4 research outputs found

    Scarce evidence of the causal role of germline mutations in UNC5C in hereditary colorectal cancer and polyposis

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    Germline mutations in UNC5C have been suggested to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) risk, thus causing hereditary CRC. However, the evidence gathered thus far is insufficient to include the study of the UNC5C gene in the routine genetic testing of familial CRC. Here we aim at providing a more conclusive answer about the contribution of germline UNC5C mutations to genetically unexplained hereditary CRC and/or polyposis cases. To achieve this goal we sequenced the coding region and exon-intron boundaries of UNC5C in 544 familial CRC or polyposis patients (529 families), using a technique that combines pooled DNA amplification and massively parallel sequencing. A total of eight novel or rare variants, all missense, were identified in eight families. Co-segregation data in the families and association results in case-control series are not consistent with a causal effect for 7 of the 8 identified variants, including c.1882_1883delinsAA (p.A628K), previously described as a disease-causing mutation. One variant, c.2210G > A (p.S737N), remained unclassified. In conclusion, our results suggest that the contribution of germline mutations in UNC5C to hereditary colorectal cancer and to polyposis cases is negligible

    Anàlisis [sic] de variants en els gens APC i UNC5C associats a càncer colorectal

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    [cat] PREMISSES: Aquesta tesi s'ha centrat en la caracterització de variants missense en 2 gens associats amb càncer colorectal, el gen APC i gen UNC5C. L'al•lel 11307K del gen APC és considerat un al•lel de risc de moderada penetrància que incrementa el risc de desenvolupar adenomes i carcinomes. Però es desconeix si aquest risc està associat a una activació basal de la via Wnt o a un increment de la taxa de mutació lligat a l'existència d'una regió de vuit adenines consecutives. S'han identificat altres mutacions missense en el gen APC que podrien ser responsables de la predisposició a poliposi com ara l'al•lel APC E1317Q considerat de baixa penetrància o polimorfisme i l'al•lel APC 51028R no descrit fins el moment. Disposem de tècniques, no estandarditzades, que permeten estudiar el seu impacte funcional. El CCRf-X és una síndrome hereditària no poliposa amb un patró d'herència autosòmica dominant, de la qual la seva etiologia genètica segueix sent desconeguda. Per altra banda, hem analitzat l'estat mutacional del gen UNC5C en diferents pacients amb càncer colorectal tipus X (CCRf-X). En aquest gen s'hi ha reportat diferents mutacions que poden causar la pèrdua de funció, i per tant estar implicades en la carcinogènesi colorectal en aquest tipus de càncer familiar. OBJECTIUS: Els objectius d'aquesta tesi són: (i) l'avaluació de la contribució de les variants missense en el gen APC 11307K, 51028R i E1317Q al risc de desenvolupar càncer colorectal; (ii) la identificació de mutacions en el gen UNC5C com a causa de predisposició a càncer colorectal. MÈTODES: Els mètodes utilitzats per estudiar les variants del gen APC inclouen assajos funcionals per valorar in vitro de l'activitat transcripcional mitjançada pel complex 13-catenina/TCF-4 així com l'estudi d'expressió dels gen c-myc i Axina2 . També es va estudiar si el canvi d'aminoàcid tenia un efecte directe en la interacció de la proteïna APC amb 13¬catenina. Finalment vam realitzar estudis in vivo amb línies transfectades valorant l'impacte sobre el potencial tumorigènic així com l'espectre mutacional al gen APC dels tumors induïts. Per l'estudi del gen UNC5C s'han analitzat 562 casos de càncer colorectal familiar. Per les variants identificades s'han realitzat estudis de co-segregació, estudi de presència de mutacions en cohorts de controls i pacients així com prediccions in silico del seu impacte funcional. CONCLUSIONS: (1.) La variant APC 11307K activa la via Wnt, sent aquest increment mediat per una disminució de l'afinitat per 13-catenina, pel que pot incrementar el risc de desenvolupar càncer colorectal. No hem trobat evidencia que recolzi la hipermutabilitat associada a la formació d'una regió de 8 adenines consecutives com a rellevant. (2.) La mutació APC 51028R és molt probable que sigui la responsable de la Poliposi Adenomatosa Familiar Atenuada en el pacient on es va identificar la mutació. Els resultats obtinguts per la variant APC E1317Q no són concloents. (3.) Tot i haver identificat 8 mutacions missense en el gen UNC5C no hem pogut aportar evidencia addicional que ens ajudi a confirmar o descartar que el gen UNC5C jugui un paper rellevant al desenvolupament del càncer colorectal hereditari.[eng] PREMISES: The present dissertation addresses the characterization of missense variants of two genes (APC and UNC5C) associated with colorectal cancer (CRC). 11307K APC gene allele is a moderate risk allele that increases the risk of colorectal adenomas and carcinomas. It is unknown whether the risk associates with an increased activation of wnt pathway or creating a hypermutable tract within the gene. Other missense variants may have a role in CRC predisposition. Familial colorectal cancer type X is an autosomic dominant hereditary condition predisposing to non-polyposis. UNC5C gene mutations have been linked to this syndrome. AIMS: (i) To evaluate the contribution of APC gene variants 11307K, 51028R and E1317Q to the risk of developing CRC; (ii) To identify mutations in the UNC5C gene as cause of hereditary CRC. METHODS: Regarding APC mutations in vitro functional assays for 13-catenin/TCF4 mediated transcription, analysis of c-myc and axin genes expression as well as the interaction between APC protein and 13-catenin was assessed. In vivo assessment of tumorigenic potential as well mutational analysis of the APC gene was performed. Regarding the UNC5C gene 544 familial colorectal cancer cases were assessed. For the variants identified co-segregation studies, analysis in cohorts as well as in silico predictions were determined. CONCLUSIONS: 1. 11307K APC variant activates the wnt pathway being this activation mediated by a diminished affinity for 13-catenin. This increase may account for the increased risk for colorectal cancer. No evidence for hypermutability of the (A)8 tract has been found. 2. APC 51028R variant is likely responsible of the attenuated polyposis in the patient identified. Unconclusive results were obtained for the E1317Q APC variant. 3. In spite of having identified 8 missense mutations in the UNC5C gene no additional evidence supporting or ruling out a role for this gene in CRC risk has been obtained

