125 research outputs found

    Engaging undergraduate mental health nursing students in recovery orientated practice through service user involvement: a mixed methods study

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    Introduction and Background: Current mental health policy is committed to the involvement of service users both in mental health service delivery and in the education of health care professionals. However, this is an under-researched area that requires further attention to understand the potential effect of service user involvement on student‘s clinical practice and the influence it has on student‘s perceptions of service users and mental illness. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the current study was to establish the extent, and examine the perceived effect of service user involvement in undergraduate mental health nurse education in the Republic of Ireland. The objectives were to: (1) establish the national extent of service user involvement in the education of undergraduate mental health nurses; (2) examine students‘ experiences of service user involvement in their education; and (3) examine service users‘ experiences of being involved in undergraduate mental health nurse education. Design: The current study adopted a two phased sequential mixed methods design. In phase one a national survey was conducted with all 12 Departments of Nursing in educational institutions in the Republic of Ireland to establish the national extent of service user involvement in undergraduate mental health nursing programmes. In phase two semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 students and four service users to explore their experiences of service user involvement. Main Findings: The findings from the national survey indicate that the extent of service user involvement in Irish undergraduate mental health nursing programmes varies to a large degree. Some nursing departments welcome service user involvement not only in the theoretical delivery of their nursing programmes but also in areas of curriculum development and programme evaluations. In contrast, other departments have no service user involvement at any level, with no future plans to incorporate it in any aspect of their programme. The key qualitative findings indicated that the experience of service user involvement shifted the students‘ focus away from the constraints imposed by a diagnosis, and recognised the service user as a person with a wealth of expertise acquired through their personal experiences. Following the integration of both data sets the following four sub-themes also emerged, 'learning from experiential knowledge delivered through narrative', 'From practical to personal', 'From illness to wellness -a beacon of hope' and 'Progression of practice'. The super ordinate theme that emerged was 'Service User Involvement: A Journey towards Recovery Orientated practice'. Conclusion: This study highlights that service user involvement in undergraduate mental health nurse education has the potential to be an influential factor in student‘s ability to adopt a recovery orientated approach to clinical practice. Contemporary mental health policy strongly stipulates that recovery orientated practices need to be adopted by mental health nurses. The current study indicates how the vision for recovery orientated practices could potentially be achieved through the involvement of service users in professional education

    Standardisation of uterine natural killer (uNK) cell measurements in the endometrium of women with recurrent reproductive failure

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    Considerable work is being carried out on endometrial NK cells to determine whether they play a role in successful pregnancy outcome. In addition there is debate about whether measurements of uNK should be included in the clinical assessment for women with recurrent implantation failure or recurrent miscarriage. A hindrance to taking this forward is the fact that the density of uNK cells reported by different centres is very different. The aim of this study was to determine the reason for these differences and to develop a standardised method. Three centres participated in the study. Each centre exchanged five formalin fixed, wax embedded sections of endometrium from five women. Sections were immunostained for CD56. Images were taken of 10 random fields at ×400 magnification; total stromal and uNK cells were counted using Image J. Results were expressed as % positive uNK cells and the variation in counts obtained in each centre was compared. After initial analysis a standardised protocol was agreed and the process repeated.Significant variation was seen in the counts obtained after initial analysis (Centre A vs.B, mean difference = -0.72 P < 0.001; A vs.C mean difference = -0.47 P < 0.001; B vs.C, mean difference = 0.25 P = 0.085). Analysis suggested that differences may be due to duration of tissue fixation, the embedding and sectioning processes, selection of areas for assessment, definition of immunopositive cells and inclusion or exclusion of blood vessels. Adoption of a standardised protocol reduced the variation (Centre A vs.B mean difference = -0.105 P = 0.744; A vs.C mean difference = 0.219 P = 0.150; B vs.C mean difference = 0.32 P = 0.031). Use of a standardised method is needed to establish a normal range for uNK cells and to develop a meaningful clinical test for uNK cell measurements

    The impact of behavioral and mental health risk assessments on goal setting in primary care

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    Patient-centered health risk assessments (HRAs) that screen for unhealthy behaviors, prioritize concerns, and provide feedback may improve counseling, goal setting, and health. To evaluate the effectiveness of routinely administering a patient-centered HRA, My Own Health Report, for diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol, drug use, stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep, 18 primary care practices were randomized to ask patients to complete My Own Health Report (MOHR) before an office visit (intervention) or continue usual care (control). Intervention practice patients were more likely than control practice patients to be asked about each of eight risks (range of differences 5.3-15.8 %, p < 0.001), set goals for six risks (range of differences 3.8-16.6 %, p < 0.01), and improve five risks (range of differences 5.4-13.6 %, p < 0.01). Compared to controls, intervention patients felt clinicians cared more for them and showed more interest in their concerns. Patient-centered health risk assessments improve screening and goal setting.Trial RegistrationClinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT01825746

