71 research outputs found

    Linking production paradigms and organizational approaches to production systems

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    Manufacturing system design and operation is critical to achieve strategic company objectives. This must aim fitting manufacturing systems capabilities to the different demand market environments, having in consideration the different approaches and strategies that should be used. In this paper we develop a framework for characterizing production system conceptual models and linking them to both production paradigms and organizational approaches to production, such as lean and agile manufacturing. The conceptual models identified are useful for aiding to implement organizational approaches and fit manufacturing systems to manufacturing requirements determined by different product demand patterns.(undefined

    Prototype to Increase Crosswalk Safety by Integrating Computer Vision with ITS-G5 Technologies

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    Human errors are probably the main cause of car accidents, and this type of vehicle is one of the most dangerous forms of transport for people. The danger comes from the fact that on public roads there are simultaneously different types of actors (drivers, pedestrians or cyclists) and many objects that change their position over time, making difficult to predict their immediate movements. The intelligent transport system (ITS-G5) standard specifies the European communication technologies and protocols to assist public road users, providing them with relevant information. The scientific community is developing ITS-G5 applications for various purposes, among which is the increasing of pedestrian safety. This paper describes the developed work to implement an ITS-G5 prototype that aims at the increasing of pedestrian and driver safety in the vicinity of a pedestrian crosswalk by sending ITS-G5 decentralized environmental notification messages (DENM) to the vehicles. These messages are analyzed, and if they are relevant, they are presented to the driver through a car’s onboard infotainment system. This alert allows the driver to take safety precautions to prevent accidents. The implemented prototype was tested in a controlled environment pedestrian crosswalk. The results showed the capacity of the prototype for detecting pedestrians, suitable message sending, the reception and processing on a vehicle onboard unit (OBU) module and its presentation on the car onboard infotainment system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    POLCA control in two-stage production systems

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    POLCA (Paired-cell Overlapping Loops of Cards with Authorization) is a decision support system for material flow control under Quick Response Manufacturing. It operates in the context of low-volume, high-mix, and cellular manufacturing. While there is an increasing literature on POLCA performance, current studies usually assume full availability of components (or parts) at assembly stations, neglecting parts manufacturing and feeding. Therefore, this study uses simulation to assess POLCA performance in a two-stage production system, where at the first stage parts are manufactured and at the second, they are assembled into end-products. The study demonstrates that using POLCA to control both production stages, manufacturing and assembly, significantly outperforms the use of POLCA at the assembly stage only, leading to important reductions of the total throughput time of orders and on the percentage of tardy orders. Statistical analysis of our results was conducted using ANOVA.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    INFRAESTRUTURA E DESENVOLVIMENTO: o que se pode esperar da Ponte Salvador-Itaparica? Bahia-Brasil

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    Este artigo objetiva analisar o projeto do Sistema Viário do Oeste (SVO), no qual consta a construção da Ponte Salvador–Itaparica, à luz das discussões sobre a relação entre infraestrutura e crescimento econômico, assim como daquelas que ampliam o foco para incluir questões pertinentes ao desenvolvimento socioambiental. Essa revisão foi utilizada para apreciar o projeto e para analisar as pré-condições econômicas e sociais presentes em quatro Territórios de Identidade que sofrerão mais diretamente seus impactos. A análise dos dados e das informações não permite postular que o projeto do Sistema Viário do Oeste – com a sua ponte – poderá contribuir, de forma significativa, para mitigar o quadro de profunda desigualdade e promover o desenvolvimento endógeno e sustentável dos territórios. A abordagem utilizada nessa análise, ao rejeitar a visão econômica tradicional, amplia a discussão sobre as relações entre investimentos em infraestrutura e desenvolvimento regional, utilizando as evidências deste estudo de caso.INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT: what can be expected from the bridge Salvador-Itaparica? Bahia-BrazilThis paper aims at analyzing the design of the Road System of the West (SVO), which include the construction of Salvador-Itaparica Bridge, in the light of the discussions on the relationship between infrastructure and economic growth, as well as those that expand the focus to include issues relevant to development. This review was used to assess the project and to examine the social and economic preconditions that are present in four Territories of Identity that will suffer more directly their impacts (Metropolitana de Salvador, Recôncavo, Baixo Sul and Vale do Jiquiriçá). The analysis of the data and information does not allow us to postulate that the project of the Road System of the West and its Bridge could contribute significantly to mitigate the significant inequality and promote the endogenous and sustainable development of the territories.The approach used in this analysis, by rejecting the traditional economic view, extends the discussion of the relationship between investments in infrastructure and regional development using evidences from this case study.Key words: Infrastructure; Development; Territories of identity; Productive Settlements; Regional PoliciesINFRASTRUCTURE ET DÉVELOPPEMENT: que peut-on attendre du pont Salvador-Itaparica? Bahia-BrésilCet article vise à analyser la conception du Réseau Routier dans l’Ouest (SVO), qui comprennent la construction du pont Sauveur-Itaparica, à la lumière des discussions sur la relation entre l’infrastructure et la croissance économique, mais aussi ceux qui élargissent la portée aux questions relatives au développement. Cet examen a été utilisé pour évaluer le projet et d’examiner le social et les conditions économiques sont présentes dans quatre territoires de l’identité qui souffrira plus directement leurs impacts (Metropolitana de Salvador, Recôncavo, Baixo Sul et la Vale do Jiquiriçá). L’analyse des données ne nous permet pas de postuler que le projet du Réseau Routier de l’Ouest et son pont pourrait contribuer significativement à atténuer le cadre de l’inégalité qui prévaut et promouvoir le développement endogène et durable des territoires.L’approche utilisée dans cette analyse, en rejetant la vision économique traditionnelle, élargit la discussion sur la relation entre les investissements dans les infrastructures et le développement régional, à l’aide de la preuve de cette étude de cas.Key words: Infrastructure; Développement; Territoires de l’identité; Agglomérations productifs; Politiques régionales

