257 research outputs found

    PENGGUNAAN DAN KONTEN INTERNET (Survai Aktifitas Penggunaan Perangkat Dan Mediasi Konten Internet Pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Rappojawa, Kecamatan Tallo, Kota Makassar)

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    The background of this research is the phenomenon of easyness of community to communicate since of ICT development, this article deals with phenomenon of the internet use, and access enabler, and mediating messages. This research uses the concept of activity within the concepts of Uses introduced by Levy in theoretical models of Uses and Gratifitcation. Data Collection is by survey. Based on the findings about the second dimension of activity phenomenon (communication sequence), especially in the second one, which concerns the applications phenomenon: browser; channel; and a variety of individual issues mediated by internet use. This existing diversity shows the selection process by respondents. In using media, individuals are assumed to be active selectors in the model of uses and gratification theory. This activation is caused by individuals, who are psychologically have needs and gratification. Thus, the emergence of diverse forms of activity, theoretically is possible because of the five alternative "needs and gratification " within the respondent. This study do not explore variable "needs and gratification".Therefore, which the most influencing minor variables of major variables of "needs and gratification" on the respondent's Internet uses activity are not identified. Hence, further researches need to analyze for example by LISREL analysis

    Aktifitas Komunikasi Dan Informasi Melalui Internet (Survai Pada Masyarakat Kota Makassar, Kecamatan Biringkanaya,kelurahan Paccerakkang)

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    Background of this research is to study phenomenon of communication activities and public information by individuals associated with many current alternatives in respect of ICT development, this study focuseson that phenomenon according to four indicators. By survey method, study concludes that E-mail is a very familiachannel among community. Based on the distribution, frequentcy of accessing a web page, respondents are divided into two group : respondents who do not and very often. Respondents who answered frequently access Internet using email media. All respondents recognized web page once they access. Proportion of the most accessed web pages are like Facebook, Yahoo mail, or news portal. Related how frequently access web pages related to the interests of the move to communicate and informed the web pages are the most frequently accessed Facebook Webpage. Other Webpage relatively dominant frequently accessed is Yahoo mail. While other web pages that are relatively widely accessible web page like Yahoo Messenger, News Portal, Google Mail, and Youtube. Overall, majority of community members have scores were related communication activities and information via internet. Respondents low scores indicate significance even though few in number. Furthermore, respondents who had high scores is still relatively small

    Literasi Internet Aparatur Pemerintah (Survei Aparat Pemerintah Di Lingkungan Pemda Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat, Propinsi Maluku)

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    Backgroud of this research is about the relationship between Information and Communication Technology and the chenge of current government system. This research questions government official's internet literacy in relation to implementation of the governance system. This research shows that :1) Government official's internet literacy is low; 2) Accordingly, it suggests that government officials are not ready to take role as officials working in governance system. In order to have an adaptability toward goverment system change, ICT literacy of government officials should be empowered specially in term of e-litercy. Key words : Internet Literacy; government official; governance.Dengan berlatarbelakangkan fenomena perkembangan ICT (Information and Communication Tekhnology) dalam kaitannya dengan Perubahan sistem pemerintahan saat ini, penelitian ini mempertanyakan persoalan literasi internet aparat pemerintah dalam kaitan penerapan sistem pemerintahan berbasis konsep governance. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan : 1) Kadar literasi internet aparat pemerintah umumnya cenderung masih belum memadai; 2) Sehubungan kadar literasi internet itu cenderung masih belum memadai pada umumnya, ini berindikasi kalau para aparatur itu belum siap memerankan diri sebagai aparat yang bekerja dalam sistem pemerintahan berbasiskan konsep governance. Guna kepentingan adaptasi aparatur terhadap Perubahan sistem pemerintahan, kiranya dianggap perlu dilakukan kegiatan-kegiatan sejenis empowering terkait upaya peningkatan kadar ICT literacy, khususnya tentu menyangkut i-litercy. Kata


