1,095 research outputs found

    Risk of suicide among operated and non-operated patients hospitalised for peptic ulcers

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    Background: Some small studies have reported high risk of suicide after surgical treatment for peptic ulcer. The aim of the present study was to explore the risk of suicide in hospitalised gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer patients separately among operated and non-operated cohorts. Methods: Retrospective cohorts of 163 579 nonoperated patients with gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer and 28 112 patients with surgical treatment for ulcer, recorded in the Swedish Inpatient Register since 1965, were followed from the first hospitalisation, or operation for the surgery cohort, until death, any cancer, emigration, or 31 December 2003. Standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated, and Poisson regression produced adjusted relative risk estimates among operated and non-operated patients. Results: Non-operated patients hospitalised for peptic ulcer showed a 70% excess risk of suicide (SMR 1.7, 95% CI 1.6 to 1.9) and those who underwent operation had a 60% increased risk (SMR 1.6, 95% CI 1.4 to 1.8). The risk of suicide was very high during the first year after hospitalisation (SMR 4.0, 95% CI 3.4 to 4.7) and more marked among women, patients under 70 and patients hospitalised without complications of ulcer. Both gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer patients had high risk of suicide completion. Conclusion: Hospitalised patients with gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer have an increased risk of suicide regardless of surgical treatment. These patients, especially women, are at very high risk during the first year after first hospitalisation/operation. The evaluation and management of suicidal thoughts in patients in medical settings should be further considered

    Potential energy surfaces of superheavy nuclei

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    We investigate the structure of the potential energy surfaces of the superheavy nuclei 258Fm, 264Hs, (Z=112,N=166), (Z=114,N=184), and (Z=120,N=172) within the framework of self-consistent nuclear models, i.e. the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach and the relativistic mean-field model. We compare results obtained with one representative parametrisation of each model which is successful in describing superheavy nuclei. We find systematic changes as compared to the potential energy surfaces of heavy nuclei in the uranium region: there is no sufficiently stable fission isomer any more, the importance of triaxial configurations to lower the first barrier fades away, and asymmetric fission paths compete down to rather small deformation. Comparing the two models, it turns out that the relativistic mean-field model gives generally smaller fission barriers.Comment: 8 pages RevTeX, 6 figure

    Screw and Pin Fastener Tests for Cold-Formed Steel

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    Because of limited available information on strength and ease of installation of specific fasteners for a particular application to a steel deck diaphragm, a preliminary testing program comparing the shear strength of commercially available screws and gas-actuated shot pins was conducted by J. R. Harris and Company at the University of Colorado Denver in 2018. A test was designed to explore the behavior and capacity of various fasteners, securing two and three pieces of sheet steel of various thicknesses together. Specimens were fabricated and load tested, with the sheet steel pieces in tension, so the fasteners were subject to shear. Four fasteners, in two rows of two, were used for all tests, with different end distances also being studied. Most of the tests were monotonic tension, and those results were used to develop a cyclic testing protocol for the best performing screw and shot pin. Most limit states encountered were limited by tilting of the screw against the sheet steel in bearing, leading to a ductile failure. Fastener shear was encountered in a small percentage of cases. Results are compared to each other and to AISI calculated values

    Utilização do farelo de canola em raçÔes para frangos de corte.

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    O que e farelo de canola?; O valor nutritivo do farelo de canola; Utilização do farelo de canola; Cuidados com o uso do farelo de canola.bitstream/item/59455/1/CUsersPiazzonDocuments4.pd

    First report and damage description of Calodesma collaris (Drury, 1782) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) caterpillars on Aechmea winkleri Reitz, 1975 (Bromeliaceae).

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    We report for the first time the occurrence of Calodesma collaris (Drury, 1782) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) caterpillars on Aechmea winkleri Reitz, 1975 (Bromeliaceae) and describe the damage it causes on these plants. The consumption of leaf tissue, accumulation of excrements and inhibition of inflorescence emission caused by larvae of C. collariscan result in plants of A. winkleri that are not suitable for ornamental or landscaping purposes

    Cognitive Processes Associated with Sequential Tool Use in New Caledonian Crows

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    Background: Using tools to act on non-food objects-for example, to make other tools-is considered to be a hallmark of human intelligence, and may have been a crucial step in our evolution. One form of this behaviour, 'sequential tool use', has been observed in a number of non-human primates and even in one bird, the New Caledonian crow (Corvus moneduloides). While sequential tool use has often been interpreted as evidence for advanced cognitive abilities, such as planning and analogical reasoning, the behaviour itself can be underpinned by a range of different cognitive mechanisms, which have never been explicitly examined. Here, we present experiments that not only demonstrate new tool-using capabilities in New Caledonian crows, but allow examination of the extent to which crows understand the physical interactions involved. Methodology/Principal Findings: In two experiments, we tested seven captive New Caledonian crows in six tasks requiring the use of up to three different tools in a sequence to retrieve food. Our study incorporated several novel features: (i) we tested crows on a three-tool problem (subjects were required to use a tool to retrieve a second tool, then use the second tool to retrieve a third one, and finally use the third one to reach for food); (ii) we presented tasks of different complexity in random rather than progressive order; (iii) we included a number of control conditions to test whether tool retrieval was goal-directed; and (iv) we manipulated the subjects' pre-testing experience. Five subjects successfully used tools in a sequence (four from their first trial), and four subjects repeatedly solved the three-tool condition. Sequential tool use did not require, but was enhanced by, pre-training on each element in the sequence ('chaining'), an explanation that could not be ruled out in earlier studies. By analyzing tool choice, tool swapping and improvement over time, we show that successful subjects did not use a random probing strategy. However, we find no firm evidence to support previous claims that sequential tool use demonstrates analogical reasoning or human-like planning. Conclusions/Significance: While the ability of subjects to use three tools in sequence reveals a competence beyond that observed in any other species, our study also emphasises the importance of parsimony in comparative cognitive science: seemingly intelligent behaviour can be achieved without the involvement of high-level mental faculties, and detailed analyses are necessary before accepting claims for complex cognitive abilities.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Qualidade externa de ovos de codornas de postura alimentadas com farelo de arroz integral em diferentes.

