17 research outputs found

    Variations in Business English letters written by Spanish learners

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    Writing in a second language does not follow a fixed pattern in the different parts of the sentence or text. We can find variations in discourse due to the conceptual implications of language production. Even if we are considering genres which follow stereotyped structures, a standard pattern is not always followed. Language is dynamic and changes depending on the socio-communicative, linguistic and cognitive characteristics of its users. The objectives of this paper are, first, to show that language variation exists in business English, specifically, in stereotyped business letters. Although the rules are established in books and the same structures are repeated, students do not follow this recommended structure. The second objective is to find out if there are variations between second language students in the organisation of the text, in the use of connectors and in the communicative objectives of application letters. The third objective is to know if these variations affect communication in business English. At the end, we discuss the didactic and pragmatic implications of these results in teaching how to write an English application letter. The results of this study could be useful to educators and teachers responsible for planning business writing courses as we question the effectiveness of giving clear guidelines to students instead of focusing on a pragmatic approach. Furthermore, we show in the results in which part of an application letter appears language change. Finally, we consider that it is due to cultural reasons and the influence of the mother tongue, as a consequence, it should not be considered negative, as we communicate in an international language.


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    Todas las lenguas están en constante evolución pero la globalización de la lengua inglesa es un hecho sin precedentes en la historia de la evolución de las lenguas. El alcance de la lengua inglesa ha llegado a todos los ámbitos de la sociedad actual. El inglés es sin duda la lengua global que es utilizada a diario por millones de personas en contextos diferentes como el científico, el académico, el tecnológico, el de los negocios, el de la comunicación, el del entretenimiento, el contexto de los estudiantes internacionales, etc. El número de los denominados hablantes nativos disminuye de forma progresiva en comparación con el número de los denominados hablantes no nativos. La existencia de otras variedades del inglés es un hecho constatado por los innumerables estudios llevados a cabo sobre las variedades del sur y este de Asia, las variedades de África, la variedad europea del inglés, etc. La convivencia entre lenguas en contextos multiculturales ha generado variedades con sus características propias. Dichas variedades difieren lingüísticamente y socio-culturalmente unas de otras, cada variedad refleja la cultura de sus hablantes. Las variaciones que los hablantes no nativos producen en el discurso tanto oral como escrito son objeto de estudio también. Los dos hechos unidos hacen que la situación de la lengua inglesa en la actualidad sea especialmente excepcional. Los nuevos géneros de comunicación escrita como el e-mail sirven de vehículo para la propagación de la lengua inglesa, especialmente en el ámbito empresarial y del comercio internacional, la lengua inglesa es la lengua del comercio por excelencia. El contexto virtual ofrece a los participantes una oportunidad para experimentar en el uso del lenguaje variando las convenciones lingüísticas tradicionales favoreciendo la velocidad y conveniencia en la comunicación sobre la corrección en el uso del lenguaje.Muñiz Calderón, R. (2011). ANÁLISIS CONTRASTIVO DE LAS VARIACIONES LINGÜÍSTICAS Y CULTURALES EN LA COMUNICACIÓN DIGITAL ENTRE HABLANTES NO NATIVOS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14573Palanci

