2,612 research outputs found

    Editosome Accessory Factors KREPB9 and KREPB10 in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Multiprotein complexes, called editosomes, catalyze the uridine insertion and deletion RNA editing that forms translatable mitochondrial mRNAs in kinetoplastid parasites. We have identified here two new U1-like zinc finger proteins that associate with editosomes and have shown that they are related to KREPB6, KREPB7, and KREPB8, and thus we have named them Kinetoplastid RNA Editing Proteins, KREPB9 and KREPB10. They are conserved and syntenic in trypanosomatids although KREPB10 is absent in Trypanosoma vivax and both are absent in Leishmania. Tandem affinity purification (TAP)-tagged KREPB9 and KREPB10 incorporate into ∼20S editosomes and/or subcomplexes thereof and preferentially associate with deletion subcomplexes, as do KREPB6, KREPB7, and KREPB8. KREPB10 also associates with editosomes that are isolated via a chimeric endonuclease, KREN1 in KREPB8 RNA interference (RNAi) cells, or MEAT1. The purified complexes have precleaved editing activities and endonuclease cleavage activity that appears to leave a 5′ OH on the 3′ product. RNAi knockdowns did not affect growth but resulted in relative reductions of both edited and unedited mitochondrial mRNAs. The similarity of KREPB9 and KREPB10 to KREPB6, KREPB7, and KREPB8 suggests they may be accessory factors that affect editing endonuclease activity and as a consequence may affect mitochondrial mRNA stability. KREPB9 and KREPB10, along with KREPB6, KREPB7, and KREPB8, may enable the endonucleases to discriminate among and accurately cleave hundreds of different editing sites and may be involved in the control of differential editing during the life cycle of T. brucei

    Incidence, prevalence and prescription patterns of antipsychotic medications use in Asia and US: A cross-nation comparison with common data model

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    The use of antipsychotic medications (APMs) could be different among countries due to availability, approved indications, characteristics and clinical practice. However, there is limited literature providing comparisons of APMs use among countries. To examine trends in antipsychotic prescribing in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States, we conducted a cross-national study from 2002 to 2014 by using the distributed network approach with common data model. We included all patients who had at least a record of antipsychotic prescription in this study, and defined patients without previous exposure of antipsychotics for 6 months before the index date as new users for incidence estimation. We calculated the incidence, prevalence, and prescription rate of each medication by calendar year. Among older patients, sulpiride was the most incident [incidence rate (IR) 11.0-23.3) and prevalent [prevalence rate (PR) 11.9-14.3) APM in Taiwan, and most prevalent (PR 2.5-3.9) in Japan. Quetiapine and haloperidol were most common in the United States (IR 8.1-9.5; PR 18.0-18.4) and Hong Kong (PR 8.8-13.7; PR 10.6-12.7), respectively. The trend of quetiapine use was increasing in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the United States. As compared to older patients, the younger patients had more propensity to be prescribed second-generation APM for treatment in four countries. Trends in antipsychotic prescribing varied among countries. Quetiapine use was most prevalent in the United States and increasing in Taiwan and Hong Kong. The increasing use of quetiapine in the elderly patients might be due to its safety profile compared to other APMs

    Social Context–Induced Song Variation Affects Female Behavior and Gene Expression

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    Social cues modulate the performance of communicative behaviors in a range of species, including humans, and such changes can make the communication signal more salient. In songbirds, males use song to attract females, and song organization can differ depending on the audience to which a male sings. For example, male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) change their songs in subtle ways when singing to a female (directed song) compared with when they sing in isolation (undirected song), and some of these changes depend on altered neural activity from a specialized forebrain-basal ganglia circuit, the anterior forebrain pathway (AFP). In particular, variable activity in the AFP during undirected song is thought to actively enable syllable variability, whereas the lower and less-variable AFP firing during directed singing is associated with more stereotyped song. Consequently, directed song has been suggested to reflect a “performance” state, and undirected song a form of vocal motor “exploration.” However, this hypothesis predicts that directed–undirected song differences, despite their subtlety, should matter to female zebra finches, which is a question that has not been investigated. We tested female preferences for this natural variation in song in a behavioral approach assay, and we found that both mated and socially naive females could discriminate between directed and undirected song—and strongly preferred directed song. These preferences, which appeared to reflect attention especially to aspects of song variability controlled by the AFP, were enhanced by experience, as they were strongest for mated females responding to their mate's directed songs. We then measured neural activity using expression of the immediate early gene product ZENK, and found that social context and song familiarity differentially modulated the number of ZENK-expressing cells in telencephalic auditory areas. Specifically, the number of ZENK-expressing cells in the caudomedial mesopallium (CMM) was most affected by whether a song was directed or undirected, whereas the caudomedial nidopallium (NCM) was most affected by whether a song was familiar or unfamiliar. Together these data demonstrate that females detect and prefer the features of directed song and suggest that high-level auditory areas including the CMM are involved in this social perception

