3,095 research outputs found

    Plasma rich in growth factors to treat Knee Osteoarthritis

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    188 p.En la tesis titulada Plasma Rich in Growth Factors to treat knee osteoarthritis se exponen 4 trabajosexperimentales basados en el uso del Plasma rico en factores de crecimiento. Los objetivos específicos delos trabajos realizados son los siguientes:1. Validar las inyecciones intraarticulares de PRP como un tratamiento seguro y eficaz para la artrosisde rodilla.2. Evaluar una nueva vía para tratar la artrosis de rodilla, utilizando como diana la membrana sinovial,la superficie del cartílago articular, el líquido sinovial y el hueso subcondral, y combinandoinfiltraciones intraarticulares e intraóseas de Plasma rico en factores de crecimiento (PRP).3. Explorar la adecuación del Líquido sinovial como fuente de células madre mesenquimales (CMMs)y sus respuestas a los mecanismos bilógicos implicados en los efectos de dos modalidades distintasde tratamiento de PRP en pacientes con artrosis: Inyecciones intraarticulares con la membranasinovial, la superfcicie del cartílago articular y el líquido sinovial como diana, o la combinación deinyecciones intraarticulares e intraóseas, alcanzando por último el hueso subcondral

    An unexpected role for PD-L1 in front-rear polarization and directional migration.

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    Programmed cell death-ligand 1 (PD-L1)-mediated T cell inhibition through PD-1 is a key checkpoint frequently exploited by tumors to evade immunity. In this issue, Wang et al. (2022. J. Cell Biol.https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.202108083) reveal an unexpected role for PD-L1 in promoting tumor cell front-rear polarity and directionally persistent cell migration, independently of PD-1.S

    The number of configurations in the full shift with a given least period

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    For any group GG and any set AA, consider the shift action of GG on the full shift AGA^G. A configuration xAGx \in A^G has \emph{least period} HGH \leq G if the stabiliser of xx is precisely HH. Among other things, the number of such configurations is interesting as it provides an upper bound for the size of the corresponding Aut(AG)\text{Aut}(A^G)-orbit. In this paper we show that if GG is finitely generated and HH is of finite index, then the number of configurations in AGA^G with least period HH may be computed using the M\"obius function of the lattice of subgroups of finite index in GG. Moreover, when HH is a normal subgroup, we classify all situations such that the number of GG-orbits with least period HH is at most 1010.Comment: 8 page

    Modelado del cambio de la reflectancia, bajo la acción de un pulso láser, de una lámina delgada de alúmina con nanopartículas de bismuto

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    Este trabajo nace del análisis de unas medidas realizadas durante el verano de 2018 en el Instituto de Óptica "Daza de Valdés" del CSIC, en Madrid. Estas medidas, realizadas por mí mismo bajo la tutela de Dr. Jan Siegel, investigador de dicho centro, consisten en el estudio de la evolución de la reflectancia de unas láminas tras la irradiación de éstas por un pulso láser. Dichas muestras, preparadas en el propio centro a través de la técnica PLD (Pulsed Laser Deposition), están constituidas por una distribución de nanopartículas de bismuto, contenidas en una matriz de alúmina, sobre un sustrato que puede ser vidrio óptico o silicio cristalino; en forma de lámina delgada. El interés del estudio de estas muestras radica en que pueden fabricarse con propiedades ópticas "a la carta", de tal forma que su respuesta pueda ser aprovechada en sistemas ópticos. Tiene especial interés el cambio transitorio en las propiedades ópticas inducido por la fusión de las nanopartículas. Estos resultados fueron expuestos en el E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019 en Niza, en dos simposios. En el presente trabajo, se estudia una simulación de este proceso a través de la resolución de la ecuación del calor en un sistema de celdas similar a las muestras del problema, con el objetivo de obtener información complementaria y analizar el alcance de los efectos de borde en este sistema.Grado en Físic

    Insights Into the Biogenesis and Emerging Functions of Lipid Droplets From Unbiased Molecular Profiling Approaches.

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    Lipid droplets (LDs) are spherical, single sheet phospholipid-bound organelles that store neutral lipids in all eukaryotes and some prokaryotes. Initially conceived as relatively inert depots for energy and lipid precursors, these highly dynamic structures play active roles in homeostatic functions beyond metabolism, such as proteostasis and protein turnover, innate immunity and defense. A major share of the knowledge behind this paradigm shift has been enabled by the use of systematic molecular profiling approaches, capable of revealing and describing these non-intuitive systems-level relationships. Here, we discuss these advances and some of the challenges they entail, and highlight standing questions in the field.MS-Á acknowledges support from the Tec4Bio consortium (of which MD is co-coordinator; ref. S2018/NMT4443, Actividades de I+D entre Grupos de Investigación en Tecnologías, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid/FEDER, Spain) and a CNIC-IPP COFUND MSCA fellowship, and is currently a recipient of a Ramón y Cajal research contract from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2020-029690-I). MAdP is an elected EMBO member, and research at his lab is supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-118658RB-I00, SAF2017-83130-R), La Caixa Health Research Programme (HR20-00075, AtheroConvergence), La Marató TV3 (201936-30-31) and the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (PROYE20089DELP). AP is an ICREA research professor and was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigacion (MICINN, RTI2018-098593-B-I00) and the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya. The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MCIN) and the Pro CNIC Foundation), and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (grant CEX2020-001041-S funded by MICIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033).S

