6,932 research outputs found

    Influence of coach encouragement on technical demand of an small-sided games in football-7.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido analizar el efecto de la motivación del entrenador sobre la demanda técnica de un juego reducido (JR) 3 contra 3, realizado por futbolistas de categoría alevín, observando el nivel de aprendizaje técnico adquirido a través de estas tareas. Se han cuantificado el número de acciones técnicas que se producen en un JR de 3 contra 3 sin intervención del entrenador (JRSIE) y las que se producen en el mismo JR con la intervención del entrenador (JRCME). Se ha realizado en cada una de las 4 sesiones del programa de entrenamiento con JR dos test de valoración del dominio técnico en situaciones pre y post sesión. Los resultados confirman que aparecen diferencias en el número de acciones técnicas que el jugador realiza durante el JR, siendo significativamente mayor en el JRCME, generándose además mayor nivel de aprendizaje

    Benthic foraminifera show some resilience to ocean acidification in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico.

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    The version on PEARL: Corrected proofs are Articles in Press that contain the authors' corrections. Final citation details, e.g., volume/issue number, publication year and page numbers, still need to be added and the text might change before final publication. Although corrected proofs do not have all bibliographic details available yet, they can already be cited using the year of online publication and the DOI , as follows: author(s), article title, journal (year), DOIExtensive CO2 vents have been discovered in the Wagner Basin, northern Gulf of California, where they create large areas with lowered seawater pH. Such areas are suitable for investigations of long-term biological effects of ocean acidification and effects of CO2 leakage from subsea carbon capture storage. Here, we show responses of benthic foraminifera to seawater pH gradients at 74-207m water depth. Living (rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera included Nonionella basispinata, Epistominella bradyana and Bulimina marginata. Studies on foraminifera at CO2 vents in the Mediterranean and off Papua New Guinea have shown dramatic long-term effects of acidified seawater. We found living calcareous benthic foraminifera in low pH conditions in the northern Gulf of California, although there was an impoverished species assemblage and evidence of post-mortem test dissolution

    Geometric derivation of the microscopic stress: a covariant central force decomposition

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    We revisit the derivation of the microscopic stress, linking the statistical mechanics of particle systems and continuum mechanics. The starting point in our geometric derivation is the Doyle-Ericksen formula, which states that the Cauchy stress tensor is the derivative of the free-energy with respect to the ambient metric tensor and which follows from a covariance argument. Thus, our approach to define the microscopic stress tensor does not rely on the statement of balance of linear momentum as in the classical Irving-Kirkwood-Noll approach. Nevertheless, the resulting stress tensor satisfies balance of linear and angular momentum. Furthermore, our approach removes the ambiguity in the definition of the microscopic stress in the presence of multibody interactions by naturally suggesting a canonical and physically motivated force decomposition into pairwise terms, a key ingredient in this theory. As a result, our approach provides objective expressions to compute a microscopic stress for a system in equilibrium and for force-fields expanded into multibody interactions of arbitrarily high order. We illustrate the proposed methodology with molecular dynamics simulations of a fibrous protein using a force-field involving up to 5-body interactions

    On the stability and spectral radius of a finite set of matrices

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    This paper studies some problems related to the stability and the spectral radius of a finite set of matrices. A seasonal epidemic model is given to illustrate the use of the obtained results. In this example, the relationship between the obtained results and the stability of a discrete time periodic linear system is obtained.This work has been partially supported by Spanish [grant number MTM2013-43678-P].Cantó Colomina, B.; Coll, C.; Sánchez, E. (2016). On the stability and spectral radius of a finite set of matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 64(3):353-361. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2015.1040404S35336164

    The development of a protocol for the analysis of genetic expression through «differential display», as a means to reducing the number of false positives

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    Entre los métodos empleados para los análisis de la expresión de genes, el método de "differentialdisplay" ha sido ampliamente utilizado y, a pesar del uso extendido de los "microarrays", es aún unmétodo válido para el análisis con muestras cuyo transcriptoma es desconocido. Con el objeto de reducirel elevado número de falsos positivos que genera esta técnica, hemos optimizado el protocolo parareducir la posibilidad de generar falsos positivos. En primer lugar, hemos marcado radiactivamente elcebador oligo-dT con lo que los fragmentos de DNA identificados son extremos 3'-UTR de RNAm. Pormuestra hemos realizado dos transcripciones inversas y dos reacciones de PCR en cada una de ellas. Paraseleccionar un fragmento de DNA, debía estar diferencialmente expresado en las 4 reacciones de PCR.Por último, todos los fragmentos fueron clonados y secuenciados por triplicado. Estas modificacionesal protocolo nos ha permitido identificar 5 genes expresados diferencialmente entre células epitelialesde intestino en estado proliferativo y diferenciado.The analysis of genetic expression, the differential display (DD) method has been widely used, but inspite of the extensive use of the «microarrays» method, it is still to be considered as a valid methodfor the analysis of samples whose transcriptone is not known. In this work, an attempt has been madeto reduce the high number of false positives generated by this technique by optimising method protocol.As a preliminary step, we radioactively marked the oligo dT primer with which the fragments ofidentified DNA were extreme 3'-UTR of mRNA. For each sample two inverse transcriptions and twoPCR reactions were performed. Only fragments of DNA that are expressed differentially in all 4 PCRreactions should be selected. Finally, all of the fragments were cloned and sequenced in triplicate. Theseprotocol modifications have allowed us to identify 5 differentially expressed genes, in intestinal epithelialcells in both proliferative and differentiated states

    A novel image segmentation algorithm with applications on confocal microscopy analysis

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    Motivation: Developing cells change their gene expression profiles dynamically upon induction by proper triggers, typically diffusible morphogens that are spatially distributed (1). These changes impact cell cycle and apoptosis regulators differentially, eventually determining the final structure and size of the mature organs (2). A quantitative model that links gene regulation and tissue growth must be provided with precise experimental data at cell resolution level in order to proceed to its validation, which in some cases is essential for model screening (i.e. reverse ingineering methods). Image analysis from laser confocal microscopy (LCM) has already been used to address modelling problems in developmental tissues such as these (3). However current methods for LCM segmentation rely upon watershed algorithms that show variable efficiency, relatively high parametrization and oversegmentation problems that are critical on very aggregated objects (4). Here we present a different segmentation method based on the maximum complementary n-ball set (MCnB set) concept. The segmentation algorithm takes a full MCnB set as a starting graph representation of the whole stack, which is later contracted using a parallel implementation approach.Results: We assayed the performance by segmenting a randomly generated set of spheres with different resolutions, signal aggregation levels and densities, and compared to the results delivered by a common segmentation free software, (i.e. Vaa3D), which is based on watersheds (5). We also applied this comparison on DAPI stained samples from Drosophila eye-antenna imaginal discs. The results indicate that the mean square displacement of detected spheres centroids is higher in the 3D watershed implementation results than when our method is applied. The same results are obtained when the number of sets or their size are checked instead.Conclusions: The results indicate that our method is adequate enough for image segmentation in three dimensions. It makes no assumptions on what the shape or signal features of the objects are, and does not require any calibration since it can proceed with no specific user parameters. Moreover it beats at least one segmentation method that has already been set up for counting and segmentation. Since the shape of the voxel aggregates is not critical, we sugget that further implementations could be potentially applied in higher dimension samples with interesting applications in developmental biology (i.e. 4D 'movies' segmentation). However one major drawback is that at least one operation runs with a O(n^2) time complexity, which is time (and memory) consuming for very big images