3,019 research outputs found

    Kinematic Analysis of a Continuum Parallel Robot

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    Conference Paper presented at EUCOMES 2016 held in Nantes, France, from 20 to 23 September 2016Continuum Parallel Robots are mechanical devices with closed loops where kinematic pairs have been eliminated and motion is obtained by large deformations of certain elements. Most compliant mechanisms use notches in thick elements to produce the effect of kinematic pairs. A few are designed so that slender elements can deform and produce the desired motion. Some microelectromechanical systems have used this principle to create bistable planar mechanisms. The purpose of this work is to extend such principle in the field of macro mechanisms for manipulation. The aim is to design the counterparts to some classical parallel manipulators solving the corresponding kinematic problems. In doing this, the authors will have to work out the most efficient way to solve a position problem where geometry and forces are involved. Such compliant mechanisms could be combined in the future with tensegrity systems to enhance the available workspace. In this first report, we will focus on the simplest planar parallel mechanism of two degrees of freedomThe authorswish to acknowledge the financial support received fromthe Spanish Government through theMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (Project DPI2015-64450-R) and the Regional Government of the Basque Country through the Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación (Project IT445-10) and UPV/EHU under program UFI 11/29. Also, the support of ERASMUS program is gratefully acknowledged by the fourth autho

    Infilitration tests at the Sant Vicenç dels Horts artificial recharge experimental site

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    Infiltration capacity is the key parameter in an artificial recharge operation site. Infiltration capacity is spatially variable, and during operation it is also temporally variable due to surface clogging processes. Double-ring infiltrometer tests were performed at an experimental site close to Barcelona city (Spain). The site is located on alluvial deposits from the Llobregat River and comprises two half hectare ponds. River water collected upstream traveled through a two km pipe before entering the settling pond. Once the pond is filled water flows to the infiltration pond. Tests were performed only in the latter, prior to and after recharging the ponds. Prior to recharge, six points were selected to estimate infiltration capacity Points were evenly distributed and chosen considering apparent soil texture at the site (coarse, medium and fine grains). All tests were performed allowing water to infiltrate for two hours and data was interpreted using the modified Kostiakov equation. Ponds were then flooded for about two months. The average infiltration rate values for the full infiltration pond before and after the flooding campaign were 5.8 m/day and 2.2 m/day, respectively. The double ring tests were then repeated at the same points, showing a reduction of the infiltration rate that varied between 7 and 90%. Control points with the initial highest infiltration rates presented the highest reduction in infiltration. Physical clogging due to particles settling appears to be the most likely cause of the diminished infiltration rates. This result is confirmed by other independent measurements during the flooding test. There is a clear tendency towards a lower infiltration rates when observing the relation through time of flow entering per volume of water on the infiltration pond at a given time.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    La orientación emprendedora como fuente de innovación para las empresas: un análisis aplicado

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    El entorno actual fuerza a las empresas a realizar esfuerzos constantes en innovación, al ser un factor clave para su competitividad en los mercados. Debido a su importancia, en los últimos años el estudio de las principales fuentes de innovación empresarial ha adquirido gran relevancia, si bien todavía existe cierta ambigüedad en relación con los principales factores que afectan a la generación y desarrollo de innovaciones. El principal objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación existente entre la orientación emprendedora de las empresas y su capacidad de innovación, así como el posible efecto mediador del capital social y la capacidad de absorción en esta relación. Para ello, se realiza un análisis empírico sobre una muestra de 197 empresas españolas del sector de suministro de energía eléctrica. Para realizar el análisis estadístico, se ha utilizado la técnica de modelización de ecuaciones estructurales basadas en la varianza (PLS-SEM) y, particularmente, el software “SmartPLS” en su versión 3.9. Los resultados desvelan que la orientación emprendedora de las empresas afecta de forma positiva y significativa a su capacidad para innovar. Además, el capital social y la capacidad de absorción se establecen como variables mediadoras en esta relación. Se concluye que las empresas pueden impulsar su capacidad de innovación favoreciendo el desarrollo de un clima emprendedor en la empresa, incentivando la participación de todos los miembros de la empresa en la identificación y explotación de oportunidades de negocio. Este clima puede favorecer el desarrollo de amplias redes de contactos valiosos, y la capacidad de absorción de nuevo conocimiento de la empresa lo cual, en última instancia, permitiría incrementar su capacidad de innovación