    La simulación a través de intercambios virtuales en la formación de profesorado

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    El proyecto que aquí presentamos integra una experiencia educativa a través de intercambios virtuales y simulación. Tiene por objeto conocer tanto el potencial de los intercambios virtuales entre docentes y futuros docentes como el de la simulación asistida por ordenador, para ampliar los conocimientos de futuros docentes de inglés sobre temas educativos como las metodologías activas, entre ellas ‘flipped classroom’; la docencia compartida mediante Lesson Study, el manejo de aula y el potencial del ‘storytelling’. Es por ello que futuros docentes de Valencia realizan una simulación mediante intercambios virtuales con otros docentes en formación, docentes en activo y profesores universitarios de siete países: Austria, Noruega, Túnez, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Inglaterra y Rumanía. Se crean equipos mixtos y se diseña un calendario para las reuniones sincrónicas a través de Microsoft Teams. Tras los intercambios, los estudiantes de Valencia llevan a cabo una sesión de reflexión y responden individualmente a un cuestionario Likert sobre su experiencia. Por otro lado, los docentes en activo y los profesores universitarios participan en una sesión de reflexión para comentar aspectos de la propuesta. Dicha sesión con las contribuciones de los profesionales da cuerpo al siguiente estudio.The project presented here reports a learning experience based on virtual exchange and simulation. It aims to know the potential of virtual exchange amongst pre and in-service teachers, and of web-based simulation to broaden the knowledge of future Englishas a Second Language or Foreign Language teachers (ESL/EFL) on educational issues such as active methodologies, including flipped classroom, shared teaching through Lesson Study, classroom management and the potential of storytelling. For this reason, pre-service teachers in Valencia carry out a simulation through virtual exchanges with future teachers, in-service teachers and university teachers from seven countries: Austria, Norway, Tunisia, the United States, Argentina, England and Romania. Mixed teams are created and a calendar for synchronous meetings is designed through Microsoft Teams. After the exchanges, the pre-service teachers from Valencia hold a reflection session ‘debriefing’ and answer individually a Likert questionnaire about their experience. Furthermore, in-service teachers and university teachers participate in another reflection session to comment on aspects of the proposal. This session, with the contributions from the professionals, gives shape to the following study.Educació

    Virtual exchange. Insights from pilot project

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    International education has been particularly affected by the global health crisis. Students have had to stop their mobility and therefore international collaboration requires redesigning and adapting to the ongoing pandemic and its consequences. The Catholic University of Valencia 'San Vicente Mártir' is working on the application of mobilities and virtual exchanges between students and academics at a global level. This contribution describes the differences between mobility and virtual exchange. We present the benefits and risks when carrying out virtual exchanges, the technologies that facilitate them, the active methodologies that best frame these practices and two examples of pilot interventions carried out in two different areas: teacher training and business English. The results of both interventions are presented from the point of view of teachers and university students.EU-CONEXUSEducació

    La variación del inglés en los correos electrónicos de los países asiáticos

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    Ibérica 26 (Número monográfico sobre “Comunicación intercultural e internacional en el mundo de los negocios” / Special issue on “Intercultural and international business communication”) (Fall 2013)[EN] The overall aim of this paper is to detect whether there is language variation in a setting such as international business communication, in which interaction is expected to be precise and concise. In order to achieve this, the research aims of this paper are, first, to detect whether there is variation in the internal organization of e-mails; second, to analyse the moves and steps in the e-mails (Swales, 1990; Bhatia, 1993) and the changes in the organization patterns; and, third, to establish whether the variation in the internal organization and the moves of the e-mails interfered with the exchange of ideas. The corpus used in this study was made up of authentic texts, consisting of one hundred e-mails, written by business managers from India and China, who communicate in English with their counterparts in order to report business issues at their offices, which are subsidiaries of an international company specialising in the manufacture of machinery. Firstly, we analysed the moves of the corpus taking into consideration the standard structure of e-mails, following the proposal made by Bhatia (1993). Secondly, we detailed the steps used in Moves 5 and 6 as the non-native speakers of English varied the structure of these moves. Thirdly, we contrasted the results obtained in the analysis of the moves and steps in the e-mails and discussed whether move variation in international business communication is due to the influence of the cultural or linguistic background of the writer. The conclusions show that the influence of the mother tongue of the speakers of English as an international language is changing the use of English in Asian countries.[ES] El objetivo principal de este artículo es detectar si existe variación en el lenguaje en la comunicación de los negocios internacional, en la cual se espera que exista una interacción precisa y concisa. Para poder responder este objetivo general, las cuestiones que se abordan en este artículo son, primero, detectar si existe variación en la organización interna de los correos electrónicos; segundo, analizar los movimientos y pasos que se siguen en los correos electrónicos (Swales, 1990; Bhatia, 1993) y los cambios en los patrones de organización; y, tercero, establecer si la variación en la organización interna y los movimientos de los correos electrónicos interfieren en el intercambio de ideas. El corpus utilizado en este estudio está compuesto por textos reales y consiste en cien correos electrónicos escritos por empresarios de India y China, que se comunican con sus socios para informar sobre temas de negocios en sus oficinas, sedes de una empresa internacional que está especializada en la fabricación de maquinaria. En primer lugar, analizamos los movimientos del corpus considerando la estructura estándar de los correos electrónicos, siguiendo la propuesta de Bhatia (1993). En segundo lugar, detallamos los pasos que se utilizaron en los Movimientos 5 y 6 ya que hallamos variación en esos dos movimientos. En tercer lugar, comparamos los resultados obtenidos en el análisis de los movimientos y los pasos en los correos electrónicos y comentamos si la variación de los movimientos en el inglés de los negocios se debe a la influencia de la cultura o los antecedentes culturales del escritor. Las conclusiones demuestran que la influencia de la lengua materna está influyendo en el uso de una lengua franca como es el inglés en los países asiáticos.Carrió Pastor, ML.; Muñiz Calderón, R. (2013). Variation of English business e-mails in Asian countries. Ibérica. 26:55-76. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/78135S55762

