203 research outputs found

    On the second Feng-Rao distance of Algebraic Geometry codes related to Arf semigroups

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    Producción CientíficaWe describe the second (generalized) Feng-Rao distance for elements in an Arf numerical semigroup that are greater than or equal to the conductor of the semigroup. This provides a lower bound for the second Hamming weight for one point AG codes. In particular, we can obtain the second Feng-Rao distance for the codes defined by asymptotically good towers of function fields whose Weierstrass semigroups are inductive. In addition, we compute the second Feng-Rao number, and provide some examples and comparisons with previous results on this topic. These calculations rely on Apéry sets, and thus several results concerning Apéry sets of Arf semigroups are presented.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER( Projects MTM2014-55367-P / MTM2015-65764-C3-1-P)Junta de Andalucía (Grant FQM-343)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Project UID/MAT/00297/2013

    Characterization of nondiffusive transport in plasma turbulence via a novel Lagrangian method

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    4 pages, 3 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 52.35.Ra, 05.40.Fb, 47.27.−i, 52.65.Kj.A novel method to probe and characterize the nature of the transport of passive scalars carried out by a turbulent flow is introduced. It requires the determination of two exponents which encapsulate the statistical and correlation properties of the component of interest of the Lagrangian velocities of the flow. Numerical simulations of a magnetically confined, near-critical turbulent plasma, known to exhibit superdiffusive radial transport, are used to illustrate the method. It is shown that the method can easily detect the change in the dynamics of the radial transport that takes place after adding to the simulations a (subdominant) diffusive channel of tunable strength.Research supported by Spanish DGES Grant No. ENE2006-15244-C03-01/FTN and DOE Office of Science Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER54741 at University of Alaska. ORNL researchers sponsored by U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725.Publicad

    A Novel High-Performance Length Matching Element for High-Speed Interconnect Differential Channels

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    Length matching elements (LME) are used for intra-pair length matching and inter-pair skew reduction to get high data rates in high-speed differential channels. Although these structures are widely used in printed circuit boards (PCB), the effectiveness of the structure depends on its geometry and dimensions, allowing different design alternatives. In this work, a novel LME for PCB designs is proposed. It is formed by three sub-structures, such that the insertion and impedance profile can be parametrically controlled by the geometry of the proposed LME without affecting the length matching. Mixed-mode parameters, extracted from simulation data, shows that the proposed LME presents lower insertion loss and less electromagnetic interference (EMI), than trapezoidal LME. In addition, time domain reflected analysis (TDR) shows better impedance profile for the proposed LME than for the trapezoidal shape. Both frequency- and time-domain results indicate that the proposed LME can be a good alternative for length matching compensation in high-speed channels

    Descripción De Los Rasgos Petrográficos De Algunos Áridos De La Caldera De Los Frailes, En El Sureste De La Península Ibérica.

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    El trabajo que se presenta tiene la finalidad de ofrecer una descripción sistemática de algunas variedades de áridos naturales que yacen en la parte central de la Caldera de Los Frailes, en el Sureste de la Península Ibérica. Con el estudio detallado de 22 muestras, se identificaron las especies minerales formadoras de rocas, rasgos texturales, abundancia modal, alteraciones secundarias y petrogénesis. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido identificar varios tipos de áridos naturales en la Caldera de los Frailes, de acuerdo con sus propiedades petrográficas, representados, entre otros, por andesitas piroxénicas, dacitas y sus tobas, productos piroclásticos, zeolitas y bentonitas. El grado de conocimiento aportado por esta investigación la convierte en una guía práctica para orientar a los interesados en el uso efectivo y racional de estos áridos

    Comparación de fertilizante foliar a base de Teberinto (Moringa sp) y fertilizante foliar sintético en el cultivo de fríjol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) variedad CENTA Pipil en el Municipio de San Ramón, Departamento de Cuscatlán.

