83 research outputs found

    Complement-dependent outer membrane perturbation sensitizes Gram-negative bacteria to Gram-positive specific antibiotics

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    Gram-negative bacteria are refractory to the action of many antibiotics due to their impermeable outer membrane. An important player of the immune system is the complement system, a protein network in serum that directly kills Gram-negative bacteria through pore-formation by the Membrane Attack Complexes (MAC). We here show that the MAC rapidly perforates the outer membrane but that inner membrane damage, which is essential for killing, is relatively slow. Importantly, we demonstrate that MAC-induced outer membrane damage sensitizes Gram-negative bacteria to otherwise ineffective, Gram-positive-specific, antimicrobials. Synergy between serum and nisin was observed for 22 out of 53 tested Gram-negative clinical isolates and for multi-drug resistant (MDR) blood isolates. The in vivo relevance of this process is further highlighted by the fact that blood sensitizes a MDR K. pneumoniae strain to vancomycin. Altogether, these data imply that antibiotics that are considered ineffective to treat infections with Gram-negatives may have different functional outcomes in patients, due to the presence of the complement system.Microbial Biotechnolog

    Bacterial killing by complement requires membrane attack complex formation via surface-bound C5 convertases

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    The immune system kills bacteria by the formation of lytic membrane attack complexes (MACs), triggered when complement enzymes cleave C5. At present, it is not understood how the MAC perturbs the composite cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we show that the role of C5 convertase enzymes in MAC assembly extends beyond the cleavage of C5 into the MAC precursor C5b. Although purified MAC complexes generated from preassembled C5b6 perforate artificial lipid membranes and mammalian cells, these components lack bactericidal activity. In order to permeabilize both the bacterial outer and inner membrane and thus kill a bacterium, MACs need to be assembled locally by the C5 convertase enzymes. Our data indicate that C5b6 rapidly loses the capacity to form bactericidal pores; therefore, bacterial killing requires both in situ conversion of C5 and immediate insertion of C5b67 into the membrane. Using flow cytometry and atomic force microscopy, we show that local assembly of C5b6 at the bacterial surface is required for the efficient insertion of MAC pores into bacterial membranes. These studies provide basic molecular insights into MAC assembly and bacterial killing by the immune system

    Functional Characterization of Alternative and Classical Pathway C3/C5 Convertase Activity and Inhibition Using Purified Models

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    Complement is essential for the protection against infections; however, dysregulation of complement activation can cause onset and progression of numerous inflammatory diseases. Convertase enzymes play a central role in complement activation and produce the key mediators of complement: C3 convertases cleave C3 to generate chemoattractant C3a and label target cells with C3b, which promotes phagocytosis; C5 convertases cleave C5 into chemoattractant C5a, and C5b, which drives formation of the membrane attack complex. Since convertases mediate nearly all complement effector functions, they are ideal targets for therapeutic complement inhibition. A unique feature of convertases is their covalent attachment to target cells, which effectively confines complement activation to the cell surface. However, surface localization precludes detailed analysis of convertase activation and inhibition. In our previous work, we developed a model system to form purified alternative pathway (AP) C5 convertases on C3b-coated beads and quantify C5 conversion via functional analysis of released C5a. Here, we developed a C3aR cell reporter system that enables functional discrimination between C3 and C5 convertases. By regulating the C3b density on the bead surface, we observe that high C3b densities are important for conversion of C5, but not C3, by AP convertases. Screening of well-characterized complement-binding molecules revealed that differential inhibition of AP C3 convertases (C3bBb) and C5 convertases [C3bBb(C3b)n] is possible. Although both convertases contain C3b, the C3b-binding molecules Efb-C/Ecb and FHR5 specifically inhibit C5 conversion. Furthermore, using a new classical pathway convertase model, we show that these C3b-binding proteins not only block AP C3/C5 convertases but also inhibit formation of a functional classical pathway C5 convertase under well-defined conditions. Our models enable functional characterization of purified convertase enzymes and provide a platform for the identification and development of specific convertase inhibitors for treatment of complement-mediated disorders

