293 research outputs found

    Biogeographien zweier im Mittelmeerraum weitverbreiteter Invertebratengruppen mit geringem Ausbreitungspotenzial - natürliche oder anthropogene Ausbreitung?

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit konzentrierte ich mich auf mediterrane wirbellose Tierarten, welche sich als Konsequenz ihrer Lebensweise nur schlecht ausbreiten können. Nichtsdestotrotz haben es Süßwasserkrabben der Gattung Potamon und Landschnecken der Gattung Tudorella geschafft, große Gebiete zu besiedeln, die heute durch das Mittelmeer getrennt sind. Für beide Gruppen wurde spekuliert, dass Menschen an ihrer Ausbreitung beteiligt waren. Es war mein Ziel die biogeographischen Muster dieser beiden Gattungen zu analysieren und abzuschätzen, ob Menschen tatsächlich Vektoren ihrer Ausbreitung waren. Meine Analysen fanden auf drei Ebenen statt: Taxonomie, Gattung und Art

    Sailor\u27s Hornpipe

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    Report of the FAO/CRFM/MALMR Regional Workshop on the Collection of Demographic Information on Coastal Fishing Communities and its Use in Community-Based Fisheries and Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Caribbean

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    One part of the two-part Science-to-Action Guidebook. The other part was intended for scientists, and this part is for decision-makers. Recognizing the importance of informed decisions and the differences between the scientific and decision-making processes, this guidebook provides practical tips on how to best bring these worlds together. In doing so, this guidebook emphasizes the roles of facilitating, synthesizing, translating, and communicating science to inform conservation action. It is geared toward the perspective of decision-makers working in tropical developing nations and focusing on marine resource management issues. However, the concepts are applicable to a broad range of scientists and decision-makers worldwide

    Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing in Decreasing Hospital Readmission in Adults with Heart Failure and Multimorbidity

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    Hospitalizations are common in heart failure (HF). Multimorbidity, defined as ≥2 comorbid conditions, drives many readmissions. The purpose of this pilot study was to test the effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) in decreasing these hospital readmissions. We enrolled 100 hospitalized HF patients into a randomized controlled trial, randomizing in a 2:1 ratio: intervention (n = 70) and control (n = 30). The intervention group received MI tailored to reports of self-care during one home visit and three to four follow-up phone calls. After 3 months, 34 participants had at least one hospital readmission. The proportion of patients readmitted for a condition unrelated to HF was lower in the intervention (7.1%) compared with the control group (30%, p = .003). Significant predictors of a non-HF readmission were intervention group, age, diabetes, and hemoglobin. Together, these variables explained 35% of the variance in multimorbidity readmissions. These preliminary results are promising in suggesting that MI may be an effective method of decreasing multimorbidity hospital readmissions in HF patients

    Facilitando a mobilização de redes de conhecimento: as reformas políticas, parcerias e formação de professores

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    Educational researchers and policy-makers are now expected by funding agencies and their institutions to innovate the multidirectional ways in which our production of knowledge can impact the classrooms of teachers (practitioners), while also integrating their experiential knowledge into the landscape of our research. In this article, we draw on the curriculum implementation literature to complicate our understandings of knowledge mobilization (KMb). Policy implementation, we suggest, can be understood as one specific type of KMb. We draw on different models for KMb and curriculum implementation and develop a relational model for KMb. Utilizing our model we critically reflect on the specific successes and challenges encountered while establishing, building, and sustaining the capacity of our KMb network. Our findings suggest that faculties of education are uniquely positioned to act as secondary brokers for the implementation of policy reforms within public education systems. To this end, we discuss how a relational KMb network is a “best practice” for establishing and sustaining partnerships among policy makers, educational researchers, and public school practitioners.Los organismos de financiación y sus instituciones esperan que investigadores educativos y responsables de decisiones políticas en el área innoven  la forma multidireccional en la que la producción de conocimiento puede afectar a las aulas de los docentes, y al mismo tiempo integrar su conocimiento experiencial en el modelo de la investigación. En este artículo, nos basamos en la literatura la implementación del currículo de reflexionar sobre nuestro entendimiento de la movilización de los conocimientos (por su sigla en inglés KMB). La implementación de políticas, se sugiere, se puede entender como un tipo específico de KMB. Nos basamos en diferentes modelos para la aplicación KMB e implementación curricular y desarrollamos un modelo relacional para KMB. Utilizando nuestro modelo reflexionamos críticamente sobre los éxitos y desafíos específicos encontrados mientras se establece, la construcción y el mantenimiento de la capacidad de nuestra red de KMB. Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que las facultades de educación están en una posición única para actuar como agentes secundarios en la implementación de reformas de política dentro de los sistemas de educación pública. Con este fin, se discute cómo una red KMB relacional es una "mejor práctica" para el establecimiento y mantenimiento de alianzas entre responsables políticos, los investigadores de la educación, y los profesionales de las escuelas públicas. Agências de fomento e instituições de ensino esperam que os pesquisadores em educação assim como os que decidem políticas na área inovem na forma multidirecional  que a produção de conhecimento na pode afetar o professor em sala de aula, e ao mesmo tempo integrar os conhecimentos experienciais no modelo de pesquisa. Neste artigo, nós confiamos na implementação do currículo literatura para refletir sobre a nossa compreensão da mobilização de conhecimentos (a sigla KMB). Implementação de políticas, sugere-se, pode ser entendida como um tipo específico de KMB. Contamos com diferentes modelos de candidatura e curriculum implementação KMB e desenvolver um modelo relacional para KMB. Usando nosso modelo, para refletir criticamente sobre os sucessos e desafios específicos encontrados ao estabelecer, construir e manter a capacidade de nossa rede de KMB. Nossos resultados sugerem que as escolas de educação estão em uma posição única para atuar como agentes secundários na aplicação de reformas políticas no seio das redes públicas de ensino. Para este fim, discutimos como uma rede relacional KMB é um "melhores práticas" para a criação e manutenção de parcerias entre os que decidem políticas, investigadores e profissionais de educação nas escolas públicas