    Phosphorus export from catchments: a global view

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    16 pages, figures, and tables statistics.We reviewed global P export and its controlling factors from 685 world rivers. We used available continuous (runoff, rainfall, catchment area, % land use, and population density) and discrete (runoff type, soil type, biome, dominant land use, dominant type of forest, occurrence of stagnant water bodies in catchment, and Gross Product per Capita [GPC]) variables to predict export of P fractions. P export (kg P km22 y21) spanned 6 orders of magnitude worldwide. The distribution of all fractions of P export (total P [TP], soluble reactive P [SRP], and nonSRP [dissolved organic and particle-bound P]) was right skewed. Export of nonSRP had the highest coefficient of variability, and nonSRP was the dominant part of export. The available environmental variables predicted global P export fairly well (R2 = 0.73) if total N export was included in calculations. The unexplained variance in P export might be attributed to noise in the data set, inaccuracy of measurements of environmental variables at fine scales, lack of quantitative data on anthropogenic P sources, insufficient knowledge of P behavior in catchment soils, and nonlinearity of controlling processes. P exports were highly variable among catchment types, and runoff and population density were the predictors shared by most models. P export appeared to be controlled by different sets of environmental variables in different types of catchments. Quasi-empirical, mechanistic models of P export performed better than did empirical models. Our mechanistic understanding of P export could be improved by refining current analytical methods to obtain fast and reliable values of all P fractions in aquatic ecosystems and by incorporating better and more detailed data on catchment features, anthropogenic sources of P, and instream variables in a mechanistic modelling framework.Peer reviewe

    Myopia and Other Visual Disorders in Children

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    Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu

    Methotrexate Gold Nanocarriers: Loading and Release Study: Its Activity in Colon and Lung Cancer Cells

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    In the present study, the synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) loaded with methotrexate (MTX) has been carried out in order to obtain controlled size and monodispersed nanocarriers of around 20 nm. The characterization study shows metallic AuNPs with MTX polydispersed on the surface. MTX is linked by the replacement of citrate by the MTX carboxyl group. The drug release profiles show faster MTX release when it is conjugated, which leads to the best control of plasma concentration. Moreover, the enhanced release observed at pH 5 could take advantage of the pH gradients that exist in tumor microenvironments to achieve high local drug concentrations. AuNP–MTX conjugates were tested by flow cytometry against lung (A-549) and colon (HTC-116) cancer cell lines. Results for A-549 showed a weaker dose–response e ect than for colon cancer ones. This could be related to the presence of folate receptors in line HTC-116 in comparison to line A-549, supporting the specific uptake of folate-conjugated AuNP–MTX by folate receptor positive tumor cells. Conjugates exhibited considerably higher cytotoxic e ects compared with the e ects of equal doses of free MTX. Annexin V-PI tests sustained the cell death mechanism of apoptosis, which is normally disabled in cancer cells.Spanish GovernmentJunta de Andalucía P18-RT-419

    Prevalence of Dry Eyes Symptoms in Association with Contact Lenses and Refractive Status in Portugal

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    Background: Determine whether the presence of ocular symptoms in soft-contact-lens wearers changes depending on the refractive status. Methods: During the months of January to March 2022, the CLDEQ-8 questionnaire was administered to soft-contact-lens wearers. The statistical analysis was carried out using the SPSS 27.0 computer program (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results: A total of 251 subjects participated in the study, with a higher percentage of myopes than hyperopes (82.1% versus 16.7%; p < 0.001). Out of all total participants, 21.5% suffered from dry-eye symptoms. It was noted that hyperopes presented a higher rate of dry-eye symptoms (p = 0.041). At the same time, the spherical equivalent was more positive in the participants with dry-eye symptoms (p = 0.014). Significant differences were found based on the symptoms present with contact lenses and the degree of myopia. The intensity of visual disturbances was higher in the participants with medium myopia (median [IQR]: 1/5 [2]) compared to those with low (median [IQR]: 0/5 [2]) and high myopia (median [IQR]: 0/5 [1]) (p = 0.009). Conclusions: Contact-lens wearers with hyperopia showed a higher rate of ocular dryness than those with myopia. In turn, wearing daily-replacement lenses could be one of the reasons for the lesser presence of ocular dryness compared to monthly-replacement lenses.Sección Deptal. de Óptica (Óptica)Fac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu