2,184 research outputs found

    Desarrollo e implementación de una estrategia de despliegue y mantenimiento de red de nodos sensores

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    El uso de las energías renovables, y en concreto de la solar, implica numerosas ventajas, medioambientales y de sostenibilidad, por lo que predecir la radiación solar que habrá en un determinado lugar en un determinado momento puede ser fundamental para estudiar la producción de energía solar. Para ello, se ha creado un dispositivo con distintos sensores, conectados a una Pycom LoPy, placa de bajo consumo con conectividad WiFi y LoRa, capaz de ejecutar scripts en MicroPython, y todo ello geolocalizado para poder estudiar el punto exacto donde se toman los datos, además de tener un mejor control de cada nodo. Este Trabajo Fin de Máster se ha centrado en una estrategia de despliegue de una red de cientos, incluso miles, de nodos. Esta estrategia describe el cómo se van a posicionar estos nodos, el desarrollo del código necesario para llevar a cabo las tareas necesarias de medición de los sensores, geolocalización, obtención de las redes, envío de los datos a un servidor MQTT, configuración de un servidor y desarrollo de una base de datos para la administración de las horas de sueño del dispositivo, redes cercanas y la geolocalización de cada nodo. Además de estudiar otros aspectos de la LoPy, como su conectividad con certificados, consumo energético y posible retraso del reloj

    El cautivo y su instrumentalización en las relaciones fronterizas tras el Tratado de Guadalupe-Hidalgo

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    This article studies the role that the search, rescue and redemption of the nomadic Indian captives play inside the relationships between Mexico and United States of America. In general terms, we suggest that the captives were an instrument used by both sides to communicate a political message when the Rio Bravo consolidated as an international border. Moreover it was useful to increase contacts among authorities’ and people of both countries. It expresses a public and private convergence of interests in this matter.En este artículo se estudia la función que la búsqueda, rescate y redención de los cautivos de los indios nómadas desempeñó dentro de las relaciones entre México y los Estados Unidos. En líneas generales, proponemos que los cautivos se erigieron en un instrumento para trasmitir un mensaje de contenido político por parte de ambos países, una vez que el Río Bravo se consolidó como frontera internacional. Asimismo, sirvió para incrementar el contacto entre autoridades y personas de ambos países, manifestando una confluencia de los intereses públicos y privados en el fenómeno

    Revisiting the minimum-norm problem

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    The design of optimal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) coils is modeled as a minimum-norm problem (MNP), that is, as an optimization problem of the form min(x is an element of R) parallel to x parallel to, where R is a closed and convex subset of a normed space X. This manuscript is aimed at revisiting MNPs from the perspective of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, and Banach Space Geometry in order to provide an analytic solution to the following MRI problem: min(psi is an element of R) parallel to psi parallel to(2), where R:= {psi is an element of R-n : parallel to A psi-b parallel to infinity/parallel to b parallel to(infinity) 0, and b is an element of R-m \ {0}.This work has been supported by the Research Grant PGC-101514-B-I00 awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and partially funded by ERDF, by the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Programme (PAIDI 2020) under the Research Grant PY20_01295, and by the Research Grant FEDER-UCA18-105867 awarded by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme of the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. The APCs have been paid by the Mathematics Department of the University of Cadiz

    Gamificación: Desarrollo de herramienta tecnológica para fortalecer la competencia de lectura crítica

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    El proyecto consiste en la utilización de la gamificación como estrategia psicopedagogíca para incrementar las habilidades de lectura crítica de los aprendices del Sena. Se diseñó una herramienta tecnológica basada en todos los postulados de la gamificación. Esta herramienta busca que el aprendiz pueda incrementar sus habilidades de lectura crítica de forma lúdica, agradable y muy positiva. Adicionalmente, mejora el puntaje que nuestros aprendices tienen en las pruebas Saber Pro, en el componente de lectura crítica, fortaleciendo la verdadera esencia de la formación profesional integral, que es la de entregar al mundo productivo unaprendiz capaz de tener juicio crítico para detectar y solucionar los problemas del mundo del trabajo con creatividad e innovación. Este proyecto se fundamenta en la sinergia de áreas de trabajo de pedagogía, psicología y desarrollo de software, trabajando de la mano para crear una herramienta innovadora y accesible para aprendices, instructores y líderes de bibliotecas con el propósito de fortalecer habilidades de lectura crítica y por ende, todas las competencias de aprendizaj

    Facts and Challenges about Asthma and COVID-19 among the Paediatric Population: A Systematic Literature Review

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    A systematic review of the literature was conducted to analyse the factors that affect the probability of the paediatric asthma population suffering from COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, such as asthma phenotypes, inhaled corticosteroids, and the effects of lockdown. This systematic review was based on PRISMA guidelines. A bibliographic search was conducted using BNE, BVS (LILAC), CSIC (IME, ISOC), IBECS, Scielo, Scopus, Medline, and PubMed, using the following search profile: (COVID-19 or 2019-NCOV or SARS-CoV-2 or COV-19) AND asthma AND (children or adolescents or youths or children or teenagers). The results were limited to those articles published between December 2019 and December 2020, selecting only articles published in Spanish, English and French that included the study population (children aged 0–18 years). Among the 1066 results of the bibliographic search and seven articles selected from a manual search, only 19 articles were found to fit our eligibility criteria. Most of the articles highlight the effects of lockdown on the paediatric asthma population, increased therapeutic compliance, and the role of inhaled corticosteroids and intrinsic factors such as ACE2 receptors as causes of the decreased prevalence of COVID-19 among the paediatric asthma population. This population has unique characteristics that serve as protective factors against COVID-19. The safety measures implemented during the lockdown period along with inhaled corticosteroid treatment also contributed to this protectio

