2,474 research outputs found

    Efectos de la variabilidad ambiental en la abundancia de especies marinas comerciales en el norte del golfo de California

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    Studies have shown that environmental variables significantly affect variation in stock abundance of marine populations. The northern Gulf of California (NGC) is a highly productive region of interest due to its fish resources and diversity. Conservation of the marine species inhabiting the region is of public interest. Our study analysed the influence of physical environmental factors on several commercial marine species, using catch per unit effort (CPUE) as a proxy for abundance. Generalized additive models were used to test the significance of selected environmental variables on stock abundance. Deseasonalized cross-correlation analysis was used to examine time-lagged correlations between CPUE and abiotic variables to identify response timings. The results suggest that for most commercial species the sea surface temperature and the long-term climate Pacific Decadal Oscillation index are the predominant predictors for species abundance, followed by the Colorado River discharge. The Multivariate ENSO Index and the Pacific-North American pattern indices also showed specific effects on certain species. The NGC is a highly dynamic region, where species respond to environmental changes according to the characteristics of their life histories.Diversas investigaciones han demostrado que las variables ambientales influyen significativamente en la variación en la abundancia de las poblaciones marinas. El norte del golfo de California (NGC) es una región altamente productiva de interés por sus recursos pesqueros y biodiversidad. La conservación de las especies marinas en la región es de interés público. Nuestro estudio analizó la influencia de los factores ambientales físicos sobre varias especies marinas comerciales, usando la captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE) como proxy de la abundancia. Se usaron modelos de aditivos generalizados para probar que variables ambientales influyen significativamente sobre la abundancia del stock. Se utilizó un análisis de correlación cruzada desestacionalizado para examinar correlaciones con retraso entre la CPUE y las variables abióticas para identificar tiempos de respuesta. Los resultados sugieren que para la mayoría de las especies comerciales, la temperatura superficial del mar y el índice de la Oscilación Decadal del Pacífico son los predictores predominantes de la abundancia de especies, seguidos de la descarga del río Colorado. El índice multivariado ENOS y el índice del Patrón del Pacífico de América del Norte mostraron efectos en algunas especies. El NGC es una región altamente dinámica, donde las especies responden a los cambios ambientales de acuerdo con las características de sus historias de vida

    Antifungal activity of methylxanthines against grapevine trunk diseases

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    Methylxanthines, found in the seeds, leaves, and fruits of some plants, are receiving increasing attention as promising treatments for wood-degrading fungi. The aim of the study presented herein was to explore the potential applications of caffeine, four caffeine derivatives (viz. 8-bromo-caffeine, 8-iodo-caffeine, 8-(4-fluorophenoxy)-caffeine, and 8-(2, 3, 5, 6-tetrafluoroalcoxy)-caffeine), and theophylline as antifungals for Botryosphaeriaceae species associated with grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs). In vitro susceptibility tests were conducted to assess the antimycotic activity of the aforementioned compounds and their conjugated complexes with chitosan oligomers (COS). Caffeine, Br-caffeine, and I-caffeine exhibited higher efficacies than imidazole, the chosen antifungal control. Moreover, a strong synergistic behavior between COS and the methylxanthine derivatives was observed. The COS–I-caffeine complex showed the best overall performance against the phytopathogenic fungi with EC90 values of 471, 640, and 935 µg mL-1 for D. seriata, D. viticola, and N. parvum, respectively. In a second step, combinations of the new treatments with imidazole were also explored, resulting in further activity enhancement and EC90 values of 425, 271, and 509 mL-1 against D. seriata, D. viticola, and N. parvum, respectively, for the COS–I-caffeine-imidazole ternary compound. Given the high in vitro efficacy of these formulations for the control of GTDs, they may deserve further investigation with in vivo and field bioassays as an alternative to conventional fungicides. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Hydrodynamic connectivity and dispersal patterns of a transboundary species (Pagellus bogaraveo) in the Strait of Gibraltar and adjacent basins

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    The blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) is a benthopelagic fish species highlyappreciated by consumers and an important target of the Spanish and Moroccan fish-eries in the transcontinental waters of the Strait of Gibraltar area. It is also one of themost exploited resources of the region, which has led to a situation of overex-ploitation and a notable drop of catches. To gain insight into the sustainability of thisresource and certain patterns of the spatial adaptation of the species, a high-resolution circulation model coupled to a Lagrangian tracking module has beenemployed to investigate the dispersal pathways of blackspot seabream, using eggsand larvae (early-life-stages, ELS) as purely passive particles advected by currents.Several spawning scenarios consisting of different spatial (depths and sites) and tem-poral (tidal phase and strength) initial conditions have been analyzed to identify themost likely pathways of ELS dispersion. Eastward transport by the Atlantic Jet exitingthe Strait of Gibraltar is the most influencing process in that dispersion. Regardingtemporal fluctuations, fortnightly tidal modulation is the prevailing factor to deter-mine the horizontal paths of the ELS, spring tides being the cause of the greatestscattering of propagules. Spawning depth in the Strait of Gibraltar is a critical condi-tion, as revealed by the model sensitivity tests. Potential implications of the results ofthe study to improve the assessment and management of this species are discussed.This work was partially funded by the FAO Project: CopeMed phase II “Coordination to Support Fisheries Management in the Western and Central Mediterranean” and the General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean GFCM, both with the financial support of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission (DG-MARE) and the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food. Funding for open access charge was provided by Universidad de Málaga/CBUA