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    Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo comparar el fertilizante foliar a base de Teberinto (Moringa sp) con el fertilizante foliar sintético en el cultivo de fríjol criollo (Phaseolus vulgaris) variedad CENTA Pipil, en el Municipio de San Ramón, Departamento de Cuscatlán. Se determinó la respuesta de las variables de desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar, con cuatro tratamientos y cinco repeticiones. Los tratamientos en el cultivo de frijol fueron los siguientes: T0 (Fertilizante foliar sintético (NPK: 11-8-6); T1 (Fertilizante foliar de hojas de Teberinto de 5 libras diluido en 17 litros de agua; T2 (Fertilizante foliar de hojas de Teberinto de 10 libras diluido en 17 litros de agua) y T3 (Fertilizante foliar de hojas de Teberinto de 15 libras diluido en 17 litros de agua). Se evaluaron las variables número de flores, longitud y diámetro de vaina, número de vainas, número de granos por vaina, peso de 100 granos y rendimiento total, en el cultivo de frijol). Del cultivo de Teberinto se realizaron análisis químicos, también del fertilizante foliar sintético. Se efectuó un análisis económico. Los resultados indican que no existieron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos en el número de flores por planta, longitud, diámetro y número de granos por vaina, pero si en el número de vainas por planta, peso de 100 granos y rendimiento en el cultivo del frijol. Del análisis económico se obtuvo que los tratamientos T0 (2318.58 Kg/ha) y T3 (2227.29 Kg/ha), con una relación beneficio/costo de 2.57y2.57 y 2.53, no así el tratamiento T1, con una relación beneficio/costo de 0.85 que no logra cubrir los costos de producción

    Aplicación del Indice de Seguridad de Centros Educativos (ISCE) en el edificio de educación media del Complejo Educativo Profesor Martín Romeo Monterrosa Rodríguez en el Municipio de santa ana, Departamento de Santa Ana

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    El presente documento contiene la información recopilada de la investigación denominada “Aplicación del Índice de Seguridad de Centros Educativos (ISCE) en el Edificio de Educación Media del Complejo Educativo Profesor Martín Romeo Monterrosa Rodríguez en el Municipio de Santa Ana, Departamento de Santa An

    Ocean classification of dynamical structures detected by SAR and spectral methods

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    We discuss a taxonomy of different dynamical featuresin the ocean surface and provide some eddy and frontstatistics, as well as describing some events detected byseveral satellites and even with additional cruise observationsand measurements, in the North-west MediterraneanSea area between 1996 and 2012. The structureof the flows are presented using self-similar traces thatmay be used to parametrize mixing at both limits of the Ross by Deformation Radius scale, RL. Results showthe ability to identify different SAR signatures and at thesame time provide calibrations for the different local configurationsof vortices, spirals, Langmuir cells, oil spillsand tensioactive slicks that eventually allow the study ofthe self-similar structure of the turbulence. Dependingon the surface wind and wave level, and also on the fetch.the bathimetry, the spiral parameters and the resolution of vortical features change. Previous descriptions did not includethe new wind and buoyancy features. SAR imagesalso show the turbulence structure of the coastal area andthe Regions of Fresh Water Influence (ROFI). It is not eworthytt such complex coastal fielddependent behavioris strongly influenced by stratification and rotation of theturbulence spectrum is observed only in the range smallerthan the local Ross by deformation radius, RL. The measuresof diffusivity from buoy or tracer experiments areused to calibrate the behavior of different tracers and pollutants,both natural and man-made in the NW MediterraneanSea. Thanks to different polarization and intensitylevels in ASAR satellite imagery, these can be usedto distinguish between natural and man-made sea surfacefeatures due to their distinct self-similar and fractal as afunction of spill and slick parameters, environmental conditionsand history of both oil releases and weather conditions.Eddy diffusivity map derived from SAR measurementsof the ocean surface, performing a feature spatialcorrelation of the available images of the region are presented.Both the multi fractal discrimination of the localfeatures and the diffusivity measurements are importantto evaluate the state of the environment. The distributionof meso-scale vortices of size, the Ross by de for mationscale and other dominant features can be used to distinguishfeatures in the ocean surface. Multi-fractal analysisis then very use full. The SAR images exhibited a largevariation of natural features produced by winds, internalwaves, the bathymetric distribution, by convection, rain,etc as all of these produce variations in the sea surfaceroughness so that the topological changes may be studiedand classified. In a similar way bathimetry may bestudied with the methodology described here using thecoastline and the thal wegs as generators of local verticalvorticity.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Un producto del metamorfismo de contacto del complejo ofiolítico de la región noroeste de Holguín, Cuba: La Turingita. Aspectos petrológicos y mineralógicos

