1,822 research outputs found

    Análisis de la percepción turística en la región Tánger-Tetuán (Marruecos)

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    The aim pursued in this paper is to analyze the tourism activity of the region Tangier-Tetouan in Morocco. In addition to the study of the main available variables statistics for the region, a fieldwork has been carried out in the framework of an extensive research project on sustainable tourism, called Ibn Battouta. The values of the region have been compared with the values of other nearby areas in the Strait of Gibraltar. As a result of the analysis performed, the tourist potential of the region has been confirmed, including the sun and beach tourism. The current global situation has raised a number of questions and queries about the tendency of this activity in Morocco.Este artículo analiza la actividad turística en la región Tánger-Tetuán (Marruecos). Para ello entre otras acciones se ha realizado un estudio de las principales variables estadísticas disponibles en la zona, un trabajo de campo enmarcado dentro del proyecto de investigación sobre turismo sostenible denominado Ibn Battouta y la realización de una encuesta entre los principales sectores relacionados son las herramientas utilizadas. En este análisis se comparan los valores de la región con otras áreas cercanas dentro del Estrecho de Gibraltar

    Las concesiones de infraestructuras de transporte en los países de Centro y Este de Europa: influencia del entorno institucional

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    La necesidad de incrementar de modo significativo sus niveles de inversión en infraestructuras de transporte, unida a las exigencias en materia de control del déficit presupuestario y de la deuda pública, conducen a los países recientemente incorporados a la Unión Europea a una apuesta por los mecanismos de participación del sector privado, principalmente a través de concesiones. Además, se trata de un planteamiento impulsado por la propia Comisión Europea para todos los países de la Unión Europea. En este artículo se analizan algunos de los principales problemas a los que se enfrentan los países recientemente incorporados a la Unión Europea en su empeño por avanzar en el desarrollo del sistema concesional, que son en buena medida problemas derivados de la complejidad de los proyectos concesionales y de las deficiencias del entorno institucional en estos países. - The need to significantly increase investment levels in transport infrastructures, together with the requirements for control of budgetary deficit and public debt, has led to the backing by countries recently incorporated in the European Union for private sector participation methods, mainly through concessions. This is, in fact, the focus promoted by the European Commission for all EU countries. This article examines some of the main problems affecting the new members of the EU when attempting to develop the concessionary system and which are largely related to the complexity of the concession project itself and the defects in the institutional environment in these countries

    Exportación del modelo español de concesiones: el caso de la autopista Moscú-San Petersburgo

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    La potencialidad del sistema concesional para el desarrollo de las infraestructuras de transporte en muchos de los países emergentes se enfrenta al problema de la falta de una adecuada capacidad institucional para gestionar este tipo de proyectos. Una posible solución a este problema consiste en ayudar a las Administraciones públicas de estos países a mejorar su preparación en este campo. Este artículo analiza el caso del programa de refuerzo institucional llevado a cabo por ICEX, consistente en apoyar al Ministerio de Transportes de la Federación de Rusia en la tarea de licitar el primer tramo de la autopista de peaje Moscú-San Petersburgo

    Feasibility and reliability of a Physical Fitness test battery in individuals with Down Syndrome

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder that occurs because of an abnormal division between cells that results in an extra copy of chromosome 21. Some studies show that physical exercise in people with DS increases some cognitive capacities, such as memory, and improves the quality of life. Aim: The main aim of this study was to perform an analysis of the reliability and feasibility of the SAMU-Disability Fitness (DISFIT) battery in adults with DS. Methods: A cross-sectional study with a test–retest design was performed in a maximum interval of 2 weeks in 37 subjects (11 women and 26 men) aged between 21 and 58 years old with DS. Eight field-based fitness tests were proposed to assess the physical fitness (PF) of adults with DS: Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Circumference (WC), the Timed Up and Go test (TUG), the Deep Trunk Flexibility test (DTF), the Hand Grip test (HG), the Timed Stand Test (TST), the 30-s Sit-Up (SUP) and the 6-Min Walk Test (6MWT). Results: The intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) in all the tests was good and high (>0.80), except for the 6MWT, whose reliability was fair. Conclusion: The SAMU-DISFIT battery is a reliable and feasible physical fitness battery which has been created with the purpose of establishing tests which measure the four basic components of PF (flexibility, cardiorespiratory fitness, musculoskeletal fitness and motor fitness) in adults with D

