233 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Untuk Meningkatkan Soft Skill Dan Pemahaman Konsep

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran, peningkatan soft skill dan pemahaman konsep, serta respon siswa. Metode penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R & D). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berbasis masalah pada materi hidrolisis garam yang dikembangkan memiliki kriteria valid dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 3,57, adanya peningkatan soft skill siswa dengan N-Gain sebesar 0,46 dalam kategori sedang, sebanyak 72,72% siswa mencapai ketuntasan soft skill dengan kriteria tinggi atau sangat tinggi, pemahaman konsep siswa juga meningkat dengan perolehan N-Gain sebesar 0,69 dalam kategori sedang, sebanyak 84,85% siswa mencapai ketuntasan belajar dengan KKM ≥ 76, serta siswa memberikan respon positif. This study aimed to analyze learning tools validity, soft skills improvement, concept understanding and students’ responses. The metode of this research is Research and Development (R & D). The results show that problem-based learning tools categorized valid with an average score of 3,57, the improvement of students’ soft skills was available with N-Gain of 0.46, the number of 72, 72% students whom achieving mastery of soft skills with a high or very high criteria, the concept understanding of students also increased by providing N-Gain of 0.69, the number of 84.85% students whom achieving score completeness KKM ≥ 76, this study also obtained student positive responses

    Peran Pasar Tradisional dalam Menyerap Angkatan Kerja Perempuan

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    Unbalancing between labour supply and ability of absorption capacity had been happening since long time ago. The construction decade era 1970’s had signed  a high unemployment problem. The absence of proletariat’ side views could be one of the  root of problem. The construction program also became the drift of city and man labor which caused significant difference between man and women labour. This difference then effected status movement of woman labour. Gradually, it was true that there was rising in Tingkat Partisipasi Angkatan Kerja (TPAK) of woman. But if we comparee TPAK of woman with the whole woman population, it gave a low result. This low TPAK  will have a negative effect on the acceleration of economyic growth and development of construction process. According to SUSKERNAS, the increase of TPAK of woman before crisis in 1980s era was absorbed by industry sector. But, the peak of crisis in 1997 had caused massive decrease in the size of the sector of industry and TPAK of woman in this sector has gone down. As alternative, the supply of woman labour lean expectation and their life on informal sector traditional market. This sector became main alternative because it’s flexible characteristic to accept any labor without seeing on gender, capital, skill and the access of labour information

    Pembelajaran Menulis Laporan Hasil Observasi Lingkungan dengan Model 4ME

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    This study discusses Learning to Write Reports on Environmental Observation Results with the 4 ME Model (Explaining, Repeating, Applying, and Presenting). The purpose of this research is to present learning in a conducive and well-monitored classroom atmosphere. Because there is no one learning model that is the most perfect, but the deficiencies of the learning model can be covered by another learning model. So, it is necessary to integrate several learning models in order to create better and optimal learning objectives. The research method is descriptive qualitative. Research data through cooperative learning and problem-based learning the authors combine the stages and ways of learning the two models into one learning model. The writer named this learning model 4Me. 4Me learning invites students to be active in learning together with their friends in class. 4Me learning is carried out with educators and students with four learning steps.4Me. The results of the research, through a pleasant process of learning Indonesian, are expected to create a generation that excels and masters learning well and can make good use of it for the lives of students. There are several things that educators should pay attention to when using the 4Me learning model in learning activities at school, especially for the material for the Observation Report. First, the focus of students in participating in learning. Second, don't mix active students only with active students, but must combine active and inactive students. Third, student safety when making observations outside the classroom, so as not to disturb the learning situation of other classes

    Through applying propaganda rhetoric in speaking skill learning at senior high school