    English in China: lexical variations in cross-cultural communication

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    International Journal of Business and Social Science (IJBSS) is an open access, peer-reviewed, and refereed journal published by Center for Promoting Ideas (CPI), USA. The main objective of IJBSS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. IJBSS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in business and social science and become the leading journal in business and social science in the world.The number of non-native speakers of English outnumbers native speakers provided that worldwide enterprises use English for international communication. Electronic communication has also increased the use of English as an international language; as a consequence, it is used by speakers with different linguistic backgrounds. The different linguistic background of authors produces differences or variations in language use. In this paper we analyse business e-mails written by agents from China and Hong Kong who work in an exporting company in Spain and speak English a second or a foreign language. Our main aim is to analyze the possible variations due to the mother tongue and the socio-cultural context, classifying the lexical variation found in business English used as a global working language by non-native speakers. We intended to determine the causes of variation and their influence on communication. We analyzed and contrasted sixty e-mails written by English speakers from China and Hong Kong. We classified the occurrences in categories depending on the lexical characteristics of variation. Finally, we concluded that there are variations in the English language when used by Chinese and Hong Kong speakers and we determined the causes of variation, providing several examples.Carrió Pastor, ML.; Muñiz Calderón, R. (2012). English in China: lexical variations in cross-cultural communication. International Journal of Business and Social Sciencies (Print). 3(19):80-87. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/78136S808731

    Lexical variations in business e-mails written by non-native speakers of English

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    The LSP Journal - Language for special purposes, professional communication, knowledge management and cognition focuses on interlinking research across these areas. The areas of research are of vital importance to the development, exchange and acceptance of new ideas and products in scientific domains as well as in trade and public services at national and international levels.English is the lingua franca used in business communication. Therefore the number of non-native speakers of English already outnumbers native speakers provided that worldwide enterprises use English for international communication. The Internet has also increased the use of English as an international language, in this way; it is used by speakers with different linguistic backgrounds. This variety of authors produces differences or variations in language use. In this paper we contrast business e-mails written by Spanish agents who work in an exporting company in India and China. Our main aim is to analyze the possible variations due to the mother tongue and the socio-cultural context and to classify lexical variation in business English used as a global working language by non-native speakers. We intended to determine the causes of variation and their influence on discourse. We analyzed and contrasted sixty e-mails written by two groups of nonnative English speakers. Group A was composed of native speakers from Pakistan and Group B was composed of native speakers from China. The corpus analysis was carried out manually. We classified the occurrences in categories depending on the cause of the variation. After the analysis, we observed that the lexical variations found were caused by sociolinguistic and cultural influences.Carrió Pastor, ML.; Muñiz Calderón, R. (2012). Lexical variations in business e-mails written by non-native speakers of English. LSP Journal - Language for special purposes, professional communication, knowledge management and cognition. 3(1):4-13. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/78139S4133

