor temperatura, pH, conductividad y concentraciones de fósforo y clorofila, así como mayor concentración de oxígeno y porcentaje de materia orgánica suspendida que los arroyos de pasto y uso mixto. También se observó menor dispersión temporal en los valores de las variables de los arroyos de bosque a lo largo del año. Se encontró que las variaciones en calidad de agua se asocian a variables a escala de cuenca (bosque, pasto y vegetación secundaria) y zona ribereña (pasto y vegetación secundaria). Conclusiones: Cambios en el uso del suelo a escala de cuenca y ribereña pueden afectar la calidad del agua y el funcionamiento de los arroyos en la sierra de Tabasco y Chiapas, por lo que acciones de conservación y restauración, incluyendo reforestación, deben considerar ambas escalas