    Tourist-Cultural Routes and Itineraries in the Official Tourism Portals of the Spanish Autonomous Communities

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    El turismo cultural se ha convertido en las últimas décadas en una alternativa a otras tipologías turísticas, puesto que es necesaria una oferta más complementaria. Esta expansión de la cultura como producto turístico ha propiciado la proliferación de rutas e itinerarios turístico-culturales, potenciados por organismos regionales, nacionales e internacionales. Estas realidades turísticas han generado multitud de definiciones por parte de organismos y autores, dando pie a un debate sobre dos conceptos que, aunque comparten similitudes, pueden considerarse diferentes. En la difusión, creación y reconocimiento de rutas e itinerarios juegan un papel fundamental los diferentes gobiernos autonómicos españoles. En este sentido mediante la creación de páginas web oficiales, las Comunidades Autónomas tratan de dar a conocer su cultura y sus productos turísticos. Por un lado, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los conceptos de ruta e itinerario turístico cultural, y por otro lado se estudiará la difusión de las rutas turísticas y el tratamiento de los itinerarios por parte de las Comunidades Autónomas en sus portales oficiales.In the last decades, cultural tourism has become an alternative to other tourist typologies, since a more complementary offer is necessary. This expansion of culture as a tourism product has led to the proliferation of routes and tourist-cultural itineraries, promoted by regional, national and international organizations. These tourist realities have generated a multitude of definitions by organisms and authors, giving rise to a debate on two concepts that although they share similarities can be considered different. In the diffusion, creation and recognition of routes and itineraries, the different Spanish autonomous governments play a fundamental role. In this sense, through the creation of official websites, the Autonomous Communities try to publicize their culture and their tourism products. On the one hand, the objective of this work is to analyze the concepts of cultural tourism route and itinerary, on the other hand the dissemination of tourist routes and the treatment of itineraries by the Autonomous Communities in their official portals will be studied

    Motivational climate and fear of failure in the youthful teams of handball

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    El propósito del estudio fue examinar la percepción de las consecuencias del fallo y del clima motivacional generado por el entrenador en jugadores con un alto nivel de balonmano. Para ello se utilizó un diseño no experimental, descriptivo y seccional donde los participantes respondieron al Cuestionario de Clima Motivacional Percibido en el Deporte y al Inventario de Evaluación del Error en el Rendimiento. La muestra estuvo formada por 479 jugadores de balonmano de 16-17 años (M=16.60; DT=.50), pertenecientes a la totalidad de las selecciones juveniles territoriales de balonmano. Los resultados reflejaron que la mayoría de los jugadores percibían sobre todo un clima de implicación en la tarea y que la principal causa aversiva del miedo al fallo fue la vergüenza. Al contrario del clima de implicación a la tarea, existe una fuerte asociación positiva entre el clima de implicación al ego y el miedo al fallo. Como conclusión, destacar que el rol del entrenador, como agente socializante, es determinante en las conductas de evitación y el miedo a fallar durante la práctica deportiva.The aim of the study was to examine the perception of the consequences of failure in the competitive context and the motivational climate generated by the coach in adolescent skilled players of handball. For this, a non-experimental, descriptive and sectional design was used where the participants answered the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire and the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory as measurement instruments. The sample consisted in 479 handball players aged 16-17 years (M=16.60; SD=.50), belonging to the different youth teams of handball. The results reflected that the majority of handball players perceived above all a task involving climate and that the main aversive causes of fear of failure was shame. It was stimated that the task involving climate is negatively related to the aversive causes of fear of failure, and the competitive climate, on the contrary, in a positive way.peerReviewe

    Methodological Proposal for the Elaboration of a Tourist Potential Index Applied to Historical Heritage

