73 research outputs found

    Redescription of Caprella hirsuta Mayec 1890 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidea) from the Strait of Gibraltar

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    Caprella hirsuta Mayer, 1890 is redescribed based on specimens collected from the Strait of Gibraltar (Southern Spain-Northern Africa) during a study of the amphipod fauna from these coasts. Careful examination of these caprellids revealed differences with the previous descriptions, mainly the structure of gnathopod 2, pereopods and abdomen. Key words: Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidea, Caprella hirsuta, Strait of Gibraltar, Redescription.Caprella hirsuta Mayer, 1890 is redescribed based on specimens collected from the Strait of Gibraltar (Southern Spain-Northern Africa) during a study of the amphipod fauna from these coasts. Careful examination of these caprellids revealed differences with the previous descriptions, mainly the structure of gnathopod 2, pereopods and abdomen. Key words: Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidea, Caprella hirsuta, Strait of Gibraltar, Redescription.Caprella hirsuta Mayer, 1890 is redescribed based on specimens collected from the Strait of Gibraltar (Southern Spain-Northern Africa) during a study of the amphipod fauna from these coasts. Careful examination of these caprellids revealed differences with the previous descriptions, mainly the structure of gnathopod 2, pereopods and abdomen. Key words: Crustacea, Amphipoda, Caprellidea, Caprella hirsuta, Strait of Gibraltar, Redescription

    Dredging impact on the benthic community of an unaltered inlet in southern Spain

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    The impact of dredging on macrobenthic communities was studied in an unaltered zone, the Getares inlet of Algeciras Bay (SW Spain). The data obtained before, during and after dredging in a time series spanning 5 years revealed the re-establishment of directly affected communities and of physicochemical substrate characteristics within 1 month of the end of dredging, although 2 years later there was a confusing biological impoverishment of the whole inlet. After 4 years, there was a high degree of population re-establishment, both on the bottoms directly affected by the works and on neighbouring areas, that was partly due to the hydrodynamic conditions. Before this type of activity is undertaken, each case should be studied regarding viability, the environmental medium where it will take place, the best time of year, and the type of dredging to be used

    Influence of environmental gradient on the distribution of macrobenthic communities in the Guadiana estuary

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    The present study on the distribution of sofbottom macrofauna along the Guadiana River and nearby areas has made it possible to differentiate among zones with different benthic community compositions in response to their environmental conditions. Five main areas were established: upper, middle, and lower estuary, mouth, and coastal area, which could also be divided into shallower and deeper communities. Because of the nonexistence of any obvious contaminant element, it seems that the differences found among the marine, freshwater and estuarine environments were the reason for the communities' heterogeneity. This was confirmed by multivariate analysis and by the clear enrichment and structuring gradient, from upper to coastal areas, in the communities.El estudio efectuado a lo largo del cauce del río Guadiana y las áreas de influencia ha permitido establecer las zonas donde se desarrollan las distintas comunidades de macrofauna del sedimento como respuesta a las diversas condiciones ambientales. En este sentido, se han delimitado cinco grandes zonas: tramo alto, tramo medio, estuario bajo, desembocadura y área litoral, donde, a su vez, se distinguen las comunidades someras de las profundas. Ante la inexistencia de un elemento contaminante claro, parece que son las diferencias entre el medio marino, el fluvial y el estuarino las que están marcando las distintas composiciones de estas comunidades, como se pone de manifiesto en los análisis multivariantes realizados y por el gradiente de enriquecimiento y estructuración conforme se alcanza un ambiente de mayor influencia marina.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Submarine cartographic methodology for managing and conserving littoral areas: Mapping the benthic communities of the northern coast of the Straits of Gibraltar

