58 research outputs found

    Model-Driven Technologies for Data Mining Democratisation

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    Data mining techniques allow discovering insights previously hidden in data from a domain. However, these techniques demand very specialised skills. People often lack these skills, which hinders data mining democratisation. To alleviate this situation, we defined a model-driven framework and some domain-specific languages that contribute to the democratisation of data mining. Here we summarise these contributions


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    The present article approaches the relationship subject-object in the context of the university superior education, specifically in the formative process of the career Clinical Laboratory, and its incidence in the formation of the investigative competence, as well as the influence of the relationship investigation-administration for the knowledge and domain of the processes analytic, pre and post analytic of the profession.  El presente artículo aborda la relación sujeto – objeto en el contexto de la educación superior universitaria, específicamente en el proceso formativo de la carrera Laboratorio Clínico, y su incidencia en la formación de la competencia investigativa, así como la influencia de la relación investigación-administración para el conocimiento y dominio de los procesos preanalíticos, analíticos y posanalíticos de la profesión

    Role of Tetraspanins CD9 and CD151 in Primary Melanocyte Motility

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    Tetraspanins CD9 and CD151 have been implicated in cellular motility and intercellular adhesion in several cellular types. Here, we have studied the subcellular localization and the functional role of these molecules in primary melanocytes. We found that endogenous tetraspanins preferentially clustered in areas of melanocyte homotypic intercellular contacts and at the tips of dendrites. These observations were further confirmed using time-lapse fluorescence confocal microscopy of melanocytes transfected with CD9– and CD151–GFP (green fluorescent protein) constructs, suggesting an involvement of these proteins in cellular contacts and migration. Cell adhesion and migration assays performed using blocking monoclonal antibodies against CD9 and CD151 showed no significant effect on cell–extracellular matrix adhesion, whereas the migration of melanocytes was significantly enhanced. The regulation of the migratory capacity of melanocytes by CD9 and CD151 was further confirmed knocking down the endogenous expression of these tetraspanins with small interference RNA oligonucleotides. Therefore, tetraspanin molecules are localized at motile structures in primary human melanocytes regulating the migratory capacity of these cells

    Application of choice models in tourism recommender systems

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    Choice models (CM) are proposed in the field of tourism recommender systems (TRS)with the aim of providing algorithms with both a theoretical understanding of tour-ist's motivations and a certain degree of transparency. The goal of this work is toovercome some of the limitations of current state-of-art algorithms used in TRSs byproviding: (1) accurate preferences, which are learnt from user choices rather thanfrom ratings, and (2) interpretable coefficients, which are achieved by means of theset of estimated parameters of CM. The study was carried out with a gastronomicdata set generated in an ecological experiment in the tourism domain. The perfor-mance of CM has been compared with a set of baseline algorithms (rating-based andensembles) by using two evaluation metrics: precision and DCG. The CM out-performed the baseline algorithms when the size of the choice set was limited. Thefindings suggest that CM may provide an optimal trade-off between theoreticalsoundness, interpretability and performance in the field of TRSThis research was sponsored by EMALCSA/Coruña Smart City under grant CSC-14-13, the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain under grant TIN2014-56633-C3-1-R, the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under grant MTM2013-41383P, the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/08), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)S

    Desarrollo Eficiente de Lenguajes Específicos de Dominio para la Ejecución de Procesos de Minería de Datos

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    Aunque las técnicas de minería de datos están consiguiendo cada día una mayor popularidad, su complejidad impide que sean aún utilizables por personas sin un sólido conocimiento en las mismas. Una posible solución, ya explorada por los autores de este artículo, es la construcción de Lenguajes Específicos de Dominio que proporcionen una serie de primitivas de alto nivel para la ejecución de procesos de minería de datos. Dichas primitivas sólo hacen referencia a terminología propia del dominio analizado, enmascarando detalles técnicos de bajo nivel. No obstante, la construcción de un lenguaje específico de dominio puede ser un proceso costoso. Este artículo muestra cómo reducir los tiempos de desarrollo de estos lenguajes de análisis mediante la reutilización de partes comunes de estos DSLs.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Gobierno de Cantabria (España) mediante el Programa de Personal Investigador en Formación Predoctoral de la Universidad de Cantabria y por el Gobierno de España en el proyecto TIN2014-56158-C4-2-P(M2C2)

