826 research outputs found

    Open access in social sciences: sociological remarks on publishing, communities and fields.

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    En el presente artículo proponemos evitar las caracterizaciones abstractas y políticas del Open Access para pasar a evaluar empíricamente su funcionamiento. Solo apartándonos de los manifiestos programáticos y los listados de beneficios teóricos de dichas prácticas podremos valorar en su justa medida las resistencias existentes y aprovechar sus potencialidades reales. En concreto, se propone estudiar el Open Access en las Ciencias Sociales (en comparación con las Ciencias Naturales) y entender que todavía estamos ante un proceso desigual de difusión del conocimiento académico debido, en parte, a dos nociones sociológicas centrales (de dos autores también centrales en las propias Ciencias Sociales): i) la arquitectura diferencial de sus “comunidades científicas” (Merton) y ii) las diferentes reglas de “campo académico” (Bourdieu) configuradas a partir del dominio de los índices de impacto en las ciencias contemporáneas.In this paper we propose to avoid the abstract characterizations of Open Access policies in order to empirically evaluate its performance. Only moving away from programmatic manifestos and listing theoretical benefits of such practices can assess existing resistances and take advantage of their real potential. Specifically, we will address the Open Access in the Social Sciences (compared to the Natural Sciences) and understand that we are still confronted with unequal diffusion process of academic knowledge, due in part to two central sociological notions (coming from two authors also central to the Social Sciences): i) the differential architecture of its "scientific communities" (Merton) and ii) the different rules of "academic field" (Bourdieu) configured from dominant impact indexes on contemporary science

    Project for developing a project management simulation game for engineers

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    The main objective of this project is to develop a game that serves to put yourself in the shoes of a Project Manager and acquire knowledge of this field in a more practical and entertaining way. It is mainly designed for students who aspire to work in project management. The responsibilities that players will take on throughout the game are mainly related to recruiting team members, assigning tasks, and managing the budget. These responsibilities will be affected by different occurrences that may occur during the game project, and players will have to employ strategies to cope with these events in order to finish the game project in the shortest in time and within the initial budget. To achieve the result of the project, an analysis of the existing games in this field has been carried out, as well as an in-depth study of issues in the world of project management. The methodology for developing the game was also based on a trial-and-error model, in which different adjustments were tested in order to arrive at a game where the players, in addition to being entertained, learn project management concepts. With these components, the player will have to develop the established project. The result is a board game, consisting of a Kanban board, cards representing tasks, employees and occurrences, a budget tracking sheet, a calendar and a dice. In conclusion, these types of games have great potential as they allow you to learn while you entertain yourself, as well as allowing the player to put themselves in the role of a manager and thus have a more realistic view of what it is like to have a position of this kin

    La movilidad de los objetos tecnocientíficos: un ejemplo de biopolítica a través de las patentes

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    So far, most social studies of mobility and/or bio-politics have focused on the political management of the subjects (migration, control institutions, international tourism, global governmentality processes, etc.).. On the one hand, the paradigm of mobility (Urry and the Lancaster School) has addressed a range of scattered and disjointed human phenomena introducing timidly issues of power. Otherwise, the contemporary biopolitical reflections within the social sciences have always operated with flesh and blood subjects excluding the world of objects (such as claim and complain the actor-network theory (ANT) and other sociological eyes). This article attempts to outline a framework for understanding biopolitical processes related to the mobility of certain objects or networks of objects/subjects; in particular through the ad hoc property titles on technoscientific objects (the patents). Due to certain historical events of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century a international patents network is built (world exhibitions, bilateral, continental agreements, etc...) and together with elements related to the current globalization of intangible techno-scientific properties (TRIPs agreements and the case of biotechnologies or food industries) will serve as examples or case studies to illustrate the dynamics generated by the biopolitical strategic mobility of scientific and technological objects (outcomes of an ownership regime based on international titles genes, chemical formulas biomass, plant or animal species, food, biotech, etc.).Hasta ahora la mayoría de estudios sobre movilidad y/o biopolítica se han centrado en la gestión política de los sujetos (flujos migratorios, instituciones de control, turismo internacional, gubernamentalidad de los procesos globales, etc.). Por una parte, el paradigma de la movilidad (Urry y la escuela de Lancaster) ha abordado un abanico disperso e inconexo de fenómenos móviles introduciendo tímidamente las cuestiones del poder. De otra, las reflexiones biopolíticas contemporáneas en el seno de las Ciencias Sociales han operado siempre con sujetos de carne y hueso excluyendo de sus reflexiones el mundo de los objetos (tal y como reclamaría la Teoría del Actor-Red y otras miradas sociológicas). En este artículo se intenta esbozar un marco de comprensión de procesos biopolíticos relacionados con la movilidad de ciertos objetos o redes de objetos/sujetos; en concreto a través de los títulos de propiedad ad hoc sobre objetos tecnocientíficos, las patentes. Gracias a ciertos acontecimientos históricos de finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX se va construyendo un entramado patentista internacional (exposiciones mundiales, tratados bilaterales, acuerdos continentales, etc.), que junto con determinados elementos actuales relacionados con la globalización de las propiedades inmateriales tecnocientíficas (acuerdos TRIPs y similares en el caso biotecnológico o agroalimentario), servirán como ejemplos o estudios de caso para ilustrar la dinámica biopolítica generada por la movilidad estratégica de objetos científicos y tecnológicos (producto de un régimen de apropiación basado en títulos internacionales sobre genes, fórmulas químicas, biomasa, especies vegetales o animales, alimentos, transgénicos, etc.)

    Ethics and Culture

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    Este artículo consta de tres partes. En la primera parte se realiza una síntesis de lo que es la Ética, de lo que entiende el autor por Ética, ya que, como se observará en la exposición, hay distintas concepciones con respecto a ella. En la segunda parte el estudio se centra en la cultura ofreciendo una serie de distinciones que puedan servir para establecer la posible relación entre Ética y Cultura. Finalmente, se confrontan y complementan ambos conceptos permitiendo al autor establecer algunas conclusiones.This article consists of three parts. In the first part there is a synthesis of what Ethics is, of what the author understands Ethics, since, as will be observed in the exhibition, there are different conceptions regarding it. In the second part the study focuses on culture offering a series of distinctions that can be used to establish the possible relationship between Ethics and Culture. Finally, both concepts are confronted and complemented, allowing the author to establish some conclusions