550 research outputs found

    Nuclear parton distributions in the DGLAP approach

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    Determination of the nuclear parton distributions within the framework of perturbative QCD, the DGLAP equations in particular, is discussed. Scale and flavour dependent nuclear effects in the parton distributions are compared with the scale and flavour independent parametrizations of HIJING and of the Hard Probe Collaboration. A comparison with the data from deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering and the Drell-Yan process in proton-nucleus collisions is shown.Comment: 19 pages, 6 eps-figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the Hard Probe Collaboratio

    Which probes are most useful when undertaking cognitive interviews?

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    This paper reports the use of verbal probes in cognitive interviews (CIs) undertaken to test the usefulness, validity and reliability of survey questions. Through examining the use of probes by three interviewers undertaking interviews as part the piloting of a cross-national crime survey, we examine which of the various types of probes used in CIs produce the most useful information. Other influences on interview quality are examined, including differences between interviewers and respondents themselves. The analyses rely on multi-level modelling and suggest that anticipated, emergent and conditional probes provide the most useful data. Furthermore, age, gender and educational levels appear to have no bearing on the quality of the data generated

    Lapsen aistitiedon käsittelyn ongelmien huomioiminen perusopetuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on kuvailla aistitiedon käsittelyn ongelmien vaikutusta lapsen koulunkäyntiin ja näiden ongelmien huomioimista perusopetuksessa. Suomessa inkluusion ideologian mukaan pyritään mahdollistamaan jokaiselle lapselle koulunkäynti lähikoulussa riittävän tuen avulla. On tärkeää ymmärtää, että jokaisessa koulussa voi olla lapsia, joilla on ongelmia aistitiedon käsittelyssä. Perusopetus muodostuu opetuksen ja kasvatuksen kokonaisuudesta, jossa lapsen yksilölliset tarpeet tulee ottaa huomioon. Nykyisen oppimiskäsityksen mukaan oppiminen tapahtuu yksilön ja ympäristön vuorovaikutuksessa erilaisissa oppimisympäristöissä. Kuvaan aiempia aistitiedon käsittelyn ongelmiin liittyviä tutkimuksia ja kirjallisuutta vastaten näin tutkimuskysymyksiin. Aistitiedon käsittelyn ja siihen liittyvien ongelmien keskeiset käsitteet kuvaan A. Jean Ayresin sensorisen integraation teorian pohjalta. Keskeisten käsitteiden lisäksi kuvaan, miten aistitiedon käsittelyn vaikeudet voidaan ottaa huomioon perusopetuksessa. Pohdin tuloksia suhteessa tutkimuksen tieteelliseen taustaan. Aistitiedon käsittelyn ongelmat voivat näyttäytyä lapsen toiminnassa monella eri tavalla vaikuttaen huomattavasti lapsen osallistumiseen ja suoriutumiseen koulussa. Jos lapsella on ongelmia aistitiedon käsittelyssä, hän ei kykene oppimaan tehokkaasti tai toimimaan odotetulla tavalla päivittäisissä toiminnoissa. Aistitiedon käsittelyn ongelmien huomioimisessa korostuu koulun, kotien ja asiaan perehtyneiden asiantuntijoiden välisen yhteistyön merkitys. Vaikka aistitiedon käsittelyn ongelmien tuomia haasteita ei voida täysin poistaa, opettajan pedagogiikalla sekä oppimista ja hyvinvointia edistävillä oppimisympäristöillä on merkitystä lapsen osallistumisen ja suoriutumisen tukemisessa. Koulun keinot tukea lasta, jolla on aistitiedon käsittelyn ongelmia, voidaan jakaa sisäisiin taitoja kehittäviin ja kognitiivisia strategioita opettaviin keinoihin sekä ulkoisiin ympäristön muokkaamisen ja odotusten muuttamisen keinoihin. Aistitiedon käsittelyn ongelmien huomioiminen perusopetuksessa mahdollistaa inkluusion ideologian korostaman lasten tasa-arvon, yhdenvertaisuuden, osallisuuden ja yksilöllisen oppimisen tukemisen. Tutkimuksen luotettavuutta edistää syvällinen paneutumiseni aistitiedon käsittelyn ongelmiin teorian ja käytännön tasolla, tutkimuksesta käydyt keskustelut aiheeseen perehtyneiden asiantuntijoiden kanssa sekä tutkimuksen kriittinen tarkastelu kaikissa vaiheissa. Tutkimuksella on selkeä yhteys teorian ja käytännön kehittämiseen. Tulokset ovat sovellettavissa myös muidenkin lasten opetukseen, monet kuvatuista keinoista voivat edistää kaikkien lasten osallistumista ja suoriutumista koulussa.Children with sensory processing difficulties : support measures in basic education. Abstract. The purpose of this descriptive literature review is to describe how the sensory processing difficulties effect on child’s participation and performance in school, and how to support these children in basic education. In Finland, the ideology of inclusion aims to enable every child to attend a community school with sufficient support. It is important to understand that there may be children who have sensory processing difficulties in every school. The individual needs of the child are taken into account in basic education. According to the current conception of learning, learning takes place through interaction between the individual and the environment in different learning environments. The previous research and literature of sensory processing difficulties are described to answer to the research questions. The key concepts are illustrated by Ayres Sensory Integration theory. The support measures of basic education are also described. The results are considered in relation to the scientific background of the research. Sensory processing difficulties can greatly affect a child’s participation and performance at school. If the child has difficulties with the sensory processing, they will not be able to learn effectively or perform as expected in daily activities. Co-operation between the school, home and competent experts is important in addressing the sensory processing difficulties. Although the challenges of sensory processing difficulties can not be completely eliminated, the pedagogy of the teacher and learning environments that promote learning and well-being are important in supporting the child’s participation and performance. The support measures of school can be divided to internal skill and cognitive strategies, as well as external environments and expectations. Addressing the sensory processing difficulties in basic education enables the promotion of children’s equality, participation and individual learning emphasized by the ideology of inclusion. The reliability of research is enhanced by consideration of the sensory processing difficulties at the theoretical and practical levels, discussion with the experts and critical examination at all stages of the research. This research has a clear connection with the development of theory and practice of education. The results are applicable to teaching other children as well. Many of the tools described can promote the participation and performance of all children at school

