690 research outputs found

    Soil–Atmosphere Exchange of Nitrous Oxide, Nitric Oxide, Methane, and Carbon Dioxide in Logged and Undisturbed Forest in the Tapajos National Forest, Brazil

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    Selective logging is an extensive land use in the Brazilian Amazon region. The soil–atmosphere fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2) are studied on two soil types (clay Oxisol and sandy loam Ultisol) over two years (2000–01) in both undisturbed forest and forest recently logged using reduced impact forest management in the Tapajos National Forest, near Santarem, Para, Brazil. In undisturbed forest, annual soil–atmosphere fluxes of N2O (mean ± standard error) were 7.9 ± 0.7 and 7.0 ± 0.6 ng N cm−2 h−1 for the Oxisol and 1.7 ± 0.1 and 1.6 ± 0.3 ng N cm−2 h−1 for the Ultisol for 2000 and 2001, respectively. The annual fluxes of NO from undisturbed forest soil in 2001 were 9.0 ± 2.8 ng N cm−2 h−1 for the Oxisol and 8.8 ± 5.0 ng N cm−2 h−1 for the Ultisol. Consumption of CH4 from the atmosphere dominated over production on undisturbed forest soils. Fluxes averaged −0.3 ± 0.2 and −0.1 ± 0.9 mg CH4 m−2 day−1 on the Oxisol and −1.0 ± 0.2 and −0.9 ± 0.3 mg CH4 m−2 day−1 on the Ultisol for years 2000 and 2001. For CO2 in 2001, the annual fluxes averaged 3.6 ± 0.4 μmol m−2 s−1 on the Oxisol and 4.9 ± 1.1 μmol m−2 s−1 on the Ultisol. We measured fluxes over one year each from two recently logged forests on the Oxisol in 2000 and on the Ultisol in 2001. Sampling in logged areas was stratified from greatest to least ground disturbance covering log decks, skid trails, tree-fall gaps, and forest matrix. Areas of strong soil compaction, especially the skid trails and logging decks, were prone to significantly greater emissions of N2O, NO, and especially CH4. In the case of CH4, estimated annual emissions from decks reached extremely high rates of 531 ± 419 and 98 ± 41 mg CH4 m−2 day−1, for Oxisol and Ultisol sites, respectively, comparable to wetland emissions in the region. We calculated excess fluxes from logged areas by subtraction of a background forest matrix or undisturbed forest flux and adjusted these fluxes for the proportional area of ground disturbance. Our calculations suggest that selective logging increases emissions of N2O and NO from 30% to 350% depending upon conditions. While undisturbed forest was a CH4 sink, logged forest tended to emit methane at moderate rates. Soil–atmosphere CO2 fluxes were only slightly affected by logging. The regional effects of logging cannot be simply extrapolated based upon one site. We studied sites where reduced impact harvest management was used while in typical conventional logging ground damage is twice as great. Even so, our results indicate that for N2O, NO, and CH4, logging disturbance may be as important for regional budgets of these gases as other extensive land-use changes in the Amazon such as the conversion of forest to cattle pasture

    Experimentally induced root mortality increased nitrous oxide emission from tropical forest soils

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    We conducted an experiment on sand and clay tropical forest soils to test the short‐term effect of root mortality on the soil‐atmosphere flux of nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide. We induced root mortality by isolating blocks of land to 1 m using trenching and root exclusion screening. Gas fluxes were measured weekly for ten weeks following the trenching treatment. For nitrous oxide there was a highly significant increase in soil‐atmosphere flux over the ten weeks following treatment for trenched plots compared to control plots. N2O flux averaged 37.5 and 18.5 ng N cm−2 h−1 from clay trenched and control plots and 4.7 and 1.5 ng N cm−2 h−1 from sand trenched and control plots. In contrast, there was no effect for soil‐atmosphere flux of nitric oxide, carbon dioxide, or methane

    Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth

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    The Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth (Midwest Study) is a prospective study that has been following a sample of young people from Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois as they transition out of foster care into adulthood. It is a collaborative effort involving Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago; Partners for Our Children at the University of Washington, Seattle; the University of Wisconsin Survey Center; and the public child welfare agencies in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin.The Midwest Study provides a comprehensive picture of how foster youth are faring during this transition since the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 became law. Foster youth in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois were eligible to participate in the study if they had entered care before their 16th birthday, were still in care at age 17, and had been removed from home for reasons other than delinquency. Baseline survey data were collected from 732 study participants when they were 17 or 18 years old. Study participants were re-interviewed at ages 19 (n = 603), 21 (n = 591), and 23 or 24 (n = 602). A fifth wave of survey data will be collected when study participants are 25 or 26 years old.Because many of the questions Midwest Study participants were also asked as part of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, it is possible to make comparisons between this sample of former foster youth and a nationally representative sample of young people in the general population. These comparisons indicate that young people who have aged out of foster care are faring poorly as a group relative to their peers across a variety of domains.The Midwest Study also presents a unique opportunity to compare the outcomes of young people from one state (i.e., Illinois) that allows foster youth to remain in care until their 21st birthday to the outcomes of young people from two other states (i.e., Iowa and Wisconsin) in which foster youth generally age out when they are 18 years old. The data suggest that extending foster care until age 21 may be associated with better outcomes, at least in some domains

