162 research outputs found

    To each his own: how to provide a library user with an article respecting licensing agreements

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    This paper describes the state of the art of the Italian ALPE project which aims to improve the understanding of the issues raised by license agreements of electronic resources in the Inter-Library Loan Service and to support librarians in the implementation of the right policies

    Sviluppi presenti e futuri di Nilde

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    Il presente articolo illustra i più recenti sviluppi del sistema NILDE, le prospettive di evoluzione futura e le ricadute positive di un modello di lavoro cooperativo e di condivisione delle esperienze e delle professionalità per la comunità delle biblioteche aderenti. La collaborazione con DoGi e l’integrazione di NILDE con questa importante banca dati, nasce in risposta alle esigenze evidenziate dai bibliotecari dei settori disciplinari umanistico, sociale e giuridico di lingua italiana. La collaborazione tra NILDE e Kronosdoc (biblioteche spagnole) e tra NILDE e ITALE (biblioteche che usano Aleph e Alma) nasce per migliorare i flussi di lavoro di chi utilizza sia NILDE che altri sistemi per la gestione del document delivery, e per evitare la duplicazione manuale di inserimento degli stessi dati in software diversi. Il progetto ALPE per la creazione di un archivio condiviso di licenze dei periodici elettronici relativi alle clausole di document delivery intende supportare i bibliotecari nella corretta applicazione degli usi consentiti e favorire la diffusione delle conoscenze su questi aspetti.This paper presents recent developments of the NILDE system, future plans and positive follow-up for the community of users. The collaboration with DoGi and the integration with NILDE was born to answer librarians needs in the human, social and law sectors. The collaboration between NILDE and Kronosdoc (Spanish libraries) and between NILDE and ITALE was born for improving the workflow of whom uses NILDE and these other systems for document delivery and to avoid duplication of data entry in the two software. ALPE (Archivio Licenze Periodici Elettronici – e-journal licenses database) is a pilot project aiming at building a shared national database of ILL permitted uses about e-resources and to support librarians in the implementation of the correct policies and the understanding of the issues raised by e-licenses

    Combination of Renin-Angiotensin System Polymorphisms Is Associated With Altered Renal Sodium Handling and Hypertension

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    Genes of the renin-angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) are natural candidates for sodium homeostasis and blood pressure regulation. To investigate the effect of a combination of polymorphisms of RAAS genes on renal sodium handling and blood pressure, 918 participants to the Olivetti Heart Study were genotyped for the following polymorphisms: I/D of angiotensin converting enzyme ( ACE ), M235T of angiotensinogen ( AGT ), A1166C of angiotensin II type-1 receptor ( AT1R ), and C-344T of aldosterone synthase ( CYP11B2 ). The segmental renal sodium handling was evaluated by the fractional excretions of exogenous lithium (FE-Li), uric acid (FE-UA), and sodium (FE-Na). Twenty-eight carriers of triple homozygosity for M ( AGT ), A ( AT1R ), and C ( CYP11B2 ) in the presence of the D allele of ACE (DD/ID) showed lower FE-Li (20.0%±5.9% versus 25.0%±7.5%; P =0.004; mean± s D), FE-UA (6.3%±2.0% versus 8.2%±2.7%; P =0.001), and FE-Na (0.96%±0.41% versus 1.22%±0.61%; P =0.004) as compared with all other allelic combinations (n=890), independently from age and body mass, suggesting an enhanced rate of proximal tubular sodium reabsorption. The carriers of the MM, AA, CC, DD/ID combination showed a substantially higher probability of being hypertensive (OR: 3.4 [(99% CI: 1.1 to 10.1]), independently of age and body mass. This relatively rare combination of allelic variants of candidate genes of the RAAS is associated with a significant alteration in proximal renal sodium handling and with higher risk of hypertension, suggesting that a combination of polymorphic variants at different candidate loci may affect phenotypic expression even in the absence of detectable effects of each variant at any single locus

    Leptin levels predict the development of left ventricular hypertrophy in a sample of adult men: the Olivetti Heart Study

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    A higher leptin (LPT) is associated with a greater cardiometabolic risk. Some studies also showed a positive association between LPT and cardiovascular organ damage but no consistent data are available about a predictive role of LPT on cardiac remodelling. Hence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the potential role of LPT on the incidence of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in a sample of adult men

    Altered renal sodium handling and risk of incident hypertension : results of the Olivetti Heart Study

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    Renal tubular sodium (Na) handling plays a key role in blood pressure (BP) regulation. Several cross-sectional studies reported a positive association between higher proximal tubule fractional reabsorption of Na and BP, but no prospective investigation has been reported of this possible association. Hence, the purpose of this study was to estimate the predictive role of renal Na handling on the risk of incident hypertension and the changes in BP occurring in the 8-year follow-up observation of a sample of initially normotensive men (The Olivetti Heart Study). The study included 294 untreated normotensive non-diabetic men with normal renal function examined twice (1994–95 and 2002–04). Renal tubular Na handling was estimated by exogenous lithium clearance. Fractional reabsorption of Na in proximal and distal tubules was calculated and included in the analysis. At baseline, there was no association between BP and either proximal or distal fractional reabsorption of Na. At the end of the 8-year follow-up, direct associations were observed between baseline proximal (but not distal) Na fractional reabsorption and the changes occurred in systolic and diastolic BP over time (+2.79 and +1.53 mmHg, respectively, per 1SD difference in proximal Na-FR; p<0.01). Also multivariable analysis showed a direct association between baseline proximal Na fractional reabsorption and risk of incident hypertension, independently of potential confounders (OR: 1.34, 95%CI:1.06–1.70). The results of this prospective investigation strongly suggest a causal relationship between an enhanced rate of Na reabsorption in the proximal tubule and the risk of incident hypertension in initially normotensive men

