234 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Pengendalian Mutu Obat dengan Uji Ketersediaan Hayati

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    Pengenalan Peperangan Elektronika (Electronic Warfare)

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    Pada saat ini di Pusat Penelitian Informatika telah dilaksanakan   penelitian dengan  topik topik  bidang pertahanan dan keamanan, seperti Steganografi,Radio Frequency Hopping,Telepon Scrambler,Scrambler Descrambler Morse, Radio Jamming dan yang lainnya.Puslit ini mendukung penerapan komputer,mikrokontroler, interface, dan software untuk pertahanan dan keamanan.Merupakan salah satu topik bidang pertahanan lainnya  adalah peperangan elektronika, merupakan  pekerjaan militer pada penguasaan gelembang elektro magnetic.Pada perang modern ini peran peperangan elektronika sangat penting, dan melalui  makalah ini penulis akan  memperkenalkan tentang  peperangan elektronika.Kata kunci: peperangan elektronik

    Radio Direction Finder pada HF Band sebagai Elemen dari Passive Radar

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    A Radio detection and ranging (radar) is used to detect and track objects in the air and on land, one type of the radar that is known is a passive radar. The radio direction finder (RDF) as an element of a passive radar is used to determine the direction angle, based on a radio waves that emitted by an object. The purpose of this study is to produce a RDF that works on HF bands as passive radar elements. In this study a RDF has been produced, which consists: a receive antenna in the form of a dipole λ/8 and a yagi 5 elements with horizontal polarization, a tuning circuit, an AM signal detector, an audio amplifier, and equipped with a level signal display in the form of a S meter and a loudspeaker. The test results for outside and inside the room at a certain time, the RDF can detect the angle of direction of horizontal plane of an object or AM transmitter from 0° to 360° in the frequency range between 4.02 to 10.76 MHz. The results of detecting the angle of direction of an object or a transmitting radio waves in the HF band, in the form of a signal level are then plotted on the polar diagram of the horizontal plane, and the sound can be heard through the loudspeaker. Furthermore, the results of this study can be used for the development of a RDF independently, and its implementation in the passive radar

    Magnetostriction Generator as Acoustic Wave Generator for Underwater Applications

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    At this time the research related to the effect of magnetostriction for underwater applications is still limited. Acoustic or sound waves are more easily propagated underwater than electromagnetic waves or light. An acoustic wave or sound can be generated by utilizing the magnetostriction effect, where this effect occurs when a rod of ferromagnetic material such as iron or nickel is magnetized and interacts with another magnetic field, resulting in vibration of the metal rod. This research aims to design and realize a magnetostriction generator as an acoustic wave generator at a frequency of 1 to 10 kHz for underwater applications, consisting of: a tuned LC oscillator circuit, and a ferromagnetic metal rod which is magnetized using a dc voltage. The results of measurements and testing of the magnetostriction generator show: (1) if it is equipped with a membrane, can work to emit an acoustic wave or sound at a frequency of ± 8.62 kHz in the air up to a distance of 15 cm without distortion with an average amplitude decrease of ± 0.648 dB for each the distance increased by 1 cm, and (2) if equipped with a membrane and enclosed in a waterproof casing, capable of transmitting the acoustic waves at a frequency of ± 8.31 kHz underwater up to a distance of 7 cm without distortion with an average amplitude decrease of ± 4.217 dB for each the distance up 1 cm. Overall the magnetostriction generator designed can work to generate and transmit the acoustic waves or sound underwater, as expected

    Pengenalan Peperangan Elektronika (Electronic Warfare)

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    Pada saat ini di Pusat Penelitian Informatika telah dilaksanakan penelitian dengan topik topik bidang pertahanan dan keamanan, seperti Steganografi,Radio Frequency Hopping,Telepon Scrambler,Scrambler Descrambler Morse, Radio Jamming dan yang lainnya.Puslit ini mendukung penerapan komputer,mikrokontroler, interface, dan software untuk pertahanan dan keamanan.Merupakan salah satu topik bidang pertahanan lainnya adalah peperangan elektronika, merupakan pekerjaan militer pada penguasaan gelembang elektro magnetic.Pada perang modern ini peran peperangan elektronika sangat penting, dan melalui makalah ini penulis akan memperkenalkan tentang peperangan elektronika

    Prison of Legal Positivism Paradigm and Corruption Eradication in Indonesia

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    The never-terminated corruption is believed to be caused by incomprehensively legal enforcement. A sentence verdict for corruptor that is never frightening them is one of the examples. Consequently, blame is put to a judge who plays important role in the sentence decision. However, what is actually lying behind legal enforcement by judges causing never-terminated corruption? Undeniably, the answer is rooted in legal positivism paradigm that is prisoning the judges. Act or entire ordinance is thought as a body containing complete laws, so that a judge is responsible only for application the acts mechanically and linearly in settling problems of society including corruption case according to what is said by the law. In this case, the legal positivism paradigm puts a judge as ‘prisoner’ of acts, and there is no room for court to be an institution encouraging development of society. Verdicts of judges are not considered having great contribution to the change of Indonesian people yet, even the reformation era at present. Moreover, the judges who are still implementing positivistic way of thought views that legal problems of society can still be settled as in stable normal condition. Consequently, legal paradigm experiences stagnation and put legal positivism as a paradigm that is never experiencing what Kuhn says as ‘anomaly’. In other words, the paradigm of legal positivism still stands in a normal science from one generation to the next in legal practices. Incorrectness of way of thought about naïve reality is tried to dismantle by using progressive legal approach. Judges are encouraged to transform themselves to do a rule breaking bravely that needed prophetic intelligence (PI). The prophetic intelligence guides and provides holistic braveness to perform progressively breaking the prison of positivism paradigm. Keywords: paradigm prison, legal positivism, corruptio