    Multifaceted Activities of Seven Nanobodies against Complement C4b

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    Cleavage of the mammalian plasma protein C4 into C4b initiates opsonization, lysis, and clearance of microbes and damaged host cells by the classical and lectin pathways of the complement system. Dysregulated activation of C4 and other initial components of the classical pathway may cause or aggravate pathologies, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, Alzheimer disease, and schizophrenia. Modulating the activity of C4b by small-molecule or protein-based inhibitors may represent a promising therapeutic approach for preventing excessive inflammation and damage to host cells and tissue. Here, we present seven nanobodies, derived from llama (Lama glama) immunization, that bind to human C4b (Homo sapiens) with high affinities ranging from 3.2 nM to 14 pM. The activity of the nanobodies varies from no to complete inhibition of the classical pathway. The inhibiting nanobodies affect different steps in complement activation, in line with blocking sites for proconvertase formation, C3 substrate binding to the convertase, and regulator-mediated inactivation of C4b. For four nanobodies, we determined singleparticle cryo-electron microscopy structures in complex with C4b at 3.4-4 Å resolution. The structures rationalize the observed functional effects of the nanobodies and define their mode of action during complement activation. Thus, we characterized seven anti-C4b nanobodies with diverse effects on the classical pathway of complement activation that may be explored for imaging, diagnostic, or therapeutic applications

    Inhibition of cleavage of human complement component C5 and the R885H C5 variant by two distinct high affinity anti-C5 nanobodies

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    The human complement system plays a crucial role in immune defense. However, its erroneous activation contributes to many serious inflammatory diseases. Since most unwanted complement effector functions result from C5 cleavage into C5a and C5b, development of C5 inhibitors, such as clinically approved monoclonal antibody eculizumab, are of great interest. Here, we developed and characterized two anti-C5 nanobodies, UNbC5-1 and UNbC5-2. Using surface plasmon resonance, we determined a binding affinity of 119.9 pM for UNbC5-1 and 7.7 pM for UNbC5-2. Competition experiments determined that the two nanobodies recognize distinct epitopes on C5. Both nanobodies efficiently interfered with C5 cleavage in a human serum environment, as they prevented red blood cell lysis via membrane attack complexes (C5b-9) and the formation of chemoattractant C5a. The cryo-EM structure of UNbC5-1 and UNbC5-2 in complex with C5 (3.6 Å resolution) revealed that the binding interfaces of UNbC5-1 and UNbC5-2 overlap with known complement inhibitors eculizumab and RaCI3, respectively. UNbC5-1 binds to the MG7 domain of C5, facilitated by a hydrophobic core and polar interactions, and UNbC5-2 interacts with the C5d domain mostly by salt bridges and hydrogen bonds. Interestingly, UNbC5-1 potently binds and inhibits C5 R885H, a genetic variant of C5 that is not recognized by eculizumab. Altogether, we identified and characterized two different, high affinity nanobodies against human C5. Both nanobodies could serve as diagnostic and/or research tools to detect C5 or inhibit C5 cleavage. Furthermore, the residues targeted by UNbC5-1 hold important information for therapeutic inhibition of different polymorphic variants of C5

    C1q binding to surface-bound IgG is stabilized by C1r(2)s(2) proteases

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    Complement is an important effector mechanism for antibodymediated clearance of infections and tumor cells. Upon binding to target cells, the antibody's constant (Fc) domain recruits complement component C1 to initiate a proteolytic cascade that generates lytic pores and stimulates phagocytosis. The C1 complex (C1qr2s2) consists of the large recognition protein C1q and a heterotetramer of proteases C1r and C1s (C1r2s2). While interactions between C1 and IgG-Fc are believed to be mediated by the globular heads of C1q, we here find that C1r2s2 proteases affect the capacity of C1q to form an avid complex with surface-bound IgG molecules (on various 2,4-dinitrophenol [DNP]-coated surfaces and pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus). The extent to which C1r2s2 contributes to C1q-IgG stability strongly differs between human IgG subclasses. Using antibody engineering of monoclonal IgG, we reveal that hexamer-enhancing mutations improve C1q-IgG stability, both in the absence and presence of C1r2s2. In addition, hexamer-enhanced IgGs targeting S. aureus mediate improved complement-dependent phagocytosis by human neutrophils. Altogether, these molecular insights into complement binding to surface-bound IgGs could be important for optimal design of antibody therapies.Transplantation and autoimmunit


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