1,776 research outputs found

    Public Perception of Engineering Technology: A Literature Review

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    Engineering technology describes a field closely related to engineering in which practical application of learned concepts is emphasized over theoretical knowledge. Although an increasing amount of emphasis is being placed on the importance of this experiential learning in all engineering curricula, and the specifics of engineering technology’s place among engineering and technical fields is becoming clearer, there are still significant gaps in our understanding of several key aspects of this field. One of these aspects is its perception by the general public, which is important in, among other things, determining the employability of engineering technology program graduates and encouraging the development of engineering technology curricula. Currently, existing literature on the subject is sparse, especially compared to the number and extent of similar studies done in related fields; the studies that are performed on the topic are generally restricted to a very specific demographic, and are not easily applicable to the entire population of engineering technology students and professionals. However, what information does exist suggests that this lack of research impedes the professional growth of those who are involved in engineering technology, including restricting the ability of faculty to recruit students interested in engineering technology programs, decreasing the effectiveness of guidance available to those students through advisors and outside programs, and preventing inequities currently present in the engineering field as a whole from being addressed. By acknowledging the gaps in current knowledge, direction for future research may be provided; thus, this review seeks to outline what research already exists on the public perception of engineering technology, and thereby highlight specific areas in which our understanding of this perception is particularly poor

    Active control of aircraft engine inlet noise using compact sound sources and distributed error sensors

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    An active noise control system using a compact sound source is effective to reduce aircraft engine duct noise. The fan noise from a turbofan engine is controlled using an adaptive filtered-x LMS algorithm. Single multi channel control systems are used to control the fan blade passage frequency (BPF) tone and the BPF tone and the first harmonic of the BPF tone for a plane wave excitation. A multi channel control system is used to control any spinning mode. The multi channel control system to control both fan tones and a high pressure compressor BPF tone simultaneously. In order to make active control of turbofan inlet noise a viable technology, a compact sound source is employed to generate the control field. This control field sound source consists of an array of identical thin, cylindrically curved panels with an inner radius of curvature corresponding to that of the engine inlet. These panels are flush mounted inside the inlet duct and sealed on all edges to prevent leakage around the panel and to minimize the aerodynamic losses created by the addition of the panels. Each panel is driven by one or more piezoelectric force transducers mounted on the surface of the panel. The response of the panel to excitation is maximized when it is driven at its resonance; therefore, the panel is designed such that its fundamental frequency is near the tone to be canceled, typically 2000-4000 Hz

    Active control of aircraft engine inlet noise using compact sound sources and distributed error sensors

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    An active noise control system using a compact sound source is effective to reduce aircraft engine duct noise. The fan noise from a turbofan engine is controlled using an adaptive filtered-x LMS algorithm. Single multi channel control systems are used to control the fan blade passage frequency (BPF) tone and the BPF tone and the first harmonic of the BPF tone for a plane wave excitation. A multi channel control system is used to control any spinning mode. The multi channel control system to control both fan tones and a high pressure compressor BPF tone simultaneously. In order to make active control of turbofan inlet noise a viable technology, a compact sound source is employed to generate the control field. This control field sound source consists of an array of identical thin, cylindrically curved panels with an inner radius of curvature corresponding to that of the engine inlet. These panels are flush mounted inside the inlet duct and sealed on all edges to prevent leakage around the panel and to minimize the aerodynamic losses created by the addition of the panels. Each panel is driven by one or more piezoelectric force transducers mounted on the surface of the panel. The response of the panel to excitation is maximized when it is driven at its resonance; therefore, the panel is designed such that its fundamental frequency is near the tone to be canceled, typically 2000-4000 Hz

    Implications for career counseling using Schlossberg’s Transition Theory with at-risk college students

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    Abstract: This roundtable will explain the basic tenets of Schlossberg’s Transition Theory, as well as its applicability and utility in working with at-risk college students. Case examples will be used to generate discussion on the theory’s use in this context as well as to facilitate conversation on further research and application. Proposal Summary: Provide program description (refer to instructions for more information regarding requirements). One of the main tasks in career counseling is to identify barriers, or career blocks, which are psychological, physiological, environmental, or interpersonal obstacles that prevent clients from making informed, meaningful career decisions. When academically at-risk college students seek out career counseling, they are most frequently in the middle of a difficult vocational transition that is related to their educational path. A theory of adult transitions exists called the Schlossberg Transition Theory, which provides a parsimonious and practical format for conceptualizing and counseling this population. While Schlossberg’s theory is not as well-known as traditional career counseling theories, it offers a means of quickly assessing a client’s situation, identifying key elements that are hindering successful transitions, and still allows room for the use of vocational assessments and traditional counseling techniques within the bounds of often brief counseling relationships. The purpose of this presentation is to show and discuss the utility of this model in career counseling, and its potential to be a bridge to reach clients, and more specifically, at-risk college students. The plan for the discussion will begin with a didactic portion to explain the theory, and the context in which it has been used. Next, a case example will be presented to illustrate the practical application of the theory which will include a template for how to use the theory in career counseling case conceptualization. Finally, semi-structured discussion questions will be used to elicit feedback and dialogue, as well as to generate ideas for future research