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    Propaganda Rhetoric Learning is relevant with strengthening students’ character at school. One of characters that can be strengthened is religious character. Religious character education can be seen either in general school or in religion-based school. Then, the purposes of writing this paper are (1) to describe propaganda rhetoric learning on speaking competency at a senior high school, (2) to describe the relevance of propaganda rhetoric learning in students’ book of Indonesian Language and Literature. The interest toward Language Sciences and Culture 12 1 INTRODUCTION Education is believed to build the intelligence as well as the personality of the human to be better stage. However, what would happen if education is solely interested in intellectuals without building the character of their students? The result is moral damages and value violations. Ultimately, this kind of education will be like a robot, minded, but not characterized, empty soul. The deterioration of the current behavior has been widely reported by some television stations even in newspapers. For example, exemplary problem of the officials who are said to be fond of swearing and mocking and even painful as shown by law expert of political communication Emrus Sihombing in www.tribunnews.com/2015/03/26 stated that "Ahok's ethics violation is more dangerous than corruption ". When the corruption is the only material impact, the ethics that are being degenerated are mental, moral and behavioral. Related to the use of language in communicating, Ahok can be categorized as ignorant in ethics. Therefore, Erikson (1968) reveals that national human character needs to be instilled from early INCOTEPD, 21-22 October 2017 (Additional Volume), Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia, ISBN 978-602-74576-1-4 | 55 Proceeding of the 2 nd th (Twelfth) Grade which is compatible with 2013 Curriculum. This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research. Data of this research are propaganda rhetoric utterances made by students. Data are collected by means of taking notes, selecting compatible data and taking notes on data cards. Data validation technique uses source and technique triangulation. Data are analyzed by means of analyzing participant’s perspective with strategies which are interactive and adaptable. The results of this research are (1) 12th Grade 2013 Curriculum with the interest of Indonesian Language subject is speaking (formal and non-formal), teachers can give an assignment to speak in the form of propaganda (propaganda rhetoric), (2) Learning speaking is relevant with KD (Basic Competency) in 2013 curriculum

    Economic Empowerment for Poor Women Using Grameen Bank Model in Indonesia

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    This research aimed at analysing the contribution of Islamic Microfinance which used Grameen Bank model to the economic empowerment and poverty alleviation in Cianjur Regency. This research used quantitative approach. Primary data were collected using questionnaires. While the secondary data were derived from the annual report of the cooperative, Central Bureau of Statistics of Cianjur, journals and other related literature. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The number of samples used was 100 female poor respondents from all female members of Cooperative Dhuafa Mitra in 2017, at Mande branch office, Cianjur Regency. The analytical technique used was Spearman correlation, and Kruskal-Wallis free sample test. This research concluded that Islamic Microfinance using Grameen Bank model had positive contribution to economic empowerment of poor women. Financial capital and social capital were the keys to success in empowering the poor community. Islamic microfinance using Grameen model also had a significant relationship with poverty alleviation. This article also proved that poverty could be overcome if economic development is run based on human development. The results of this study strengthen the conclusions of Nasim Shah Shirazi and Aman Ullah Khan (2009), Rajesh Kumar Shastri (2009), Muhammad Yunus (2008), Jahangir Alam Chowdhury (2008), Mohammad Anwarul Kabir, Suman Dey and Mohammad Shamsal Islam (2012) Sadegh Bakhtiari (2006), as well as Musa bin Mansour and Tawfiq Brahm Chaouch (2013) who stated that micro-loans are able to create self-employment opportunities and have an impact on rural poverty reduction and unemployment. The results of this study are different from the conclusions of JUJ Onwumere (2012), Anis Chowdhury (2009), Dan Matovu (2006) and Katsushi S. Imai (2010) which stated that microfinance just increases human capital, creates black spots and negatively impacts Women empowerment.     Keywords: Grameen Bank, Poverty, Economic Empowerment, Spearman correlation, and Kruskal-Wallis

    Pemodelan Inflasi di Kota Semarang, Yogyakarta, dan Surakarta dengan Pendekatan GSTAR

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    Tugas Akhir ini menyajikan hasil penelitian dari pemodelan inflasi di kota Semarang, Yogyakarta, dan Surakarta dengan pendekatan GSTAR (Generalized Space Time Autoregressive). Metode GSTAR adalah pemodelan time series multivariate yang memperhatikan efek spasial. Pengertian inflasi sendiri adalah proses meningkatnya harga barang dan jasa secara umum dan bersifat terus menerus. Laju inflasi harus dapat dikendalikan oleh Pemerintah karena dapat membuat stabilitas perekonomian terganggu. Dalam penelitian ini, pemodelan GSTAR meliputi dua model yaitu model GSTAR dengan menggunakan semua parameter, dan model GSTAR yang hanya menggunakan parameter yang signifikan. Pembobot yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi bobot seragam, bobot invers jarak, dan bobot normalisasi korelasi silang. Hasil pemodelan menunjukkan bahwa model terbaik yang mempunyai nilai RMSE terkecil di kota Semarang adalah dengan bobot normalisasi korelasi silang menggunakan parameter yang signifikan. Sedangkan untuk inflasi di kota Yogyakarta dan Surakarta model terbaiknya adalah dengan bobot seragam menggunakan parameter yang signifikan

    Pengaruh Harga,kualitas Produk Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Restoran O-mamamia Steak and Ice Cream Cabang Jati Semarang

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    O-Mamamia restaurant Steak n Ice Cream Semarang is a steak restaurant providing ice cream at the same time, which has ten branches one branch is O-Mamamia Restaurant Steak n Ice Cream Jati Semarang. In an effort to maintain relationships with customers, service quality is the key to retaining customers and providing high value through customer value. Customers will compare the quality of services provided at a price that is charged for the steak provided. Currently there is a restaurant that provides a lot of steak menu, causing intense competition. Intense competition will directly affect the number of customers coming as it did on the O-Mamamia Restaurant Steak n Ice Cream Jati Semarang which decreased the number of customers each year. This study aimed to determine the effect of pricing, product quality and service quality on customer satisfaction O-Mamamia Steak n Ice Cream Teak Semarang. The population in this study is the customer O-Mamamia Restaurant Steak n Ice Cream Teak Semarang. The research sample of 100 respondents was taken and the sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Measurement scales using Likert scale. In the analysis of the data using simple linear regression and multiple regression test with the help of the program SPSS 18.00. Based on the survey results revealed the price variable has an influence on the customer satisfaction variables, where the t value (3.456)> t table (1.29025). That is, for a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Value of the coefficient of determination of 0.109 or 10.9%. This means that 10.9% customer satisfaction variables can be explained by the variable price. Variable product quality has an influence on the customer satisfaction variables, where the t value (4.905)> t table (1.29025). That is, the product quality has positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Value of the coefficient of determination of 0.197 or 19.7%. Variable Quality of Service has a variable effect on customer satisfaction, which amounted to 8.451 t count> t table of 1.29025 means that service quality has positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Value of the coefficient of determination of 0.422 or 42.2% Suggestions put forward for O-Mamamia Restaurant Steak n Ice Cream Teak Semarang is need for adjustment between the tariff charged to consumers with the quality of services provided, maintaining the delicious taste, customer service should be further enhanced

    Pemanfaatan Biji Mangga Arum Manis (Mangifera indica L.) Sebagai Media Alternatif Pertumbuhan Candida albicans dan Aspergillus sp

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    Non-synthetic media is an alternative medium that utilizes ingredients found in nature. The chemical content of these ingredients is not known in detail but can be used because they are abundant in nature, easy to prepare and inexpensive. Several research results used alternative media from natural ingredients such as cassava starch for the growth of Aspergillus niger and Fusarium oxysporum , cowpeas, green beans, black soybeans, and soybean, ganyong, gembili and arrowroot , cereals, and beans . Purpose This study was to determine the seeds of mango arum sweth (Mangifera indica L.) can be used as an alternative growth medium for Candida albicans and Aspergillus sp. This research was conducted using an in vitro laboratory experimental method. The results showed that the medium mango seed (Mangifera indica L.) which had an average number of Candida albicans colonies was 1.12 x 106 cfu / ml while the medium mango seed arum sweet (Mangifera indica L.) in 72 hours incubation, the best diameter was obtained, namely 35 mm So it can be concluded that mango seed media (Mangifera indica L.) can be used as an alternative growth medium for Candida albicans and Aspergillus sp
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