675 research outputs found

    Complexity Measures and Features for Times Series classification

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    Classification of time series is a growing problem in different disciplines due to the progressive digitalization of the world. Currently, the state-of-the-art in time series classification is dominated by The Hierarchical Vote Collective of Transformation-based Ensembles. This algorithm is composed of several classifiers of different domains distributed in five large modules. The combination of the results obtained by each module weighed based on an internal evaluation process allows this algorithm to obtain the best results in state-of-the-art. One Nearest Neighbour with Dynamic Time Warping remains the base classifier in any time series classification problem for its simplicity and good results. Despite their performance, they share a weakness, which is that they are not interpretable. In the field of time series classification, there is a tradeoff between accuracy and interpretability. In this work, we propose a set of characteristics capable of extracting information on the structure of the time series to face time series classification problems. The use of these characteristics allows the use of traditional classification algorithms in time series problems. The experimental results of our proposal show no statistically significant differences from the second and third best models of the state-of-the-art. Apart from competitive results in accuracy, our proposal is able to offer interpretable results based on the set of characteristics proposed.Spanish Government TIN2016-81113-R PID2020-118224RB-I00 BES-2017-080137Andalusian Regional Government, Spain P12-TIC-2958 P18-TP-5168 A-TIC-388-UGR-1

    SCMFTS: Scalable and Distributed Complexity Measures and Features for Univariate and Multivariate Time Series in Big Data Environments

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    This research has been partially funded by the following grants: TIN2016-81113-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, P12-TIC-2985 and P18-TP-5168 from Andalusian Regional Government, Spain, and EU Commission with FEDER funds. Francisco J. Baldan holds the FPI grant BES-2017-080137 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. D. Peralta is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation of Flanders (170303/12X1619N). Y. Saeys is an ISAC Marylou Ingram Scholar.Time series data are becoming increasingly important due to the interconnectedness of the world. Classical problems, which are getting bigger and bigger, require more and more resources for their processing, and Big Data technologies offer many solutions. Although the principal algorithms for traditional vector-based problems are available in Big Data environments, the lack of tools for time series processing in these environments needs to be addressed. In this work, we propose a scalable and distributed time series transformation for Big Data environments based on well-known time series features (SCMFTS), which allows practitioners to apply traditional vector-based algorithms to time series problems. The proposed transformation, along with the algorithms available in Spark, improved the best results in the state-of-the-art on the Wearable Stress and Affect Detection dataset, which is the biggest publicly available multivariate time series dataset in the University of California Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning Repository. In addition, SCMFTS showed a linear relationship between its runtime and the number of processed time series, demonstrating a linear scalable behavior, which is mandatory in Big Data environments. SCMFTS has been implemented in the Scala programming language for the Apache Spark framework, and the code is publicly available.Spanish Government TIN2016-81113-R BES-2017-080137Andalusian Regional Government, Spain P12-TIC-2985 P18-TP-5168European Commission European Commission Joint Research Centre European Commissio

    Perspectiva de la psicología del deporte : propuesta didáctica para la preparación del deportista universitario de alto rendimiento

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    [Tesis] ( Maestría en Formación y Capacitación de Recursos Humanos) U.A.N.L.UANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    La psicología en el deporte y su impacto en la resolución de conflictos a través de la mediación.

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    A lo largo de este proyecto de investigación se ha considerado a la mediación como una vía de gestión y resolución de conflictos en el ámbito deportivo, así mismo. Se ha planteado que la disminución del rendimiento de los atletas, es consecuencia de situaciones conflictivas que influyen de manera negativa en la esfera emocional de los actores deportivos, cuando un deportista no tiene control emocional debido a distractores externos en competencias o entrenamientos, difícilmente tendrá un buen desempeño en su deporte

    A fuzzy DEA slacks-based approach

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    This paper deals with the problem of efficiency assessment using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) when the input and output data are given as fuzzy sets. In particular, a fuzzy extension of the measure of inefficiency proportions, a well-known slacks-based additive inefficiency measure, is considered. The proposed approach also provides fuzzy input and output targets. Computational experiences and comparison with other fuzzy DEA approaches are reported.The first author was partially supported by the research project MTM2017-89577-P (MINECO, Spain). The second author was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant AYA2016-75931-C2-1-P and from the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia, Spain (Junta de Andalucía, reference TIC-101). The third author acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, grant PGC2018-095786-B-I00

