93 research outputs found
An analysis of pilot error-related aircraft accidents
A multidisciplinary team approach to pilot error-related U.S. air carrier jet aircraft accident investigation records successfully reclaimed hidden human error information not shown in statistical studies. New analytic techniques were developed and applied to the data to discover and identify multiple elements of commonality and shared characteristics within this group of accidents. Three techniques of analysis were used: Critical element analysis, which demonstrated the importance of a subjective qualitative approach to raw accident data and surfaced information heretofore unavailable. Cluster analysis, which was an exploratory research tool that will lead to increased understanding and improved organization of facts, the discovery of new meaning in large data sets, and the generation of explanatory hypotheses. Pattern recognition, by which accidents can be categorized by pattern conformity after critical element identification by cluster analysis
An archive as oral as impossible
El presente trabajo propone un análisis acerca de Réquiem, la última cinta del Grupo Krapp (2021) y apunta a desarrollar un abordaje específico sobre los modos en que se revisan de forma crítica los materiales del pasado y se exhiben los distintos procedimientos a través de los cuales se trabaja con ellos. Esta pieza, que se anunció como la última creación del Grupo Krapp tras el fallecimiento de uno de sus directores —Luis Biasotto—, no se llevó adelante ni como una “obra de danza” ni como un “homenaje” para Biasotto, sino como un “concierto performático”. ¿Cuáles son los procedimientos escénicos que operan en este concierto? ¿Cómo funcionan los fragmentos de las obras y los registros de ensayos previos del Grupo Krapp? Y, entonces, ¿Cómo operan la memoria y el archivo? El artículo intenta problematizar cómo la voluntad de archivarlo todo en una pieza que reúna los materiales del pasado pone de manifiesto que el archivo Krapp no es otra cosa que transformación.This paper proposes an analysis of Requiem, la última cinta del Grupo Krapp (2021) and aims to develop a specific approach to the ways in which past materials are critically reviewed and the different procedures used to work with them are exhibited. This piece, announced as the last creation of the Krapp group after the death of one of its directors —Luis Biasotto, was performed neither as a "dance piece" nor as a "tribute" to Biasotto, but as a "performative concert". What are the scenic procedures that operate in this concert? How do the excerpts from the plays of the Krapp group and the recordings of previous rehearsals function? How do memory and archive operate? The article attempts to problematize how the will to archive everything in a piece that brings together previous materials makes it clear that the Krapp archive is nothing other than transformation
Досліджено закономірності коолігомеризації фракції С9 піролізу дизельного палива з важкою смолою піролізу вприсутності каталізатора катіонної полімеризації – AlCl3. Вивчено залежність виходу та фізико-хімічнихвластивостей отриманих коолігомерів від співвідношення фракція С9 / важка смола піролізу та умов процесу.Встановлено оптимальні умови.Исследованы закономерности соолигомеризации фракции С9 пиролиза дизельного топлива с тяжелой смолойпиролиза в присутствии катализатора катионной полимеризации – AlCl3. Изучена зависимость выхода ифизико-химических свойств полученных соолигомеров от соотношения фракция С9/тяжелая смола пиролиза иусловий процесса. Установлены оптимальные условия.Regularities of cooligomerization of С9 fraction of diesel fuel pyrolysis and heavy pyrolysis tar withcationic polymerization catalyst - AlCl3, have been investigated. The obtained cooligomer yield and physicochemicalproperties dependences on the C9 fraction/heavy pyrolysis tar ratio and process conditions have been studied. Theoptimal conditions have been determined
Sâbit's Ramazânijje : Herausgegeben, Übersetzt und Erklart
Donated by Klaus Kreise
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