32 research outputs found


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    Vulva vestibulit, eller förkortat vestibulit, Àr en problematik som uppmÀrksammats mer pÄ senare Är och som kÀnnetecknas av smÀrta kring slidöppningen i kvinnors könsorgan. Det Àr en diagnos som prÀglas av mÄnga oklarheter kring orsaker och behandlingar. I denna uppsats undersöks hur vestibulit konstrueras som diskursivt fenomen. Syftet med uppsatsen att visa hur olika diskurser ger betydelse Ät vestibulit och hur det Àr möjligt att förstÄ problematiken och de personer som drabbas. Materialet bestÄr dels av tidigare studier om vestibulit och dels av material hÀmtat frÄn olika sidor pÄ internet, med en blandning av information frÄn sjukvÄrden, journalistiska verk, forum och bloggar. Metoden som anvÀnds Àr diskursanalys vilket har bidragit med en rad anvÀndbara begrepp för att analysera den mÄngtydighet som fenomenet vestibulit uppvisar och förstÄ hur subjekt konstrueras. De teoretiska utgÄngspunkterna Àr hÀmtade frÄn Judith Butlers teorier om den heterosexuella matrisen och performativitet, för att förstÄ hur subjekt konstitueras och kön konstrueras och frÄn Michel Foucault, för att förstÄ subjektet i relation till makt. Analysen visar tvÄ huvudteman. Det ena Àr att vestibulit frÀmst konstrueras som ett sexuellt problem genom att samlagssmÀrta blir en hegemonisk definition av vestibulit. Detta synliggör att den diskurs om sexualitet som dominerar i talet om vestibulit utgÄr frÄn den heterosexuella relationen med det vaginala samlaget som norm. Det andra temat Àr pÄ vilket sÀtt personer med vestibulit blir begripliga subjekt som patienter i en sjukvÄrdsdiskurs. Analysen visar att förutom medicinska förklaringar till vestibulit, konstrueras ocksÄ stereotyper dÀr förklaringen till vestibulit utgÄr frÄn kvinnans beteende, utseende, klass, egenskaper eller sexualitet

    Withhold  or  withdraw  futile  treatment in  intensive  care : arguments supported by physicians and the general public

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    Background: Since the 60s and with increasing intensity a discussion have continued about balance between useful and useless/harmful treatment. Different attempts have been done to create sustainable criteria and recommendations to manage the situations of futile treatment near the end of life. Obviously, to be able to withhold (WH) or withdraw (WD) treatment which is no longer appropriate or even harmful and burdensome for the patient, other processes than strict medical (or physiological) assessments are necessary. Aim. To shed light on the arguments regarding to WH or WD futile treatment we performed two studies of physicians’ and the general populations’ choice and prioritized arguments in the treatment of a 72-year-old woman suffering from a large intra-cerebral bleeding with bad prognosis (Papers I and II) and a new born boy with postpartum anoxic brain damage (Papers III and IV). Methods. Postal questionnaires based on two cases presented above involving severely ill patients were used. Arguments for and against to WH or WD treatment, and providing treatment that might hasten death were presented. The respondents evaluated and prioritized arguments for and against withholding neurosurgery, withdrawing life-sustaining treatment and providing drugs to alleviate pain and distress. We also asked what would happen to physicians’ own trust if they took the action described, and what the physician estimated would happen to the general publics’ trust in health services (Paper IV). Results. Approximately 70% of the physicians and 46% of the general public responded in both surveys. The 72-year-old woman: A majority of doctors (82.3%) stated that they would withhold treatment, whereas a minority of the general public (40.2%) would do so; the arguments forwarded and considerations regarding quality of life differed significantly between the two groups. Quality-of-life aspects were stressed as an important argument by the majority of both neurosurgeons and ICU-physicians (76.8% vs. 54.0%); however, significantly more neurosurgeons regarded this argument as the most important. A minority in both groups, although more ICU-physicians, supported a patient’s previously expressed wish of not ending in a persistent vegetative state as the most important argument. As the case clinically progressed, a consensus evolved regarding the arguments for decision making. The new born child: A majority of both physicians [56 % (CI 50–62)] and the general population [53 % (CI 49–58)] supported arguments for withdrawing ventilator treatment. A large majority in both groups supported arguments for alleviating the patient’s symptoms even if the treatment hastened death, but the two groups display significantly different views on whether or not to provide drugs with the additional intention of hastening death, although the difference disappeared when we compared subgroups of those who were for or against euthanasia-like actions. Conclusions. There are indeed considerable differences in how physicians and the general public assess and reason in critical care situations, but the more hopelessly ill the patient became the more the groups' assessments tended to converge, although they prioritized different arguments. In order to avoid unnecessary dispute and miscommunication, it is important that health care providers are aware of the public's views, expectations, and preferences. Our hypothesis—physicians’ estimations of others’ opinions are influenced by their own opinions—was corroborated. This might have implications in research as well as in clinical decision-making

