68 research outputs found

    Nuovi fasti dei magistri fontani in un frustulo epigrafico opistografo dal piccolo Aventino

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    Edizione di un nuovo frammento epigrafico, opistografo, rinvenuto a Roma sul piccolo Aventino e contenente liste di personaggi identificati, in base a vari indizi, con magistri Fontani

    A case of ultrasound diagnosis of fetal hiatal hernia in late third trimester of pregnancy

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    Congenital hiatal hernia is a condition characterized by herniation of the abdominal organs, most commonly the stomach, through a physiological but overlax esophageal hiatus into the thoracic cavity. Prenatal diagnosis of this anomaly is unusual and only eight cases have been reported in the literature. In this paper we describe a case of congenital hiatal hernia that was suspected at ultrasound at 39 weeks' gestation, on the basis of a cystic mass in the posterior mediastinum, juxtaposed to the vertebral body. Postnatal upper gastrointestinal tract series confirmed the prenatal diagnosis. Postnatal management was planned with no urgency. Hiatal hernia is not commonly considered in the differential diagnosis of fetal cystic chest anomalies. This rare case documents the importance of prenatal diagnosis of this anomaly for prenatal counseling and postnatal management

    A fast framework construction and visualization method for particle-based fluid

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    © 2017, The Author(s). Fast and vivid fluid simulation and visualization is a challenge topic of study in recent years. Particle-based simulation method has been widely used in the art animation modeling and multimedia field. However, the requirements of huge numerical calculation and high quality of visualization usually result in a poor computing efficiency. In this work, in order to improve those issues, we present a fast framework for 3D fluid fast constructing and visualization which parallelizes the fluid algorithm based on the GPU computing framework and designs a direct surface visualization method for particle-based fluid data such as WCSPH, IISPH, and PCISPH. Considering on conventional polygonization or adaptive mesh methods may incur high computing costs and detail losses, an improved particle-based method is provided for real-time fluid surface rendering with the screen-space technology and the utilities of the modern graphics hardware to achieve the high performance rendering; meanwhile, it effectively protects fluid details. Furthermore, to realize the fast construction of scenes, an optimized design of parallel framework and interface is also discussed in our paper. Our method is convenient to enforce, and the results demonstrate a significant improvement in the performance and efficiency by being compared with several examples

    Ricognizioni epigrafiche nel casale Torlonia (Aventino)

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    Edizione di alcune iscrizione inedite comservate nel casale appartenuto a Giulia Torlonia (Aventino), eretto al di sopra delle Terme Deciane; tra i vari pezzi merita particolare attenzione la parte siistra di una ara o base in onore di Esculpaio posta da un tal Sossianus, identificabile forse con un senatore pagano della seconda metà del Iv sec. d.C

    Casi di contrattazione collettiva per la solidarietà inter-generazionale in Italia

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    Dalla met\ue0 degli anni ottanta, il legislatore italiano ha riconosciuto gli squilibri generazionali della forza lavoro come un tema critico per le prospettive occupazionali del paese. Da allora numerose politiche per la solidariet\ue0 inter-generazionale sono state ideate e finanziate con risorse pubbliche, spesso richiedendo l\u2019iniziativa delle parti sociali per la loro implementazione. La rassegna e analisi di tali misure restituisce scarsa evidenza di azioni di contrattazione collettiva finalizzate ad attivare politiche \uabintegrate\ubb che prevedano un collegamento chiaro ed esplicito tra i lavoratori giovani e quelli anziani (in breve, azioni di contrattazione collettiva per la solidariet\ue0 inter-generazionale). Nonostante le iniziative introdotte dalla legge, l\u2019attenzione e l\u2019impegno dei governi italiani e delle parti sociali per implementare la solidariet\ue0 inter-generazionale sono stati discontinui o insufficienti. L\u2019articolo offre alcune riflessioni sulle condizioni che potrebbero aver finora ostacolato il successo delle iniziative di policy makers e parti sociali per la solidariet\ue0 inter-generazionale in Italia, soffermandosi al tempo stesso sulle opportunit\ue0 offerte alla contrattazione collettiva dal quadro legale recentemente riformato

    Youth employment: Student preferences for mobiflex work

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    Teachers involved and engaged in research and utilize research evidence as the basis for instructional and pedagogical choices are leading to having desirable effects on both the teaching and learning process. The Division of Iligan City has already initiated endeavors to strengthen the research culture of the teachers. However, the number of teachers conducting teacher research is still minimal despite efforts exerted by the Division Office. Thus, this study was carried out to determine the factors and reasons why teachers are having difficulty in doing research. This study employed a descriptive research design. It used both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The study utilized a researcher-made questionnaire, and the researcher validated the questionnaire. Five (5) experts in the field of educational research were asked to validate the questionnaire. The tool’s internal reliability statistics obtained Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of 0.942. The survey was made available in Google Forms for easy analysis and low-cost dissemination. The researchers were able to gather responses, 149 respondents. The researchers also strictly observed the ethics of research. Then the researchers analyzed the numerical data using SPSS V 20. The researchers examined the textual responses of the respondents using thematic analysis. Quantitative results revealed that teachers consider insufficiency of time to do research, no funding, too many responsibilities at school, the tedious and rigorous process in the proposal, no mentor in conducting research, and poor knowledge in analyzing qualitative and quantitative data as primary barriers to research. Teachers research activity is also hindered by no knowledge on how to make a publishable paper, very large class size in the classroom, no access to research journals, no or poor internet in the school and poor support from the management. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data also revealed the critical needs of the teachers in conducting research, which was grouped according to themes. These themes include the need for training and mentoring in research, the necessity of research funds, the need for access to research resources, the need of time, and the need for administrative support in research projects. The researchers suggested training programs using the study as the baseline data
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