3,294 research outputs found

    Minimizing buffer requirements in video-on-demand servers

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    23rd Euromicro Conference EUROMICRO 97: 'New Frontiers of Information Technology', Budapest, Hungary, 1-4 Sept 1997Memory management is a key issue when designing cost effective video on demand servers. State of the art techniques, like double buffering, allocate buffers in a per stream basis and require huge amounts of memory. We propose a buffering policy, namely Single Pair of Buffers, that dramatically reduces server memory requirements by reserving a pair of buffers per storage device. By considering in detail disk and network interaction, we have also identified the particular conditions under which this policy can be successfully applied to engineer video on demand servers. Reduction factors of two orders of magnitude compared to the double buffering approach can be obtained. Current disk and network parameters make this technique feasible.Publicad

    A marble plaque decorated with a Christian motif in the Roman Theater in Cadiz

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza un fragmento de placa marmórea con un grafito de carácter cristiano, procedente del teatro romano de Cádiz. La importancia de esta pieza reside en ser uno de los pocos restos materiales que atestiguan la implantación del cristianismo en la ciudad, durante uno de los periodos más desconocidos de su historia. El motivo inciso en el fragmento de mármol presenta un esquema compositivo muy difundido en la plástica tardoantigua, el del motivo arquitectónico que alberga una representación de carácter simbólico.The present paper analyzes a fragment of marbled plaque with a Christian-like inscription, originating from the Roman theatre of Cadiz. The importance of this piece lies it its being one of the few archeological remains that evidence the implantation of Christianity in the site during one of the most unknown periods of its history. The engraving in the marble piece represents an arrangement widely spread in the late-ancient art, as it is an architectural motif containing a symbolic representation

    Objective evaluation of static and dynamic behavior of different toric silicone-hydrogel contact lenses

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    The present study aimed to estimate how orientation position, recovery time, and contact lens decentration, associated with visual performance, may vary on several designs of the most recent toric silicone-hydrogel toric contact lenses in two-time different momentsS

    Mapping gender stereotypes: a network analysis approach

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    The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2023. 1193866/full#supplementary-materialIntroduction: Stereotypes have traditionally been considered as “mental pictures” of a particular social group. The current research aims to draw the structure of gender stereotypes and metastereotype schemes as complex systems of stereotypical features. Therefore, we analyze gender stereotypes as networks of interconnected characteristics. Method: Through an online survey (N = 750), participants listed the common female and male features to build the structure of the gender stereotypes. Participants also listed the common features of how members of one gender think they are viewed by people of the other gender to build the structure of gender metastereotypes. Results: Our results suggest that female stereotypes are characterized by a single community of features consistently associated such as intelligent, strong, and hardworkers. Female metastereotype, however, combines the previous community with another characterized by weak and sensitive. On the contrary, the male stereotype projected by women is characterized by a community of features associated such as intelligent, strong, and hardworker, but male in-group stereotypes and metastereotypes projected by men are a combination of this community with another one characterized by features associated such as strong, chauvinist, and aggressive. Discussion: A network approach to studying stereotypes provided insights into the meaning of certain traits when considered in combination with different traits. (e.g., strong-intelligent vs. strong-aggressive). Thus, focusing on central nodes can be critical to understanding and changing the structure of gender stereotypes.University of Salamanc

    Estudio técnico-económico de una planta desaladora de agua de mar por ósmosis inversa

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    En el següent escrit: Estudi técnic-económic d’una planta desaladora d’aigua de mar per osmosis inversa, es pretén donar al lector una idea del procés d’Osmosis Inversa; el qual, ja el podríem ubicar dins dels processos de separació per membranes. Es pretén que aquesta idea sigui el més pràctica possible, sense deixar de banda els aspectes teòrics corresponents, però descartant aquells que, encara tenir relativa importància, l’únic que se aconseguiria amb el seu estudi, seria ampliar el contingut de l’anomenat projecte sense aportarnos això cap benefici relacionat amb l’essència del tema, com es la desalació d’aigua de mar per osmosis inversa. Es per aquest motiu que l’estudi que segueix, es divideix en cinc volums. El primer recull tots els aspectes teórico-práctics, on el lector pot trobar els diferents processos de separació per membranes, les consideracions sobre l’aigua i tot el relacionat amb el fonament fisico-químic que ens pertoca, o sia, la ósmosis inversa: definicions, conceptes bàsics, procés, membranes, etc. L’aspecte pràctic al que ens referim ve reflexat en petits sub-apartats, tals com: neteja eficaç de les membranes, o en seccions posteriors, en petits apartats on es donen recomanacions pràctiques, de instal•lació i inclòs de fabricació d’aparells per postratament. El volum segon és una descripció detalla de l’instal•lació, on s’estudia des de la presa d’aigua de mar fins l’obtenció d’aigua producte, nomenant-se tots els equips, vàlvules, bombes, filtres, etc., que l’aigua travessa en el seu procés. Els tres volums restants corresponen al aspecte més tècnic, on es mostren, por ordre: càlculs, plànols i pressupost o memòria econòmica