    Bromoform and dibromomethane measurements in the seacoast region of New Hampshire, 2002–2004

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    Atmospheric measurements of bromoform (CHBr3) and dibromomethane (CH2Br2) were conducted at two sites, Thompson Farm (TF) in Durham, New Hampshire (summer 2002–2004), and Appledore Island (AI), Maine (summer 2004). Elevated mixing ratios of CHBr3 were frequently observed at both sites, with maxima of 37.9 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) and 47.4 pptv for TF and AI, respectively. Average mixing ratios of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 at TF for all three summers ranged from 5.3–6.3 and 1.3–2.3 pptv, respectively. The average mixing ratios of both gases were higher at AI during 2004, consistent with AI\u27s proximity to sources of these bromocarbons. Strong negative vertical gradients in the atmosphere corroborated local sources of these gases at the surface. At AI, CHBr3 and CH2Br2 mixing ratios increased with wind speed via sea‐to‐air transfer from supersaturated coastal waters. Large enhancements of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 were observed at both sites from 10 to 14 August 2004, coinciding with the passage of Tropical Storm Bonnie. During this period, fluxes of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 were 52.4 ± 21.0 and 9.1 ± 3.1 nmol m−2 h−1, respectively. The average fluxes of CHBr3 and CH2Br2 during nonevent periods were 18.9 ± 12.3 and 2.6 ± 1.9 nmol m−2 h−1, respectively. Additionally, CHBr3 and CH2Br2 were used as marine tracers in case studies to (1) evaluate the impact of tropical storms on emissions and distributions of marine‐derived gases in the coastal region and (2) characterize the transport of air masses during pollution episodes in the northeastern United States

    Are biogenic emissions a significant source of summertime atmospheric toluene in the rural Northeastern United States?

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    Summertime atmospheric toluene enhancements at Thompson Farm in the rural northeastern United States were unexpected and resulted in a toluene/benzene seasonal pattern that was distinctly different from that of other anthropogenic volatile organic compounds. Consequently, three hydrocarbon sources were investigated for potential contributions to the enhancements during 2004–2006. These included: (1) increased warm season fuel evaporation coupled with changes in reformulated gasoline (RFG) content to meet US EPA summertime volatility standards, (2) local industrial emissions and (3) local vegetative emissions. The contribution of fuel evaporation emission to summer toluene mixing ratios was estimated to range from 16 to 30 pptv d−1, and did not fully account for the observed enhancements (20–50 pptv) in 2004–2006. Static chamber measurements of alfalfa, a crop at Thompson Farm, and dynamic branch enclosure measurements of loblolly pine trees in North Carolina suggested vegetative emissions of 5 and 12 pptv d−1 for crops and coniferous trees, respectively. Toluene emission rates from alfalfa are potentially much larger as these plants were only sampled at the end of the growing season. Measured biogenic fluxes were on the same order of magnitude as the influence from gasoline evaporation and industrial sources (regional industrial emissions estimated at 7 pptv d−1 and indicated that local vegetative emissions make a significant contribution to summertime toluene enhancements. Additional studies are needed to characterize the variability and factors controlling toluene emissions from alfalfa and other vegetation types throughout the growing season