129 research outputs found

    Biomarker responses in fish from Frierfjorden and Eidanger

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    Årsliste 2004There have been high inputs of dioxins and dibenzofurans into the Frierfjord. The aim of the project reported here was to clarify whether there were observable responses in fish collected from Frierfjord and the adjacent Eidangerfjord that could be associated with exposure to dioxins and dibenzofurans. Three species of fish, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), trout (Salmo trutta) and flounder (Platichthys flesus) were sampled during three field campaigns. Other results have shown that the two areas did not differ by more than a factor 2 to 3 in dioxin exposure. In both cod and trout, individuals from Frierfjord generally had higher activity and level of cytochrome P4501A than fish from Eidangerfjord, indicating that the 2-3 times higher dioxin exposure causes increased phase-I enzyme activity. Cod and flounder from both areas had much higher hepatic cytochrome P4501A activity than that seen in reference areas. Differences between the three species were apparent for both phase-II and antioxidant enzyme responses. It can be concluded that dioxin inputs in to the fjord does affect fish in the area and that the effects decreased with decreasing exposure.Norwegian Research Council Norsk Hydr

    Bioavailability of heavy metals in drilling muds

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    Experimental work on uptake of metals from sediments spiked with barite, ilmenite and hematite were performed using the ragworm Nereis diversicolor and the netted dog whelk Hinia (Nassarius) reticulata as test organisms. The present report also provides a brief review of recent litterature on biological effects of metals in drill cuttings, including relevant results from the UKOOA Drill Cuttings Initiative - an international research programme completed in December 2001. The review suggest low to moderate bioaccumulation and toxicity of metals in drill cuttings to marine organisms. The experimental work was performed in a standard test set-up at Solbergstrand Marine Research Station. The test determines enrichment ratios in exposed vs control organisms. Ratios of 67 and 76 for the respective species showed significant uptake of barium from marine sediments spiked with barite. Similarly, significant uptake of titanium were observed in organisms exposed to ilmenite. All other elements (Al, Li, Fe, Zn, Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr and Ni) showed no significant uptake and ratios within the range 0,6-1,5. This result was partly explained by anomalous low concentrations of Pb in the barite test substance, partly by the presence in several test substances of major fractions of Cr, Ni, Zn and Cu insoluble in standard nitric acid digestion (NS4770). Toxic effects of metals strongly bound in particulate mineral fractions are not expected.Norbar Minerals A


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    Rumah sakit didirikan untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk tindakan medis, diaknostik serta upaya rehabilitasi. Untuk itu, perluh adanya berbagai sumber daya yang harus diatur dengan manajemen yang baik guna dapat memeberikan pelayanan yang berdaya guna dan berhasil guna kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui tentang adanya hubungan antara persepsi mutu jasa pelayanan dengan tingkat kepuasan pada pasien rawat jalan di rumah sakit GMIM siloam sonder. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode pendekatan cross sectional yang dilaksanakan pada bulan juli-oktober 2019 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 81 responden. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa  responde dengan mutu pelayanan kesehatan lebih banyak memilih kategori baik dengan persentase 53,1% dan untuk kategori kepuasan pasien lebih banyak responden memilih puas dengan persentase 75,3%, didapatkan juga  p value dengan nilai 0,004 dan odd ratio 4,975. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara persepsi mutu jasa pelayanan kesehatan dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien rawat jalan di rumah sakit  GMIM siloam. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan, Mutu, Persepsi  ABSTRACTThe hospital was established to provide health services to the community in the form of medical actions, deacors and rehabilitation efforts. Therefore, there is a variety of resources that must be arranged with good management in order to provide a reliable and successful service to the community.  This study aims to know about the relationship between the perception of the quality of services with level of satisfaction on an outpatient basis in GMIM Siloam Hospital Sonder. This type of research is quantitative with a cross sectional approach method conducted in July-October 2019 with a sample number of 81 respondents. The results of the study came that the Responde with the quality of health services prefer a good category with a percentage of 53.1% and for the category of satisfaction patients more respondents choose satisfied with the percentage of 75.3%, also obtained p value with a value of 0.004 and odds ratio 4.975. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the perception of quality of healthcare services with the level of satisfaction of an outpatient in GMIM Siloam Hospital Sonder. Keywords: satisfaction, quality, perceptio

    Biomarkers in monitoring - a review

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    Årsliste 2006Biological effects are increasingly used to monitor impacts of contaminants in marine ecosystems. Biomarkers have been defined as ”biochemical, cellular, physiological or behavioural variations in the tissue or body fluids or at the level of whole organism that provide evidence of exposure to chemical pollutants, and may also indicate a toxic effect”. The biomarkers reviewed here were PAH bile metabolites, cytochrome P4501A, glutathione S-transferase, markers for DNA damage (adducts, alkaline unwinding, Comet assay), micronucleus formation, peroxisomal proliferation, acetyl cholinesterase inhibition, metallothionein, vitellogenin and delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase. Focus for the review was dose-response relationships, confounding factors, links to population effects, baseline values, assessment criteria and quality assurance for the relevant biomarker. Whereas correlative links to population-relevant effects have been found for some biomarkers, e.g. biomarkers for DNA damage, most biomarkers are generally more useful as markers for possible impacts elsewhere in ecosystems.OL

    Tiltaksplan Drammensfjorden - Fase 2 - Analyser av torsk og sjøørret

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    Årsliste 2005NIVA har på oppdrag for Fylkesmannen i Buskerud utført analyser av torsk og sjøørret fra Drammensfjorden. Arbeidet inngår som en del av tiltaksplanen for forurenset sjøbunn i Drammensfjorden. Gjennomsnittskonsentrasjonene av kvikksølv PCB og DDT i torskefilet tilsvarer ubetydelig forurenset i SFTs klassifiseringssystem for miljøtilstand (Klasse I). Sammenlignet med undersøkelser i 1991 er det ingen vesentlige forandringer i kvikksølvkonsentrasjonene i torsk og ørret. Beregninger anslår en faktor 4-7 lavere konsentrasjon av PCB i torskefilet og en faktor 4-5 lavere for ørretfilet i 2005 sammenlignet med 1991. Analyser av flere prøver i fremtiden vil gi bedre utsagnskraft om den tilsynelatende bedringen i miljøgiftinnholdet.Fylkesmannens Miljøvernavdelin

    Energy consumption in animal production : case farm study

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    Action Group Reports

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    Action Group Report

    Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis reveals a high level of dietary specialization in killer whales across the North Atlantic

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    Quantifying the diet composition of apex marine predators such as killer whales (Orcinus orca) is critical to assessing their food web impacts. Yet, with few exceptions, the feeding ecology of these apex predators remains poorly understood. Here, we use our newly validated quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) approach on nearly 200 killer whales and over 900 potential prey to model their diets across the 5000 km span of the North Atlantic. Diet estimates show that killer whales mainly consume other whales in the western North Atlantic (Canadian Arctic, Eastern Canada), seals in the mid-North Atlantic (Greenland), and fish in the eastern North Atlantic (Iceland, Faroe Islands, Norway). Nonetheless, diet estimates also varied widely among individuals within most regions. This level of inter-individual feeding variation should be considered for future ecological studies focusing on killer whales in the North Atlantic and other oceans. These estimates reveal remarkable population- and individual-level variation in the trophic ecology of these killer whales, which can help to assess how their predation impacts community and ecosystem dynamics in changing North Atlantic marine ecosystems. This new approach provides researchers with an invaluable tool to study the feeding ecology of oceanic top predators