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    The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is globally unavoidable since it becomes a booster for all life aspects, including but not limited to teaching and learning. Internet provides limitless resources teaching and learning media, one of those are videos in YouTube. The objective of this study is to know, whether or not YouTube media can improve students’ listening skill in English teaching. The subject of the study was eleventh grader (11) SMK Negeri 2 Majene. The total population is 65 students from two classes, as the sample is consisted of 30 students. In this study, researcher used quantitative method on pre-Experimental research, with one group pre-test and post-test. The pre-test result was compared to the post-test result to determine whether or not the trajectory is successful. This research uses quantitative research. Result from pre-test to post-test students can hear English well. Thus, using YouTube media in learning process is effective to improve students' listening ability. This is proved by the mean score of pre-tests which is 17 and post-test obtained score of 30.1. That means the ability to listen to students increase 13.1 points. T-test value is 6,89 and T-table is 1,699 with degree of freedom (df) 29 and significant level at 5% is 1,699. Based on the analysis data, alternative hypothesis (HI) in this research is accepted because the result of T-value is higher than T-table (6.89> 1.699). It indicates that YouTube media can be effectively applied in learning English for the 11th students in SMK Negeri 2 Majene


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    Media digital dapat menjadi agent of change dalam menyebarluaskan ide dan gagasan dalam melakukan perubahan terkait pemahaman masyarakat tentang budaya siri na pacce sebagai budaya menampilkan kekerasan. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik penarikan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa responden media digital dapat berperan sebagai agent of change khususnya dalam memahami budaya siri na pacce sebagai nilai-nilai budaya yang beradab di tengah-tengah masyarakat Bugis-Makassar. Keberadaan media digital sebagai agent of change dapat dilihat dari adanya berbagai informasi yang diberikan yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada masyarakat dalam memberikan pemahaman sehingga budaya siri na pacce tidak lagi sebagai budaya kekerasan jika dilanggar tetapi sebagai budaya untuk menjaga nilai-nilai adil dan beradab dalam budaya Bugis-Makassar

    Character Education Values That Work in Islamic Senior High School Setting

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    The purpose of study is to discover the character education values that are integrated in lesson plan, implemented in the classroom setting, and classroom academic rules. This is a case study research that focused on describing the integration of character education program in the Model Islamic senior high school of Makassar, Indonesia. Fifty lesson plans were collected, twenty six informants were observed, and five informants were interviewed to have data on character education values that work. The data were analyzed using qualitative approach; data reduction, data display, conclusion, and verification. The result showed that (1) there are eighteen character education values written in the lesson plan; religious, honest, tolerant, discipline, hard working, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, the spirit of nationalism, love to motherland,  appreciation of achievement, friendly, peaceful, love to read, environmental and social care, responsibility, (2) the values that work in the classroom are religious, trustworthy, respectfulness, diligent, fair, care, integrity, responsible, honest, love to motherland, courage, and (3) the values that work in the academic rules are disciplines, care, tolerant, friendly, responsible.Studi ini bertujuan untuk menemukan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang diintegrasikan melalui Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, diimplementasikan dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas dan aturan akademik sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus yang diarahkan pada pendeskripsian integrasi program pendidikan karakter pada Madasah Aliyah Negeri Model Makassar, Indonesia. Sebanyak 50 RPP dikumpulkan, duapuluh enam informan diamati, dan lima informan diwawancarai untuk memperoleh data tentang nilai-nilai karakter yang dijalankan. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitiatif; reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat delapan belas karakter yang tertulis pada RPP mencakup religius, jujur, toleran, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, keingintahuan, semangat kebangsaan, cinta tanah air, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli sosial, dan bertanggungjawab, (2) nilai-nilai karakter yang diintegrasikan dalam ruang kelas adalah religius,amanah, hormat, rajin, adil, peduli, integritas, bertanggungjawab, jujur, cinta tanah air, keberanian, dan (3) nilai-nilai karakter dalam penegakkan aturan sekolah adalah disiplin, peduli, toleran, bersahabat, dan bertanggungjawab.&nbsp

    Kanikosen (Kobayashi Takiji) “Bacaan Liar” Tahun 1920-an Dalam Rentang Sejarah Jepang

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    This paper describes a dynamics proletarian literature and its relationship with Kanikosen novel by Kobayashi Takiji, including; the institution, ideology, production, and figures associated to narration used by Marxism theory posed by the author as one of the Japan "wild literatures" in the 1920s. This paper aims to usher the readers to the narrative of the Japanese proletarian literature and illustrates the Japanese proletarian literary map development. The form of “wildness” obtained by author is a social class conflict in literary texts such as in the Kanikosen story. Like an empirical reality, text construction, especially characterizations, background, and language style reflecting a dynamics of everyday social life. Intimidation, exploitation, deception, torture, suffering labor on one side and on the other side, the accumulation of profits, accumulating capital individually, and the arbitrariness of employers conducted by the owners of capital, reflected brightly by Kobayashi Takiji
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