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    Uno de los rasgos fundamentales del complejo ofiolítico de la región noroccidental de la Provincia Holguín es la gran variedad de productos metasomáticos, originados a partir de múltiples factores relacionados con su emplazamiento alóctono, bien por su relación espacial con las litofacies vecinas, bien por variaciones producidas en el propio seno de las ofiolitas; esto último se refiere a procesos de autometamorfismo, y también a frecuentes intrusiones de cuerpos de composición intermedia, originados, posiblemente, por diferenciación del complejo ofiolítico, en fases tardías. Uno de los productos más comunes del metamorfismo de contacto en este escenario es la turingita, que constituye el objetivo central de la presente comunicación. La turingita está espacialmente relacionada con las litologías de la serie ultramáfica del complejo ofiolítico, formando estrechos afloramientos de morfología variada, y vinculados con zonas donde se ha verificado una fuerte actividad hidrotermal. Su origen puede explicarse a partir del efecto que tuvo lugar cuando las disoluciones calientes, tanto las procedentes del autometamorfismo como las que acompañaron a los cuerpos intrusivos, actuaron sobre las rocas ultrabásicas El presente trabajo pretende aportar un breve resumen de los análisis mineralógicos realizados sobre algunas muestras de turingita recolectadas en el campo mineral de Aguas Claras y sus alrededores

    Pozzuolanic properties of the natural zeolites of some latin american deposits

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    This paper shows the results of the study of physical, mechanic and chemical behaviour of some natural zeolite types sampled in different outcrops of the world, mainly from Mexico, Cuba and Spain, as well as their incidence in certain practical applications, by means of the utilization of its pozzuolanic properties. Results emphasize that every natural zeolite variety gives different answers in the assays, probably influenced by the subtle variability of their chemical composition. Key words: zeolites, pozzuolanic, density, geometric, strengt

    Switching to Vortioxetine in Patients with Poorly Tolerated Antidepressant-Related Sexual Dysfunction in Clinical Practice: A 3-Month Prospective Real-Life Study

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    [EN] Treatment-emergent sexual dysfunction (TESD) is one of the most frequent and persistent adverse effects of antidepressant medication. Sexual dysfunction (SD) secondary to SSRIs occurs in >60% of sexually active patients and >80% of healthy volunteers, with this causing treatment discontinuation in >35% of patients. However, this factor is rarely addressed in routine examinations, and only 15–30% of these events are spontaneously reported. A strategy of switching to a different non-serotonergic antidepressant could involve a risk of relapse or clinical worsening due to a lack of serotonergic activity. Vortioxetine appears to have less impact on sexual function due to its multimodal mechanism of action. No studies have been published on the effectiveness of switching to vortioxetine in patients with poorly tolerated long-term antidepressant-related SD in naturalistic settings. Study objectives: To determine the effectiveness of switching to vortioxetine due to SD in a routine clinical practice setting. Methodology: observational pragmatic and naturalistic study to determine the effectiveness of the switch to vortioxetine (mean dosage 13.11 ± 4.03) in 74 patients aged 43.1 ± 12.65 (54% males) at risk of discontinuing treatment due to sexual dysfunction. The PRSexDQ*- SALSEX scale (* Psychotropic-Related Sexual Dysfunction Questionnaire) was applied at two moments: baseline visit and after 3 months of follow-up. Results: global Sexual Dysfunction (SD) measured with the SALSEX scale decreased significantly between the baseline visit (10.32; SD 2.73) and the follow-up visit (3.78; SD 3.68), p < 0.001. There was a significant improvement (p < 0.001) at the endpoint including decreased libido, delay of orgasm, anorgasmia and arousal difficulties in both sexes. After switching to vortioxetine, 83.81% of patients experienced an improvement in sexual function (43.2% felt greatly improved). Most patients (83.3%) who switched to vortioxetine continued treatment after the follow-up visit. A total of 58.1% of patients showed an improvement in depressive symptoms from the baseline visit. Conclusion: switching to vortioxetine is an effective and reliable strategy to treat patients with poorly tolerated previous antidepressant-related sexual dysfunction in real-life clinical settings