7 research outputs found

    Migration as a Political and Public Phenomenon: The Case of Hungary

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    Publication within the project “The V4 towards migration challenges in Europe. An analysis and recommendations” is financed by Visegrad Fun

    Kritikus infrastruktúra elleni dzsihadista támadások

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    Besides its function to maintain the social and economic well-being of a nation, operating critical infrastructure serves as a proof of the ability of the state to provide protection to its citizens. Hence, a successful terrorist attack targeting critical infrastructure - in addition to generating fear and panic in the ranks of society undermines the operational character of the state. In recent years, several terrorist incidents in Europe have highlighted the vulnerability of critical infrastructure and, consequently, the importance of protecting it. Bearing this in mind, the protection of critical infrastructure has become a high priority for Western states, in parallel with the growing trend of risks, challenges and threats posed by international terrorism. Recently Europe has seen an increase in terrorist attacks against members of law enforcement as well as the armed forces. This paper argues that such attacks should also be considered as attacks on critical infrastructure, as it is ultimately the human resources being responsible for the well-functioning of those agencies. Further, the paper aims to examine the religious justification of Jihadist terrorist attacks against critical infrastructure.A kritikus infrastruktúra működtetése, amellett, hogy annak feladata a nemzet társadalmi és gazdasági jólétének fenntartása, az állam azon képességének igazolására is szolgál, hogy milyen védelmet tud biztosítani polgárai számára. Ugyanis a kritikus infrastruktúrára irányuló eredményes terrortámadás – azon túlmenően, hogy a társadalom tagjaiban félelmet és pánikot kelt- a működő állam képét is aláássa. Az utóbbi években az Európában lezajlott különféle terrorista támadások rávilágítottak a kritikus infrastruktúra sebeshetőségére, és ebből következőleg, a védelmének fontosságára. Mindezt szem előtt tartva, a kritikus infrastruktúra kiemelt fontosságúvá vált a nyugati országokban, a fokozódó kockázatokkal, a nemzetközi terrorizmus kihívásaival, fenyegetéseivel párhuzamosan. Mostanában Európában megnőtt a rendészeti szervek, valamint a fegyveres erők tagjai ellen irányuló terrortámadások száma. A jelen tanulmány úgy véli, hogy az ilyen támadások szintén a kritikus infrastruktúrával szembeni támadásoknak tekintendők, mivel ezek végső soron az ilyen szervezetek megfelelő működtetéséért felelős emberi erőforrásokat jelentik. A tanulmány célja továbbá, hogy megvizsgálja a kritikus infrastruktúrák elleni dzsihádista terrortámadások vallásos igazolását

    Crimes Against Humanity in Western Sahara : The Case Against Morocco

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    Western Sahara is occupied by Morocco. The referendum on the territory’s final status set forth by the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) has repeatedly been postponed and the so far brokered proposals have been rejected by both parties. Since the Moroccan occupation the Saharawis have been continuously repressed through arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, and attacks of the civilian population, persecution and oppression of peaceful demonstrations. The violation of fundamental human rights is an ongoing issue. It is argued that these violations may constitute crimes against humanity, further on this article suggests that the international community should act as soon as possible to end Moroccan impunity and to make greater efforts for a just and lasting solution of the question of Western Sahara

    Crimes Against Humanity in Western Sahara : The Case Against Morocco

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    Western Sahara is occupied by Morocco. The referendum on the territory’s final status set forth by the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) has repeatedly been postponed and the so far brokered proposals have been rejected by both parties. Since the Moroccan occupation the Saharawis have been continuously repressed through arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, and attacks of the civilian population, persecution and oppression of peaceful demonstrations. The violation of fundamental human rights is an ongoing issue. It is argued that these violations may constitute crimes against humanity, further on this article suggests that the international community should act as soon as possible to end Moroccan impunity and to make greater efforts for a just and lasting solution of the question of Western Sahara

    Crimes Against Humanity in Western Sahara : The Case Against Morocco

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    Western Sahara is occupied by Morocco. The referendum on the territory’s final status set forth by the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) has repeatedly been postponed and the so far brokered proposals have been rejected by both parties. Since the Moroccan occupation the Saharawis have been continuously repressed through arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, and attacks of the civilian population, persecution and oppression of peaceful demonstrations. The violation of fundamental human rights is an ongoing issue. It is argued that these violations may constitute crimes against humanity, further on this article suggests that the international community should act as soon as possible to end Moroccan impunity and to make greater efforts for a just and lasting solution of the question of Western Sahara