    Hormony tarczycy i otyłość: znana, lecz słabo rozpoznana relacja

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    Hormony tarczycy (thyroid hormones, TH) są zaangażowane w wiele różnych procesów biologicznych, wliczając rozwój układu nerwowego, regulację metabolizmu pośredniego oraz zużycie energii. Aktywnie uczestniczą w podstawowym zużyciu energii i termogenezie adaptacyjnej i z tego względu mogą mieć wpływ na masę ciała w przebiegu chorób tarczycy. Otyłość to niezakaźna, przewlekła, zapalna choroba metaboliczna, która implikuje dodatni bilans energetyczny. Tkanka tłuszczowa produkuje szereg hormonów i adipocytokin, takich jak leptyna, które mogą wpływać na stan tarczycy na różnych poziomach. Istnieją dowody na to, że dysfunkcja tarczycy może predysponować do otyłości i odwrotnie, istnieją dowody sugerujące, że otyłość powoduje zmiany dotyczące tarczycy. Celem tej pracy było opisanie związku między układem tarczycy a otyłością. Ponadto w pracy zaprezentowano hipotetyczny model podkreślający znaczenie obwodowej dejodynacji hormonów tarczycy i jego rolę w ustanowieniu dodatniego bilansu energetycznego. Podsumowując, możemy stwierdzić, że relacja między układem tarczycy a otyłością i nadwagą jest złożona i obejmuje wiele poziomów interakcji. Ponadto, poddając ocenie otyłego pacjenta, powinno się rozważyć ocenę funkcji tarczycy, aby uzyskać lepsze i spersonalizowane efekty leczenia

    Generación de señales ECG con funciones de fourier en un microcontrolador de arquitectura ARM 32

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    Bioelectrical events manifest themselves as potential differences between two points or electrical signals located in different parts of a living organism, either inside or on its surface. The behavior of these events reflects the health of a human being and to determine them, vital signs are checked. To obtain a proper diagnosis, among some vital signs, is the electrocardiogram (ECG). Therefore, it is necessary to know and reproduce this signal to diagnose any condition or to make sure that the equipment that acquires the signal works properly. This motivated the development of the present work, which presents the emulation of an ECG signal through the sum of Fourier harmonics in a 32-bit ARM STM STM32f407VGT architecture microcontroller, due to its design features and its application to embedded systems, as well as the performance in terms of peripherals available to reproduce the signal. As the Electrocardiogram ECG signal is a periodic signal, with a fundamental frequency determined by the heart rate frequency, it satisfies the Dirichlet conditions, which states that for the Fourier series to exist, its coefficients are finite. The main contribution of this work was to generate EGC signals in an artificial way, which can be useful for medical training or calibration of measuring instruments.Los eventos bioeléctricos se manifiestan como diferencias de potencial entre dos puntos o señales eléctricas localizadas en diferentes lugares de un organismo viviente, ya sea dentro o en la superficie de este, el comportamiento de estos refleja la salud de un ser humano y para determinarlos se verifican los signos vitales. Para obtener un diagnóstico adecuado, entre algunas señales vitales, se encuentra el electrocardiograma (ECG). Por ello, es necesario conocer y reproducir esta señal para diagnosticar algún padecimiento o bien asegurarse que el equipo que adquiere la señal funciona adecuadamente. Esto motivó el desarrollo del presente trabajo, que presenta la generación artificial de una señal ECG a través de la suma de armónicos de Fourier en un microcontrolador de arquitectura ARM ST STM32f407VGT de 32 bits, debido a sus características de diseño y su aplicación a sistemas embebidos, así como las prestaciones en cuestión de periféricos disponibles para reproducir la señal. Como la señal Electrocardiograma ECG es una señal periódica, con una frecuencia fundamental determinada por la frecuencia de ritmo cardiaco, satisface las condiciones de Dirichlet, que plantea que para que la serie de Fourier exista, sus coeficientes son finitos. La contribución principal de este trabajo fue generar señales EGC de manera artificial, que pueda ser útil para entrenamiento médico o calibración de instrumental de medición