    The Proposal of the Brazilian patent office for the backlog solution: An unconstitutional proposition

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    It is notorious that there is an efficiency crisis in the Brazilian patent system, unable to meet society\u27s demand for a faster patent examination. The INPI takes about 11 years to concede a patent. There are 231.184 pending patent applications, and in June of 2017 it promoted a public consultation proposing an infra-legal norm that allows the granting of patents without substantive examination in the country, the so-called simplified procedure of granting of patent applications. Currently, the Brazilian government recognizes that it does not have the structure to make the substantive examination of all pending patent applications. This article aims to analyze not only the legality but the very constitutionality of the proposal under examination. After analyzing the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and also the national legislation, it was concluded that it is not possible to grant patents without substantive examination in Brazil. In search of solution for INPI backlog, it should be based on the social interest and the technological development of the country, and this is not the case of the proposal commented in this paper

    Nutritional deficiency in "umbuzeiro" seedlings caused by the omission of macronutrients

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e os sintomas visuais de deficiência de macronutrientes em mudas de umbuzeiro, Spondias tuberosa, cultivadas em solução nutritiva completa e com omissão individual de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. As ausências de Ca, N, Mg e K provocaram redução do crescimento das mudas. A omissão de macronutrientes provocou alterações morfológicas características da deficiência nutricional. Observa-se maior exigência em N, K, Ca e Mg na fase inicial de crescimento e a redução na massa de matéria seca total segue a ordem: Ca > N > K > Mg > S > P.The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and the visual symptoms of macronutrients deficiency in "umbuzeiro" seedlings (Spondias tuberosa) cultivated on complete nutritive solution and on solution with individual omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The absences of Ca, N, Mg and K caused a reduction in seedling growth. The omission of individual macronutrients conducted to morphological disorders related to the nutritional deficiency. A higher requirement of N, K, Ca and Mg is observed during the initial phase of the growth, and the reduction in total dry matter follows the order: Ca > N > K > Mg > S > P