    Auditable, Available and Resilient Private Computation on the Blockchain via MPC

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    Simple but mission-critical internet-based applications that require extremely high reliability, availability, and verifiability (e.g., auditability) could benefit from running on robust public programmable blockchain platforms such as Ethereum. Unfortunately, program code running on such blockchains is normally publicly viewable, rendering these platforms unsuitable for applications requiring strict privacy of application code, data, and results. In this work, we investigate using MPC techniques to protect the privacy of a blockchain computation. While our main goal is to hide both the data and the computed function itself, we also consider the standard MPC setting where the function is public. We describe GABLE (Garbled Autonomous Bots Leveraging Ethereum), a blockchain MPC architecture and system. The GABLE architecture specifies the roles and capabilities of the players. GABLE includes two approaches for implementing MPC over blockchain: Garbled Circuits (GC), evaluating universal circuits, and Garbled Finite State Automata (GFSA). We formally model and prove the security of GABLE implemented over garbling schemes, a popular abstraction of GC and GFSA from (Bellare et al, CCS 2012). We analyze in detail the performance (including Ethereum gas costs) of both approaches and discuss the trade-offs. We implement a simple prototype of GABLE and report on the implementation issues and experience

    Real-Time Electronic Health Record Mortality Prediction During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Background: The SARS-CoV-2 virus has infected millions of people, overwhelming critical care resources in some regions. Many plans for rationing critical care resources during crises are based on the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score. The COVID-19 pandemic created an emergent need to develop and validate a novel electronic health record (EHR)-computable tool to predict mortality. Research Questions: To rapidly develop, validate, and implement a novel real-time mortality score for the COVID-19 pandemic that improves upon SOFA. Study Design and Methods: We conducted a prospective cohort study of a regional health system with 12 hospitals in Colorado between March 2020 and July 2020. All patients >14 years old hospitalized during the study period without a do not resuscitate order were included. Patients were stratified by the diagnosis of COVID-19. From this cohort, we developed and validated a model using stacked generalization to predict mortality using data widely available in the EHR by combining five previously validated scores and additional novel variables reported to be associated with COVID-19-specific mortality. We compared the area under the receiver operator curve (AUROC) for the new model to the SOFA score and the Charlson Comorbidity Index. Results: We prospectively analyzed 27,296 encounters, of which 1,358 (5.0%) were positive for SARS-CoV-2, 4,494 (16.5%) included intensive care unit (ICU)-level care, 1,480 (5.4%) included invasive mechanical ventilation, and 717 (2.6%) ended in death. The Charlson Comorbidity Index and SOFA scores predicted overall mortality with an AUROC of 0.72 and 0.90, respectively. Our novel score predicted overall mortality with AUROC 0.94. In the subset of patients with COVID-19, we predicted mortality with AUROC 0.90, whereas SOFA had AUROC of 0.85. Interpretation: We developed and validated an accurate, in-hospital mortality prediction score in a live EHR for automatic and continuous calculation using a novel model, that improved upon SOFA. Study Question: Can we improve upon the SOFA score for real-time mortality prediction during the COVID-19 pandemic by leveraging electronic health record (EHR) data? Results: We rapidly developed and implemented a novel yet SOFA-anchored mortality model across 12 hospitals and conducted a prospective cohort study of 27,296 adult hospitalizations, 1,358 (5.0%) of which were positive for SARS-CoV-2. The Charlson Comorbidity Index and SOFA scores predicted all-cause mortality with AUROCs of 0.72 and 0.90, respectively. Our novel score predicted mortality with AUROC 0.94. Interpretation: A novel EHR-based mortality score can be rapidly implemented to better predict patient outcomes during an evolving pandemic

    Synapsin- and Actin-Dependent Frequency Enhancement in Mouse Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapses

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    The synapsin proteins have different roles in excitatory and inhibitory synaptic terminals. We demonstrate a differential role between types of excitatory terminals. Structural and functional aspects of the hippocampal mossy fiber (MF) synapses were studied in wild-type (WT) mice and in synapsin double-knockout mice (DKO). A severe reduction in the number of synaptic vesicles situated more than 100 nm away from the presynaptic membrane active zone was found in the synapsin DKO animals. The ultrastructural level gave concomitant reduction in F-actin immunoreactivity observed at the periactive endocytic zone of the MF terminals. Frequency facilitation was normal in synapsin DKO mice at low firing rates (∼0.1 Hz) but was impaired at firing rates within the physiological range (∼2 Hz). Synapses made by associational/commissural fibers showed comparatively small frequency facilitation at the same frequencies. Synapsin-dependent facilitation in MF synapses of WT mice was attenuated by blocking F-actin polymerization with cytochalasin B in hippocampal slices. Synapsin III, selectively seen in MF synapses, is enriched specifically in the area adjacent to the synaptic cleft. This may underlie the ability of synapsin III to promote synaptic depression, contributing to the reduced frequency facilitation observed in the absence of synapsins I and II