    Creating the Deep Space Environment for Testing the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) at NASA Johnson Space Center's Chamber A

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    Chamber A is the largest thermal vacuum chamber at the Johnson Space Center and is one of the largest space environment chambers in the world. The chamber is 19.8 m (65 ft) in diameter and 36.6 m (120 ft) tall and is equipped with cryogenic liquid nitrogen panels (shrouds) and gaseous helium shrouds to create a simulated space environment. It was originally designed and built in the mid 1960 s to test the Apollo Command and Service Module and several manned tests were conducted on that spacecraft, contributing to the success of the program. The chamber has been used since that time to test spacecraft active thermal control systems, Shuttle DTO, DOD, and ESA hardware in simulated Low Earth Orbit (LEO) conditions. NASA is now moving from LEO towards exploration of locations with environments approaching those of deep space. Therefore, Chamber A has undergone major modifications to enable it to simulate these deeper space environments. Environmental requirements were driven, and modifications were funded by the James Webb Space Telescope program, and this telescope which will orbit Solar/Earth L2, will be the first test article to benefit from the chamber s new capabilities. To accommodate JWST, the Chamber A high vacuum system has been modernized, additional LN2 shrouds have been installed, the liquid nitrogen system has been modified to remove dependency on electrical power and increase its reliability, a new helium shroud/refrigeration system has been installed to create a colder more stable and uniform heat sink, and the controls have been updated to increase the level of automation and improve operator interfaces. Testing of these major modifications was conducted in August of 2012 and this initial test was very successful, with all major systems exceeding their performance requirements. This paper will outline the changes in overall environmental requirements, discuss the technical design data that was used in the decisions leading to the extensive modifications, and describe the new capabilities of the chamber

    Emerging Techniques for Vicarious Calibration of Visible Through Short Wave Infrared Remote Sensing Systems

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    Autonomous Visible to SWIR ground-based vicarious Cal/Val will be an essential Cal/Val component with such a large number of systems. Radiometrically calibrated spectroradiometers can improve confidence in current ground truth data through validation of radiometric modeling and validation or replacement of traditional sun photometer measurement. They also should enable significant reduction in deployed equipment such as equipment used in traditional sun photometer approaches. Simple, field-portable, white-light LED calibration source shows promise for visible range (420-750 nm). Prototype demonstrated <0.5% drift over 10-40 C temperature range. Additional complexity (more LEDs) will be necessary for extending spectral range into the NIR and SWIR. LED long lifetimes should produce at least several hundreds of hours or more of stability, minimizing the need for expensive calibrations and supporting long-duration field campaigns

    Complementary grazing systems for beef cattle production

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    Pasture productivity in Iowa often is limited by the low yield of cool-season grasses in the summer. This project considers whether uneven seasonal distribution in pastures could be improved by including species that perform better under higher temperatures

    Effect of Thiamine Status on Probability of Lake Ontario Chinook Salmon Spawning in the Upper and Lower Sections of Salmon River, New York

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    Consumption of thiaminase-containing forage fishes reduces egg and muscle thiamine content and impairs the spawning migration of Cayuga Lake (New York) rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Because some Chinook salmon O. tshawytscha from Lake Ontario have been shown to produce eggs low in thiamine, we examined the relationship between the migration of Chinook salmon and the thiamine content of their eggs spawned in the lower and upper sections of the Salmon River, a major tributary to Lake Ontario, in 2003–2006. Eggs from the upper section of the river were collected from 79 salmon returning to the state hatchery 25 river kilometers from the mouth. Eggs from 25 salmon in the lower section were collected from redds or females angled on redds approximately 1–3 km from the mouth. For all years combined, we found the mean thiamine concentration in eggs spawned in the lower section to be significantly lower than that for eggs spawned in the upper section; however, the annual differences in thiamine content of eggs between the upper and lower sections were significant only in 2003 and 2006. Binary logistic regression showed that the odds of spawning in the upper section was increased by 96% (95% confidence interval, 21–217%) for every nanomole of increase in the thiamine content of eggs. Therefore, the migratory achievement of Chinook salmon was significantly dependent on their thiamine status
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