297 research outputs found

    Comparison of flow resistance relations for debris flows using a one-dimensional finite element simulation model

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    International audienceThis paper describes a one-dimensional finite element code for debris flows developed to model the flow within a steep channel and the stopping conditions on the fan. The code allows the systematic comparison of a wide variety of previously proposed one-phase flow resistance laws using the same finite element solution method. The one-dimensional depth-averaged equations of motion and the numerical model are explained. The model and implementation of the flow resistance relations was validated using published analytical results for the dam break case. Reasonable agreement for the front velocities and stopping location for a debris-flow event in the Kamikamihori torrent in Japan can be achieved with turbulent flow resistance relations including "stop" terms which allow the flow to come to rest on a gently sloping surface. While it is possible to match the overall bulk flow behavior using relatively simple flow resistance relations, they must be calibrated. A sensitivity analysis showed that the shape of the upstream input hydrograph does not much affect the flow conditions in the lower part of the flow path, whereas the event volume is much more important

    Efficient fluorescence of alkali metal carbazolides

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    The sterically demanding 1,8-bis(3,5-ditertbutylphenyl)-3,6-di-tert-butylcarbazole (dtbp^{dtbp}Cbz)–H is deprotonated with various metal bases to obtain a complete series of thermally robust alkali metal compounds of the type [(dtbp^{dtbp}Cbz)M] (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs). These carbazolides can either be solely coordinated by carbazole ligands (1a–5a) or bear additional toluene ligands (1b–5b). In the cases of [(dtbp^{dtbp}Cbz)Li] (1a), [(dtbp^{dtbp}Cbz)K] (3a) and [(dtbp^{dtbp}Cbz)Rb] (4a), monomeric species were identified by single crystal XRD. Additionally, a carbazolide anion was incorporated into [NBu4_{4}][dtbp^{dtbp}Cbz] (6). All compounds were strongly luminescent, so PL and PLE measurements were conducted, revealing emissions in the range of 460–580 nm. The excited states possess a lifetime of up to 21 ns, so fluorescence phenomena were observed. Quantum yields at ambient temperature were measured up to 29% in the solid state and up to 100% in solution. In the series of 1a–4a, the emission maxima shift to higher energy as the alkaline earth metal cation becomes heavier, and the lifetimes of the excited state decrease. The Cs compounds show low quantum yields and lifetimes of the excited state

    Effects of nonspatial selective and divided visual attention on fMRI BOLD responses

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    Using an uncertainty paradigm and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) we studied the effect of nonspatial selective and divided visual attention on the activity of specific areas of human extrastriate visual cortex. The stimuli were single ovals that differed from an implicit standard oval in either colour or width. The subjects’ task was to classify the current stimulus as one of two possible alternatives per stimulus dimension. Three different experimental conditions were conducted: “colour-certainty”, “shape-certainty” and “uncertainty”. In all experimental conditions, the stimulus differed in only one stimulus dimension per trial. In the two certainty conditions, the subjects knew in advance which dimension this would be. During the uncertainty condition they had no such previous knowledge and had to monitor both dimensions simultaneously. Statistical analysis of the fMRI data (with SPM2) revealed a modest effect of the attended stimulus dimension on the neural activity in colour sensitive area V4 (more activity during attention to colour) and in shape sensitive area LOC (more activity during attention to shape). Furthermore, cortical areas known to be related to attention and working memory processes (e.g., lateral prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex) exhibit higher activity during the condition of divided attention (“uncertainty”) than during that of selective attention (“certainty”)

    Can threatened species adapt in restored habitat? No expected evolutionary response in lay date for the New Zealand hihi