    Designing a valid randomized pragmatic primary care implementation trial: the my own health report (MOHR) project

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    BACKGROUND: There is a pressing need for greater attention to patient-centered health behavior and psychosocial issues in primary care, and for practical tools, study designs and results of clinical and policy relevance. Our goal is to design a scientifically rigorous and valid pragmatic trial to test whether primary care practices can systematically implement the collection of patient-reported information and provide patients needed advice, goal setting, and counseling in response. METHODS: This manuscript reports on the iterative design of the My Own Health Report (MOHR) study, a cluster randomized delayed intervention trial. Nine pairs of diverse primary care practices will be randomized to early or delayed intervention four months later. The intervention consists of fielding the MOHR assessment – addresses 10 domains of health behaviors and psychosocial issues – and subsequent provision of needed counseling and support for patients presenting for wellness or chronic care. As a pragmatic participatory trial, stakeholder groups including practice partners and patients have been engaged throughout the study design to account for local resources and characteristics. Participatory tasks include identifying MOHR assessment content, refining the study design, providing input on outcomes measures, and designing the implementation workflow. Study outcomes include the intervention reach (percent of patients offered and completing the MOHR assessment), effectiveness (patients reporting being asked about topics, setting change goals, and receiving assistance in early versus delayed intervention practices), contextual factors influencing outcomes, and intervention costs. DISCUSSION: The MOHR study shows how a participatory design can be used to promote the consistent collection and use of patient-reported health behavior and psychosocial assessments in a broad range of primary care settings. While pragmatic in nature, the study design will allow valid comparisons to answer the posed research question, and findings will be broadly generalizable to a range of primary care settings. Per the pragmatic explanatory continuum indicator summary (PRECIS) framework, the study design is substantially more pragmatic than other published trials. The methods and findings should be of interest to researchers, practitioners, and policy makers attempting to make healthcare more patient-centered and relevant. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT0182574

    tropiTree:an NGS-based EST-SSR resource for 24 tropical tree species

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    The development of genetic tools for non-model organisms has been hampered by cost, but advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) have created new opportunities. In ecological research, this raises the prospect for developing molecular markers to simultaneously study important genetic processes such as gene flow in multiple non-model plant species within complex natural and anthropogenic landscapes. Here, we report the use of bar-coded multiplexed paired-end Illumina NGS for the de novo development of expressed sequence tag-derived simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) markers at low cost for a range of 24 tree species. Each chosen tree species is important in complex tropical agroforestry systems where little is currently known about many genetic processes. An average of more than 5,000 EST-SSRs was identified for each of the 24 sequenced species, whereas prior to analysis 20 of the species had fewer than 100 nucleotide sequence citations. To make results available to potential users in a suitable format, we have developed an open-access, interactive online database, tropiTree (http://bioinf.hutton.ac.uk/tropiTree), which has a range of visualisation and search facilities, and which is a model for the efficient presentation and application of NGS data

    Efficacy and Safety of Elamipretide in Individuals With Primary Mitochondrial Myopathy: The MMPOWER-3 Randomized Clinical Trial

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Primary mitochondrial myopathies (PMMs) encompass a group of genetic disorders that impair mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, adversely affecting physical function, exercise capacity, and quality of life (QoL). Current PMM standards of care address symptoms, with limited clinical impact, constituting a significant therapeutic unmet need. We present data from MMPOWER-3, a pivotal, phase-3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial that evaluated the efficacy and safety of elamipretide in participants with genetically confirmed PMM. METHODS: After screening, eligible participants were randomized 1:1 to receive either 24 weeks of elamipretide at a dose of 40 mg/d or placebo subcutaneously. Primary efficacy endpoints included change from baseline to week 24 on the distance walked on the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) and total fatigue on the Primary Mitochondrial Myopathy Symptom Assessment (PMMSA). Secondary endpoints included most bothersome symptom score on the PMMSA, NeuroQoL Fatigue Short-Form scores, and the patient global impression and clinician global impression of PMM symptoms. RESULTS: Participants (N = 218) were randomized (n = 109 elamipretide; n = 109 placebo). The m0ean age was 45.6 years (64% women; 94% White). Most of the participants (n = 162 [74%]) had mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) alteration, with the remainder having nuclear DNA (nDNA) defects. At screening, the most frequent bothersome PMM symptom on the PMMSA was tiredness during activities (28.9%). At baseline, the mean distance walked on the 6MWT was 336.7 ± 81.2 meters, the mean score for total fatigue on the PMMSA was 10.6 ± 2.5, and the mean T score for the Neuro-QoL Fatigue Short-Form was 54.7 ± 7.5. The study did not meet its primary endpoints assessing changes in the 6MWT and PMMSA total fatigue score (TFS). Between the participants receiving elamipretide and those receiving placebo, the difference in the least squares mean (SE) from baseline to week 24 on distance walked on the 6MWT was -3.2 (95% CI -18.7 to 12.3; p = 0.69) meters, and on the PMMSA, the total fatigue score was -0.07 (95% CI -0.10 to 0.26; p = 0.37). Elamipretide treatment was well-tolerated with most adverse events being mild to moderate in severity. DISCUSSION: Subcutaneous elamipretide treatment did not improve outcomes in the 6MWT and PMMSA TFS in patients with PMM. However, this phase-3 study demonstrated that subcutaneous elamipretide is well-tolerated. TRIAL REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Trial registered with clinicaltrials.gov, Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT03323749; submitted on October 12, 2017; first patient enrolled October 9, 2017. CLINICALTRIALS: gov/ct2/show/NCT03323749?term = elamipretide&draw = 2&rank = 9. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class I evidence that elamipretide does not improve the 6MWT or fatigue at 24 weeks compared with placebo in patients with primary mitochondrial myopathy