    Scarce evidence of the causal role of germline mutations in UNC5C in hereditary colorectal cancer and polyposis

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    Germline mutations in UNC5C have been suggested to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) risk, thus causing hereditary CRC. However, the evidence gathered thus far is insufficient to include the study of the UNC5C gene in the routine genetic testing of familial CRC. Here we aim at providing a more conclusive answer about the contribution of germline UNC5C mutations to genetically unexplained hereditary CRC and/or polyposis cases. To achieve this goal we sequenced the coding region and exon-intron boundaries of UNC5C in 544 familial CRC or polyposis patients (529 families), using a technique that combines pooled DNA amplification and massively parallel sequencing. A total of eight novel or rare variants, all missense, were identified in eight families. Co-segregation data in the families and association results in case-control series are not consistent with a causal effect for 7 of the 8 identified variants, including c.1882_1883delinsAA (p.A628K), previously described as a disease-causing mutation. One variant, c.2210G > A (p.S737N), remained unclassified. In conclusion, our results suggest that the contribution of germline mutations in UNC5C to hereditary colorectal cancer and to polyposis cases is negligibl

    Scarce evidence of the causal role of germline mutations in UNC5C in hereditary colorectal cancer and polyposis

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    Germline mutations in UNC5C have been suggested to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) risk, thus causing hereditary CRC. However, the evidence gathered thus far is insufficient to include the study of the UNC5C gene in the routine genetic testing of familial CRC. Here we aim at providing a more conclusive answer about the contribution of germline UNC5C mutations to genetically unexplained hereditary CRC and/or polyposis cases. To achieve this goal we sequenced the coding region and exon-intron boundaries of UNC5C in 544 familial CRC or polyposis patients (529 families), using a technique that combines pooled DNA amplification and massively parallel sequencing. A total of eight novel or rare variants, all missense, were identified in eight families. Co-segregation data in the families and association results in case-control series are not consistent with a causal effect for 7 of the 8 identified variants, including c.1882_1883delinsAA (p.A628K), previously described as a disease-causing mutation. One variant, c.2210G > A (p.S737N), remained unclassified. In conclusion, our results suggest that the contribution of germline mutations in UNC5C to hereditary colorectal cancer and to polyposis cases is negligibl