    Design of data acquisition module for the measurement system COMET

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    During test flights SAAB uses the data acquisition system COMET 16. The part of the system that receives the signals from the sensors and converts them is called KSM 15. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a data acquisition module on stacked PC/104 modules with a lower production cost. Our work has been divided into one part about analog signal conditioning and a second part with digital filtering and memory management of the sampled data. The analog part, designed of regular components like instrument amplifiers, voltage references, operational amplifiers and multiplexers, adjusts the sensors signal levels for the ADC’s that converts the signals. In the digital part the sampling frequency is decimated by digital FIR filters in several stages down to 16 Hz. All the resulting data is temporarily stored in a SDRAM memory before being recovered by the HL-11 board that handles the communication with the other parts of the COMET system. We have made a design proposal that needs some additional work and testing before a prototype can be made. It’s primarily the C code in the digital part that needs further development. Our result and conclusions should be a great help in the future when developing a small,cheap data acquisition system

    Withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment : a comparative study of the ethical reasoning of physicians and the general public

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    BACKGROUND: Our objective was to investigate whether a consensus exists between the general public and health care providers regarding the reasoning and values at stake on the subject of life-sustaining treatment. METHODS: A postal questionnaire was sent to a random sample of members of the adult population (n = 989) and to a random sample of intensive care doctors and neurosurgeons (n = 410) practicing in Sweden in 2004. The questionnaire was based on a case involving a severely ill patient and presented arguments for and against withholding and withdrawing treatment, and providing treatment that might hasten death. RESULTS: Approximately 70% of the physicians and 51% of the general public responded. A majority of doctors (82.3%) stated that they would withhold treatment, whereas a minority of the general public (40.2%) would do so; the arguments forwarded (for instance, belief that the first task of health care is to save life) and considerations regarding quality of life differed significantly between the two groups. Most physicians (94.1%) and members of the general public (77.7%) were prepared to withdraw treatment, and most (95.1% of physicians and 82% of members of the general public) agreed that sedation should be provided. CONCLUSION: There are indeed considerable differences in how physicians and the general public assess and reason in critical care situations, but the more hopelessly ill the patient became the more the groups' assessments tended to converge, although they prioritized different arguments. In order to avoid unnecessary dispute and miscommunication, it is important that health care providers be aware of the public's views, expectations, and preferences.Rydvall, Anders Lynoe, Niels Comparative Study Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't England Critical care (London, England) Crit Care. 2008;12(1):R13. Epub 2008 Feb 15.</p

    Psychological Features and Symptom Burden of Endometriosis

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    En studie om privatpersoners sÀkerhetsmedvetande gÀllande internetköp

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    Denna studie syftar till att utveckla kunskapen kring de hot som finns pĂ„ internet, samt att förstĂ„ privatpersoners sĂ€kerhetsmedvetande vid internettransaktioner. För att uppfylla detta syfte besvarar studien följande tre frĂ„gor: hur hanteras privatpersoners kreditkort pĂ„ internet? hur ser privatpersoners sĂ€kerhetsmedvetande ut? och vad gör e-handelsföretag för att skydda privatpersoners data och kreditupplysningar? Datainsamlingen har genomförts med hjĂ€lp av en enkĂ€tundersökning, tvĂ„ telefonintervjuer samt en litteraturstudie. EnkĂ€tundersökningen genomfördes digitalt och riktade sig till studenter pĂ„ Högskolan Dalarna i Ă„ldersgruppen 18–42+. Telefonintervjuerna genomfördes med tvĂ„ dagligvaruhandlare som Ă€ven bedriver e-handel och intervjuerna var semistrukturerade till sin karaktĂ€r. Litteraturstudien genomfördes i syfte att skapa en teoretisk bakgrund till Ă€mnet, som sedan applicerades pĂ„ resultatet i analysen. Resultatet av denna studie visar att de undersökta företagen som bedriver e-handel gör sitt frĂ€msta för att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla sĂ€kerhet gĂ€llande e-handel. Studien visar Ă€ven att den undersökta mĂ„lgruppen har ett starkt sĂ€kerhetsmedvetande.

    En studie om privatpersoners sÀkerhetsmedvetande gÀllande internetköp

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    Denna studie syftar till att utveckla kunskapen kring de hot som finns pĂ„ internet, samt att förstĂ„ privatpersoners sĂ€kerhetsmedvetande vid internettransaktioner. För att uppfylla detta syfte besvarar studien följande tre frĂ„gor: hur hanteras privatpersoners kreditkort pĂ„ internet? hur ser privatpersoners sĂ€kerhetsmedvetande ut? och vad gör e-handelsföretag för att skydda privatpersoners data och kreditupplysningar? Datainsamlingen har genomförts med hjĂ€lp av en enkĂ€tundersökning, tvĂ„ telefonintervjuer samt en litteraturstudie. EnkĂ€tundersökningen genomfördes digitalt och riktade sig till studenter pĂ„ Högskolan Dalarna i Ă„ldersgruppen 18–42+. Telefonintervjuerna genomfördes med tvĂ„ dagligvaruhandlare som Ă€ven bedriver e-handel och intervjuerna var semistrukturerade till sin karaktĂ€r. Litteraturstudien genomfördes i syfte att skapa en teoretisk bakgrund till Ă€mnet, som sedan applicerades pĂ„ resultatet i analysen. Resultatet av denna studie visar att de undersökta företagen som bedriver e-handel gör sitt frĂ€msta för att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla sĂ€kerhet gĂ€llande e-handel. Studien visar Ă€ven att den undersökta mĂ„lgruppen har ett starkt sĂ€kerhetsmedvetande.