    Kinship ties across the lifespan in human communities

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    A hypothesis for the evolution of long post-reproductive lifespans in the human lineage involves asymmetries in relatedness between young immigrant females and the older females in their new groups. In these circumstances, inter-generational reproductive conflicts between younger and older females are predicted to resolve in favour of the younger females, who realize fewer inclusive fitness benefits from ceding reproduction to others. This conceptual model anticipates that immigrants to a community initially have few kin ties to others in the group, gradually showing greater relatedness to group members as they have descendants who remain with them in the group. We examine this prediction in a cross-cultural sample of communities, which vary in their sex-biased dispersal patterns and other aspects of social organization. Drawing on genealogical and demographic data, the analysis provides general but not comprehensive support for the prediction that average relatedness of immigrants to other group members increases as they age. In rare cases, natal members of the community also exhibit age-related increases in relatedness. We also find large variation in the proportion of female group members who are immigrants, beyond simple traditional considerations of patrilocality or matrilocality, which raises questions about the circumstances under which this hypothesis of female competition are met. We consider possible explanations for these heterogenous results, and we address methodological considerations that merit increased attention for research on kinship and reproductive conflict in human societies. This article is part of the theme issue 'The evolution of female-biased kinship in humans and other mammals'

    Biologically induced mineralization of dypingite by cyanobacteria from an alkaline wetland near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada

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    Background: This study provides experimental evidence for biologically induced precipitation of magnesium carbonates, specifically dypingite (Mg(CO)(OH) ·5HO), by cyanobacteria from an alkaline wetland near Atlin, British Columbia. This wetland is part of a larger hydromagnesite (Mg(CO)(OH) ·4HO) playa. Abiotic and biotic processes for magnesium carbonate precipitation in this environment are compared. Results: Field observations show that evaporation of wetland water produces carbonate films of nesquehonite (MgCO ·3HO) on the water surface and crusts on exposed surfaces. In contrast, benthic microbial mats possessing filamentous cyanobacteria (Lyngbya sp.) contain platy dypingite (Mg (CO)4(OH)·5HO) and aragonite. Bulk carbonates in the benthic mats (δC avg. = 6.7%, δO avg. = 17.2%) were isotopically distinguishable from abiotically formed nesquehonite (δC avg. = 9.3%, δO avg. = 24.9%). Field and laboratory experiments, which emulated natural conditions, were conducted to provide insight into the processes for magnesium carbonate precipitation in this environment. Field microcosm experiments included an abiotic control and two microbial systems, one containing ambient wetland water and one amended with nutrients to simulate eutrophic conditions. The abiotic control developed an extensive crust of nesquehonite on its bottom surface during which [Mg] decreased by 16.7% relative to the starting concentration. In the microbial systems, precipitation occurred within the mats and was not simply due to the capturing of mineral grains settling out of the water column. Magnesium concentrations decreased by 22.2% and 38.7% in the microbial systems, respectively. Laboratory experiments using natural waters from the Atlin site produced rosettes and flakey globular aggregates of dypingite precipitated in association with filamentous cyanobacteria dominated biofilms cultured from the site, whereas the abiotic control again precipitated nesquehonite. Conclusion: Microbial mats in the Atlin wetland create ideal conditions for biologically induced precipitation of dypingite and have presumably played a significant role in the development of this natural Mg-carbonate playa. This biogeochemical process represents an important link between the biosphere and the inorganic carbon pool