1,061 research outputs found

    Academic, socioeconomic and interpersonal consequences of cannabis use : a narrative review

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    This article reviews the literature on the association between cannabis use (CU) and psychosocial functioning, operationalized here as academic achievement, economic prospects, social relationships and quality of life. So far, study results have been inconsistent. To clarify whether CU has an impact on psychosocial functioning, this article mainly reviewed prospective and longitudinal studies published since 2000 and examined whether studies controlled for confounding factors (e.g. socio-demographics, other substance use, psychopathology, social environment). The review suggested that when confounding variables are controlled for, the association between CU and psychosocial outcomes is generally small or non-significant. When significant associations remain, they are for chronic, dependent or early onset CU specifically, suggesting that the frequency of use and age of onset may be necessary elements to detect persistent, however small, psychosocial consequences. These results illustrate the importance of controlling for intra- and inter-individual differences to examine the link between CU and later psychosocial functioning. Results also suggest that policy and prevention efforts should consider targeting the individual and environmental factors (e.g. early academic and cognitive functioning, social disadvantage, family functioning, personality, smoking) that account for much of the association between CU and later psychosocial problems, rather than, or in addition to, CU itself

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Digital untuk Meningkatkan Pemasaran UMKM Pada Kedai Joglo Bolo Seno

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    Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan kegiatan ekonomi rakyat yang berskala kecil dan menengah. Data UMKM di Kota Yogyakarta menunjukan adanya empat puluh delapan ribu UMKM. Faktor keberhasilan UMKM di antaranya adalah promosi melalui media sosial dan mengikuti event atau pameran. Salah satu teknologi yang dapat dimanfaatkan UMKM untuk mempromosikan produknya adalah media sosial, seperti Instagram. Pengabdian ini dilakukan guna untuk meningkatkan pemasaran UMKM pada kedai Joglo Bolo Seno dengan memberikan pemahaman dan pelatihan media sosial, serta e-commerce sebagai media pemasaran. Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian ini terdapat 3 tahapan metode yaitu pelatihan menggunakan e-commerce, pelatihan menggunakan media sosial Instagram, dan pelatihan menggunakan aplikasi canva. Hasil dari pengabdian ini berupa akun Instagram, akun Shopee-Food, akun Go-Food, dan pelatihan menggunakan aplikasi canva untuk membuat desain konten media sosial. Dari pengabdian ini diharapkan UMKM Joglo Bolo Seno dapat berkembang dengan adanya modernisasi bisnis

    A longitudinal analysis of motivation profiles at work

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    This paper examines the multidimensional nature of workplace motivation and the importance of a continuum structure in self-determination theory through application of complementary variable- and person-centered approaches. This approach is taken to simultaneously model the complexity of motivation and highlight interactions between motivational factors. Additionally, this study represents an initial test of the temporal stability of work motivation profiles. A sample of 510 full-time employees were recruited from a range of occupations. Results support the central importance of a general factor representing self-determination as the most influential factor in an employee’s motivation profile. However, smaller effects associated with the motivation subscales, especially identified regulation, were also noticed. Importantly, motivation profiles were found to be highly stable over the 4-month duration of this study. Results lend support to the theoretical position that while general self-determination is an essential component of motivation, it alone does not fully describe an employee’s motivation

    Indigenous Sex-selective Salmon Harvesting Demonstrates Pre-contact Marine Resource Management in Burrard Inlet, British Columbia, Canada

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    To gain insight into pre-contact Coast Salish fishing practices, we used new palaeogenetic analytical techniques to assign sex identifications to salmonid bones from four archaeological sites in Burrard Inlet (Tsleil-Waut), British Columbia, Canada, dating between about 2300–1000 BP (ca. 400 BCE–CE 1200). Our results indicate that male chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) were preferentially targeted at two of the four sampled archaeological sites. Because a single male salmon can mate with several females, selectively harvesting male salmon can increase a fishery’s maximum sustainable harvest. We suggest such selective harvesting of visually distinctive male spawning chum salmon was a common practice, most effectively undertaken at wooden weirs spanning small salmon rivers and streams. We argue that this selective harvesting of males is indicative of an ancient and probably geographically widespread practice for ensuring sustainable salmon populations. The archaeological data presented here confirms earlier ethnographic accounts describing the selective harvest of male salmon

    Genetic heterogeneity in primary and relapsed mantle cell lymphomas : impact of recurrent CARD11 mutations

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    The genetic mechanisms underlying disease progression, relapse and therapy resistance in mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) remain largely unknown. Whole-exome sequencing was performed in 27 MCL samples from 13 patients, representing the largest analyzed series of consecutive biopsies obtained at diagnosis and/or relapse for this type of lymphoma. Eighteen genes were found to be recurrently mutated in these samples, including known (ATM, MEF2B and MLL2) and novel mutation targets (S1PR1 and CARD11). CARD11, a scaffold protein required for B-cell receptor (BCR)-induced NF-ÎșB activation, was subsequently screened in an additional 173 MCL samples and mutations were observed in 5.5% of cases. Based on in vitro cell line-based experiments, overexpression of CARD11 mutants were demonstrated to confer resistance to the BCR-inhibitor ibrutinib and NF-ÎșB-inhibitor lenalidomide. Genetic alterations acquired in the relapse samples were found to be largely non-recurrent, in line with the branched evolutionary pattern of clonal evolution observed in most cases. In summary, this study highlights the genetic heterogeneity in MCL, in particular at relapse, and provides for the first time genetic evidence of BCR/NF-ÎșB activation in a subset of MCL

    SNVMix: predicting single nucleotide variants from next-generation sequencing of tumors

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    Motivation: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has enabled whole genome and transcriptome single nucleotide variant (SNV) discovery in cancer. NGS produces millions of short sequence reads that, once aligned to a reference genome sequence, can be interpreted for the presence of SNVs. Although tools exist for SNV discovery from NGS data, none are specifically suited to work with data from tumors, where altered ploidy and tumor cellularity impact the statistical expectations of SNV discovery
