509 research outputs found

    Presente y futuro de la anología

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    ResumenEl advenimiento de la fecundación in vitro cambió radicalmente el pronóstico del factor masculino en relación a su participación en la esterilidad conyugal, mejorando sustancialmente las tasas de embarazo por ciclo con la aplicación de la técnica de ICSI. No obstante, otras situaciones serán las que tendrán que evaluarse en el futuro, como es el incremento del número de pacientes que desean preservar su fertilidad, ya sea por motivos oncológicos, de fertilidad, por portar enfermedades infecciosas trasmitidas por vía sexual, especialmente virus (inmunosupresores (HIV-SIDA), inductores de daño inflamatorio (Hepatitis B) ylo oncológicos (HPV); o que se someten en forma voluntaria a la esterilización quirúrgica, debiéndose contar para ello con métodos de criopreservación. En el área de la criobiología, la utilización de técnicas de congelación ultrarrápida ha permitido en forma exitosa preservar ovocitos, embriones y tejido ovárico; y en forma reciente este método se está utilizando para preservar el gameto masculino.SummaryThe advent of in vitro fertilization radically changed the prognosis of the male factor in relation to their participation in conjugal sterility, this substantially improves pregnancy rates per cycle with the application of the technique of ICSI. However, other situations will be evaluated in the future, such as the increase in the number of patients who wish to preserve their fertility, whether for cancer, fertility, because of being a carrier of infectious diseases transmitted through sex, especially viruses (immunosuppressant (HIV-AIDS), inducing inflammatory damage (Hepatitis B) and/ or cancer (HPV) or voluntarily submit to surgical sterilization, doing this with methods of cryopreservation in the area of cryobiology. In the area of cryobiology, the use of ultra rapid freezing techniques has allowed successfully preserve oocytes, embryos and ovarian tissue and in recent form this method is being used to preserve the male gamete

    Three-dimensional linear peeling-ballooning theory in magnetic fusion devices

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    Ideal magnetohydrodynamics theory is extended to fully 3D magnetic configurations to investigate the linear stability of intermediate to high n peeling-ballooning modes, with n the toroidal mode number. These are thought to be important for the behavior of edge localized modes and for the limit of the size of the pedestal that governs the high confinement H-mode. The end point of the derivation is a set of coupled second order ordinary differential equations with appropriate boundary conditions that minimize the perturbed energy and that can be solved to find the growth rate of the perturbations. This theory allows of the evaluation of 3D effects on edge plasma stability in tokamaks such as those associated with the toroidal ripple due to the finite number of toroidal field coils, the application of external 3D fields for elm control, local modification of the magnetic field in the vicinity of ferromagnetic components such as the test blanket modules in ITER, etc.This research was sponsored in part by DGICYT (Dirección General de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas) of Spain under Project No. ENE2012-38620-C02-02 and also in part by Comunidad de Madrid Project No. S2009/ENE-1679.Publicad

    Non-fiducial cosmological test from geometrical and dynamical distortions around voids

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    We present a new cosmological test using the distribution of galaxies around cosmic voids without assuming a fiducial cosmology. The test is based on a physical model for the void-galaxy cross-correlation function projected along and perpendicular to the line of sight. We treat correlations in terms of void-centric angular distances and redshift differences between void-galaxy pairs, hence it is not necessary to assume a fiducial cosmology. This model reproduces the coupled dynamical (Kaiser effect, RSD) and geometrical (Alcock-Paczynski effect, GD) distortions that affect the correlation measurements. It also takes into account the scale mixing due to the projection ranges in both directions. The model is general, so it can be applied to an arbitrary cylindrical binning scheme, not only in the case of the projected correlations. It primarily depends on two cosmological parameters: Ωm, the matter fraction of the Universe today (sensitive to GD), and β, the ratio between the growth rate factor of density perturbations and the tracer bias (sensitive to RSD). In the context of the new generation of galaxy spectroscopic surveys, we calibrated the test using the Millennium XXL simulation for different redshifts. The method successfully recovers the cosmological parameters. We studied the effect of measuring with different projection ranges, finding robust results up to wide ranges. The resulting data covariance matrices are relatively small, which reduces the noise in the Gaussian likelihood analysis and will allow the usage of a smaller number of mock catalogues. The performance evaluated in this work indicates that the developed method is a promising test to be applied on real data.Fil: Correa, Carlos Mauricio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Paz, Dante Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Padilla, Nelson David. Departamento de Astronomia y Astrofisica; ChileFil: Ruiz, Andrés Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba. Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Angulo, Raúl E.. Donostia International Physics Centre; EspañaFil: Sánchez, Ariel G.. Max Plank Institute For Extraterrestrial Physics; Alemani