    Sports and extreme social exclusion. Homeless people case

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    Aunque el estudio de las potencialidades del deporte en la lucha contra la exclusión social ha sido un tema de análisis durante mucho tiempo, poco se ha aplicado al caso de la exclusión social extrema. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar algunas de dichas potencialidades adaptadas al caso de las personas sin hogar. Para ello, comenzamos presentando y discutiendo algunas aportaciones teóricas, destacando la necesaria atención en la transformación de valores hábitos e identidades. Posteriormente, realizamos algunas apreciaciones acerca de la aplicación de este esquema teórico al ámbito del sinhogarismo, donde se hace necesaria la diferenciación entre intervenciones sociales duras y blandas. Finalmente, el análisis etnográfico del proyecto de Fútbol-calle de la Fundación RAIS nos sirve para analizar algunas de las potencialidades transformadoras del deporte como herramienta para la intervención social con personas sin hogar. Entre otras, mencionamos para este caso los beneficios implícitos de la vertiente lúdica de esta intervención social, la apertura de nuevos espacios comunicativos, la relajación de los roles entre interventores e intervenidos y la reversión de los estigmas sociales asociados.Although the study of the potentialities of sports in the struggle against social exclusion has long been a topic of analysis, little has been applied within the scope of the extreme social exclusion. The aim of this paper is to present some of such potentialities, adapted to the case of the homeless. To do this, we begin by presenting and discussing some theoretical contributions, highlighting the necessary attention to the transformation of values, habits and identities. Subsequently, we make some assessments of the application of this theoretical framework to the scope of homelessness, an area where it is necessary to differentiate between soft and hard social interventions. Finally, the ethnographic analysis of the project “Street Football”, of the RAIS Foundation, serves us to analyze some of the transformative potential of sports as a tool of social intervention with the homeless. In this case, we mention, among others, the potential benefits implicit in the playful side of this kind of social intervention, the opening up of new spaces of communication, the relaxation of the roles between interveners and intervened and the reversion of the social stigma associated with it

    Economic cycles and environmental crisis in arid southeastern Spain. A historical perspective

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    The arid southeast region has been one of the areas with the oldest settlement in the Iberian Peninsula. Despite limitations imposed by lack of water and low soil fertility, a great number of dwellers have settled in this land for three thousand years thanks to its easy access to the commercial paths of the Mediter- ranean. The area is currently under great territorial and socioeconomic transformation activated by intensive agriculture through greenhouses and irrigation. The history of this territory offers a series of successful and downward cycles determined, from an ecological and economic point of view, by its integration in different stages of the globalization process. Most recently, in the 19th century an intensive deforestation process took place caused by the mining and iron industry. The deep economic and social crisis which followed the declining of this development model brought also about an ecological crisis. In the second half of the 20th century, negative environmental effects have continued and extended to the next generations with problems such as territorial saturation and aquifer depletion that characterize the new intensive agriculture under plastic. The current debate about the sustainability of this developmental model in such vulnerable environment can take advantage of some ecological lessons from the past

    Caso de RSC 3.0 para ganar-ganar en la auténtica economía de bienestar personal: divisas digitales como herramienta para mejorar la renta del personal, el respeto ambiental y el bienestar general

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    This is a critical paper (based in knowledge review with a constructivist proposal), under the Institutional Economics (including Austrian Economics), which analyzes the digital transition (from the welfare state economy to the authentic welfare or wellbeing economics) and the happiness management possibilities (as a part of the requirement for the global convergence process of Horizon 2030). Attention is focused on the digital currencies, as an example of technovation for personnel income and motivation management, environmental protection and a good practice of CSR 3.0 (in organizations oriented towards people wellness & happiness with sustainability). The paper explains how it works this win-win practice, with a real case of a Spanish cooperative company, with benefits for the whole stakeholders, the environment, other companies and the next generations.Este es un artículo prospectivo de Economía Política y Economía Digital, aplicado a Economía Laboral, bajo el enfoque de la Economía Institucional y Cultural, además de Economía Austriaca. El artículo analiza la transición digital de la economía de bienestar estatal a la auténtica economía de bienestar personal, y las posibilidades de la gestión de felicidad, como parte de los requisitos del proceso de convergencia de Horizonte 2030. La atención se ha puesto en las divisas digitales, como ejemplo de tecnovación en la renta del personal y la gestión de motivacional, la protección ambiental y una buena práctica de RSC 3.0, en organizaciones saludables orientadas al bienestar de las personas, su motivación y sostenibilidad. Este estudio explica cómo funciona una práctica de ganar-ganar, con un caso real de una empresa española, con beneficios para todos los interesados, el medioambiente, y otras compañías y las siguientes generaciones.Escuela de Estudios CooperativosFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    Estudio de viabilidad energética en una lavandería húmeda industrial : gas, electricidad y otros sistemas complementarios de energía

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    El objeto de este PFC es: --Establecer las condiciones Técnicas y de Seguridad que debe reunir la instalación según la legalidad vigente, con el fin de proteger las vidas humanas y los bienes, suprimiendo en lo posible las causas que puedan producir accidentes. -Servir de base para la ejecución de la obra. -Mediante la presentación para su estudio a los diversos Organismos Competentes, se pretende obtener la correspondiente autorización.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería IndustrialUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen