672 research outputs found

    Drug-free Enzyme-based bactericidal nanomotors against pathogenic bacteria

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    The low efficacy of current conventional treatments for bacterial infections increases mortality rates worldwide. To alleviate this global health problem, we propose drug-free enzyme- based nanomotors for the treatment of bacterial urinary-tract infections. We develop nanomotors consisting of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNPs) that were functionalized with either urease (U-MSNPs), lysozyme (L-MSNPs), or urease and lysozyme (M- MSNPs), and use them against nonpathogenic planktonic Escherichia coli. U-MSNPs exhibited the highest bactericidal activity due to biocatalysis of urea into NaHCO3 and NH3, which also propels U-MSNPs. In addition, U-MSNPs in concentrations above 200 μg/mL were capable of successfully reducing 60% of the biofilm biomass of a uropathogenic E. coli strain. This study thus provides a proof-of-concept, demonstrating that enzyme-based nanomotors are capable of fighting infectious diseases. This approach could potentially be extended to other kinds of diseases by selecting appropriate biomolecules

    Estrategias utilizadas en la prevención de la neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica

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    La primera causa de mortalidad en cuanto a infecciones nosocomiales (IN) es la neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica (NAV); reto muy grande al que se deben enfrentar el personal médico y el paciente.Es importante que en las unidades de cuidado intensivo se realicen actividades que permitan prevenir esta patología, ya que genera múltiples complicaciones. El objetivo de esta revisión es identificar las diferentes estrategias utilizadas en la prevención de la neumonía asociada a la ventilación mecánica, mediante una revisión de la literatura reciente. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de diferentes bases de datos, como archivos de bronconeumología, SciELO, pubmed, entre otros. Se reunió suficiente información para realizar el desarrollo del tema y cumplir los objetivos. Se encontraron múltiples estrategias que han demostrado ser efectivas en la prevención de la NAVM por múltiples investigaciones realizadas. Como terapeutas respiratorios, es necesario que seamos exigentes en la implementación y cumplimiento de estas medidas

    Are you ready for retirement? The influence of values on membership in voluntary organizations in midlife and old age

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    Membership in voluntary organizations is associated with individual and social benefits. Due to the negative consequences of the global pandemic on older people, and the governmental challenges posed by population aging, voluntary membership is of great importance to society. To effectively promote volunteering among older people, it is necessary to understand the determinants of voluntary membership. This study analyses the influence of individual values—secular/traditional and survival/self-expression–on voluntary membership among European adults (N = 31,985). Specifically, it examines which values orient two age groups (middle age: 50–64 and old age: 65–79), as well as men and women toward a certain type of association (Social Awareness; Professional and Political; Education and Leisure; Religion). The sample of 31,985 comprises 60% of adults aged 50–64 and 40% aged 65–79; of which 56% are women and 44% men. The empirical estimation considers different levels of data aggregation: individual, national and welfare system, therefore multilevel analysis is used as an analytical strategy. Individual-level variables from the Integrated Values Survey (2005/09, 2010/14, and 2017/20) and national-level variables (Gini Index and Gross Domestic Product Per Capita) from the World Bank and Eurostat are used. The results indicate that traditional and self-expression values promote membership in voluntary organizations in general more than secular and survival values. However, there are differences according to the type of organization. Furthermore, values are found to moderate the effect of age and gender on voluntary membership


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    Abstract · Dietary studies are one of the most developed research areas in biology and ecology studies of Neotropical owls, but most of these studies have focused on few species. Our study describes the diet of Barn Owl (Tyto alba), Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata), and Rufous-banded Owl (Strix albitarsis) in Jardin and Ciudad Bolivar, western Andes of Colombia. The diet of T. alba, based on 495 prey items consisted 98.6% of vertebrates, the main food items being rodents (66%) and shrews (21.4%). Out of 142 prey items identified from P. perspicillata fractured pellets, the main prey species were Artibeus lituratus (23.9%), Rattus norvegicus (21.8%), and Didelphis sp. (16.1%), species of small and medium-sized mammals that tolerate environmental changes and often live in urban areas. Pulsatrix perspicillata preyed also on at least 14 bird species including hummingbirds and migratory birds. Based on 165 prey items S. albitarsis consumed more invertebrates (57.7%) than vertebrates (42.3%). Among the insects, the main preys were Coleoptera beetles and Orthoptera crickets. Among the vertebrates, the main prey species included mammals such as Thomasomys aureus, Marmosops sp., Marmosa sp., and Reithrodontomys mexicanus. These scansorial species are likely to be vulnerable to aerial predators such as S. albitarsis which hunt from a perchs. According to standardized Levins index values T. alba was the most selective in its food habits, P. perspicillata had intermediate values, while S. albitarsis showed the least selective diet.RESUMEN · Dieta de la Lechuza Común (Tyto alba), el Búho de Anteojos (Pulsatrix perspicillata) y el Búho Ocelado (Strix albitarsis) en la cordillera Occidental de Colombia Los estudios sobre hábitos tróficos constituyen la línea de investigación más desarrollada dentro de la biología y ecología de los búhos Neotropicales, pero la mayoría de esos estudios se han centrado en pocas especies. El propósito de este estudio es describir la dieta de la Lechuza Común (Tyto alba), el Búho de Anteojos (Pulsatrix perspicillata) y el Búho Ocelado (Strix albitarsis), en Jardín y Ciudad Bolívar, cordillera Occidental de Colombia. Identificamos 495 presas consumidas por T. alba. Su dieta estuvo compuesta en un 98.7% de vertebrados, principalmente roedores (66%) y musarañas (21.4%). De 142 presas de P. perspicillata, las presas principales, Artibeus lituratus (23.9%), Rattus norvegicus (21.8%) y Didelphis sp. (16.1%), son especies tolerantes a los ambientes intervenidos y hacen parte de los ensamblajes de pequeños mamíferos encontrados en ambientes urbanos. Pulsatrix perspicillata consumió también al menos 14 especies de aves incluyendo colibríes y aves migratorias. En base a 165 presas S. albitarsis consumió más invertebrados (57.7%) que vertebrados (42.3%). Entre los insectos depredó en mayor porcentaje los ordenes Coleoptera y Orthoptera, mientras que entre los vertebrados predominaron los de hábitos escansoriales (Thomasomys aureus, Marmosops sp., Marmosa sp. y Reithrodontomys mexicanus). Estos vertebrados serían más vulnerables a depredadores aéreos como S. albitarsis, la cual caza desde perchas en árboles. De acuerdo a los valores obtenidos para el índice estandarizado de Levins, T. alba fue más selectiva en el consumo de las presas, seguida por P. perspicillata, mientras que S. albitarsis tiene la dieta menos selectiva

    Biocontrol of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita with Purporeocillum lilacinum and liquid bio-formulates in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) cause great losses in tomato crops. An environmentally friendly for its control is the use of predatory fungi such as Purporeocillum lilacinum, which reduces its population in the soil and mitigates yield losses. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the biocontrol efficacy of the strains of the nematophagous fungus Purporeocillum lilacinum and liquid bioformulates on the eggs of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, and the formation of galls on the tomato root. Two native strains of Purporeocillum lilacinum H2 and H3 combined with the bioformulated Extract of Beneficial Microorganisms (EPMB®) and the root exudate stimulator Exu-Root® were tested on Meloidogyne incognita eggs and tomato plants. The results obtained indicate that the Purporeocillum lilacinum H2 and H3 strains infected the Meloidogyne incognita eggs, interrupted the development of the embryos and caused their death, which significantly reduced the presence of galls in the root of the plants. In short, the maximum biological performance was presented with the treatments H2+Exu-Root® and H3+EPMB®, which had the lowest number of galls with 19.2 and 20.3 galls per plant respectively, compared to the control that presented 88 galls in the root and the treatments where the fungus was not applied (69-85 galls). Finally, it is concluded that the results demonstrate the potential of the Purporeocillum lilacinum H2 and H3 strains as biocontrol agents against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, and that, in combination with EPMB® and Exu-Root®, the efficacy can be increased to reduce its population