    Učinci zaraze leptospirama na reprodukcijsku sposobnost krmača

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    A serologic survey was conducted among 76 sows randomly selected from a single farrow-to-finish swine herd, located on the Ibiúna municipality, state of São Paulo, Brazil, to investigate associations between Leptospira spp. seropositivity and reproductive performance. For detection of anti-leptospires antibodies, the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was carried out using live cultures of 22 pathogenic and two saprophytic Leptospira spp. serovars. Questionnaires with open and closed questions were administered to the manager of the herd for collection of information about the sows included in the study and the reproductive performance of the subsequent offspring. The following variables were evaluated: age of sows, total number of piglets born, number of piglets born alive, number of weak piglets, number of weaned piglets, number of mummified fetuses, number of stillbirths, mass of piglets at birth, mass of piglets at weaning, weaning to service interval (WSI), and occurrence of return to heat, mummified fetuses and stillbirths. The frequency of seropositivity for at least one Leptospira spp. serovar was 18.4%. The reactant serovars and respective frequencies were Bratislava (33.3%), Hardjobovis (33.3%), Shermani (19.1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9.5%) and Grippotyphosa (4.8%). Seropositivity for Leptospira spp. was associated with prolonged WSI (P<0.001), decreased number of piglets born (P = 0.001), decreased number of piglets born alive (P<0.001), decreased number of weaned piglets (P = 0.003), low mass of the piglets at birth (P<0.01), and increased number of stillbirths (P = 0.001). Seropositive sows had also significant relative risk (P = 0.003) of stillbirths.U svrhu određivanja povezanosti između seropozitivnosti na leptospire i reprodukcijske sposobnosti krmača provedeno je serološko istraživanje na 76 nasumce odabranih krmača s jedne farme zatvorenog tipa, smještene u okrugu Ibiuna u pokrajini Sao Paolo u Brazilu. Za dokazivanje specifičnih protutijela rabljena je mikroskopska aglutinacija sa živim kulturama 22 patogena i dva saprofitska serovara leptospira. Radi prikupljanja podataka upućeni su upitnici upravitelju farme s pitanjima o krmačama uključenima u istraživanje i o reprodukcijskoj sposobnosti njihova potomstva. Procjenjivane su sljedeće varijable: dob krmača, ukupan broj oprasene prasadi, broj živooprasene prasadi, broj nevitalne prasadi, broj odbite prasadi, broj mumificiranih plodova, broj mrtvooprasene prasadi, masa prasadi pri prasenju, masa pri odbiću, razdoblje od odbića do bucanja i pojava ponovnog bucanja, te broj mumificiranih plodova i mrtvooprasene prasadi. 18,4% krmača bilo je serološki pozitivno za barem jedan serovar leptospira. Dokazana su protutijela za serovarove Bratislava (33,3%), Hardjobovis (33,3%), Shermani (19,1%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (9,5%) i Grippotyphosa (4,8%). Seropozitivnost za leptospire bila je povezana s produženim razdobljem od odbića do prvog bucanja (P<0,001), sa smanjenim brojem oprasene prasadi (P = 0,001), sa smanjenim brojem živooprasene prasadi (P<0,001), smanjenim brojem odbite prasadi (P = 0,003), s malom masom prasadi pri prasenju (P<0,01), te s povećanim brojem mrtvooprasene prasadi (P = 0,001). U serološki pozitivnih krmača također je ustanovljen znatan relativni rizik (P = 0,003) da će oprasiti uginulu prasad

    Atividade antimicrobiana da peçonha de Lachesis muta rhombeata / Antibacterial activity of Lachesis muta rhombeata venom

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    O aumento dos casos de morte causada por infecções bacterianas tem impulsionado pesquisadores a investigarem diferentes fontes biológicas, como venenos animais, que contêm moléculas bioativas, e esses podem ser fontes de novos moléculas terapêuticas para o tratamento de infecções microbianas. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antibacteriana do veneno de Lachesis muta rhombeata. Para a avaliação da atividade antibacteriana do veneno, foram utilizados os métodos de difusão em disco e microdiluição de acordo com o Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Os resultados obtidos no método de difusão em disco demonstraram que o veneno de Lachesis muta rhombeata não apresentou atividade antibacteriana frente as bactérias gram-negativas Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 700603 (halo de inibição = 5,7 ± 0,3 mm) e Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (halo de inibição = 6,2 ± 1,2 mm), porém, o veneno apresentou atividade moderada frente a Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 (halo de inibição = 11,4 ± 0,5 mm). Em relação as bactérias gram-positivas, o veneno de Lachesis muta rhombeata apresentou atividade antibacteriana frente a Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 (halo de inibição = 15,4 ± 1,1 mm), no entanto, o veneno não apresentou atividade frente a S. aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) ATCC 33591 (halo de inibição = 0 mm). No método de microdiluição, o veneno de Lachesis muta rhombeata apresentou maior atividade frente a S. aureus ATCC 29213 (Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) = 64 ?g/mL), atividade moderada frente a P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 (CIM = 256 ?g/mL), fracamente ativa frente a E. coli ATCC 25922 (CIM = 512 ?g/mL) e inativo para K. pneumoniae ATCC 700603 e MRSA ATCC 33591 (CIM ? 512 ?g/mL). Considerando os resultados obtidos neste estudo, o veneno de Lachesis muta rhombeata é uma alternativa promissora como agente antibacteriano, especialmente frente a Staphylococcus aureus