    The effect of using finite-width electrostatic gates in timeof-flight measurements for Colloid thrusters, 27th IEPC

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    In this paper we present the latest results in our time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometer program for analyzing colloid thruster plumes. Previous results, particularly i n relatively slow droplet beams, showed an inconsistency between the measurements and the theory of electrosprays operating in the cone-jet mode. This inconsistency was due to the type of electrostatic gating used. A mathematical analysis i s developed in which the effect of Finite-Width gates is described and used to recover as much information as possible from the data. This method could be extended to other analytical systems that require the use of electrostatic gates

    Analysis of integrated mobility in college campus in urban areas

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    Los estudios de transporte urbano se han caracterizado por centrarse en el análisis de los problemas de movilidad entre dife-rentes zonas, buscando principalmente la minimización del tiempo de viaje. En los últimos años han cobrado gran importancia los efectos negativos (externalidades) que la movilidad urbana gene-ra, entre ellos los aspectos ambientales. La movilidad con motivo de viaje a campus o centros universitarios supone un gran núme-ro de los desplazamientos realizados dentro de la ciudad. En este estudio se describen los patrones de movilidad de los estudiantes, trabajadores y residentes en un campus universitario integrado en un entorno urbano. Se realiza una evaluación del consumo ener-gético y las emisiones de contaminantes emitidas a la atmosfera provocados por estos desplazamientos, y así tener un mayor nivel de concienciación sobre el daño producido al medio ambiente. De las conclusiones obtenidas en este trabajo se debe destacar que aunque existan modos de transportes más sostenibles, menos contaminaste y más económicos, las personas se resisten a utili-zarlos mientras existan infraestructuras que permitan el uso de otros modos más contaminantes y menos sostenibles, ya sea por el tiempo, comodidad o porque les cuesta cambiar de hábitos. Para poder incentivar estos usos más sostenibles, primero hay que concienciar a las personas de la contaminación que están pro-duciendo e igualmente facilitar, incentivar y potenciar los modos más sostenibles; y por otro lado, penalizar los más contaminantes y menos sostenibles• Urban transport studies have been characterized by focusing on the analysis of mobility problems between different areas, mainly looking to minimize travel time. In recent years, negative effects (externalities) of urban mobility have become very important because of environmental aspects. Mobility to campus or universities represents a large number of journeys within city. In this study, mobility patterns of students, workers and residents in an integrated urban campus environment are described. An assessment of energy consumption and emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, caused by these displacements, to have a higher level of awareness of damage caused to environment was proposed. The paper conclusions are that although there are ways more sustainable, less polluted and more economical transport, people are reluctant to use them. Thereason is that while there are infrastructures that allow use of other more polluted and less sustainable modes due to the cost time, convenience or because people costs to change their habits. To encourage more sustainable transport, firstly we make awareness people of the pollution and to facilitate, encourage and promote most sustainable modes and secondly to penalize most polluting and less sustainable transport

    EM Modelling of Monostatic RCS for Different Complex Targets in the Near-Field Range: Experimental Evaluation for Traffic Applications

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    An evaluation of monostatic radar cross section (RCS) response in the near-field range was performed for several targets with different and complex topologies. The main objective was to provide and validate an efficient tool based on electromagnetic (EM) simulations to characterize a traffic scenario. Thus, a novel method based on the combination of geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) and physical optics (PO) was used to estimate RCS, and the results were compared with the method of moments (MoM) methodology. The simulations were xperimentally validated using a commercial vehicular frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar at 24 GHz. With this simple measurement system, RCS measurements can be made using an easier and cheaper process to obtain RCS response in the near-field range, which is the most usual situation for traffic applications. A reasonable agreement between the measurements and the EM simulations was observed, validating the proposed methodology in order to efficiently characterize the RCS of targets typically found in real traffic scenarios.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, European Union and Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Manch

    Efectividad y eficacia en el proceso de mediación escolar en línea en tiempo de covid-19

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    Debido a la pandemia Covid-19 que inició en marzo del 2020, los escenarios familiares, laborales y académicos han tenido procesos de interacción humana diferentes, su cambio fue abrupto y genera la necesidad de adaptarse con inmediatez para retomar procesos en todas las dimensiones. En el Centro de Mediación y Convivencia Escolar de la Preparatoria 25 “Dr. Eduardo Aguirre Pequeño” de la UANL se identificó la pertinencia de incorporar estrategias de abordaje en mediación diferentes, ante un escenario de vulnerabilidad para la salud de la comunidad educativ