    Green ambidexterity innovation as the cornerstone of sustainable performance: Evidence from the Spanish wine industry

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    This research focuses on analyzing the impact of the Green Ambidexterity Innovation (GAI) on the Sustainable Performance (SP) of Spanish wineries, as well as the antecedent role of the Green Human Capital (GHC) and Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) on the said variables. To achieve the research objective pursued, the study proposes a conceptual model based on previous studies, which is tested using structural equations (PLS-SEM). The research results reveal the existence of a positive and significant relationship between the development of GAI and SP of Spanish wineries, as well as the partial mediation of GAI in the GHC-SP and GSCM-SP linkages. The originality of the study derives from its pioneering nature, as the research enters unexplored terrain by investigating the role of GHC and GSCM as antecedent variables of GAI and SP, there being no previous research, to the authors' knowledge, that has ventured in this direction


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    The application of computer science in management and economics is a rapidly growing field that combines the analytical and technological capabilities of computer science with the strategic and operational needs of management and economics. The main aim of this research paper is to analyze the main academic contributors, sources, and international collaborations from 2014 to 2022 in computer science in the areas of management and economics, as well as to analyze the main subtopics developed over time. Bibliometric techniques were used to carry out the literature review, which allows an objective analysis of the academic literature through quantitative indicators. The results reveal a significant shift towards data-driven decision making in management, with artificial intelligence and machine learning improving predictive analytics, operational efficiency, and economic forecasting and modeling, highlighting the essential role of digital transformation in these disciplines, with significant implications for researchers, practitioners and decision-makers. It concludes that all stakeholders should work to develop a more informed and innovative approach to maximize the exploitation of the potential offered by computational sciences in different contexts. This includes the integration of advanced computational tools to improve decision making and operational efficiency, or the exploitation of computational models for more effective forecasting and policy decision making, as well as the continuous analysis of emerging areas in this field, being aware of the ethical, privacy and security challenges presented by these technologies, in order to ensure a responsible and equitable application

    Propuesta de un tesauro de protección de datos de carácter personal a partir del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos

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    Este trabajo de fin de grado se centra en la construcción y evaluación de un tesauro especializado en la materia del derecho a la protección de datos de carácter personal dentro del ámbito del territorio de la Unión Europea y más concretamente en España, partiendo del análisis de los conceptos contenidos en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de la Unión Europea. En primer lugar se realiza un análisis del dominio del tesauro, los principales aspectos, principios y marco legislativo de la protección de datos de carácter personal, en especial de la última norma aprobada, el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos. En segundo lugar se propone un prototipo del tesauro a partir de los conceptos seleccionados. Finalmente se propone una metodología de evaluación y se desarrollan varios casos de aplicación

    Regional Specialization, Competitive Pressure, and Cooperation: The Cocktail for Innovation

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    The main aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of industrial agglomeration on the degree of interorganizational cooperation and the innovative performance of firms of the electricity supply sector in Spain. For this purpose, the agglomeration coefficient in each of the 50 provinces of Spain is calculated, based on secondary data from SABI database. Subsequently, primary data are obtained from a sample of 197 companies through a structured questionnaire. In this case, the PLS-SEM technique is used. The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the variables analyzed. It is concluded that industrial agglomeration and cooperation are relevant external factors that boost the innovative performance of firms and that business associations foster interorganizational cooperation

    Ampliación del sistema de abastecimiento de Cosuenda, Zaragoza

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    Cosuenda constituye un buen ejemplo de población típica del medio rural de Aragón. Una población pequeña, de unos 300 a 1000 habitantes censados, con un nutrido grupo poblacional emigrante que regresa en época estival, llegando a triplicar su población. Los problemas de consumo de agua de boca surgen por varias causas, que deben ser analizadas desde los puntos de generación de agua hasta los de consumo. En la época estival es cuando hay mas carencia de agua, por lo que a veces las captaciones no pueden proporcionar ni todo el caudal demandado, ni tan siquiera el mínimo indispensable. Puede que aún disponiendo del caudal necesario, haya problemas para transportarlo hasta la población, pero en general, como es el caso, el principal problema es el almacenamiento del agua y su distribución. Debido a la gran variación poblacional, un depósito grande que pueda dar servicio a la máxima población, es antieconómico, en la construcción y el mantenimiento. Además puede generar problemas de calidad de agua por estancamiento prolongado, y mal funcionamiento por inactividad de los elementos de maniobra y control. Un depósito pequeño hará que el agua se distribuya por la red sin haber terminado satisfactoriamente los procesos de potabilización, dotando al agua de un desagradable sabor a cloro. Al no tener caudal de reserva, los componentes eléctricos funcionan casi constantemente, provocando sobrecargas. En función del tipo de distribución y los materiales empleados, pueden generarse en la red zonas con problemas de presión, alta o baja, caudal insuficiente, elevado número de averías, mal aprovechamiento de los recursos, despilfarro, etc., que hacen que la calidad del servicio no sea la que debiera ser garantizada. Este proyecto tiene por objeto el análisis de las deficiencias detectadas en un sistema de abastecimiento, el estudio de las posibles soluciones, la adopción justificada de decisiones y la ejecución de la obra descrita en el mismo

    Driving Innovation by Managing Entrepreneurial Orientation, Cooperation and Learning for the Sustainability of Companies in the Energy Sector

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    Nowadays, the attitude of companies seems to play a relevant role in detecting and exploiting opportunities to create value, especially in terms of knowledge and cooperation. Thereon, the concept of entrepreneurial orientation has become relevant over the last years. Firms are entrepreneurially oriented when their decision-making, techniques, and procedures allow them to identify opportunities, develop a proactive mindset, and use creative ways to achieve their objectives. The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyze the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and companies’ innovation capacity, in addition to the mediating effect of entrepreneurial networks and firms’ learning capacity in this relationship. A sample of 197 Spanish companies in the energy sector is analyzed using the variance-based structural equation modeling technique (PLS-SEM), using the software “SmartPLS” in its version 3.9. The results show a direct positive and significant influence of entrepreneurial orientation on companies’ innovation capacity, as well as the existence of an indirect effect through the mediation of entrepreneurial networks and the learning capacity of firms. It is concluded that businesses must dedicate time and resources to develop a strong entrepreneurial orientation which, in addition to allowing them to exploit external entrepreneurial networks, boosts their learning and innovation capabilities, favoring the development of new sustainable possibilities for value creation

    Does Ecological Agriculture Moderate the Relationship between Wine Tourism and Economic Performance? A Structural Equation Analysis Applied to the Ribera del Duero Wine Context

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of wine tourism activity on economic performance in the wine context of Ribera del Duero (Spain), as well as the mediating effect of ecological agriculture on this link. To this end, a conceptual model is proposed based on the literature review carried out and contrasted through structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) with data from 263 wineries, which in turn represent the population under study. The study results allow for us to empirically demonstrate the positive and significant relationship of wine tourism on performance, as well as the partial mediation of ecological agriculture in this relationship. The study thus contributes to the academic literature in a remarkable way given that, to our knowledge, there are no previous studies that have addressed the mediating role of ecological agriculture in the wine tourism–economic performance link. However, the research also suffers from certain limitations. In particular, given the relevance of the study, it is necessary to broaden its geographical scope so that, as a future line of research, it is proposed to contextualize the model proposed in the California wine industry, being able to subsequently establish similarities and differences in the Old and New World