    Intercambios virtuales en educación superior

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    La educación internacional se ha visto particularmente afectada por la crisis sanitaria mundial. Los estudiantes han debido interrumpir sus movilidades y, por lo tanto, la colaboración internacional exige ser rediseñada y adaptada a la pandemia en curso y sus consecuencias. Desde la Universidad Católica de Valencia ‘San Vicente Mártir’, se está trabajando en la aplicación de movilidades e intercambios virtuales entre estudiantes y académicos a nivel global. La presente contribución describe las diferencias entre movilidad e intercambio virtual. Presenta los beneficios y riesgos a la hora de realizar intercambios virtuales, las tecnologías que los facilitan, las metodologías activas que mejor enmarcan dichas prácticas y dos ejemplos de pilotajes realizados en dos áreas diferentes: magisterio y marketing. Se recogen los resultados de ambas intervenciones desde el punto de vista de los docentes y de los estudiantes universitarios. Palabras clave: Intercambios virtuales; internacionalización; educación superior; movilidad virtualHumanidade

    A contrastive analysis of metadiscourse features in business e-mails written by non-native speakers of English

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    Peer-review under responsibility of Universidad Pablo de Olavide.Metadiscourse is usually studied in terms of a cross-cultural exploration of interpersonality, mainly in academic English, but we believe that this approach could be applied to other genres. The main purpose of this study is to compare some metadiscourse features used in digital business communications. More specifically, we focus on the interactional metadiscourse devices categorised as boosters. We analysed and compared a corpus of one hundred emails written by two groups of non-native speakers of English working in an export company and using English to communicate in a business environment. One group was composed of workers from Spain and the other was composed of workers from China. Our aim was to analyse the differences in the use of boosters and the causes of variation in their use, which may be related to the need to employ assertiveness or politeness in business contexts.Carrió Pastor, ML.; Muñiz Calderón, R. (2015). A contrastive analysis of metadiscourse features in business e-mails written by non-native speakers of English. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 173(1):214-221. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.055S214221173

    Perception of learning through virtual simulation in initial teacher education

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    [EN] Despite the abundant literature on the virtues of simulation methodology in education, evidence of a lack of evaluation instruments to identify the impact of virtual simulation on the learning of future teacher participants is also scarce. The aim of this study is to identify the variables that best describe students learning of current educational issues. A questionnaire consisting of Likert-type items was used as a metacognitive assessment tool to provide data for the study. An exploratory longitudinal study was conducted over three years. Data were collected using students answers to the questionnaire. A convenience sampling procedure was used, with participating students enrolled in the Didactic Resources module of English as a Second Language (ESL) in an Official Master s Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training, and Language Teaching. The most strongly correlated variables that best explain the dependent variable ( I have gained deeper insights into current educational issues ) addressed inclusion, special learning needs, service learning, and simulation through intercultural dialogue. Each of the variables significantly contributes to the estimation of perceived acquisition of insight into current educational issues through virtual simulation.  [ES] Si bien se encuentra abundante bibliografía sobre las virtudes de la metodología de la simulación en educación, también se evidencia una falta de instrumentos de evaluación que identifiquen el impacto de la simulación telemática sobre el aprendizaje de los futuros docentes participantes. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las variables que mejor describen el aprendizaje de los futuros docentes sobre temas educativos actuales. Para ello, se utilizó un cuestionario de tipo Likert como herramienta de evaluación metacognitiva. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal exploratorio a lo largo de tres años. Los datos se recogieron a partir de las respuestas de los participantes al cuestionario. Se utilizó un procedimiento de muestreo por conveniencia con estudiantes matriculados en el módulo de Recursos Didácticos para la Enseñanza del Inglés como Segunda Lengua (ESL) en un Máster Oficial en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Las variables altamente correlacionadas y que mejor explican la variable dependiente ( He profundizado en temas educativos de actualidad ) se refieren a la inclusión, las necesidades especiales de aprendizaje, el aprendizaje servicio y la simulación a través del diálogo intercultural. Cada una de las variables contribuye significativamente a la estimación de la percepción de la adquisición de conocimientos sobre cuestiones educativas actuales a través de la simulación telemática.Angelini, ML.; Muñiz Calderón, R.; Cloquell Lozano, A. (2023). Percepción de aprendizaje a través de la simulación telemática en la formación inicial del profesorado. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 21(2):63-82. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2023.19055638221