    In Vitro Toxicity Assessment of Stilbene Extract for Its Potential Use as Antioxidant in the Wine Industry

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    The reduction of sulfur dioxide in wine is a consumer’s demand, considering the allergic effects that may occur in people who are sensitive to it. Stilbenes are candidates of great interest for this purpose because of their antioxidant/antimicrobial activities and health properties, and also because they are naturally found in the grapevine. In the present study, the in vitro toxicity of an extract from grapevine shoots (with a stilbene richness of 45.4%) was assessed in two human cell lines. Significant damage was observed from 30 μg/mL after 24 h, and 40 µg/mL after 48 h of exposure. Similarly, the ultrastructural study revealed a significant impairment of cell growing. The extract was able to protect cells against an induced oxidative stress at all concentrations studied. In view of the promising results, a more exhaustive toxicological assessment of the extract is needed to confirm the safety of its further use as additive in wine.España,Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad and INIA for the financial support for this project (RTA2015-00005-C02-02

    Development of carbon fiber acrylonitrile styrene acrylate composite for large format additive manufacturing

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    The increasing interest of Large Format Additive Manufacturing (LFAM) technologies in various industrial sectors mainly lies on the attainable production of pieces reaching several cubic meters. These new technologies require the development of optimized materials with two-folded capabilities, able to satisfy functional in-service requirements but also showing a proper printability. Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate (ASA) is among the most interesting thermoplastic materials to be implemented in a LFAM device due to its excellent wettability and mechanical properties. This research focuses on the development and characterization of ASA and carbon fiber (CF) ASA composites suitable for LFAM. The rheological, thermal and mechanical properties of neat ASA and ASA containing 20 wt% CF are addressed. The results evidence the higher performance of the CF loaded composite compared to the raw ASA polymer (i.e., the 20 wt% CF composite shows a 350% increase in flexural Young's Modulus and a 500% increment in thermal conductivity compared with neat ASA). Additionally, both materials were successfully printed along perpendicular directions (X and Z), showing the maximum tensile strain for the composite printed along the X orientation as was expected. The results of the flexural tests are comparable or slightly higher than those of injected parts. Finally, the fracture surface was analysed, identifying different types of porosity

    Estudio de los niveles de glucemia en el test de caminata 2 km. de UKK

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    71 páginas.Una de las principales plagas de la edad contemporánea, el denominado sedentarismo, es el principal responsable del actual crecimiento exponencial del estado de intoxicación grasa y posterior resistencia insulínica, de la sociedad moderna. En la lucha contra dicha lacra, el ejercicio físico es una de las más útiles, eficaces y asequibles herramientas de las que disponemos para modificar el metabolismo, la movilización y el balance de glucosa y grasas. Para la prescripción del ejercicio físico, hay que especificar que no todas las personas poseen las mismas características físicas y psicológicas, por lo tanto no todos pueden realizar las mismas actividades. Por ello, se hace necesario una valoración cognitiva y funcional personalizada, previa a dicha prescripción, para saber cual es el programa más adecuado para su salud integral. Si bien para dicha valoración existen multitud de test y/o pruebas, es necesario señalar que para este estudio de investigación hemos tomado como referente al “TEST DE LA CAMINATA DE 2 KMS, del Instituto de Medicina preventiva, UKK Tampere, Finlandia”. Aunque el uso del mencionado test en el estudio, irá más encaminada a la estandarización de una prueba en sí, que a un estudio de valoración física. Por otro lado, deseábamos conocer el comportamiento de los niveles glucémicos, durante el desarrollo de una prueba física, para realizar una posterior interpretación y agrupación en función de múltiples variables (edad, sexo, tensión arterial e índice de masa corporal) de los resultados obtenidos, en dos muestras separadas en un espacio de tiempo de 4 meses

    Thermal characterization of urban heat island (UHI) according to urban morphology of Madrid

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    Present research is framed within the project MODIFICA (MODelo predictivo - edIFIcios - Isla de Calor Urbana) aimed at developing a predictive model for dwelling energy performance under the urban heat island effect in order to implement it in the evaluation of real energy demand and consumption of dwellings as well as in the selection of energy retrofitting strategies. It is funded by Programa de I+D+i orientada a los retos de la sociedad 'Retos Investigación' 2013. The scope of our predictive model is defined by the heat island effect (UHI) of urban structures that compose the city of Madrid. In particular, we focus on the homogeneous areas for urban structures with the same urban and building characteristics. Data sources for the definition of such homogeneous areas were provided by previous research on the UHI of Madrid. The objective is to establish a critical analysis of climate records used for energy simulation tools, which data come from weather stations placed in decontextualized areas from the usual urban reality, where the thermal conditions differs by up to 6ºC. In this way, we intend to develop a new predictive model for the consumption and demand in buildings depending on their location, the urban structure and the associated UHI, improving the future energy rehabilitation intervention