    Circulating leptin is associated with serum uric acid level and its tubular reabsorption in a sample of adult middle-aged men

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    Purpose Leptin is associated with cardiovascular risk factors (e.g. hypertension, insulin resistance, kidney disease and excess body weight). Experimental studies showed that leptin might affect serum uric acid, by modulation of the uric acid excretion. However, there are few observational data on the relationship between leptin and uric acid in the general population. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between leptin and uric acid and its excretion in a large middle-aged male general population. Methods A sample of 930 adult male individuals (mean age: 52 years) without therapy for high uric acid was included in the analysis (the Olivetti Heart Study). Results Uric acid was significantly and positively associated with blood pressure, BMI, waist circumference, insulin resistance, C-reactive protein and leptin (p < 0.01), while inversely with renal function (p = 0.01). The multivariate analysis confirmed the association between leptin and uric acid after adjustment for potential confounders (p < 0.01). After division for adiposity, this trend was confirmed separately for normal weight and excess body weight participants. Moreover, leptin was inversely associated with excretion of uric acid (p < 0.01), also in multivariate analysis (p = 0.03). Conclusion The results of this study indicate a positive association between circulating leptin levels and uric acid, independently of potential confounders, both in normal and excess body weight men. Furthermore, an inverse association between leptin and uric acid excretion was detected

    Iodine Intake Estimated by 24 h Urine Collection in the Italian Adult Population: 2008–2012 Survey

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    Monitoring the population iodine status is essential for iodine deficiency eradication. This study assessed the average dietary iodine intake and the iodine status of a random sample of the Italian general adult population. The study population included 2378 adults aged 35–79 years (1229 men and 1149 women) from all 20 Italian regions, participating in the Osservatorio Epidemiologico Cardiovascolare/Health Examination Survey 2008–2012 (OEC/HES), and were examined for iodine intake in the framework of the MINISAL-GIRCSI Programme. Dietary iodine intake was assessed by the measurement of 24 h urinary iodine excretion. The median daily iodine intake of the whole population was lower (96 μg/d, interquartile range 51–165) than the daily adequate iodine intake according to both EFSA and WHO recommendation (150 μg/d), with a significantly lower value among women (85 μg/d) compared with men (111 μg/d). Iodine intake diminished with age and increased with BMI (body mass index) in male but not in female participants, without achieving the adequate intake in any sex, age, or BMI category. In this random sample of Italian general adult population examined in 2008–2012, iodine intake still remained lower than the recommended val- ues despite the implementation of a strategy of iodoprophylaxis based on salt iodization in 2005. These data represent a valuable reference for future monitoring of iodine status in our country

    Targeting microbiome: an alternative strategy for fighting SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms are the predominant clinical manifestations of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Infecting intestinal epithelial cells, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 may impact on host's microbiota and gut inflammation. It is well established that an imbalanced intestinal microbiome can affect pulmonary function, modulating the host immune response ("gut-lung axis"). While effective vaccines and targeted drugs are being tested, alternative pathophysiology-based options to prevent and treat COVID-19 infection must be considered on top of the limited evidence-based therapy currently available. Addressing intestinal dysbiosis with a probiotic supplement may, therefore, be a sensible option to be evaluated, in addition to current best available medical treatments. Herein, we summed up pathophysiologic assumptions and current evidence regarding bacteriotherapy administration in preventing and treating COVID-19 pneumonia

    Trend in potassium intake and Na/K ratio in the Italian adult population between the 2008 and 2018 CUORE project surveys

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    Abstract Background and aims Low potassium intake, in addition to high sodium, has been associated with higher risk of hypertension and CVD. The Study assessed habitual potassium intake and sodium/potassium ratio of the Italian adult population from 2008 to 2012 to 2018–2019 based on 24-h urine collection, in the framework of the CUORE Project/MINISAL-GIRCSI/MENO SALE PIU' SALUTE national surveys. Methods and results Data were from cross-sectional surveys of randomly selected age-and-sex stratified samples of resident persons aged 35–74 years in 10 (out of 20) Italian regions. Urinary electrolyte and creatinine measurements were performed in a central laboratory. Analyses considered 942 men and 916 women, examined in 2008–2012, and 967 men and 1010 women, examined in 2018–2019. In 2008–2012, the age-standardized mean of potassium intake (urinary potassium accounts for 70% of potassium intake) was 3147 mg (95% CI 3086–3208) in men and 2784 mg (2727–2841) in women, whereas in 2018–2019, it was 3043 mg (2968–3118) and 2561 mg (2508–2614) respectively. In 2008–2012, age-adjusted prevalence of persons with an adequate potassium intake (i.e. ≥ 3510 mg/day) was 31% (95% CI 28–34%) for men and 18% (16–21%) for women; in 2018–2019, it was 26% (23–29%) and 12% (10–14%) respectively. The sodium/potassium ratio significantly decreased both in men and women. Conclusions The average daily potassium intake of the Italian general adult population remains lower than the WHO and EFSA recommended level. These results suggest the need of a revision to strengthen initiatives for the promotion of an adequate potassium intake at the population level
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