    Evaluation of two adjuvants for the formulation of antitetanic vaccines

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    El objetivo de esta investigación fue el de comparar el comportamiento de dos adyuvantes, hidróxido de aluminio y fosfato de calcio, con dos lotes diferentes de toxoide tetánico, uno producido por cultivo agitado y el otro producido por cultivo estático. Fue evaluada la respuesta inmune generada a través de la prueba de potencia del National Institute of Health (NIH) para ga-rantizar el cumplimiento de los estándares establecidos para la prueba de potencia, en la cual se postula que la respuesta inmune generada debe ser como mínimo de 2UI/mL. Los resultados muestran que el aluminio presenta títulos más altos en la mayoría de los casos y en otros no se aprecia una diferencia significativa entre los dos adyuvantes. También se observó claramente que cualquiera de los dos adyuvantes genera una mejor respuesta inmune con el lote 69 (cultivo estático) que con el lote 11 (cultivo agitado). El análisis de varianza arroja un error de p<0,002.The objective of this research was to compare the role of two adjuvants, aluminum hydroxide and calcium phosphate, with two different tetanus toxoid batches, one obtained by stationary culture and the other one by sumerged culture. The generated immune respon-se was evaluated through the potency assay of the National Institute of Health (NIH), which states that in order to guaranty that the vaccines are within the established standards the immune response has to be at least 2UI/mL. The results indicate that aluminum hydroxide presents in most cases better titers, while in other cases no significant difference was found. Results showed also, that both adjuvants gave a better immune response with batch 69 (static culture) than with batch 11 (sumerged culture). The variance analysis showed an error of p<0.002.Incluye referencias bibliográfica


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    The Scientific Council (SC) met by correspondence from 21 to 25 September 2020 to consider the various matters in its agenda. Representatives attended from Canada, Denmark (in respect of Faroe Islands and Greenland), the European Union, France (in respect of St. Pierre et Miquelon), Japan, Norway, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The Executive Secretary, Scientific Council Coordinator and other members of the Secretariat were in attendance

    Results from Bottom Trawl Survey on Flemish Cap of June-July 2021

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    A stratified random bottom trawl survey on Flemish Cap was carried out from 12 July to 9 August 2021. Following the same procedures as in previous years, the area surveyed extends up to depths of 800 fathoms (1460 meters) and 181 fishing stations were planned. The survey was carried out by the R/V Vizconde de Eza with the usual survey gear (Lofoten). A total of 181 valid hauls were made, 120 up to 730 meters depth and 61 up to 1460 meters. Survey results are presented, including abundance indices of the main commercial species and age distributions for cod, redfish, American plaice, Greenland halibut, roughhead grenadier, squid and shrimp. The general indexes for this year are estimated taken into account the traditional swept area (strata 1-19, up to depths of 730 m.) and the total area surveyed (strata 1-34, up to depths of 1460 m.).Versión del editor

    Predicción de los comportamientos positivos en educación física: una perspectiva desde la Teoría de la autodeterminación

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    El presente estudio analiza los antecedentes motivacionales que pueden incidir en la realización de comportamientos positivos en las clases de educación física. La muestra está formada por 1692 alumnos con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años (M = 13.34; DT = .76), pertenecientes a 99 clases de 32 centros educativos públicos. Se somete a verificación un modelo completo de regresión estructural que, teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza multinivel de los datos, refleja cómo la percepción de apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas predice el tipo de motivación a través de la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas, y cómo el tipo de motivación actúa como predictor de los comportamientos positivos. Los resultados destacan los procesos motivacionales como elementos claves para el desarrollo de comportamientos adaptativos en el contexto de la educación física