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    The cartography of benthic communities is, today, essential to promoting adequate strategies for the use, management and conservation of littoral areas, especially if they are large protected zones. In each zone, cartography is necessary to elaborate a management zoning map, depending on the ecological value of the different benthic communities established and on the local geographical distribution. The methodology used in the elaboration of a map including the benthic communities of the Straits of Gibraltar (0-30 m depth; 40 km of littoral extension), in spite of the complexity of these kinds of objectives, represents an approach to the cartography of the submarine sessile biota of large littoral zones of protected areas. The present study combines physical data (bathymetry and type of substrate), collected using acoustic techniques, and biological data (benthic communities), collected during an intensive sampling programme using scuba (hard bottom: image analysis) and dredging (soft bottom: granulometry and benthic fauna). The information has been geoindexed to be inserted, as different layers, into a Geographic Information System (GIS).La cartografía de las comunidades bentónicas es esencial, actualmente, para promover actuaciones eficientes de uso, gestión y conservación de las zonas litorales, especialmente en el ámbito de grandes espacios litorales protegidos. En cada uno de éstos, la cartografía resulta determinante para la elaboración de un mapa de zonificación de usos, condicionado, en gran medida, por los distintos valores ecológicos que puedan asignarse a las diferentes comunidades bentónicas establecidas y a sus distribuciones geográficas locales. La metodología utilizada en la elaboración del mapa de las comunidades bentónicas del estrecho de Gibraltar (en el intervalo batimétrico 0-30 m y de 40 km de extensión litoral aproximada), dada la complejidad que reviste este tipo de objetivos, supone una aproximación a la cartografía de la biota sésil sumergida, en tramos litorales amplios contenidos en áreas protegidas. Se han combinado, mediante superposición de información, datos físicos de batimetría y tipos de fondo, obtenidos mediante técnicas acústicas y convenientemente cartografiados, con datos biológicos de las comunidades bentónicas, obtenidos en campaña intensiva de buceo científico (con la toma de imágenes en sustrato duro, para su ulterior análisis) y mediante dragado (con registros de granulometría y fauna endobentónica en sustrato blando). La información ha sido georreferenciada adecuadamente para su introducción, como capas independientes, en un sistema de información geográfica (SIG).Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Learning curves of basic laparoscopic psychomotor skills in SINERGIA VR simulator

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    Purpose: Surgical simulators are currently essential within any laparoscopic training program because they provide a low-stakes, reproducible and reliable environment to acquire basic skills. The purpose of this study is to determine the training learning curve based on different metrics corresponding to five tasks included in SINERGIA laparoscopic virtual reality simulator. Methods: Thirty medical students without surgical experience participated in the study. Five tasks of SINERGIA were included: Coordination, Navigation, Navigation and touch, Accurate grasping and Coordinated pulling. Each participant was trained in SINERGIA. This training consisted of eight sessions (R1–R8) of the five mentioned tasks and was carried out in two consecutive days with four sessions per day. A statistical analysis was made, and the results of R1, R4 and R8 were pair-wise compared with Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Significance is considered at P value <0.005. Results: In total, 84.38% of the metrics provided by SINERGIA and included in this study show significant differences when comparing R1 and R8. Metrics are mostly improved in the first session of training (75.00% when R1 and R4 are compared vs. 37.50% when R4 and R8 are compared). In tasks Coordination and Navigation and touch, all metrics are improved. On the other hand, Navigation just improves 60% of the analyzed metrics. Most learning curves show an improvement with better results in the fulfillment of the different tasks. Conclusions: Learning curves of metrics that assess the basic psychomotor laparoscopic skills acquired in SINERGIA virtual reality simulator show a faster learning rate during the first part of the training. Nevertheless, eight repetitions of the tasks are not enough to acquire all psychomotor skills that can be trained in SINERGIA. Therefore, and based on these results together with previous works, SINERGIA could be used as training tool with a properly designed training program

    Individual strategy update and emergence of cooperation in social networks

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    In this paper, we critically study whether social networks can explain the emergence of cooperative behavior. We carry out an extensive simulation program in which we study the most representative social dilemmas. For the Prisoner’s Dilemma, it turns out that the emergence of cooperation is very dependent on the micro-dynamics. On the other hand, network clustering mostly facilitates global cooperation in the Stag Hunt game, whereas degree heterogeneity promotes cooperation in Snowdrift dilemmas. Thus, social networks do not promote cooperation in general, because the macrooutcome is not robust under change of dynamics. Therefore, having specific applications of interest in mind is crucial to include the appropriate microdetails in a good model.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) through grant MOSAICO, and by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through grant MODELICO-CM.Publicad