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    Many bird species have been observed shifting their laying date to earlier in the year in response to climate change. However, the vast majority of these studies were performed on non‐threatened species, less impacted by reduced genetic diversity (which is expected to limit evolutionary response) as a consequence of genetic bottlenecks, drift and population isolation. Here, we study the relationship between lay date and fitness, as well as its genetic basis, to understand the evolutionary constraints on phenology faced by threatened species using a recently reintroduced population of the endangered New Zealand passerine, the hihi (Notiomystis cincta). A large discrepancy between the optimal laying date and the mode of laying date creates a strong selection differential of −11.24. The impact of this discrepancy on fitness is principally mediated through survival of offspring from hatchling to fledgling. This discrepancy does not seem to arise from a difference in female quality or a trade‐off with lifetime breeding success. We find that start of breeding season depends on female age and average temperature prior to the breeding season. Laying date is not found to be significantly heritable. Overall, our research suggests that this discrepancy is a burden on hihi fitness, which will not be resolved through evolution or phenotypic plasticity. More generally, these results show that threatened species introduced to restored habitats might lack adaptive potential and plasticity to adjust their phenology to their new environment. This constraint is also likely to limit their ability to face future challenges, including climate change

    Opiophobia in Emergency Department Healthcare Providers: A Survey in Western Switzerland.

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    Opiophobia contributes to oligoanalgesia in the emergency department (ED), but its definition varies, and its association to healthcare providers' personality traits has been scantly explored. Our purpose was to study the different definitions of opiophobia and their association with two personality traits of doctors and nurses working in EDs, namely the stress from uncertainty and risk-taking. We used three online questionnaires: the 'Attitude Towards Morphine Use' Score (ATMS), the Stress From Uncertainty Scale (SUS) and the Risk-Taking Scale (RTS). Doctors and nurses from nine hospital EDs in francophone Switzerland were invited to participate. The ATMS score was analyzed according to demographic characteristics, SUS, and RTS. The response rate was 56%, with 57% of respondents being nurses and 63% women. Doctors, less experienced and non-indigenous participants had a significantly higher ATMS (all p ≤ 0.01). The main contributors of the ATMS were the fear of side effects and of addiction. In multivariate analysis, being a doctor, less experience and non-indigenous status were predictive of the ATMS; each point of the SUS increased the ATMS by 0.24 point. The fear of side effects and of addiction were the major contributors of opiophobia among ED healthcare providers; opiophobia was also associated with their personality traits

    Inverse Vulcanization of Norbornenylsilanes: Soluble Polymers with Controllable Molecular Properties via Siloxane Bonds

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    The inverse vulcanization produces high sulfur content polymers from alkenes and elemental sulfur. Control over properties such as the molar mass or the solubility of polymers is not well established, and existing strategies lack predictability or require large variations of the composition. Systematic design principles are sought to allow for a targeted design of materials. Herein, we report on the inverse vulcanization of norbornenylsilanes (NBS), with a different number of hydrolysable groups at the silicon atom. Inverse vulcanization of mixtures of NBS followed by polycondensation yielded soluble high sulfur content copolymers (50 wt % S) with controllable weight average molar mass (MW_{W}), polydispersity (Đ), glass transition temperature (TG), or zero-shear viscosity (η0_{0}). Polycondensation was conducted in the melt with HCl as a catalyst, abolishing the need for a solvent. Purification by precipitation afforded polymers with a greatly reduced amount of low molar mass species

    Determination of environmental flows in rivers using an integrated hydrological-hydrodynamic-habitat modelling approach