    Emotional Intelligence in Times of Covid-19: a Comparative Study in Peruvian Universities

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    Objective:The aim of the study was to compare emotional intelligence in Peruvian university students from public and private universities.Theoretical framework: In higher education, emotionally intelligent students have the ability to interact appropriately with others, achieve good academic results, and reach personal and professional goals.Method: The methodology was descriptive-comparative, the sample consisted of 838 university students of both sexes from public (471) and private (364) universities belonging to the coast, highlands and jungle regions of Peru. A sociodemographic form created for the study and the emotional intelligence scale (TMMS-24) were used as measurement instruments.Results and conclusion:The results showed that university students over 30 years of age, women, those from the highlands and those who worked had high levels of emotional intelligence.Implications of the research:It is necessary for university institutions to reorganize their academic conditions and provide the necessary inputs to apply socioemotional strategies to students. Researchers linked to the lines of research on emotional intelligence should develop predictive studies to know which factors may be predicting adequate or inadequate emotional intelligence in university students.Originality:This study demonstrates that it is essential to attend to and provide emotional intelligence tools to those students whodo not have the necessary resources to face different situations in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and contributes to the training of educators, especially environmental educators in crisis contexts

    Urinary Excretion of Mimosine Metabolites by Hair Sheep Fed Foliage of \u3cem\u3eLeucaena leucocephala\u3c/em\u3e

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    Leucaena leucocephala is an adapted legume widely distributed in the tropical regions of Mexico. The high crude protein content of leucaena leaves renders it appropriate for ruminant feeding under commercial conditions. However, the foliage contains the non-protein amino acid mimosine, which, if consumed in high amounts, may induce toxicity in animals which have not previously consumed the legume or without microorganisms capable of degrading mimosine and its derivatives 2,3-DHP (dihydroxypyridine) and 3,4-DHP (Hammond 1995, Palmer et al. 2010, Dalzell et al. 2012). Barros-Rodríguez et al. (2012) found that dry matter intake and weight gain were reduced when sheep grazed paddocks with 55,000 plants of leucaena per hectare. Early work in Australia led to the isolation of Synergistes jonesii, an anaerobic bacterium able to degrade 3,4-DHP and 2,3-DHP to non-toxic compounds (Allison et al. 1992). In Mexico, the presence of this microorganism in the rumen has not yet been confirmed. Inoculation of non-accustomed animals with rumen liquor of ruminants adapted to the consumption of leucaena can reduce the impact of mimosine and its metabolites on animal health (Ghosh et al. 2009; Palmer et al. 2010). The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effects of transferring rumen liquor of cows adapted to the consumption of L. leucocephala to sheep without experience of consumption, on urinary excretion of 3.4-DHP and 2.3-DHP by means of a colorimetric technique

    LanderPick, a Remote Operated Trawled Vehicle to cost-effectively deploy and recover lightweight oceanographic landers.

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    Landers are modular structures equipped with miscellaneous sensors and monitoring equipment which are positioned directly on the seabed to operate autonomously for a defined timeframe. A drawback of landers intended to operate for prolonged periods in the deep ocean is the high cost of recovery systems, typically depending on buoyancy modules plus expendable ballast, or requiring ROVs assistance. LanderPick concept consists of the design of a specific trawled vehicle to deploy and recover lightweight oceanographic landers not provided with recovery elements, but having a capture mesh that facilitates their hitching. The LanderPick vehicle is technically a ROTV (Remote Operated Trawled Vehicle) controlled through a standard coaxial electromechanical cable that allows real-time control from the vessel. Navigation is enabled by a low-light high-definition camera, aided by spotlights and laser pointers. Small propellers aid in the final precision approach maneuvers. A mechanical release allows the precise placement at the sea bottom of landers carried as a payload, as well as their recovery by means of a triple hook. First sea missions of the system were carried out successfully in 2021 in southern Biscay. A 4-month deployment of a lander array equipped with current-meters along an energetic canyon axis provided unprecedented detail in the progression of the internal tidal bore. Short (48-hours) deployments of a fully-instrumented lander, including lapse-time image and baits in a deep seamount summit within a marine protected area, provided insights on the biodiversity of a unique ecosystem. The LanderPick novel approach to cost-effectively and precisely deploy and recover lightweight oceanographic landers allows to conceive (i) monitoring systems based on the deployment of arrays or fleets of low-cost landers and (ii) experiments associated with deep habitats such as coral reefs in which it is necessary to locate landers with great precision

    Caracterización clínico-epidemiológica de los ancianos hipertensos en casas de abuelos / Clinical epidemiological characterization of the hypertensive aged in the Elderly Home