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    A alimentação representa 70% dos custos de uma produção animal, independente do tamanho e da destinação da mesma. Como principais alimentos fornecidos as aves tem-se o milho, farelo de soja e para redução destes custos torna-se interessante o uso de alimentos alternativos. O arroz Ă© um dos grĂŁos mais produzidos em todo o mundo, sendo o Brasil o dĂ©cimo maior produtor mundial. Santos et al. (2004) afirmam que o FAI Ă© uma matĂ©ria-prima disponĂ­vel no mercado brasileiro, e pode ser utilizado nas dietas, para diminuir os custos de produção, substituindo o milho, que Ă© a matĂ©ria-prima que mais dispende custos Ă s raçÔes avĂ­colas. O farelo de arroz integral (FAI), resultante do polimento dos grĂŁos de arroz, Ă© o mais usado na criação de suĂ­nos e aves, considerando os farelos de arroz integral e desengordurado como os subprodutos da indĂșstria do arroz que tĂȘm sido incluĂ­dos nas dietas de aves (Filardi et al, 2007). A presença de elevada quantidade de gordura, constituĂ­da principalmente de ĂĄcidos graxos insaturados, predispĂ”e Ă  peroxidação, favorecendo a multiplicação de fungos produtores de aflatoxinas e a rancificação oxidativa, que compromete a qualidade do FAI e dificulta o armazenamento de grandes quantidades. Como forma de prevenir a perda do produto, existem no mercado aditivos quĂ­micos e orgĂąnicos. Com isso o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade externa dos ovos de codornas alimentadas com farelo de arroz integral armazenado em diferentes tempos

    alpha-decay chains of Z=114, A=289 and Z=118, A=293 in the relativistic mean-field model

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    A comparison of calculated and experimental Q_alpha values of superheavy even-even nuclei and a few selected odd-N nuclei is presented in the framework of the relativistic mean-field model with the parameterization NL-Z2. Blocking effects are found to be important for a proper description of Q_alpha of odd mass nuclei. The model gives a good overall description of the available experimental data. The mass and charge assignment of the recently measured decay chains from Dubna and Berkeley is in agreement with the predictions of the model. The analysis of the new data does not allow a final conclusion about the location of the expected island of spherical doubly-magic superheavy nuclei.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX, 4 eps figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Teor de minerais em tíbias de frangos de corte alimentados com dietas que utilizaram farelo de trigo e fitase na sua composição.

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    Alimentos alternativos ao milho e farelo de soja tem sido buscados constantemente pela cadeia de produção de aves. Para tanto é importante que sejam de baixo custo, fåcil disponibilidade e permitam um desempenho satisfatório de desempenho quando utilizados nas dietas. De acordo com Rostagno (2005), o farelo de trigo apresenta composição nutricional adequada, entretanto possui fraçÔes compostas por fatores antinutricionais que podem acarretar a formação de complexos, reduzindo a biodisponibilidade de nutrientes. A inclusão da fitase pode melhorar o aproveitamento deste ingrediente, proporcionando a liberação de nutrientes essenciais ao metabolismo dos animais, como o fósforo, fundamental para a mineralização óssea. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do farelo de trigo e da fitase na dieta sobre o teor de matéria mineral, cålcio e fósforo e a relação Ca:P da tíbia de frangos de corte aos 32 dias de idade

    Nuclear Ground State Observables and QCD Scaling in a Refined Relativistic Point Coupling Model

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    We present results obtained in the calculation of nuclear ground state properties in relativistic Hartree approximation using a Lagrangian whose QCD-scaled coupling constants are all natural (dimensionless and of order 1). Our model consists of four-, six-, and eight-fermion point couplings (contact interactions) together with derivative terms representing, respectively, two-, three-, and four-body forces and the finite ranges of the corresponding mesonic interactions. The coupling constants have been determined in a self-consistent procedure that solves the model equations for representative nuclei simultaneously in a generalized nonlinear least-squares adjustment algorithm. The extracted coupling constants allow us to predict ground state properties of a much larger set of even-even nuclei to good accuracy. The fact that the extracted coupling constants are all natural leads to the conclusion that QCD scaling and chiral symmetry apply to finite nuclei.Comment: 44 pages, 13 figures, 9 tables, REVTEX, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