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    The proposal and development of tourism projects need previous studies that demonstrate their potential, facilitate the analysis of data and decision making. Since the expansion of tourism in the 1960s, different methodologies have been developed that have sought to study the capabilities of the territories and, in turn, have offered a theoretical framework that supports their results. On the one hand, the objective of this work is to analyze existing models of potentiality and their evolution, and on the other hand, offer an index of potentiality calculation that takes into account physical and human aspects and pay attention to late medieval heritage of the province of Cádiz (Spain

    Motivational climate and fear of failure in the youthful teams of handball

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    El propósito del estudio fue examinar la percepción de las consecuencias del fallo y del clima motivacional generado por el entrenador en jugadores con un alto nivel de balonmano. Para ello se utilizó un diseño no experimental, descriptivo y seccional donde los participantes respondieron al Cuestionario de Clima Motivacional Percibido en el Deporte y al Inventario de Evaluación del Error en el Rendimiento. La muestra estuvo formada por 479 jugadores de balonmano de 16-17 años (M=16.60; DT=.50), pertenecientes a la totalidad de las selecciones juveniles territoriales de balonmano. Los resultados reflejaron que la mayoría de los jugadores percibían sobre todo un clima de implicación en la tarea y que la principal causa aversiva del miedo al fallo fue la vergüenza. Al contrario del clima de implicación a la tarea, existe una fuerte asociación positiva entre el clima de implicación al ego y el miedo al fallo. Como conclusión, destacar que el rol del entrenador, como agente socializante, es determinante en las conductas de evitación y el miedo a fallar durante la práctica deportiva.The aim of the study was to examine the perception of the consequences of failure in the competitive context and the motivational climate generated by the coach in adolescent skilled players of handball. For this, a non-experimental, descriptive and sectional design was used where the participants answered the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire and the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory as measurement instruments. The sample consisted in 479 handball players aged 16-17 years (M=16.60; SD=.50), belonging to the different youth teams of handball. The results reflected that the majority of handball players perceived above all a task involving climate and that the main aversive causes of fear of failure was shame. It was stimated that the task involving climate is negatively related to the aversive causes of fear of failure, and the competitive climate, on the contrary, in a positive way.peerReviewe

    Stability analysis for dusty plasma under grain charge fluctuations due to non-Maxwellian electron distributions

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    The most relevant characteristic of a complex plasma is the dust charge as well as the dust charging process itself which controls different collective and individual behaviors of the plasma. The dust charging has been exhaustively studied providing several theoretical approaches that have improved the early Orbital Motion Limited (OML) description [1, 2]. The OML is considered as a suitable model and, at least, it provides a certain perspective of the main plasma parameters involved in the charging processes. Recent works have stressed the importance of the electron and ion velocity distribution functions in addressing the description of plasma stability analysis under the frame of plasma fluid description, including dust charge fluctuations. The consideration of non-Maxwellian distribution functions has been proved to induce plasma departures from the usual Maxwellian equilibrium, specially under the development of intense electric fields that can accelerate charges till superthermal velocities [3]. In these cases, the distribution function tails fit well to a power-law dependence even for electrons. In this communication, we devote attention to the effect of non Maxwellian electron distribution functions on the collective plasma behavior through a linear analysis of perturbed fluid equations. The stability of a partially ionized complex plasma with a non Maxwellian electron population is studied by including this feature on the dust charge fluctuation for infinite and finite dust grain mass

    Relative age effect in handball players of Spain

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    This study analyzes the effect of relative age in the selection process of handball players for licensed club teams in the Murcia region and the Murcia Regional Handball teams. To this end we studied gender, date of birth and player category in a total of 846 handball players (762 of them in licensed clubs from the Murcia Regional Handball Federation, henceforth FBRM and 84 players in Murcia regional teams respectively) in the children’s, junior and youth categories. Comparisons were made and differences were analyzed with χ2 and Z tests and the Bonferroni correction. The analysis of results according to quarter and semester of birth revealed statistically significant differences both for licensed clubs and for Murcia Regional handball team players. The gender and player category analysis showed statistically significant results only in the case of category in regional teams. Thus RAE is confirmed in the samples analyzed, this effect being stronger amongst regional team players