    On the Automated Transformation of Domain Models into Tabular Datasets

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    We are surrounded by ubiquitous and interconnected soft- ware systems which gather valuable data. The analysis of these data, although highly relevant for decision making, cannot be performed di- rectly by business users, as its execution requires very speci c technical knowledge in areas such as statistics and data mining. One of the com- plexity problems faced when constructing an analysis of this kind resides in the fact that most data mining tools and techniques work exclusively over tabular-formatted data, preventing business users from analysing excerpts of a data bundle which have not been previously traduced into this format by an expert. In response, this work presents a set of transfor- mation patterns for automatically generating tabular data from domain models. The described patterns have been integrated into a language, which allows business users to specify the elements of a domain model that should be considered for data analysis.This work has been partially funded by the Government of Cantabria (Spain) under the doctoral studentship program from the University of Cantabria, and by the Spanish Government under grant TIN2014- 56158-C4-2-P (M2C2)

    Efficacy of novel indoor residual spraying methods targeting pyrethroid-resistant aedes aegypti within experimental houses

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    Challenges in maintaining high effectiveness of classic vector control in urban areas has renewed the interest in indoor residual spraying (IRS) as a promising approach for Aedes-borne disease prevention. While IRS has many benefits, application time and intrusive indoor applications make its scalability in urban areas difficult. Modifying IRS to account for Ae. aegypti resting behavior, named targeted IRS (TIRS, spraying walls below 1.5 m and under furniture) can reduce application time; however, an untested assumption is that modifications to IRS will not negatively impact entomological efficacy. We conducted a comparative experimental study evaluating the residual efficacy of classically-applied IRS (as developed for malaria control) compared to two TIRS application methods using a carbamate insecticide against a pyrethroid-resistant, field-derived Ae. aegypti strain. We performed our study within a novel experimental house setting (n = 9 houses) located in Merida (Mexico), with similar layouts and standardized contents. Classic IRS application (insecti-cide applied to full walls and under furniture) was compared to: a) TIRS: insecticide applied to walls below 1.5 m and under furniture, and b) Resting Site TIRS (RS-TIRS): insecticide applied only under furniture. Mosquito mortality was measured eight times post-application (out to six months post-application) by releasing 100 Ae. aegypti females/house and collecting live and dead individuals after 24 hrs exposure. Compared to Classic IRS, TIRS and RS-TIRS took less time to apply (31% and 82% reduction, respectively) and used less insecticide (38% and 85% reduction, respectively). Mortality of pyrethroid-resistant Ae. aegypti did not significantly differ among the three IRS application methods up to two months post application, and did not significantly differ between Classic IRS and TIRS up to four months post application. These data illustrate that optimizing IRS to more efficiently target Ae. aegypti

    SALMANTICOR study. Rationale and design of a population-based study to identify structural heart disease abnormalities: a spatial and machine learning analysis

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    [EN]Introduction: This study aims to obtain data on the prevalence and incidence of structural heart disease in a population setting and, to analyse and present those data on the application of spatial and machine learning methods that, although known to geography and statistics, need to become used for healthcare research and for political commitment to obtain resources and support effective public health programme implementation. Methods and analysis: We will perform a cross-sectional survey of randomly selected residents of Salamanca (Spain). 2400 individuals stratified by age and sex and by place of residence (rural and urban) will be studied. The variables to analyse will be obtained from the clinical history, different surveys including social status, Mediterranean diet, functional capacity, ECG, echocardiogram, VASERA and biochemical as well as genetic analysis. Ethics and dissemination: The study has been approved by the ethical committee of the healthcare community. All study participants will sign an informed consent for participation in the study. The results of this study will allow the understanding of the relationship between the different influencing factors and their relative importance weights in the development of structural heart disease

    Space and time in the tectonic evolution of the northwestern Iberian Massif: Implications for the Variscan belt.

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    Recent advances in geochemical studies of igneous rocks, isotopic age data for magmatism and metamorphism, quantitative pressure-temperature (P-T) estimates of metamorphic evolution, and structural geology in the northwestern Iberian Massif are integrated into a synthesis of the tectonic evolution that places the autochthonous and allochthonous terranes in the framework of Paleozoic plate tectonics. Because northwestern Iberia is free from strike-slip faults of continental scale, it is retrodeformable and preserves valuable information about the orthogonal component of convergence of Gondwana with Laurentia and/or Baltica, and the opening and closure of the Rheic Ocean. The evolution deduced for northwest Iberia is extended to the rest of the Variscan belt in an attempt to develop a three-dimensional interpretation that assigns great importance to the transcurrent components of convergence. Dominant Carboniferous dextral transpression following large Devonian and Early Carboniferous thrusting and recumbent folding is invoked to explain the complexity of the belt without requiring a large number of peri-Gondwanan terranes, and its ophiolites and highpressure allochthonous units are related to a single oceanic closure. Palinspastic reconstruction of the Variscan massifs and zones cannot be achieved without restoration of terrane transport along the colliding plate margins. A schematic reconstruction is proposed that involves postcollisional strike-slip displacement of ~3000 km between Laurussia and Gondwana during the Carboniferous