6 research outputs found

    La satisfaction à l’égard de la naissance parmi les couples utilisant la chambre de naissance ou la chambre traditionnelle

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    Distribués au hasard, deux groupes de couples cnt été comparés quant à leur sentiment de satisfaction à l'égard de la naissance de leur enfant. Le groupe O.N. a fait usage de la chambre de naissance, tandis que le groupe C.T., a utilisé la chambre traditionnelle. Le sentiment de satisfaction a été mesuré au cours des trois jours suivant la naissance et trois mois plus tard, et les moyennes des réponses obtenues pour l'ensemble des mères et des pères (chacun ayant rempli individuellement le questionnaire), ont alors été comparées. Les résultats indiquent que, immédiatement après la naissance, les mères et les pères du groupe C.N. manifestent un degré de satisfaction plus élevé que celui des couples du groupe C.T., à l'égard du lieu où le travail et l'accouchement se sont déroulés. Les mères des deux groupes C.N. et C.T. sont également satisfaites de la durée de contact avec leur nourrisson après la naissance, tandis que les pères du groupe C.N. témoignent d'une satisfaction plus élevée que celle de leur conjointe, et que celle du groupe C.T. Trois mois plus tard, les résultats sont semblables sauf que les mères du groupe C.N. se déclarent plus satisfaites que celles du groupe C.T. de la durée de leur contact avec leur bébé après sa naissance.Following a random distribution, two groups of couples, users of the B.R. (birth room) and users of the T. R. (traditional room) were compared in terms of each partner's feeling of satisfaction in relation to the giving birth process. Statistical analysis of the means of the B.R. and T.R. fathers, of the B.R. and T.R. mothers, three days after delivery and three months later, yields the following results : following birth, both fathers and mothers of the B.R. group indicate a higher feeling of satisfaction than the T.R. mothers and fathers in relation to the environment. Mothers of the B.R. and T.R. are equally satisfied in relation to the amount of time spent with their infant, whereas fathers of the B. R. are more satisfied than their spouses and more satisfied than the T.R. fathers. Three months later, the only difference to these above-mentioned results, is the higher degree of satisfaction of B.R. mothers over T.R. mothers in relation to the length of contact with their infant right after birth

    The Cues and Care Trial: A randomized controlled trial of an intervention to reduce maternal anxiety and improve developmental outcomes in very low birthweight infants

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    Abstract Background Very low birthweight infants are at risk for deficits in cognitive and language development, as well as attention and behaviour problems. Maternal sensitive behaviour (i.e. awareness of infant cues and appropriate responsiveness to those cues) in interaction with her very low birthweight infant is associated with better outcomes in these domains; however, maternal anxiety interferes with the mother's ability to interact sensitively with her very low birthweight infant. There is a need for brief, cost-effective and timely interventions that address both maternal psychological distress and interactive behaviour. The Cues and Care trial is a randomized controlled trial of an intervention designed to reduce maternal anxiety and promote sensitive interaction in mothers of very low birthweight infants. Methods and design Mothers of singleton infants born at weights below 1500 g are recruited in the neonatal intensive care units of 2 tertiary care hospitals, and are randomly assigned to the experimental (Cues) intervention or to an attention control (Care) condition. The Cues intervention teaches mothers to attend to their own physiological, cognitive, and emotional cues that signal anxiety and worry, and to use cognitive-behavioural strategies to reduce distress. Mothers are also taught to understand infant cues and to respond sensitively to those cues. Mothers in the Care group receive general information about infant care. Both groups have 6 contacts with a trained intervener; 5 of the 6 sessions take place during the infant's hospitalization, and the sixth contact occurs after discharge, in the participant mother's home. The primary outcome is maternal symptoms of anxiety, assessed via self-report questionnaire immediately post-intervention. Secondary outcomes include maternal sensitive behaviour, maternal symptoms of posttraumatic stress, and infant development at 6 months corrected age. Discussion The Cues and Care trial will provide important information on the efficacy of a brief, skills-based intervention to reduce anxiety and increase sensitivity in mothers of very low birthweight infants. A brief intervention of this nature may be more readily implemented as part of standard neonatal intensive care than broad-based, multi-component interventions. By intervening early, we aim to optimize developmental outcomes in these high risk infants. Trial Registration Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN00918472 The Cues and Care Trial: A randomized controlled trial of an intervention to reduce maternal anxiety and improve developmental outcomes in very low birthweight infant