    Evaluasi Kebijakan Pengendalian Mutu Obat dengan Uji Ketersediaan Hayati

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    Kesesuaian Resep Dengan Standar Pelayanan Medis Dan Formularium Jamkesmas Pada Pasien Rawat Jalan Jamkesmas

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    Health is rights of every human. In Indonesia, poor people had difficulty to access health services. Therefore government creates a program called “Jamkesmas” which based on DRGs (Diagnosis Related Groups) to improve quality of health services. Physicians should prescribe medicines according to the diagnosis and Jamkesmas formulary. The compliance between prescription with Standard Treatment Guidelines (STGs) and Jamkesmas formulary is a must. The aim of this research was to know the prescriptions compliance to STGs and Jamkesmas formulary. This research was observational study using prescriptions of Jamkesmas\u27s outpatients . Furthermore, qualitative data with in-depth interviews was used to further analysis. Quantitative data were calculated by using drug use indicators for the percentage of prescriptions compliance. The percentage of prescriptions compliance with STGs in each of 10 diseases in once of hospital in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (Hospital X), started from 24.3% in CHF to 82% in DM diseases, whereas prescriptions compliance with Jamkesmas Formulary was started from 49% in vertigo to 96% in hypertension diseases. Average number of drugs per prescription was 2.7 and the most of drugs (85.7%) were prescribed by its generic names; 23.3% of prescriptions contained antibiotic and 22.0% contained of injectable drug. Percentage of drugs prescribed from essential medicines list was 76.7%. The prescriptions of 10 diseases were not fully compliance to Standard Treatment Guidelines and Jamkesmas formulary

    Effect of AGE and Gamma-mangostin on Luteinizing Hormone Receptor (LHR) Levels in Leydig Cell Culture of Male Aging Rats: Preliminary Study

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    Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE) are proteins that can cause cell destruction by increasing oxidative stress and inflammation. This product resulted from a series of chemical reactions after an initial glycation reaction. A Leydig cell is one of the types of cells affected by AGE. This cell is located in the interstitial of the testes and stimulated by the luteinizing hormone. This study aimed to compare the luteinizing hormone receptor levels in Leydig cell culture of Sprague-Dawley rat induced by AGE only and the one that administered gamma-mangosteen. We conducted an experimental laboratory study on luteinizing hormone receptor levels in Leydig cell culture of Sprague-Dawley rats induced by advanced glycation end products 200 μg/mL and given gamma-mangostin 5 μM compared to the one that was not given gamma-mangostin. The highest mean of LHR level was in group 3 given gamma-mangostin 5 μM (8.06 pg/ cells/24h), and the lowest mean was in group 1 (control) (7.78 pg/ cells/24h). The LHR levels in the rats' Leydig cell culture given 5μM gamma-mangostin were higher than the other groups indicate the inhibition capacity on the oxidation process caused by AGE in aging rats Leydig cells culture


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    Permasalahan yang pada umumnya adalah nilai daya dukung tanah yang rendah dan kadar air tanah yang tinggi karena tanah di wilayah Pontianak di dominasi oleh tanah lunak. Untuk mengetahui kuat geser tanah maka dilakukan pengujian kuat geser lapangan tanah di bawah medan arus listrik, dengan cara mengurangi kandungan air sehingga dapat meningkatkan kuat geser dan daya dukung tanah tersebut, metode elektrokinetik merupakan salah satu metode yang di gunakan untuk mengurangi kadar air yang terdapat di dalam tanah dimana air didalam tanah akan menjauh dari tiang yang di tancapkan dan dialiri listrik di dalam tanah. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiang tanpa perlakuan elektrokinetik tidak di aliri arus listrik, dan ada tiang yang di aliri arus listrik dengan arus sebesar (640 mA) dengan masa tunggu 15 hari, 21 hari, 28 hari, dan 35 hari, ada juga arus sebesar (1280 mA) dengan waktu tunggu yang sama yaitu 15 hari, 21 hari, 28 hari dan 35 hari. Dari hasil vaneshear test tanah tanpa perlakuan di bandingkan dengan tanah perlakuan yang di aliri listrik dengan arus 640 mA dan 1280 mA. Lamanya waktu tunggu dan dialirkan listrik pada tiang pancang dapat meningkatkan kuat geser dan daya dukung pada tanah terutama pada tiang kedalaman 2 meter zona anoda, di karenakan tiang yang di aliri listrik pada zona anoda air yang ada di sekitar tiang zona anoda pindah ke zona katoda. Dengan nilai 0,1809 kg/cm2 (tanpa perlakuan), 0,3162 kg/cm2 (arus 640 mA), 0,3226 kg/cm2 (arus 1280 mA).Kata kunci : daya dukung tanah, elektrokinetik, vaneshear tes