    Fine root dynamics and trace gas fluxes in two lowland tropical forest soils

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    Fine root dynamics have the potential to contribute significantly to ecosystem-scale biogeochemical cycling, including the production and emission of greenhouse gases. This is particularly true in tropical forests which are often characterized as having large fine root biomass and rapid rates of root production and decomposition. We examined patterns in fine root dynamics on two soil types in a lowland moist Amazonian forest, and determined the effect of root decay on rates of C and N trace gas fluxes. Root production averaged 229 ( 35) and 153 ( 27) gm 2 yr 1 for years 1 and 2 of the study, respectively, and did not vary significantly with soil texture. Root decay was sensitive to soil texture with faster rates in the clay soil (k5 0.96 year 1) than in the sandy loam soil (k5 0.61 year 1),leading to greater standing stocks of dead roots in the sandy loam. Rates of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were significantly greater in the clay soil (13 1ngNcm 2 h 1) than in the sandy loam (1.4 0.2 ngNcm 2 h 1). Root mortality and decay following trenching doubled rates of N2O emissions in the clay and tripled them in sandy loam over a 1-year period. Trenching also increased nitric oxide fluxes, which were greater in the sandy loam than in the clay. We used trenching (clay only) and a mass balance approach to estimate the root contribution to soil respiration. In clay soil root respiration was 264–380 gCm 2 yr 1, accounting for 24% to 35% of the total soil CO2 efflux. Estimates were similar using both approaches. In sandy loam, root respiration rates were slightly higher and more variable (521 206 gCm2 yr 1) and contributed 35% of the total soil respiration. Our results show that soil heterotrophs strongly dominate soil respiration in this forest, regardless of soil texture. Our results also suggest that fine root mortality and decomposition associated with disturbance and land-use change can contribute significantly to increased rates of nitrogen trace gas emissions

    Das Gesellschaftliche der Sprache und die Notwendigkeit von Engagement:Ruth Wodak im Gespräch mit Rainer Keller

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    Ruth Wodak wurde 1950 in London geboren. Sie ist gegenw rtig Em. Distinguished Professor of Discourse Studies an der Lancaster University (UK) und o. Univ. Professorin i.R. für Angewandte Linguistik an der Universit t Wien. Dort promovierte sie 1974 sub auspiciis. Ebenfalls in Wien wurde sie 1980 habilitiert und 1991 zur ordentlichen Professorin berufen. Von 2004 – 2016 hatte sie einen  personal chair  als distinguished professor an der Lancaster University inne. Ruth Wodak hat für ihre Arbeiten und ihr Wirken eine Vielzahl von Preisen erhalten. hre hauptsächlichen Arbeits- bzw. Forschungsgebiete umfassen: kritische Diskursforschung, Sprache und Politik (Populismusforschung), Institutionenforschung, Identitäts-und Vergangenheitspolitik, Gender Studies, Migrationsforschung, und linguistische Vorurteilsforschung zu Rassismus und Antisemitismus. Daraus hervorgegangene vielfältige Publikationen wurden in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzt. Ruth Wodak ist nicht nur akademisch-publizistisch tätig. Vielmehr bilden  öffentliche sprachkritische und sprachpolitische Interventionen einen unverzichtbaren und permanenten Bestandteil ihres Wirkens. Ruth Wodak gehört seit der Zeitschriftengründung dem wissenschaftlichen Beirat der Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung/Journal for Discourse Studies an. Wir gratulieren ihr hiermit herzlich zum 70sten

    Limits of agricultural greenhouse gas calculators to predict soil N2O and CH4 fluxes in tropical agriculture

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    Acknowledgements This work was undertaken as part of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), which is a strategic partnership of CGIAR and Future Earth. This research was carried out with funding by the European Union (EU) and with technical support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The UN FAO Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) Programme funded data collection in Kenya and Tanzania. The views expressed in the document cannot be taken to reflect the official opinions of CGIAR, Future Earth, or donors. We thank Louis Bockel of the UN FAO Agricultural Development Economics Division (ESA) for his comments on an earlier draft of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    An architecture for emotional facial expressions as social signals

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    Stereoselective Separation Combined with Mass Spectrometry: An Indispensable Tool for the Quantification and Identification of Toxins in the Ultra Trace Range

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    A short survey is given over the main fields of interest of the recently established research group for organic analytical chemistry at the University of Basel. Organic trace analysis and structure elucidation in the pg to ng range are carried out using high resolution gas and chromatography liquid chromatography coupled to single and multiple mass spectrometry. Important ionisation techniques are electrospray, atmospheric chemical ionisation and negative ion chemical ionisation. Beside the development of isomer and enantiomer selective HRGC capillaries and techniques, the techniques mentioned above are applied to problems in the field of environmental analytical chemistry such as the determination and structure elucidation of mycotoxins and pesticides as well as atmospheric polar pollutants. Further fields are the identification of alkaloids in plant extracts and synthetic perfume compounds in detergents

    Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth: outcomes at age 21

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    The Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth (Midwest Study) is a longitudinal study that has been following a sample of young people from Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois as they transition out of foster care into adulthood. It is a collaborative effort involving Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago; the University of Wisconsin Survey Center; and the public child welfare agencies in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin. This report concentrates on the outcomes of 21 year old youth as they age out of the child welfare system and transition to adulthood