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    La hipertensión arterial es la enfermedad cardiovascular más extendida universalmente; existen más de mil millones de hipertensos en el mundo. Con el objetivo de profundizar en el conocimiento de los aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos de la hipertensión en los ancianos, se realiza una investigación descriptiva, transversal y analítica. El universo de estudio lo constituyeron 130 ancianos, de ellos 77 hipertensos. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de las historias clínicas individuales, de salud familiar y una encuesta elaborada por el autor; se obtuvieron datos generales de los pacientes, así como variables para su estudio: edad, sexo, raza, factores de riesgo, compromiso de órganos diana. La muestra seleccionada fueron tres conglomerados, las Casas de Abuelos de los municipios Pinar del Río, San Juan y Martínez y Consolación del Sur. Los datos cualitativos se resumieron en frecuencias absolutas y relativas porcentuales. Se construyeron intervalos de confianza, y realizaron pruebas de hipótesis, regresión logística y pruebas no paramétricas. Se pudo apreciar que independientemente de la edad se puede presentar o no hipertensión arterial al menos en la muestra seleccionada, prevaleciendo el sexo femenino. Hubo predominio de hipertensión en la raza negra, solo el daño vascular cerebral y el color de la piel están asociados. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron el tabaquismo y la dislipidemia. Palabras clave: anciano, hipertensión, factores de riesgo. ABSTRACT Hypertension is the most extended cardiovascular disease all over the World; existing more than thousand millions of hypertensive people in the World. With the purpose of deepening in the knowledge of the clinical-epidemiological hypertension in the elderly a descriptive, cross-sectional and analytic research was carried out. The universe of the study was comprised of 130 aged, out of them 77 hypertensive. Data were collected by means of the individual clinical histories, familial health and a survey designed by the author; obtaining patient's general data, and variables to the study: age, sex, race, risk factors, and influence in target organs. The sample chosen took three conglomerates, the Houses of the Elderly in Pinar del Rio, San Juan y Martinez and Consolacion del Sur. Reviewing qualitative data in absolute and relative frequencies. Confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, logistic regressions and non-parametric tests were made. Showing that regardless of age; hypertension can or cannot be present at least in the sample chosen, prevailing female sex. Observing that hypertension prevailed in black race, and that only vascular brain damage and the color of the skin had association. The most common risk factors were smoking and dyslipemia. Key words: elderly, hypertension, risk factors

    Caracterización clínico-epidemiológica de los ancianos hipertensos en casas de abuelos / Clinical epidemiological characterization of the hypertensive aged in the Elderly Home

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    La hipertensión arterial es la enfermedad cardiovascular más extendida universalmente; existen más de mil millones de hipertensos en el mundo. Con el objetivo de profundizar en el conocimiento de los aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos de la hipertensión en los ancianos, se realiza una investigación descriptiva, transversal y analítica. El universo de estudio lo constituyeron 130 ancianos, de ellos 77 hipertensos. Los datos fueron recogidos a través de las historias clínicas individuales, de salud familiar y una encuesta elaborada por el autor; se obtuvieron datos generales de los pacientes, así como variables para su estudio: edad, sexo, raza, factores de riesgo, compromiso de órganos diana. La muestra seleccionada fueron tres conglomerados, las Casas de Abuelos de los municipios Pinar del Río, San Juan y Martínez y Consolación del Sur. Los datos cualitativos se resumieron en frecuencias absolutas y relativas porcentuales. Se construyeron intervalos de confianza, y realizaron pruebas de hipótesis, regresión logística y pruebas no paramétricas. Se pudo apreciar que independientemente de la edad se puede presentar o no hipertensión arterial al menos en la muestra seleccionada, prevaleciendo el sexo femenino. Hubo predominio de hipertensión en la raza negra, solo el daño vascular cerebral y el color de la piel están asociados. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes fueron el tabaquismo y la dislipidemia. Palabras clave: anciano, hipertensión, factores de riesgo. ABSTRACT Hypertension is the most extended cardiovascular disease all over the World; existing more than thousand millions of hypertensive people in the World. With the purpose of deepening in the knowledge of the clinical-epidemiological hypertension in the elderly a descriptive, cross-sectional and analytic research was carried out. The universe of the study was comprised of 130 aged, out of them 77 hypertensive. Data were collected by means of the individual clinical histories, familial health and a survey designed by the author; obtaining patient's general data, and variables to the study: age, sex, race, risk factors, and influence in target organs. The sample chosen took three conglomerates, the Houses of the Elderly in Pinar del Rio, San Juan y Martinez and Consolacion del Sur. Reviewing qualitative data in absolute and relative frequencies. Confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, logistic regressions and non-parametric tests were made. Showing that regardless of age; hypertension can or cannot be present at least in the sample chosen, prevailing female sex. Observing that hypertension prevailed in black race, and that only vascular brain damage and the color of the skin had association. The most common risk factors were smoking and dyslipemia. Key words: elderly, hypertension, risk factors