384 research outputs found

    A Qualitative Study of Secondary School Teachers’ Perception of Social Network Analysis Metrics in the Context of Alcohol Consumption among Adolescents

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    10 p.Adolescence is a transitional period during which a number of changes occur. Social relationships established during this period influence adolescent behaviour and affect academic performance or alcohol consumption habits, among other issues. Teachers are very important actors in observing and guiding the evolution of their students, and should therefore have the appropriate knowledge and tools to gain insight into the complex social relationships that exist in their classes. The use of social network analysis (SNA) techniques may be helpful in order to study and monitor the evolution of these social networks. This study tries to understand how teachers perceive SNA metrics from an intuitive point of view. Using this information, useful tools could be created that allow teachers to use SNA techniques to improve their understanding of student relationships. A number of interviews with different teachers were held in secondary schools in Spain, allowing SNA concepts to be related to the everyday terms used by the teachers to characterize their students. Results from the study have an impact on questionnaire design for gathering data from students in order to perform an SNA analysis and on the design of software applications that can help teachers to understand the results of this analysis.S

    Assessment of soil salinity indexes using electrical conductivity sensors

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    The salinity tolerance of plants can be improved by efficient irrigation management and salt flushing, which require a continuous and precise knowledge of the salinity in the soil or substrate. Soil sensors that measure electrical conductivity play an essential role in monitoring soil salinity. However, the correct interpretation of salinity measurements using soil sensors depends on developing appropriate salinity indexes. This work studied the potential of several salinity indexes based on the bulk EC (ECb) directly measured by soil sensors, and on pore water EC (ECw) estimated by the Hilhorst model (ECwHI). The methodology used in the experiments is based on the simultaneous use of scales and sensors, which allowed the automatic monitoring of the real salinity levels of the substrate, and the conductivity measurements made with the soil sensor. Regression studies were carried out to know how well the proposed salinity indexes explain real salinity. In general, all the indexes were suitable for estimating the relative changes in substrate salinity, as long as they met certain requirements. For example, ECwHI was seen to be a reliable salinity index when substrate moisture was high and constant. However, there was no such requirement when the ECwHI was corrected according to the current substrate water content, or when the salinity index was calculated as the average of the ECwHI values between two successive irrigation events. ECb was an efficient salinity indicator as long as the moisture content was constant, although its accuracy increased at a high moisture level. The findings led us to propose a new salinity index calculated with the slopes of the linear section of the quadratic moisture adjustment, which avoids the need for the substrate moisture content to be constantThis research was funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities of Spain, and the European Regional Development Fund, grant number RTI2018-093997-B-I00, and by the Spanish AEI (grant number PCI 2019-103608) under the PRIMA programme in the frame of the PRECIMED project. PRIMA is an Art.185 initiative supported and co-funded under Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Programme for Research and Innovatio

    El arte del crowdfunding para el desarrollo

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    Proyecto de innovación docente número 341 convocatoria 2022.Este proyecto de Innovación Docente surge con el propósito de acercar la Educación Superior en Economía y Administración de Empresas de países desarrollados a la formación de micro-empresarios en países en desarrollo de África. Este acercamiento será a través de un caso real de micro-empresarios Sub-Africanos que ponen en marcha una pequeña plantación de verduras con la ayuda de una ONG, denominada Missionary Community St Paul Apostle MCSPA, cuya página web es http://mcspa.org/es/, que serán el vehículo de apoyo, en línea con los objetivos de esta convocatoria. Así se definirán nuevas metodologías docentes, más dinámicas e innovadoras en enseñanza presencial y se diseñarán herramientas de aprendizaje para las nuevas generaciones de estudiantes. Finalmente, también se crearán herramientas para la evaluación de la satisfacción y estímulo de los estudiantes de Economía, ADE, Comercio e Informática hacia la solidaridad y la ayuda a países en desarrollo por medio de la educación superior.Depto. de Administración Financiera y ContabilidadFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFALSEsubmitte

    A case study of university student networks and the COVID-19 pandemic using a social network analysis approach in halls of residence

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    [EN] The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that young university students have had to adapt their learning and have a reduced relational context. Adversity contexts build models of human behaviour based on relationships. However, there is a lack of studies that analyse the behaviour of university students based on their social structure in the context of a pandemic. This information could be useful in making decisions on how to plan collective responses to adversities. The Social Network Analysis (SNA) method has been chosen to address this structural perspective. The aim of our research is to describe the structural behaviour of students in university residences during the COVID-19 pandemic with a more in-depth analysis of student leaders. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at one Spanish Public University, León, from 23th October 2020 to 20th November 2020. The participation was of 93 students, from four halls of residence. The data were collected from a database created specifically at the university to "track" contacts in the COVID-19 pandemic, SiVeUle. We applied the SNA for the analysis of the data. The leadership on the university residence was measured using centrality measures. The top leaders were analyzed using the Egonetwork and an assessment of the key players. Students with higher social reputations experience higher levels of pandemic contagion in relation to COVID-19 infection. The results were statistically significant between the centrality in the network and the results of the COVID-19 infection. The most leading students showed a high degree of Betweenness, and three students had the key player structure in the network. Networking behaviour of university students in halls of residence could be related to contagion in the COVID-19 pandemic. This could be described on the basis of aspects of similarities between students, and even leaders connecting the cohabitation sub-networks. In this context, Social Network Analysis could be considered as a methodological approach for future network studies in health emergency contexts.S

    La divulgación de información no financiera en España.