    Application of Photon Strength Functions to (n,g ) measurements with the n_TOF TAC

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    The neutron capture cross section measurements at the CERN n_TOF facility are performed using a new detection system, the segmented Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC). All measurements are performed in reference to the well known Au σ(n,γ). The accuracy of the measurements depends on the accuracy of the TAC detection efficiency, which is calculated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. In this MC simulation photon strength functions and level densities play a major role as ingredients used for the generation of primary events, that is the electromagnetic cascades following the (n,γ) process. We have calculated the TAC detection efficiency for the case of Au (n,γ) by adjusting the photon strength functions of Au so that the simulation reproduces the experimental data. Both the MC method and the uncertainty of the results are discussed

    Effect of pH and Monomer Dosing Rate in the Anionic Polymerization of Ethyl Cyanoacrylate in Semicontinuous Operation

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    Nanoparticles of poly(ethyl cyanoacrylate) with more than 10% solids content were prepared by semicontinuous heterophase polymerization at monomer-starved conditions varying the initial pH in the interval of 1–1.75 and at two monomer dosing rates. Measurements by scanning-transmission electron microscopy allowed us to identify an inverse dependence of particle size on pH. Furthermore, all the polymerizations conducted at the slower monomer dosing rate rendered two particle populations, with the larger one formed from the aggregation of a fraction of the smaller particles. It was believed that the so slow addition of the monomer caused the formation of very small but instable particles, thereby a fraction of which aggregated to reduce the total interface particles-aqueous phase, increasing the latex stability. An increase in the monomer dosing rate led to larger and more stable particles in such way that only one population of nanoparticles with around 40 nm in average diameter was obtained

    Extremophile deep-sea viral communities from hydrothermal vents: Structural and functional analysis

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    Ten publicly available metagenomic data sets from hydrothermal vents were analyzed to determine the taxonomic structure of the viral communities present, as well as their potential metabolic functions. The type of natural selection on two auxiliary metabolic genes was also analyzed. The structure of the virome in the hydrothermal vents was quite different in comparison with the viruses present in sediments, with specific populations being present in greater abundance in the plume samples when compared with the sediment samples. ssDNA genomes such as Circoviridae and Microviridae were predominantly present in the sediment samples, with Caudovirales which are dsDNA being present in the vent samples. Genes potentially encoding enzymes that participate in carbon, nitrogen and sulfur metabolic pathways were found in greater abundance, than those involved in the oxygen cycle, in the hydrothermal vents. Functional profiling of the viromes, resulted in the discovery of genes encoding proteins involved in bacteriophage capsids, DNA synthesis, nucleotide synthesis, DNA repair, as well as viral auxiliary metabolic genes such as cytitidyltransferase and ribonucleotide reductase. These auxiliary metabolic genes participate in the synthesis of phospholipids and nucleotides respectively and are likely to contribute to enhancing the fitness of their bacterial hosts within the hydrothermal vent communities. Finally, evolutionary analysis suggested that these auxiliary metabolic genes are highly conserved and evolve under purifying selection, and are thus maintained in their genome

    Elevated glucose is associated with hemorrhagic transformation after mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke patients with severe pretreatment hypoperfusion

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    Several pretreatment variables such as elevated glucose and hypoperfusion severity are related to brain hemorrhage after endovascular treatment of acute stroke. We evaluated whether elevated glucose and severe hypoperfusion have synergistic effects in the promotion of parenchymal hemorrhage (PH) after mechanical thrombectomy (MT). We included 258 patients MT-treated who had a pretreatment computed tomography perfusion (CTP) and a post-treatment follow-up MRI. Severe hypoperfusion was defined as regions with cerebral blood volume (CBV) values < 2.5% of normal brain [very-low CBV (VLCBV)-regions]. Median baseline glucose levels were 119 (IQR = 105-141) mg/dL. Thirty-nine (15%) patients had pretreatment VLCBV-regions, and 42 (16%) developed a PH after MT. In adjusted models, pretreatment glucose levels interacted significantly with VLCBV on the prediction of PH (p-interaction = 0.011). In patients with VLCBV-regions, higher glucose was significantly associated with PH (adjusted-OR = 3.15; 95% CI = 1.08-9.19, p = 0.036), whereas this association was not significant in patients without VLCBV-regions. CBV values measured at pretreatment CTP in coregistered regions that developed PH or infarct at follow-up were not correlated with pretreatment glucose levels, thus suggesting the existence of alternative deleterious mechanisms other than direct glucose-driven hemodynamic impairments. Overall, these results suggest that both severe hypoperfusion and glucose levels should be considered in the evaluation of adjunctive neuroprotective strategies

    Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using <em>Heterotheca inuloides</em> and Its Antimicrobial Activity in Catgut Suture Threads

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    Silver nanoparticles were synthesized through a green method, using Heterotheca inuloides as a bioreducing agent. Moreover, catgut suture threads were decorated with those biogenic silver nanoparticles, and their antibacterial activity versus highly resistant pathogenic microorganisms was evaluated. The principles of green chemistry and nanotechnology allow us to obtain advanced materials, such as suture threads, which can reduce or avoid the prevalence of infectious processes in the medical field. Mexican medicinal plants, such as H. inuloides, represent an adequate alternative for biosynthesis; this plant species is known for its medicinal benefits and its antibacterial activity, and for that reason, it is being used in folk medicine

    Flow cytometry evaluation of DNA integrity of alpaca sperm after cryopreservation with analogues of superoxide dismutase

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    Se evaluó la estabilidad del ADN en espermatozoides de alpaca mediante citometría de flujo en muestras congeladas con antioxidantes análogos de superóxido dismutasa (Tempo y Tempol). Doce muestras de semen de alpaca fueron congeladas utilizando un dilutor en base a leche descremada, fructosa, yema de huevo y etilenglicol. Cada muestra fue dividida en tres porciones: grupo control, grupo Tempo (1 mM) y grupo Tempol (1 mM). Los antioxidantes fueron agregados al dilutor durante la curva de enfriamiento (10 °C). Las muestras fueron descongeladas y fijadas en una solución de formaldehido al 2% y permeabilizadas utilizando una solución de Triton X-100 al 0.8%. La integridad del ADN espermático se evaluó con la técnica de TUNEL y una sonda fluorescente para determinar la viabilidad celular (Ioduro de propidio [PI]). Los espermatozoides marcados con la sonda del TUNEL y PI fueron considerados células permeabilizadas con el ADN fragmentado. Las muestras fueron analizadas mediante citometría de flujo utilizando un láser de 488 nm, contando un mínimo de 10 000 células por muestra y utilizando microscopía de fluorescencia. La frecuencia de espermatozoides con ADN fragmentado en el grupo control (38.8 ± 16.2%) fue significativamente mayor (p&lt;0.05) al grupo Tempol (16.7 ± 8.4%), mientras que los resultados del grupo Tempo (25.4 ± 5.8%) fueron estadísticamente similares a los grupos Control y Tempol. Se concluye que la adición del análogo de superóxido dismutasa, Tempol (1 mM), durante el proceso de criopreservación de espermatozoides de alpaca puede prevenir parcialmente el daño al ADN espermático.DNA integrity in alpaca spermatozoa was evaluated by flow cytometric analysis in sperm cryopreserved using antioxidants analogues of superoxide dismutase (Tempo and Tempol). Twelve alpaca semen samples were frozen using an extender based on skim milk, fructose, egg yolk, and ethylene glicol. Each sample was divided into three aliquots: Control group, Tempo group (1 mM), and Tempol group (1 mM). Antioxidants were added during cooling at 10 °C. After thawing, samples were fixed using 2% formaldehyde solution and permeabilizated using 0.8% Triton X-100 solution. TUNEL assay and Iodure propidium (PI) were used for evaluation of DNA integrity and cell permeability. Spermatozoa labeled with TUNEL and PI was classified as cells with DNA damaged. Samples were analyzed by flow cytometric using a 488 nm laser, counting at least 10 000 cells per sample, and by epifluorescene microscopy. Frequency of DNA damaged sperm in control group (38.8 ± 16.2%) was significantly higher (p&lt;0.05) than in the Tempol group (16.7 ± 8.4%), whereas the results in the Tempo group (25.4 ± 5.8) were similar to the control and Tempol groups. It was concluded that the addition of superoxide dismutase analogue Tempol (1 mM) during cooling (10 °C) in alpaca sperm cryopreservation partially prevents sperm DNA damage