    Sexual Relationships in Hispanic Countries: a Literature Review

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Current Sexual Health Reports. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11930-020-00272-6Purpose of Review: Sexuality is a complex dimension for which culture seems to play an important role, particularly in countries that are more traditional. This review summarizes the knowledge about sexual relationships in Hispanic countries, considering sexual debut, attitudes, behaviors, and satisfaction. Recent Findings: In line with the literature reviewed, the sexual double standard seems to be continuing to influence sexual relationships. Some countries show more open expressions of sexuality based on the level of gender inequality or sexualized context, and within countries, variables such as religious commitment, family characteristics, and access to resources may play important roles in sexuality. Summary: Future research, policies, and interventions should consider these specific characteristics, including these forms of expression of sexuality, in the adjustment of cross-cultural and cross-national strategies

    Adaptive and Bounded Investment Returns Promote Cooperation in Spatial Public Goods Games

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    The public goods game is one of the most famous models for studying the evolution of cooperation in sizable groups. The multiplication factor in this game can characterize the investment return from the public good, which may be variable depending on the interactive environment in realistic situations. Instead of using the same universal value, here we consider that the multiplication factor in each group is updated based on the differences between the local and global interactive environments in the spatial public goods game, but meanwhile limited to within a certain range. We find that the adaptive and bounded investment returns can significantly promote cooperation. In particular, full cooperation can be achieved for high feedback strength when appropriate limitation is set for the investment return. Also, we show that the fraction of cooperators in the whole population can become larger if the lower and upper limits of the multiplication factor are increased. Furthermore, in comparison to the traditionally spatial public goods game where the multiplication factor in each group is identical and fixed, we find that cooperation can be better promoted if the multiplication factor is constrained to adjust between one and the group size in our model. Our results highlight the importance of the locally adaptive and bounded investment returns for the emergence and dominance of cooperative behavior in structured populations

    Развитие навыков технического английского языка для сту дентов-строителей

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    Traditionally, Spanish schools of civil engineering provide their students a class on “Technical English” in order to develop their language skills. However, this class does not cover all the skills that the student would need in the labor market and mainly focuses in the reading and writing skills, and in a lower degree in the speaking and listening ones. This paper proposes a series of innovative and informal training activities, such as cine-forum on technical civil engineering topics and role playing on real professional situations, that allow Spanish civil engineering students to develop English skills, that can rarely be worked in the classroom (i. e. speaking, negotiating and conversing), which encourage debate, participation, and foster their self-confidence to speak about technical-English topics in public. Although the students’ level of English is much lower than expected, they all agree on the importance of technical English for their future career. The results also show the students’ lack in skills that are difficult to train in regular classes (speaking and talking). Consequently, this situation would require to provide complementary activities like the ones suggested in this project in order to develop these skills and increase the students’ demand for engineering classes taught in English.Традиционно для студентов испанских строительных университетов проводятся курсы технического английского языка для повышения их уровня владения языком. Однако эти курсы ориентированы на чтение и письмо, в меньшей степени — на навыки разговорного языка и не охватывают всех компетенций, требующихся на рынке труда. В этой статье предлагается ряд новых и неформальных учебных методов (использование кинокамер при изучении вопросов гражданского строительства и ролевой игры в реальных профессиональных ситуациях), которые позволяют испанским студентам-строителям развивать навыки английского языка, которые трудно получить в обычном классе, что развивает уверенность, позволяет студентам овладевать навыками ведения переговоров, бесед, участвовать в дискуссиях. Хотя уровень владения английским языком испанских студентов намного ниже, чем ожидалось, все они согласны с важностью овладения техническим английским для дальнейшей карьеры. Результаты опросов также показывают отсутствие у студентов навыков, которые трудно тренировать в обычных классах (речь и разговоры). Таким образом, для развития навыков владения английским языком для студентов‑строителей требуются дополнительные методики, которые предлагаются в этом проекте