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    [EN] We propose the novel integrated modelling procedure 3H-EMC for the determination of the environmental flow in rivers and streams; 3H-EMC combines Hydrological, Hydrodynamic and Habitat modelling with the use of the Environmental Management Classes (EMCs) that are defined by the Global Environmental Flow Calculator. We apply 3H-EMC in the Sperchios River in Central Greece, in which water abstractions for irrigation cause significant environmental impacts. Calculations of the hydrodynamic-habitat model, in which the large and the small chub are the main fish species, suggest discharge values that range from 1.0 m3/s to 4.0 m3/s. However, hydrological modelling indicates that it is practically difficult to achieve discharges that are higher than approximately 1.0-1.5 m3/s. Furthermore, legislation suggests significantly lower values (0.4-0.5 m3/s) that are unacceptable from the ecological point of view. This behaviour shows that a non-integrated approach, which is based only on hydrodynamic-habitat modelling does not necessarily result in realistic environmental flows, and thus an integrated approach is required. We propose the value of 1.0 m3/s as the "optimum" environmental flow for Sperchios River, because (a) it satisfies the habitat requirements, as expressed by the values of weighted useable area that are equal to 2180 and 1964 m2 for the large and small chub, respectively, and correspond to 82 and 95% of their respective maximum values, (b) it is consistent with the requirements of Environmental Classes A and B, whose percentiles are higher than 75% for discharge (77.2%) and for habitat availability (>83.5% for the large chub and >85.0% for the small chub), (c) it is practically achievable from the hydrological point of view, and (d) it is higher than the value proposed by the Greek legislation. The proposed modelling approach can be applied to any river or stream using the same or similar modelling tools, which should be linked via suitable coupling algorithms.Hydraulic field measurements were performed within the framework of a research project by the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (HCMR) entitled KRIPIS “Development of an integrated management system for river basin, coastal and marine zones” (http://imbriw.hcmr.gr/en/). Fish habitat data were collected within the framework of the ECOFLOW research project (www. ecoflow.gr). A part of the modelling work has been performed, while the first author was a visiting professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM); thanks are due to the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).Stamou, A.; Polydera, A.; Papadonikolaki, G.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Muñoz Mas, R.; Papadaki, C.; Zogaris, S.... (2018). Determination of environmental flows in rivers using an integrated hydrological-hydrodynamic-habitat modelling approach. Journal of Environmental Management. 209:273-285. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.12.038S27328520

    A new species of Bungona in Turkey (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae): an unexpected biogeographic pattern within a pantropical complex of mayflies

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    By using an integrative approach, we describe a new species of mayfly, Bungona (Chopralla) pontica sp. n., from Turkey. The discovery of a representative of the tropical mayfly genus Bungona in the Middle East is rather unexpected. The new species shows all the main morphological characters of the subgenus Chopralla, which has its closest related species occurring in southeastern Asia. Barcoding clearly indicated that the new species represents an independent lineage isolated for a very long time from other members of the complex. The claw is equipped with two rows of three or four flattened denticles. This condition is a unique feature of Bungona (Chopralla) pontica sp. n. among West Palaearctic mayfly species. Within the subgenus Chopralla, the species can be identified by the presence of a simple, not bifid right prostheca (also present only in Bungona (Chopralla) liebenauae (Soldan, Braasch & Muu, 1987)), the shape of the labial palp, and the absence of protuberances on pronotum

    Augmented Reality als Entscheidungshilfe beim Möbelkauf

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    Diese Studie untersucht den Einfluss von Augmented Reality (AR) auf den Kaufentscheidungsprozess beim Möbelkauf. Ziel der Studie waren konkrete, handlungsleitende und wissenschaftlich fundierte Erkenntnisse für die Praxis im Umgang mit der digitalen Transformation. Dafür wurde der Einfluss einer AR-App in der Möbelbranche untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die AR-App ihren Nutzern eine wertvolle Unterstützung im Kaufentscheidungsprozess bietet. Die App funktioniert jedoch nicht als eigenständiger Kanal, sondern entfaltet ihren Nutzen nur im Zusammenspiel mit den bisherigen Kanälen und Hilfsmitteln. Insbesondere der Austausch mit Dritten bietet deutliches Entwicklungspotenzial und Chancen, die Customer Experience weiter zu verbessern. Einen klaren Kundenmehrwert würde eine händlerübergreifende AR-App bieten. Weiterer Forschungsbedarf ergibt sich aus den Rückkoppelungseffekten zwischen veränderter Kundeninteraktion und Technologieentwicklung