    Carbonyl compounds in boreal coniferous forest air in Hyytiälä, Southern Finland

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    International audienceA variety of C1-C12 carbonyl compounds were measured in the air of a boreal coniferous forest located in Hyytiälä, Southern Finland. 24-h samples were collected during March and April in 2003 using DNPH (2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine) coated C18-cartridges and analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Altogether 22 carbonyl compounds were quantified. The most abundant carbonyls were acetone (24-h average 1340 ng/m3), formaldehyde (480 ng/m3) and acetaldehyde (360 ng/m3). In contrast, scaling of concentrations against reactivity with the hydroxyl (OH) radical significantly increased the contribution of larger aldehydes and ketones (e.g. decanal, octanal and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one). Concentrations of monoterpene reaction products nopinone (9 ng/m3) and limona ketone (5 ng/m3) were low compared to the most abundant low molecular weight carbonyls. The total concentration of carbonyl compounds in Hyytiälä in April/March 2003 was much higher than the concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons and monoterpenes in April 2002. Lifetimes of the measured carbonyls with respect to reactions with OH radicals, ozone (O3), and nitrate (NO3) radicals as well as photolysis were estimated. The main sinks for most of the carbonyl compounds in Hyytiälä in springtime are expected to be reactions with the OH radical and photolysis. For 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one and limona ketone also reactions with ozone are important. The sources of carbonyl compounds are presently highly uncertain. Due to the relatively short lifetimes of aldehydes and ketones, secondary biogenic and anthropogenic sources, that is oxidation of volatile organic compounds, and primary biogenic sources are expected to dominate in Hyytiälä

    RHIC-tested predictions for low-pTp_T and high-pTp_T hadron spectra in nearly central Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC

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    We study the hadron spectra in nearly central AA+AA collisions at RHIC and LHC in a broad transverse momentum range. We cover the low-pTp_T spectra using longitudinally boost-invariant hydrodynamics with initial energy and net-baryon number densities from the perturbative QCD (pQCD)+saturation model. Build-up of the transverse flow and sensitivity of the spectra to a single decoupling temperature \Tdec are studied. Comparison with RHIC data at \ssNN=130 and 200 GeV suggests a rather high value \Tdec=150 MeV. The high-pTp_T spectra are computed using factorized pQCD cross sections, nuclear parton distributions, fragmentation functions, and describing partonic energy loss in the quark-gluon plasma by quenching weights. Overall normalization is fixed on the basis of p+pˉ\bar{\rm p}(p) data and the strength of energy loss is determined from RHIC Au+Au data. Uncertainties are discussed. With constraints from RHIC data, we predict the pTp_T spectra of hadrons in 5 % most central Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC energy \ssNN=5500 GeV. Due to the closed framework for primary production, we can also predict the net-baryon number at midrapidity, as well as the strength of partonic energy losses at the LHC. Both at the LHC and RHIC, we recognize a rather narrow crossover region in the pTp_T spectra, where the hydrodynamic and pQCD fragmentation components become of equal size. We argue that in this crossover region the two contributions are to a good approximation mutually independent. In particular, our results suggest a wider pTp_T-region of applicability for hydrodynamical models at the LHC than at RHIC.Comment: 45 pages, 16 eps-figure

    Classical pion fields in the presence of source

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    Classical pion field similar to Disoriented Chiral Condensate (DCC) is considered in the presence of the external source. This field is similar to DCC in the sense that its isotopic orientation is specified with a single vector at the whole space. We study the classical field solutions in the nonlinear sigma-model both in the chiral limit with massless pion and for the finite pion mass. In both cases the field resembles the Coulomb field of charged particle however the nonlinear pion interactions lead to the existence of several solutions. In the massless case and for the very small size of the source there is the lot of classical solutions with finite discrete energies. In the more realistic situation of large nucleus (heavy ion) there are no stable solutions of the above type, but there is the possibility for the formation of the quasistationary states. They can live for a long time slowly decaying through the emission of very soft pions. The structure and the energies of these solutions is investigated numerically.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure, epsfig.sty, corrected typos, added reference

    Rapidity Distributions of Dileptons from a Hadronizing Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    It has been predicted that dilepton production may be used as a quark-gluon plasma probe. We calculate the rapidity distributions of thermal dileptons produced by an evolving quark-gluon plasma assuming a longitudinal scaling expansion with initial conditions locally determined from the hadronic rapidity density. These distributions are compared with Drell-Yan production and semileptonic charm decays at invariant mass M=2M = 2, 4, and 6 GeV.Comment: 17 pages (standard LaTeX), 6 figures (available as topdraw files or printed versions upon request), GSI-93-6

    Correlation measurements in high-multiplicity events

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    Requirements for correlation measurements in high--multiplicity events are discussed. Attention is focussed on detection of so--called hot spots, two--particle rapidity correlations, two--particle momentum correlations (for quantum interferometry) and higher--order correlations. The signal--to--noise ratio may become large in the high--multiplicity limit, allowing meaningful single--event measurements, only if the correlations are due to collective behavior.Comment: MN 55455, 20 pages, KSUCNR-011-92 and TPI-MINN-92/47-T (revised). Revised to correct typo in equation (30), and to fill in a few steps in calculations. Now published as Phys. Rev. C 47 (1993) 232