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    Después de más o menos tres décadas de andadura (Rodríguez Ariza, 2003), la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) en España encuentra en la recién publicada Ley 11/2018 en materia de información no financiera un importante impulso. Los que durante este tiempo han estado intentando normalizar la información sobre aspectos que van más allá de los meramente financieros, como son los de carácter social y medioambiental, ven con satisfacción la entrada en vigor de esta nueva Ley, que obliga (esta obligatoriedad es uno de los puntos controvertidos) a las grandes empresas a elaborar un nuevo estado de información corporativa. Por ende, se abren nuevas expectativas puesto que, como suele ocurrir, lo que empieza para las grandes empresas irá extendiéndose con el tiempo a pequeñas y medianas, las cuales, además, pueden elaborar este tipo de información desde ya, como una buena práctica.2019-2

    A Web-Based Tool for Automatic Data Collection, Curation, and Visualization of Complex Healthcare Survey Studies including Social Network Analysis

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    8 p.There is a great concern nowadays regarding alcohol consumption and drug abuse, especially in young people. Analyzing the social environment where these adolescents are immersed, as well as a series of measures determining the alcohol abuse risk or personal situation and perception using a number of questionnaires like AUDIT, FAS, KIDSCREEN, and others, it is possible to gain insight into the current situation of a given individual regarding his/her consumption behavior. But this analysis, in order to be achieved, requires the use of tools that can ease the process of questionnaire creation, data gathering, curation and representation, and later analysis and visualization to the user. This research presents the design and construction of a web-based platform able to facilitate each of the mentioned processes by integrating the different phases into an intuitive system with a graphical user interface that hides the complexity underlying each of the questionnaires and techniques used and presenting the results in a flexible and visual way, avoiding any manual handling of data during the process. Advantages of this approach are shown and compared to the previous situation where some of the tasks were accomplished by time consuming and error prone manipulations of data.S

    Modelo integrado para la formación en tecnologías de fabricación para estudiantes de grado en el ámbito de la ingeniería industrial: caso práctico.

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    Caso práctico integración en fabricaciónDepartamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricació

    An experience in integrated knowledge about Manufacturing Technologies for Students of the Grades of Industrial Engineering

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    Caso práctico integración en fabricaciónDepartamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricació

    Gastroprotection during the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A drug-utilization study

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    Producción CientíficaThere has been an increase of anti-ulcer drug consumption in Spain. A high proportion of this consumption may be due to the use of those drugs as gastroprotective agents when co-prescribed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The aim of this study was to learn how these treatments are being used: the prevalence of use, the type of drug and the main features of patients. A sample of patients going to pharmacies with a NSAID prescription, with or without a gastroprotective agent, was obtained. A survey questionnaire was distributed to learn clinical and demographic data of the patients. Of the 942 patients interviewed, 41.6% were co-treated with a gastroprotective agent in addition to the NSAID. Most of these patients received proton-pump inhibitors and, to a lesser extent, histamine-2-receptor antagonists, antacids and prostaglandin analogues. The use of gastroprotective agents increased with age, treatment duration and illness chronicity; specialists prescribed a higher proportion of those co-treatments than did general practitioners. There was a high prescription rate of gastroprotective agents; in general, these were used according to recommendations. However, the type of gastroprotective agents being used does not seem to be justified by the current guidelines: histamine-2-receptor antagonists and antacid drugs have not proved their efficacy in this indication. The fact that one in four treatments with gastroprotective drugs was issued to patients without associated risk factors identifies a possible problem where an intervention could be appropriate

    Las competencias de los maestros de primaria: percepción de los estudiantes en prácticas

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    La implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior supone la incorporación de competencias en los programas universitarios de las asignaturas que componen las distintas titulaciones. Este estudio pretende conocer la percepción que tienen los estudiantes en prácticas de la especialidad de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Educación de la UCM sobre la formación que han recibido en la universidad, en relación a una serie de competencias fundamentales para el desarrollo de su tarea profesional. También nos interesa comprobar las competencias que consideran más importantes para su profesión y si existe o no correlación con su valoración de la formación recibida en dichas competencias.The introduction of the European Higher Education Area involves including competencies in the university syllabuses of the subjects which make up the different degrees. This research aims to know to what extend the trainees, from Primary Education branch in the Teacher Training College at Madrid Complutense University, are aware during their teaching practice period of the training they have received at University in connection with a series of essential competencies for the development of their professional task. It is also of great interest for us to find out which competencies they consider the most important ones for their profession, and to check whether or not there is a direct relationship with the value given to the training received in such competencies